The whole world will fall in fire.

Only the twins were left dependent on each other.

Looking at all this, Lu Mingfei suddenly thought that if he hadn't appeared, the future of Norton and Constantine would have been like this.

Maybe it can be removed. This doomsday-like fire should be history that happened before.

Some lost civilization before humanity.

The four great monarchs ruined four eras.

This is the message Lu Mingfei heard from the little devil.

Norton, who was leading the way, stopped.

He took one last look at himself and Constantine in the fire.

Before Lu Mingfei cast his gaze, Norton looked over.

Originally, Lu Mingfei had a lot to say.

But he noticed that Norton wanted to speak, so he stopped first, intending to listen to what the monarch of bronze and fire had to say.

Speaking of which, in Lu Mingfei's impression, Norton really said very little. In total, this was the second time they had met each other, once in Hopeless Sky, and now, even counting the life of Norton and Constantine that he just saw. This monarch is also always silent.

It's hard to imagine that Norton can separate a human personality like Old Tang. Why, all the sad emotions are in Norton, so the only thing left for Old Tang is happiness?

Wait, have I discovered something weird? The amount of sadness for everyone is fixed. A guy who usually laughs and laughs is not sad. That’s because someone is sad for him. It seems very reasonable. Looks like, it’s decided, let’s call this the conservation principle of sadness.

Lu Mingfei thought about it and started to enjoy himself, smiling silly, but somehow he thought of Lu Mingze.

His laughter stopped.

Norton was still looking at him and was about to speak, but Lu Mingfei's careless smile ruined the atmosphere.

"Sorry, sorry."

He said to Norton politely.

This is really a problem on my own side. The dignified Dragon King is about to speak, but he is still deserting. If he is punished by standing still, he will not be able to stand for thousands of years.

Be serious, be serious.

Lu Mingfei warned himself.


This is?

Lu Mingfei was surprised to find that Norton actually smiled.

Although the curvature of the corners of his mouth was very shallow and quickly returned to a majestic iron face, Lu Mingfei believed in himself. He would never see or hear wrongly.

Just now, Norton just laughed.

It's strange that this guy can also laugh.

Just when such an idea came to mind, I heard Norton say to himself.


Norton looked at Constantine.

"Tell him to drink less."


Lu Mingfei didn't react.

Norton was not angry, and actually repeated it patiently.

"Tell him to drink less."

This time he looked at Lu Mingfei.


"Ah, um, okay, okay, no problem."

Lu Mingfei patted his chest, indicating that everything was covered by me.

Speaking of which, it was really unexpected.

He thought Norton would say something in the end.

For example, everything about bronze and fire is left to you, if it looks very powerful.

Norton certainly had no intention of explaining.

In fact, it is a miracle that such a sentence can be left behind.

He kept walking.

Only this time Norton was fast.

In the blink of an eye, only a distant point remains.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously took two steps after him.

"Wait, a trial! What happened to that trial!"

He ran two steps and reached the place where Norton was standing before.

It's like the feeling of a diver coming up to the surface to take a deep breath.

Lu Mingfei gradually slowed down and looked around in surprise.

Creek, water wheel, thatched hut.

The valley that once was.

No, that's not right.

Lu Mingfei raised his head, and all he saw was the bronze dome.

This is not the valley where the twins once lived.

This is a one-to-one restored model.

It is not accurate to say that the model is accurate. The waterwheel is real, the creek is real, and the thatched hut is also real.

It's just that all of this was moved into the Bronze City.

Lu Mingfei felt familiar.

By the way, the place where the twins sleep, they will arrange such a valley in the place where they sleep, out of nostalgia.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei looked back. It was a bronze corridor, a familiar corridor. A certain guess in his heart was verified. This was the Bronze City, the Bronze City he entered after defeating the Bronze Subjects. It is also the Bronze City of the 21st century.

Lu Mingfei is back and belongs to his time.

Moving his steps slowly, without moving forward or backward, Lu Mingfei turned around in circles, very slowly, and he was observing everything here with emotional eyes.

