Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 72 Centrifugal

"Lü Bu sent envoys to Jincheng?" Ma Teng listened to the whispers in Ma Teng's big tent, but Ma Teng fell silent.

"My lord, I was waiting for a good word before, but Lu Bu was aggressive and insincere, and now he is sending people to Jincheng, would he have contacted Han Sui long ago?" Pound asked with a frown, the difference in treatment was too obvious some.

"It's a plan to divide." Ma Teng waved his hand indifferently. Even though he said that, he still felt a little guilty. After all, Han Sui is not a serious person. Everyone knows this. Even if Han Sui and Lu Bu have reached a secret agreement now Ma Teng would not be surprised if he wanted to cheat himself. After a moment of silence, Ma Teng said:

Pound nodded, without further words.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, just after dawn, the desolate sound of horns resounded over the vast and boundless northwest land. Hua Xiong led the Xiliang cavalry surged out, and went straight to Ma Teng's camp.

"I am Hua Xiong, General of Xiliang, the youngest son of the Ma family, and I will not come out to die!" Hua Xiong came outside Ma Teng's camp, roaring loudly, but he did not provoke Ma Teng. According to Lu Bu's order, he is here today Calling Ma Chao, although I don't know why, but it's right, that kid Ma Chao, I really want to take care of him.

"My lord, why did you ask General Hua Xiong to provoke Ma Chao? I'm afraid he can't leave the camp at this time?" In Lu Bu's camp, Lu Bu stood on the watchtower, and Zhang Liao followed Lu Bu with some curiosity. Cracking can't be healed in a while, how many days has it been? And just shouting outside the camp like this, Ma Chao might not be able to hear him.

"Wen Yuan, you and I have known each other for many years, do you remember what I looked like when I was young?" Lu Bu leaned on the railing, overlooking Ma Teng's camp.

Lu Bu when he was young? Zhang Liao looked at Lu Bu curiously, he is not old now.

However, when Lu Bu said this, it seemed that it had been a long time since they rode their horses outside the Great Wall. When Zhang Liao first met Lu Bu, Zhang Liao had not yet joined the army. Under the city, they were different from the barbarians in the past. When they got outside the city, these barbarians got off their horses, threw away their weapons and knelt down, begging for their lives to be spared by the killing god behind them.

The first meeting between Lu Bu and Zhang Liao was actually not friendly. Since the barbarians surrendered, Zhang Liao's father was ready to receive them as the guard, but before the city gate was opened, the arrow clusters coming from the sky were harvesting like a soul chasing sickle. The lives of these obviously lifeless Xianbei people.

With one arrow and one arrow, those arrogant Xianbei people were like chickens waiting to be slaughtered at that moment, they didn't even evade, their faces were numb except for fear.

But Zhang Liao's father was angry, and the point of not killing surrender also applies to the Hu people.

Immediately he rode his horse and led troops out of the city to stop them, but the opponent's arrows never stopped. When Zhang Liao's father left the city, only two people were left alive.

Zhang Liao's father stopped one person, but the other was nailed to death on the city wall by an arrow that pierced through the air. Lü Bu slowly approached the city wall until then. The original color can no longer be seen, completely covered by blood, only a pair of eyes without the slightest emotion, like a ghost crawling out of the ground, just looking at each other makes people shudder.

Father Zhang stood in front of the Xianbei man, trying to block Lu Bu, but Lu Bu didn't speak, but just dragged his Fang Tian painting halberd forward, and the people around were frightened by his power, did not dare to move forward, and unconsciously made way .

Father Zhang wanted to stop him, but Lu Bu blocked Father Zhang's saber with his hand, but Fang Tian's painted halberd slashed at the Xianbei man without the slightest hesitation, but Father Zhang's saber hesitated and did not cut it off in the end.

Lu Bu fell down after beheading the last person. The medical craftsman in the city said that he was out of strength. According to Song Xian, Cheng Lian, Hou Cheng and others who caught up later, the whole story became clear.

Lu Bu is a very good friend. In a place like the frontier, those who can become friends are all dead-end friendships, and this one is no exception. Take their belongings and kill them.

After Lu Bu heard the news, he ran hundreds of miles overnight to find a place, set fire to the camp, and then killed, killed, killed~ It's hard to imagine where Lu Bu, who was only 18 years old at the time, got so much strength. Killing a tribe of hundreds of people was terrified, and finally ran away. Just like that, Lu Bu didn't give up. He changed horses without changing people. He chased him for seven days and seven nights. He must not have killed them all. After all, many of them ran in other directions. , but Lu Bu caught the most people and killed them. When they reached Zhang Liao's city, Lu Bu had exhausted his strength. If those Xianbei people had the courage to resist, Lu Bu might have been killed, but those people have already been Sha broke his courage and was shot and killed by Lu Bu one by one.

It was the first time Lu Bu and Zhang Liao met. It wasn't a friendly atmosphere, but it left a deep impression on Zhang Liao. After that, Zhang's father released Lu Bu. After all, such things as revenge for friends are encouraged in the big man Yes, and Lu Bu's bloody and brave actions have deterred many barbarians, and made the Han people who make a living in the barbarians straighten their backs a lot, and they can't embarrass them emotionally or rationally.

