Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter Seventy-Third

People, the spirit is very important, there is a kind of magical power, when you think you can do anything, you can do anything, but when you think you can't do it, your strength may drop by several percent in an instant.

At this moment, Hua Xiong encountered the greatest crisis in his life, not his life crisis, but as a military commander, he lost the perseverance of a warrior, and the more frustrated he became, the more courageous he was.

If you lose, you can come back again, but if you lose your spirit, your career as a general will be considered useless.

What's worse is that at this moment, he is still fighting with others, competing on the battlefield, and life and death are only on the line, how can you be distracted? Pang De was keenly aware that the oppressive feeling from Hua Xiong had suddenly decreased a lot. Although he didn't know the reason, he didn't tell you the reason on the battlefield. Since he had the opportunity to kill the enemy general, he must not relax.

The Gu Yue Dao in his hand slashed with a strange force, giving people the illusion that it seems to be very slow and fast. It is a superb performance that has honed the skill to a certain level, and can lift weights with ease. .

Hua Xiong subconsciously closed it, and the heart shield on his heart was cut into pieces by the knife. Although he dodged for a while to buffer, he still suffered some trauma.

The tearing pain spread all over his body in an instant, and Hua Xiong's distracted attention was drawn back by the danger of his life.


Hua Xiong raised his saber, and the saber he failed to block just now, was easily blocked by him this time. Pang De raised his eyes and saw Hua Xiong's eyes were full of fierce light, like a ferocious beast that chooses to devour ?

"I'm the number one fierce general in Xiliang!!" Amidst an angry roar, Pang De's Gu Yue Dao was knocked away by Hua Xiong. The ancient ingot knife in his hand was captured by Lu Bu when he beheaded Sun Jian, and was later given to Hua Xiong. At this moment, the ancient ingot knife burst out with Hua Xiong's courage, and it bloomed with dazzling brilliance. .

Pang De, who was able to fight Hua Xiong evenly before, was completely suppressed by Hua Xiong this time. After thirty-one, he felt faintly invincible.

There is great terror in life and death, and it is this great terror that awakens Hua Xiong's wild nature. He is a mighty fighter, and he spent half his life on the battlefield, but he has seen too many masters with Lu Bu in the past year, so that he has some doubts , was wounded by Pound at this moment, but it also made him sober. Even if he is not as good as Lu Bu, can these juniors be underestimated?

Although Pang De is actually not young, at least in his early twenties, at most ten years younger than Hua Xiong, but Hua Xiong is now at the peak of a man, how can he be compared to a boy in his early twenties.

As soon as that sense of decadence was gone, he immediately erupted with stronger combat power than usual. Although Pang De was young, he was experienced in many battles, so he quickly sensed something was wrong, so he found an opportunity to exchange swords with Hua Xiong, and urged him to fight. The horse ran away.

Hua Xiong came out with the cavalry, looked back but didn't chase after him. The Xiliang Cavalry lost a lot in this battle. The elite cavalry under Ma Teng's command was no worse than the Xiliang Cavalry. The two sides were basically of the same root and had the same number. , the level of the generals is similar, it is not easy to decide the winner, most of them will end with both losers.

Although a little unwilling, but it is true that this young man is not bad. If it is a few years later, maybe he will not be an opponent.

It was a close battle, after Hua Xiong led his troops back to the camp, he came to Lu Bu and bowed, "General, the last general is incompetent."

"You haven't lost yet. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Why should you take it to heart?" Lu Bu glanced at Hua Xiong's shattered chest mirror and said, "Let's go find a doctor of Chinese medicine in the army for treatment."

"Here!" Hua Xiong resigned and left.

Lü Bu didn't send troops out to provoke again. Today was just a provocation for the demonstration. Hua Xiong was injured and returned. Naturally, the demonstration failed. As for whether the provocation was successful, that's another matter.

"My lord, there are envoys from Jincheng asking to see you." A personal guard came to Lv Bu and bowed to Lv Bu.



In Ma Teng's camp, although Pound did not win, it is not bad to be able to fight with Hua Xiong, a well-known fierce general in Xiliang. It's time to make a name for yourself, but Hua Xiong is a fierce general who accompanied Lu Buli to fight against the princes of the Guandong outside Hulao Pass."

"It's really powerful. If it wasn't for being distracted, the last general might not be able to take advantage of it." Pang De sighed, Hua Xiong almost lost himself when he came back to his senses.

"This man is a veteran of many battles, it is rare for Ming to be able to match him." Ma Teng laughed.

"After all, it's still a bit worse." Ma Chao came in from outside the tent and said, "If it wasn't for the wound on my hand that hasn't healed, how could that mere Hua Xiong be shouting here?"

Just now he heard from other people that Hua Xiong was provoking him when he came, but it was a pity that Pound took the lead, but Pound failed to defeat Hua Xiong after all, and he was still a little behind himself.

"Even if you recover from injury, you may not be an opponent! Do you really think your heretical method of leading troops is applicable anywhere?" Ma Teng snorted coldly.

