The boy is holding an umbrella and walking in the rain.

Like a sharp blade, he brings down a sea of ​​water from the sky to make all things in the world bow down and surrender.

Boys don't.

His white palms held the handle of the umbrella firmly, as powerfully as he held the divine sword.

The flood of rain cannot deflect the knife, not even a bit.

The black uniforms of the Kassel Executive Department were blown by the wild wind.

Chu Zihang stopped, raised his umbrella and raised his eyes.

In the dark night, the old man with a big white beard smiled kindly at him.

The colorful lights that read "Open 24 hours a day" in the sign corner are shining brightly.


Opening the door, the hall was dark. It was already late at night. KFC was empty except for a girl who was on duty at the counter. Two-thirds of the lights were turned off, leaving only a few lights on the counter and corridor to provide lighting.


"Okay, turn left on the second floor."

Putting down the umbrella properly, Chu Zihang looked at himself in the mirror.

The boy's stern face was so handsome that he could directly participate in an idol drama. The director would definitely be eager to hand over the script for the male lead, and there would be several scripts for Chu Zihang to choose from. As long as he is happy, any one will do.

It's a pity that Chu Zihang has no need to participate in the movie.

His life is more exciting than the movies.

Chu Zihang lowered his head slightly and took off the contact lenses on his left and right eyes.


Two bright golden lamps lit up.

But, my God, that's not a lamp.

Those were the boy's eyes.

Kassel's A-level student, the only person who has taken the initiative to find Kassel in the past century, an outstanding commissioner of the Executive Department, and the contemporary leader of the Lionheart Club.

The boy looked into his own golden eyes in the mirror.

And, the owner of the never-extinguishing golden eyes.

His excellence needs no elaboration.

Even if all titles are removed, these never-extinguishing golden eyes alone are enough to prove his outstanding pedigree.

In Kassel, with the exception of a few people, no one could come to terms with a contemporary Lionheart president.

Just because of these eyes.

Chu Zihang soaked the removed contact lenses in the care solution.

Blink to relieve corneal dryness.

This is the advice given by the school doctor in Kassel. It is inconvenient to show your golden eyes when you are out and about, so you have to cover them with colored contact lenses. However, it is best not to wear them for more than ten hours, otherwise it will easily cause keratitis.

"Of course, with your bloodline, you might be able to recover from keratitis in one night."

The school doctor ridiculed her at that time.

After all, treating the president of the Lion Heart Club is really a difficult job. If I don't adjust the atmosphere, I'm really afraid that the extremely bored president will kill someone to relieve his boredom in the next second.

Chu Zihang just sat there without saying a word, his sword Murasame was placed squarely on the top of his legs, and his everlasting golden eyes were slightly lowered. Although the boy was trying to restrain his sharpness, he still brought trouble to others. The psychological pressure is still as heavy as a mountain.

The school doctor was even thinking about whether he should go back to Toyama Masashi for some psychological counseling. He had long heard that the guys in the Lion Heart Society were all embryo killers, and the current president was even more of an embryo killer. Today, it turned out that he was truly worthy of his reputation. , he seemed to feel the murderous aura in Chinese martial arts novels, which was really scary.

Of course, the school doctor just gave advice out of habit. He didn't think that an embryokiller who could fight with Deadpool would care about something as trivial as keratitis.

But Chu Zihang still did it.

And the execution was perfect, never exceeding ten hours at a time, as precise as a machine with fine gears.

The boy closed his eyes and rested.

The girl's voice came from the contact earphone, sassy and clear.

It was Susie, the vice president of the Kassel Contemporary Lionheart Club and Chu Zihang's secretary, who assisted him in handling daily affairs.

At the same time, Su Qian is also Chu Zihang's partner in this operation.

The execution department often works in teams of two, with complementary abilities in all aspects to respond to any emergencies as much as possible.

But this routine was unexpected when it came to the president. Chu Zihang had always been alone and he didn't need a partner, so Su Qian took the initiative to take on the logistics and intelligence work to solve his worries.

One person charges into battle and kills dangerous hybrids like chopping melons and vegetables, and one person coordinates the overall situation and coordinates all parties in an orderly manner. As time goes by, there is a tacit understanding.

Su Qian said to Chu Zihang.

"The school has a new mission."


Although there was only one word, as an experienced partner, Su Qian immediately understood what Chu Zihang meant.

She continued the introduction.

"Inspect an S-level freshman from Kassel and provide an observation report."


Susie said to herself.

"Is there an S-class in Kassel?"


Chu Zihang said.


Susie's voice was even stranger.

"That is to say, this new student's pedigree is comparable to that of the principal."

"By the way, Chu Zihang, our S-class is still your junior."

"Let me see, it's called Lu Mingfei."

"Lu Mingfei."

Chu Zihang chewed on these three words.

He returned to that rainy day again.

The playground of Shilan Middle School is full of luxury cars.

The young man with his drooped head stared blankly. Chu Zihang, who was left on duty, witnessed this scene. Perhaps because of the same lonely look in his eyes or something else, he suddenly wanted to stop the young man.

But before he could speak, the boy had already put his school uniform over his head and rushed into the rain.

Fierce and decisive, moving forward inexorably.

"It's him."

Chu Zihang said.



"No wonder I gave you this task."

Susie changed the topic.

"The contact person has arrived."


Chu Zihang took out new contact lenses and put them on.

When we got down to the first floor, there was a man sitting by the window.

He was in his thirties, wearing black and white Snoopy pajamas, and the same slippers on his feet. Unfortunately, they were all soaked, and the cute Snoopy became a drowned rat.

There was a bag in the man's arms. Chu Zihang thought it was a document to be handed over, but when he got closer, he realized that it was not. The bag contained bayberry.


The man in Snoopy pajamas reached out his hand and shook Chu Zihang warmly.

"The next generation is to be feared, the next generation is really to be feared."

said the man.

"When I was your age, I still had nightmares after killing Deadpool."

Chu Zihang nodded and sat down opposite the man.

The man was a little embarrassed, thinking that a genius is indeed a genius, but his temper is different.

But it's not true. Even though Chu Zihang has a cold face, is silent and unsociable, he is not arrogant and arrogant, he is just not good at it.

Just like Chu Zihang always has a cold face, others think he is handsome and cool, but this person is just a simple facial paralysis.

"The information is all here."

The man completes the task conscientiously.

He pushed the brown paper bag on the chair next to him to Chu Zihang.

This is the only thing on the man's body that has not been soaked by the rain.

The other thing is the bayberry in my arms.

"Acknowledgment of receipt."

"The handover was successful."

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Would you like something to eat? I'll treat you."

Chu Zihang shook his head.

"You're welcome. I ordered a Family Bucket and a chicken drumstick. KFC tastes pretty good."

The man looked down at his watch. This was already the tenth time he looked at his watch.

"Young man, do you have a girlfriend?"

"There must be a lot of girls chasing you over there in school."

"I've been too busy lately and haven't had time to board the Night Watch, you see,"

The man mentioned the bayberry.

"My wife likes this, and Xiaobin also wants the whole family to do it. Fortunately, I can have the weekend off tomorrow, otherwise I would have been scolded by the boss if I stayed up late."

The man said nonchalantly. Chu Zihang was sitting upright. It seemed that this was not a KFC but a solemn church late at night. One of them was a priest and the other was a believer. The believer confessed endlessly while the priest listened quietly.

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