When he first discovered that he had returned to the age of dragons, Lu Mingfei thought of countless ways to come back.

But as time went by, he gradually adapted to the life of the Dragon King, and even forgot all about the trials.

Later, there was a dilemma where the twins were devouring each other, which involved all his thoughts. Lu Mingfei completely gave up his attempts to return, and devoted all his energy to understanding the Demon of Determination.

But who would have thought that after he took Constantine to deal with his inner demons, he would complete the trial without any warning.

Lu Mingfei is still confused.

He really didn't understand what the passing standards for this trial were.


He immediately looked away.

A man walked out of the thatched hut.

The facial features full of joy and the face I just saw not long ago are clearly the same, but they give people the impression that they are two completely different people.

How to describe it?

It's like one is a Roman emperor and the other is a talk show actor. The two people with very different status and temperament have the same face.

The difference was so big that it was certainly impossible for Lu Mingfei to admit his mistake.

"Old Tang!"

"It's really you, Fei Fei!"

Old Tang looked overjoyed.

"I thought they were lying to me, but I didn't expect you to actually come. It's so great!"

Old Tang was Old Tang, and when he saw Lu Mingfei, he felt friendly. The two of them had not seen each other for a while, but when they suddenly met again, it was just like before, and they didn't feel strange at all.


"Who told you I would come?"

"A super beauty."

Old Tang winked at him.

"I've heard it all, and all the beauties call you Young Master."

Somehow Lu Mingfei thought of Mai Jiude.

Listening to Old Tang's description, it must be that guy.

"Oh, that's right. Now that you're here, you can start the feast I prepared here. Come and join us."

"Big dinner? What is it!"

"Since I said it's a feast, I won't let you down!"

Each person opens a can of Coke.

French fries and fried chicken burger.



The two clinked their glasses so hard that the coke spilled out.

"Gudong, gudong!"

After drinking it down with heroic aura, the two men turned over the Coke cans and stared at each other.

His face became increasingly red.

Finally, Old Tang couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a big burp.

Lu Mingfei pointed at him while holding his belly and laughing.

"Hahaha, you are too inferior!"

Of course, Lu Mingfei, who was laughing loudly, was no better than Old Tang. He drank a can of Coke in one breath, and it was refrigerated and cold Coke. It really felt like his whole body and even his hair were frozen. , and kept hiccupping one after another, and couldn't stop.

What's the point of just drinking Coke? Heroes like Lu Mingfei and Old Tang must have a mouthful of Coke and a bite of chicken wings, and then throw French fries into their mouths one by one. Looking at the way these two people eat, they just have to hang a "Liangshan Bo" at the door. ” card.

It’s just that this picture doesn’t match the surrounding environment.

After having enough wine and food, well, although there was no wine or food here, that's pretty much what it meant, and the two of them started talking.

They chatted about their current situation.

Lu Mingfei did not hide anything, nor did he want to keep it secret. He directly told Old Tang about Cassel. A group of little dragon people who think about slaying dragons every day, tsk, this is quite a mouthful.

There is no need to keep it secret. What is Old Tang's identity? No matter how sacred the Abraham blood contract is, it is impossible for you, a mixed race, to use the rules of a mixed race to restrain the King of Bronze and Fire.

Old Tang seemed to know who he was, but it was not certain how much he knew. As for his experience during this period, it was roughly the same as what Lu Mingfei thought. The main thing was that he was taken around the world by Mai Shutoku. , and the experience of almost dying several times. I heard Old Tang say that someone was chasing them, and I still have lingering fears until now. Fortunately, everything has passed.

"By the way, they told me to give this to you when they see you."

Old Tang hiccupped and took out a letter and handed it to Lu Mingfei.

Expand it, it says at the beginning.

"Brother kisses me personally."

For a moment, Lu Mingfei almost thought that the person who wrote this letter would be Constantine.

Just looking further down, that familiar tone is unmistakable, it is the little devil.

Lu Mingfei smiled.

long time no see.

