Old Tang felt that there must be something wrong with his mission.

It’s not like he’s never been to the grave.

There is no time when all kinds of equipment are not fully prepared, from high-tech satellite support to ancient Luoyang shovels. It looks professional and reassuring at first glance.

But what happened today?

It was pretty good when he came out of Feifei's house. The man in black seemed to be bluffing, but at least he was reliable. In game terms, he was the boss. Old Tang thought that this mission must be safe, so he Just mix in peace and contentment.

Look at the strong muscles of the strong men in black, look at their stern expressions, and the bulging waists, oh, multifunctional sabers. After all, it is understandable that firearms are banned in this country.

In short, it is reassuring. With such a group of teammates, I can even walk around the tomb of Qin Shihuang and Old Tang without panic.

Perhaps the most difficult challenge of this mission was how he, a bastard, could pretend to be working hard. Old Tang thought hard all the way, and it was really nerve-wracking.

All that until he got out of the car.

The strong men in black quickly disappeared after saluting a woman.

Old Tang watched with wide eyes as they rushed off-road and drove away. The speed was really astonishing, as if there was a Godzilla behind their butts.

"It's time to hit the road, Number 13."

said the woman.

Old Tang looked around hurriedly.

Finally, he pointed at himself as if seeking confirmation.

"Number 13, me?"


This woman spoke quickly and steadily, like thunder dispersing dark clouds.

Old Tang lowered his gaze. He was a little afraid to look at the woman. Her body wrapped in tight clothes was too sexy, like an angel baby on the Victoria's Secret catwalk.

Old Tang, who is fully self-aware, knows what kind of thing he is. The hunter sounds mysterious. To be honest, he is just a temporary worker. His nature is similar to that of the farmer brothers on the construction site. He will go wherever there is life, and he will starve when he is not. The farmer brothers are a bit exciting, but sometimes the people are gone after a mission.

Fortunately, Old Tang was gifted. He had not encountered any accidents since he embarked on the hunter's road. He entered dangerous areas where many of his colleagues had been buried, and the legendary evil spirits and ghosts all followed him around. It seems that it can no longer be described as a near miss, it must be called sightseeing.

But today is different.

Standing on the deck, staring at the turbid water of the Three Gorges River, Old Tang had a strong intuition.

This time, he may not be able to go back.

"That's what the mission is about."

said the woman who called herself Ninja.

"Any more questions?"

She had just given a detailed and thoughtful introduction to Old Tang. .

Put on your wetsuit and jump in.

Yes, that's it.

Old Tang looked constipated.

Really, he had never seen such bizarre action.

There is no destination.

There is no planning process.

There is no time to act.

Nothing at all.

Just say, jump.

He even suspected that the purpose of this female ninja was him. Just like the ancient Chinese legend, something happened in the rivers and lakes at that time, and the stupid villagers thought that the Dragon King was angry, so they chose a plump child. The boys and girls put them into small wooden basins and threw them into the water. A group of people set up a table on the shore to burn incense, knelt down and buckled their heads, praying for the Dragon King to appease his anger.

Old Tang felt that he was the boy and girl given to the Dragon King. As soon as he jumped into the water, the female ninja took out the candle paper money from her back, and by the way, there was also a trumpet, and she sent him on his way with a burst of playing, playing and singing.

Old Tang was amused by his wild imagination.

"Where's your trumpet, Miss?"

he asked the ninja.


The ninja didn't react.

But wait, where does this damn familiarity come from?

It seemed that she had just dealt with such a guy who spoke incomprehensibly not long ago.

Who is it?

The female ninja was thinking hard, while Old Tang was holding his stomach and laughing.


Potato Chip Girl reminder in the earphones.

"Hurry up, Long Legs, don't waste time. The Maritime Safety Administration of the Yangtze River Waterway is here to inquire again. Dealing with them will cost me my life."


Ninja said softly.

"OK OK."

She clapped her hands vigorously.

"Number 13."

The ninja once again repeated the words he said when the two met.

Grand and sacred, it is like the beginning of the Bible.

she says.

"It's time to hit the road."

Old Tang stopped laughing.


He was surprised.

and incomprehensible.


why why why?

Why do I hear expectations in my own voice?

But obviously, I don’t want to get into the water at all!

There was an impatient smile on Old Tang's face.

Elegant and distinguished.

Like the king.

He looked at the ninja.

"Woman, let's go."

The ninja took a step back.

"Damn it."

She said in a low voice.

I'm... scared.

The two quickly changed into diving suits.

A cable connected them.

This is the lifeline of divers. In the dark and lonely underwater, in the absolutely silent silence, this cable relies on this cable to convey the message between the two people and give them some comfort in their souls.

"Well, your boss didn't tell you where you were going."

Old Tang frowned.

He began to feel uneasy again.

Don't tell me, he really looks like an ordinary person.

The ninja recalled the noble smile on his face not long ago.

Then compare it with the panic of Old Tang in front of him.

They are exactly two people!

"You'll find out when you go down."

Ninja said.

"By the way, the boss has something for me to convey."

"what? What!"

Old Tang regained his energy.

"What's the formula for opening sesame?"

The ninja ignored Old Tang's nonsense.

she says.

"The mountains don't come to me, so I walk towards them."

Old Tang frowned.

Standing on the edge of the deck, he stared at his face in the water.

For a moment, the facial features full of joy twisted and turned, and they reassembled into a completely different appearance.

Noble, iron-blooded, and aloof.

The boy's voice was still calling him.

"Brother, brother, brother."

But this time, it did not come from the end of the world.

But underwater.

Yes, underwater.

The boy in his nightmare was underwater.

Right, right, right.

Little by little, Old Tang curled up the corners of his mouth.

A reserved and proud smile.

He finally heard what the young man was saying.

The boy turned out to be smiling.

"Brother, you are here!"

Old Tang shivered.

He looked around blankly.

Still on deck.

This is the Three Gorges.

He's on a mission.

"are you OK?"

Ninja asked warily.

"it's okay no problem."

Old Tang smiled sheepishly.

"I haven't slept well in the past few days. Trust me, you will definitely make no mistakes when executing the task. You can also see it on the website. My completion rate is 100%."

Old Tang quickly went back to make amends for his mistake. He was still wondering what happened today. He actually dozed off when he was about to carry out the mission. If this spread out, his colleagues would laugh to death.

However, he felt that he couldn't blame himself, there was a reason.

He said he was practicing martial arts with Fei Fei in the past three days, and he didn't know what he had learned. His head felt heavier and heavier, as if there was an entire interstellar and Red Alert in there to fight.

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