Zhang Liao also started to make friends with Lu Bu. Lu Bu had a lot of problems. After the pain of losing his friend passed, his true nature gradually revealed. He was arrogant and rebellious. He didn't take anyone seriously, just like Ma Chao today...

Thinking of this, Zhang Liao came to his senses, looked at Lu Bu and said, "Then Ma Chao looks a bit like my lord when he was young."

It's hard to say if there is Lu Bu who can single-handedly slaughter a tribe to avenge his friends, but look at that arrogant character, if it doesn't look like him, Zhang Liao would believe that Lu Bu left here when he was young.

"If you were Ma Teng, how would you feel if I came to provoke you and only recruited Ma Chao but not you?" Lu Bu grinned, showing evil charm.

Zhang Liao nodded thoughtfully and said, "My lord wants to separate his father and son?"

"How can father and son be so easy to separate? At most, they feel awkward, but Ma Chao's temperament is the most aggressive. A little provocation can be used by me." Lu Bu shook his head, feeling a little emotional. It's really easy to deal with it now. No matter how good your martial arts skills are, sometimes you have great skills but you don't have the heart to hold back your skills, which really hurts others and yourself.

"Ma Teng?" Zhang Liao looked at Lu Bu uncertainly.

"I don't know, but being a father sometimes has more complicated thoughts." Lu Bu is really not sure. It is easy to see others and difficult to see himself. He can see himself in the past because he has passed that time, but now What about yourself? He has also experienced being a father. Sometimes fathers look at their sons, and sometimes they are really not pleasing to the eye. They are all sons. Why is this so? Lu Bu didn't know, he also wanted to see the father-son relationship between Ma Teng and Ma Chao.

It doesn't matter whether it is effective or not, anyway, this battle won't be over for a while, Lu Bu still has time to spend with the opponent, and the opponent's alliance is inherently unstable, and he will always find a loophole if he tries the same thing.

On the other side, in Ma Teng's camp, he heard Hua Xiong shouting outside the camp. Ma Teng led Pang De and other generals to the gate. Hearing Hua Xiong's roar, his eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he said coldly: "Ling Ming, Leading the army to attack, this person is Dong Zhuo's fierce general, and should not be underestimated."

"The last general takes orders!" Pang De agreed, and at once ordered the soldiers and horses to call Kaiyuanmen to lead the troops out of the camp, and set up a formation outside the camp.

Hua Xiong saw that it wasn't Ma Chao who came out from here, so he said loudly, "Where's Ma Chao? Somebody came to look for him today."

"The defeated generals also take their own humiliation. If you want to see my young master, you have to pass my test first." Pang De said coldly.

Hua Xiong laughed loudly when he heard the words: "When did Xiliang land have so many arrogant and ignorant juniors? How dare you fight against me?"

"It's useless to talk too much!" Pound snorted coldly, without saying much, he rode his horse and led the crowd out.

Seeing this, Hua Xiong shouted loudly, and led his troops to charge forward.

The two cavalry galloped back and forth between the camps of the two sides, shooting arrows at each other. The speed was already extremely fast, but they rarely collided. This method of fighting had extremely high requirements on the generals.

"Who is this?" Zhang Liao looked in surprise at the Ma family general who was fighting against Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong's cavalry skills are not low, and he can often cooperate with Lu Bu, and he can be on par with him in command. It is not an easy task.

"Ma Teng's command should be Pound." Lu Bu stared at the battlefield of both sides. According to the information he collected, although there were many generals under Ma Teng's command, only Pound had this level. Talented, but may not be able to compare with Hua Xiong in leading troops: "This Xiliang is also full of heroes."

Not to mention Dong Zhuo's subordinates, Ma Teng and Han Sui's subordinates alone have good talents, plus the gentry talents he recruited in Longxi, despite the barrenness of Xiliang, there is no shortage of talents in the northwest land.

Over there, Hua Xiong and Pound gradually approached after a few laps outside the two camps, began to have small-scale contact, and then began a full-scale confrontation.

In the rebellion, Pound quickly found Hua Xiong, and without further ado, he slashed with his knife. Hua Xiong was still full of anger these days, and after finding Pound, he was even more overjoyed, and swung his knife to meet him.

As soon as the two met, they had a real fight, but what surprised Hua Xiong was that he hadn't been able to win against Ma Chao a few days ago, but today he met this man and fought for more than ten times, but he couldn't gain the slightest advantage.

Looking at Pang De's resolute, courageous and imposing manner, Hua Xiong suddenly felt old. In the past, the Xiliang army was invincible in singles, but since Lu Bu appeared, powerful people have emerged one after another. No worse than him, and Dian Wei's innate supernatural power, now in Xiliang, first there is a young reckless Ma Chao, and then there is Pound in front of him who seems to be only in his early twenties. For a moment, Hua Xiong couldn't help but feel a little frustrated...

-----Off Topic-----

After finishing writing today, ask for a monthly ticket. I will ask for this month. I can still think about the monthly ticket award for new books in the first month.

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