He said in his heart.

In the letter, the little devil said something as always.

"I knew my brother would be able to do it."

Lu Mingze's smug face seemed to appear in front of his eyes. Let's understand, the person who is obviously powerful is Lu Mingfei. Why are you so proud?

Lu Mingfei smiled softly and continued to look down.

Later, Mingze apologized first, saying that it was a pity that he could not be present at such an important moment for his brother.

The little devil didn't write the reason, but it must be something very important. Otherwise, with that guy's style, what appeared here wouldn't be a letter, but the delicate child saying to him with a smile. Ah, I can’t stop talking.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Lu Mingfei continued to look down.

Next is the main text, about the truth about the trial.

Usurping the authority of bronze and fire, or in other words, usurping the authority of the king, this has never happened before, and there is no precedent.

It doesn't mean that you can get the authority that belongs to him by killing Norton. It's not that simple. There are too many rules in the occult and the little devil can only mention them briefly. After all, he is explaining to Lu Mingfei. He can have as many images as he wants, so that's it. good.

Let’s talk about this trial that took place in Centralia.

The previous steps were all to ensure that Lu Mingfei could defeat the Bronze Subject.

After defeating the Bronze Subject, you will be qualified to start the inheritance.

The subsequent conditions are actually very simple.

Lu Mingfei needed Norton's approval and his willingness to hand over his authority in order to pass the test.

This is why the little devil would say in the corridor that the final trial might be different from what Lu Mingfei imagined.

Because the final test is not to fight and kill, but to get recognition from Norton.

This is much harder than fighting and killing.

The little devil never told Lu Mingfei the true content of the trial. In addition to the restrictions on rituals, he was probably also worried about affecting Lu Mingfei.

After all, if you get Norton's approval as a condition, if you think hard and work hard, the final result will often not be satisfactory.

On the contrary, Lu Mingfei followed his will and made mistakes, which might lead to a good result.

Norton's approval?

Lu Mingfei thought of the past he saw between Norton and Constantine at the end.

Compare with your own experience.

Maybe Norton also has regrets in his heart.

He also understood the two contradictory hints at the beginning.

One says "wake up".

One warned him not to believe that it was all true.

"Wake up" should have been left by Norton. He brought Lu Mingfei closer to his memories to see what Lu Mingfei would do when faced with his past situation.

As for the conditions for waking up, or the conditions for completing the trial, they are actually very vague. They were just what the little devil said and were approved by Norton.

If Lu Mingfei's performance meets Norton's requirements, he will be able to wake up.

Otherwise, it will probably continue to sink in Norton's memories.

Lu Mingfei did not try to die, and fortunately he did not do so. Looking back now, he felt that if he died in Norton's memories, there was a high probability that he would not wake up directly, but something terrible would happen. Like time loops or something.

Of course, he was able to successfully complete the trial in the end and miraculously received Norton's approval. Lu Mingfei felt that the reason for this was still due to his martial arts.

The fate of twins devouring each other is Norton's biggest obsession.

Lu Mingfei used martial arts to relieve his obsession.

He broke the twins' fate of devouring each other.

So it got Norton's approval.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei felt that he had roughly understood the ins and outs of this trial.

But Norton's last words popped into his mind again.

"Tell him to drink less from now on."

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought.

Isn't it like this? Even without martial arts, Norton's obsession can't be solved.

He can actually complete the trial.

Endorsed by Norton.

But what exactly is Norton endorsing?

This is the martial arts that Lu Mingfei uses to create new possibilities.

Or, the trivial past of his and Constantine's daily life.

Can't figure it out.

I can't figure it out.

This kind of thing must be known only by asking Norton himself.

It's a pity that now, it seems that there is no chance to ask him in person.

The little devil made it clear in his letter.

After completing the trial, he will bear the authority of bronze and fire. The transfer process will of course take a while, a few hours will be enough, and a meal will be enough.

Once the transfer of authority begins, Norton will die.

The new emperor's ascension to the throne requires the death of the old emperor.

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