Loyang Jin

Chapter 62 Inside Story

In the next few days, the waterway was uneventful and smooth.

The noble grandson of the emperor spent most of his time in the cabin reading books every day and rarely walked around.

Although Ling Jingshu had the intention to surrender, she was cautious and did not act rashly.

From what Ling Jingyan said, it was clear that the young emperor's grandson was ruthless and ruthless, and was by no means a master who was easily fooled. She must plan carefully, lest she fail to seek revenge and instead arouse suspicion.

In the past few days, she had been staying in the cabin, either with Ling Xiao or chatting with Ling Jingyan and the Jiang family, quietly asking about the situation of the emperor's grandson without leaving any trace.

Jiang and the emperor's grandson are distant cousins. Although they don't have much contact with each other on weekdays, they know much more about Ling Jingyan's affairs than Ling Jingyan.

"...Ayan told you that His Highness Taisun once fought with the palace maids and sent the subordinate officials of the East Palace to the prison!" Mrs. Jiang smiled meaningfully: "Some things cannot be just Look at the surface.”

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed and she asked tentatively: "My cousin-in-law said this, is there something inside?"

Ling Jingyan also pricked up her ears curiously.

Sitting on the boat all day is really boring. Besides, there are no outsiders here. Jiang generously told the true story she knew: "The last time I went to my cousin's house to pay my respects, I occasionally heard my cousin say a few words..."

The uncle Jiang mentioned was none other than the British Duke Jiang Ye.

The late Empress Chiang came from the British Duke's palace. The British Duke, who held a heavy military position and high authority, had close contacts with the Prince's Palace. It was not surprising to know the secrets in the Prince's Palace.

"...I heard from my cousin that the maid was sent to the Prince's Mansion as a reward from the Empress. With the Empress' support, she brazenly became the eyes and ears of the palace. His Highness Taisun deliberately found a The high-sounding reason failed her, and the Queen was angry, but she could do nothing."

Jiang's eyes were full of admiration.

After Queen Jiang died of illness, the emperor appointed Queen Xu as the head of the Sixth Palace. Empress Xu has both holy support and means, and now the harem has already become her world.

Empress Xu became more and more careless in doing things, and rewarded maids to the princes' houses in a fair and open manner. The princes knew that this was the spy sent by Queen Xu, so they had to endure it.

However, the emperor's grandson refused to bear this sullen mood and used the same fair and upright method to get rid of Empress Xu's ears and eyes. After the palace maid committed suicide, she took the initiative to enter the palace to "please apologize".

What else can Queen Xu do?

You can't fall out with the emperor's grandson just because of a palace maid!

Queen Xu could only hold her nose and endure the suffocation.


Ling Jingyan was amazed when she heard this: "Sister-in-law, after hearing what you said, this great grandson is really amazing!"

"Of course." Jiang's tone showed a bit of pride. Turning his eyes, he saw Ling Jingshu looking thoughtful: "Ah Shu, what are you thinking about?"

Ling Jingshu said slowly: "I'm thinking that the Queen Empress has more than just one palace maid in the various palaces. By doing this, Her Majesty the Grand Sun is clearly trying to scare the monkeys. It's also a hint to the Empress that if she extends her hand again, Entering the prince's palace, this is the only palace maid who died."

"I guess, after this, some servants were secretly dismissed from the Prince's Mansion!"

Jiang: "..."

Jiang's eyes were full of astonishment and exclamation: "You are right... I heard these from my uncle. You have never been to the capital, and you have never seen the grandson and the empress. , how did you guess it?"

Ling Jingyan couldn't help but widen her eyes.

How did Ah Shu guess these things?

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly: "In fact, it's not difficult to guess. You just need to think carefully and you will know."

Ling Jingyan curled her lips: "I can't guess these things."

Ling Jingshu was not angry and smiled at Ling Jingyan: "You only hear these things as stories and never think about them deeply. Of course you can't expect them."

That tolerant look and tone were like coaxing a child.

She is obviously one year older, but when it comes to Ling Jingshu, she is always the one who makes trouble unreasonably...

Ling Jingyan was too embarrassed to make any more quarrels, so she changed the topic unnaturally: "Sister-in-law, what do you mean, could it be that there was some secret behind the fact that the official of the East Palace was sent to the prison?"

However, even the Jiang family did not know the details of this matter: "This uncle did not go into details. He only said disapprovingly when he heard that His Highness Taisun was rebellious and contradicted the Crown Prince: a group of ignorant fools. !”

Ling Jingyan was confused when she heard this, and when she looked at Ling Jingshu again, she had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Ah Shu, what do you understand?" Ling Jingyan couldn't help but ask.

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly, then relaxed quickly: "Since he is an official of the East Palace, His Highness the Crown Prince must of course be protected. Otherwise, it will chill the hearts of the officials who love the Crown Prince. Therefore, His Highness the Grand Sun stepped forward to become this evil person. In this way, you can deal with your subordinates without being criticized."

"Perhaps, this official who was sent to the sky prison has been secretly attracted by someone and developed a second heart. His Highness Taisun had noticed it a long time ago and deliberately grabbed his sore feet and sent him to the sky prison. Let the secret The Lord's messenger suffered a secret loss and could not say anything."

Jiang: "..."

Ling Jingyan: "..."

The two of them looked at Ling Jingshu with the same strange eyes.

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly: "I just said it casually, it may not be right. Why are you looking at me like this?"

Jiang was the first to speak: "I was thinking that it would be a pity for you to be so smart and sharp as a woman."

Ling Jingyan also took a long breath and sighed sincerely: "Ah Shu, I will never be jealous of you again."

The difference between wild flowers and peonies is simply the difference between fireflies and the bright moon! ! !


While they were chatting and laughing, Ling Ji walked in with a smile: "What are you talking about so happily? I can hear your laughter from far away."

Ling Jingyan smiled and said: "We women cannot let you know about the topics we women discuss together."

Ling Ji laughed: "Even if you don't say it, I can guess it. You guys got together just now, you must be talking about His Highness the Grand Sun."

In fact, it's not just them. In the past few days, the name Emperor Taisun has appeared more frequently in the mouths of Uncle Ling and Mrs. Sun.

Jiang pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You came to us specially just to say this, right?"

Ling Ji's face straightened and he said seriously: "We will sail for a few days in a row, and we will reach Luoyang in three or four days by water. His Highness Taisun ordered the boat to dock at the dock so that we can buy fresh meat and vegetables. I came here to ask. Do you want to go to the pier to relax? "

Everyone: "..."

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