How Ma Chao won before, he later learned from the Qiang soldiers who escaped alive, that the contest between Hua Xiong and Pang De just now was a real cavalry contest, and Ma Chao was purely trading bad for good, using the terrain to play hooligans. The technical level is far behind Pound.

"Hey, father, I don't like to hear that. If you win, you win. If I were to go out today, Hua Xiong may not be able to go back." Ma Chao shook his hands. His hands had already been scabbed. It still hurts, and it will take some time for the new flesh to grow slowly. Now I can only watch others show off their might.

Although I have a good relationship with Pound on weekdays, I feel a little uncomfortable watching Pound's prestige. This prestige should have come from him, and what he can do is better, more admirable, and can damage the morale of the enemy. As a result, Pound only drew a tie.

"What the young master said is true." Although Pang De is only six years older than Ma Chao, he is obviously much calmer. He did not argue with Ma Chao. Go to appease the soldiers and count the losses."

"Well, let's go." Ma Teng nodded, and looked at Ma Chao dissatisfiedly after Pang De left: "If you are half as stable as Ling Ming, you don't need to worry so much about you as a father."

"Father always boosts others' ambitions and destroys his own prestige. Since his debut, the child has never failed." Ma Chao was even more dissatisfied.

"Then what's the matter with the injury on your hand?" Ma Teng glared at him and said.

"I fought Hua Xiong first, which cost me a lot of strength. Then I fought Lu Bu, and I was naturally invincible. Next time I face Lu Bu, how can he hurt me?" Ma Chao snorted coldly.

"Lv Bu once fought thousands of troops twice in Hulao. I don't know how many generals in the Central Plains died under his halberd. If he found so many reasons like you, he would have already been dead in Hulao. How can he be as powerful as he is today?" Teng looked at Ma Chao angrily, why he couldn't understand that the gap between you and Lu Bu might be that of Hua Xiong.

"Central Plains? Famous generals?" Ma Chao smiled disdainfully when he heard the words: "I saw that Lu Bu's use of troops was nothing more than that. ?”

After the first battle at Hulao Pass, the reputation of the heroes in the world was indeed not very good. After all, Lu Bu killed them too hard.

Of course, the main reason for this is not how fierce Lu Bu is, but that most of the soldiers and horses of the princes are newly recruited, and simple orders may not be able to be carried out. The Liang army seemed vulnerable to a single blow, but after this battle, the princes also noticed this. All the families are training new troops hard and recruiting strong warriors at the same time. That kind of record is almost impossible.

Looking at his arrogant and conceited son, Ma Teng felt itchy and wanted to find a stick, but he saw a general come in and said to Ma Teng, "My lord, the sentry sent a report that an envoy from Jincheng has gone to the enemy's camp."

"Could it be that Han Sui has surrendered to the enemy!?" Ma Chao's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he looked at Ma Teng and said, "Father?"

Ma Teng frowned, yesterday Lu Bu sent people to Jincheng, he said he didn't care, but he was still worried about Han Sui, today he came again, his doubts deepened, he thought for a while and said: "Call everyone to discuss the matter in the future. "

"Father, what are you talking about? Before the old dog notices, I will rush into Jincheng, chop up the old dog Han, and then compete with Lu Bu!" Ma Chao frowned.

This time Ma Teng didn't speak any more, he just picked up his stick and beat him: "You foolish man, if you really start a war with Han Sui at this moment, you just killed Han Sui as you said, and you think Han Sui's subordinates will listen to you Do you think that Lu Bu will let me take Han Sui's soldiers and horses and remain indifferent? Besides fighting and killing, can your cesspit-like head be filled with tactics!?"

Ma Chao was beaten up and down, and he didn't know how to refute.

Ma Teng cursed and hit him with a stick. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he broke the stick. The depression in his heart dissipated a lot, and he became much more refreshed.

Ma Teng motioned for everyone to sit down, and then informed them of Jincheng's news: "What do you guys think?"

Pang De frowned and thought for a moment, then cupped his fists and saluted: "My lord, the general thinks that at this moment, our army and Han Sui can't mess with each other. If Han Sui really joins forces with Lu Bu, we will definitely lose. However, since Han Sui has not moved , obviously the two sides have not joined forces, and the general thought he could invite Han Sui to come out of the city to talk, and this matter may just be Lu Bu's plan to alienate him."

Ma Teng nodded when he heard the words. Pang De's words were more prudent. If he and Han Sui completely turned against each other now, then there is no need for Xiliang. If the two join forces, Ma Teng will definitely lose.

"My lord, Lu Bu sent someone here to ask for an audience outside the camp." Just as he was about to cut off, a guard came in and bowed.

"Who?" Ma Teng asked.

"This person calls himself Zhang Liao, and he is the cavalry governor under Lu Bu's command."

"Nobody." Ma Chao lost interest immediately when he heard the words, and said disdainfully.

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