"Family Bucket!"


The man trotted over, picked up the big and small bags, and after taking two steps, he turned back to the counter. He asked the clerk with a shy face to change the Coke into orange juice, saying that if his family knew that he bought Coke for Xiao Bin, he would be angry again.

In the dim hall, Chu Zihang stared at the silhouette of the man at the counter.

After changing the orange juice and going out, the man picked up his coat. He actually had a coat, but he used it to wrap the bayberry and documents when he came here, and used it to protect the bayberry and the family bucket before leaving. All that was left was a set of Snoopy's pajamas.

Chu Zihang's eyes followed him.

The man opened the door, held up a flimsy umbrella, and rushed into the heavy rain with his hunched body.

"Senior is actually very powerful."

The waiter put down a glass of Coke.

"He is also a student of Professor Schneider. After all, you have to call him senior brother."

"I know."

Chu Zihang looked away. The heavy rain blocked his sight, and Snoopy's pajamas could no longer be seen.

"The teacher mentioned it."

"The professor must be very angry."

The waitress girl smiled brightly.

"I still remember that when the seniors said that they would step down from the front line and take charge of intelligence, there was really a lot of commotion on the Night Watch Forum. An elite specialist from the executive department who was still a student of Schneider actually fell in love with an ordinary person, and gave up his career for this reason. Great future for Executives.”

"Do you know what seniors were said about in forums back then?"

The girl smiles.

"They say he is a deserter who betrayed the great dragon-slaying cause, and some people call him a coward."

"But it's not."

She looked out the window at the heavy rain.

"Senior, he is a very good person."


Chu Zihang said.

"Senior brother is a good father."

"Heroes think alike!"

The girl turned around and saw Chu Zihang staring at the Coke, so she greeted him warmly.

"You're welcome, this is a gift from my senior. He has been embarrassed to contact Professor Schneider all these years for fear of being scolded."

"When I heard you were coming this time, I worked hard to get intelligence work."

"Probably, I also want to see my fellow juniors."

Chu Zihang was silent for a long time.

"Trouble, can you change it to ice water?"

He said.

"I don't drink Coke."

The girl was stunned for a moment, covered her mouth and laughed.

"President, you are very different from what you said on the forum!"

Yes, all the students in Kassel know that the current president of the Lionheart Society is a complete murderer, but his sophomore year has already begun to carry out missions all over the world. Today he solved a dangerous hybrid species, and tomorrow he will take a gun with a tomb robber. right.

In fact, Teacher Wang from the Children's Palace Kendo Class guessed right. Chu Zihang had indeed joined a secret organization, and he was one of the top figures in the organization.

The girl picked up the Coke and exchanged it for ice water.

"It's safe nearby, please feel free to check the information."

When the girl walked away, he was the only one left in the corner of the hall.

Chu Zihang opened the document bag and took out the information.

"Class A Dangerous Hybrid, Thousand Faces"

This is a tough guy.

Four commissioners from the executive department have fallen into his hands.

Kassel first discovered the Thousand Faces in Russia.

The frequent deaths of women late at night attracted Norma's attention.

Cassell's artificial intelligence picked up traces of a dangerous hybrid at the crime scene.

Of course, it could also be Deadpool.

But as we all know, Deadpool is a beast-like creature, a failure of hybrid evolution into dragons, and can no longer be referred to as "he" or "she".

Instead use "it".

If it was really Deadpool, it would have been impossible for these depraved and filthy creatures to avoid Cassel's pursuit, and even cruelly and cunningly killed four commissioners of the Executive Department.

This is simply not what Deadpool's jelly-like brain could do.

Therefore, the executive department just concluded that it was the work of a dangerous hybrid species.

The so-called dangerous hybrids refer to hybrids whose dragon blood begins to get out of control. Their only fate is to degenerate into deadpools, with only killing and violence left in their mushy minds.

This process is absolute and irreversible. Hybrids are such sad existences, possessing both human and dragon personalities.

But they are neither human nor dragons, and at any time are at risk of completely degenerating into Deadpool.

The sign of the beginning of degeneration is the inability to control the desire to kill brought by dragon blood.

For example, the target of this mission, Qian Mian, died wherever he went. This is a good example.

Not that he likes killing so much.

It's because he can no longer control the dragon's violent personality.

The pedigree rating given to Qianmian by the Executive Department is A grade.

The reason is also simple. Among the four sacrificed commissioners, one was Grade A.

So the Qianmian who can kill an A-level specialist is at least A-level.

He fled from Russia to China, with 46 recorded victims alone.

Not even counting the four commissioners who died.

The identities of the 46 people are diverse, including workers in special industries, female white-collar workers who work overtime, girls running at night, and women who go to bars and get drunk.

There is only one thing in common.

The victims were all women who were out late at night.

Moreover, there were obvious signs of tampering at the crime scene.

For example, in a case that occurred in a small northern city, when people found the body, the victim's head was placed squarely on the trash can, and his gray eyes were looking at the sky. , her body was in the trash can.

From this analysis, Qianmen's spirit is on the verge of collapse, and the dragon's desire to kill has seriously eroded his sanity. He no longer regards humans as compatriots, but as materials similar to rough stones for sculptures.

Before Chu Zihang took over, Commissioner Lawrence, who died on the Russian border, sent valuable information at the last moment of his life.

That was a trembling rumor.

"He...he is not human!"

Based on this, the executive department believes that Qianmen Mian has begun the process of becoming a deadpool. It is conceivable that his body must have some dragon-like characteristics, such as dragon scales.

It's a pity that Qianmen's identity cannot be determined based on this alone. As long as the Deadpool-like features have not developed to the face, long sleeves, long pants, and at most gloves can be well concealed.

In addition, Qian Mian seemed to have mastered the art of disguise, making it even more difficult to find this person in the huge crowd.

But dangerous hybrids are dangerous hybrids. The desire to kill brought by dragon blood has dominated their brains. The cruel crime scene marked a thousand action routes for the execution department, and Chu Zihang followed closely in his footsteps. Returned to this city.

The documents given by Brother Snoopy are exactly the case information that happened in this city. From the analysis of the photos at the scene, it is obvious that Qian Mian's style can be seen.

This time the victim's body was completely destroyed. Chu Zihang checked the photos of the scene one by one, looking for any clues.

In addition to fighting, he also has unique talents in intelligence analysis.

Stop your hand.

Chu Zihang's eyes stopped on the last photo.

The scene, which looked like a slaughterhouse, was covered with a piece of white paper.

Cruelty and beauty suddenly appear together.

Like the holy white lotus blooming in Abi Hell.

There is a note on the document that it is a relic of the victim.

Chu Zihang thought for a moment and then asked Su Qian.

"Help me confirm, whose handwriting is on the scene?"

"Hold on."

Susie replied quickly.

"There are results."

"Really a relic of the victim."


Chu Zihang nodded.

"Any ideas?"

"Check this writing."

"Qianmian put it here, maybe he had his intention."


Chu Zihang was silent again.

He looked at the photo quietly.

His eyes stopped on the white paper.

Not a word was spoken.

Like a sculpture by Michelangelo.

This sculpture should be named "The Mourner".

After a long time.

All the ice cubes in the ice water have melted.

Chu Zihang just spoke.

"Waiting for the flowers to bloom"

He said.

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