Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 255 The Day of the King’s Coronation

"Thank you for what happened last time."

This was the time after a big meal. Garbage such as chicken bones, Coke cups and potato chip bags were scattered everywhere. Old Tang was lying lazily on the grass and talking to Lu Mingfei.

"Last time?"

"That's when you helped beat up the other me."

"Oh, this."

Lu Mingfei heard it. Old Tang was talking about the battle he used to suppress Norton with Hopeless Sky a few months ago.

"You are a friend I recognize. If you can help, you will definitely help."

"And this time, didn't you treat me to a big dinner? It's even."

Old Tang scratched his head.

"Although I have been growing up in the United States, I don't understand many truths. Things are the same. Last time, you invited me to play for a day. This time you come to my house and I should treat you as a landlord. , it’s good to eat and drink well, that’s what it should be. If it’s a tie, it’s a tie with two treates, so you helping me fight has to be settled separately.”

He said seriously.

"Feifei, I owe you a favor."

Lu Mingfei originally wanted to blurt out "Okay", but Old Tang's serious attitude made him hesitate. After thinking about it, he said seriously.

"Then if I come to you for anything from now on, you must come."


Old Tang's voice was very deep, and in a daze, it actually gave people a sense of majesty.

"If you don't come, it's a puppy."

Lu Mingfei twitched his lips, and within a few seconds, he hugged his belly and laughed, rolling around on the grass, out of breath.

"What...what happened?"

Old Tang's eyes widened with an expression between confusion and surprise.

"No, no, I just think..."

Then laugh.

Smiling and baring his teeth, Lu Mingfei almost forgot that he was still injured.

"Yes, that's right!"

After a while, he suddenly said loudly.

"We are all friends. If you don't come when something happens, whoever doesn't come will be a puppy!"

With bright eyes, he got up and looked at Old Tang.

"How about it, do you want to pull the hook?"


Old Tang curled his lips and said disgustedly.

"Feifei, can you be more mature and figure it out? The person in front of you is the great Dragon King, please hurry up and call your Majesty to come and listen."


Lu Mingfei gave Old Tang a look of contempt.

He purred and turned over.

He put his arms behind his head, crossed his legs, and put a piece of grass in his mouth. It was a pity that the afternoon wind was missing, otherwise he would have had a good sleep.

"Speak of it."

"Norton, um, or the other you, how much do you know about him?"

"Probably, everyone knows."

Old Tang was a little unsure.

"Since that day, oh, that is, since the day Feifei helped me beat him up, I can remember some things from time to time, just fragmentary, a few scenes, but,"

He twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was still surprised when he thought about it.

"Really, at first I doubted whether I was crazy or mentally hallucinating. But, if it was really my hallucination, then my imagination is really rich."

"Although I haven't had a good sleep for several days, and I'm still running away with others, and occasionally enemies will chase me, but, as time goes by, I'll get used to it. You know what, I found Ah, as long as you keep your mind at ease, those memories are really interesting. The pictures are connected together, just like a movie, and even Hollywood can't shoot such big scenes."

Old Tang spoke enthusiastically, and Lu Mingfei couldn't help but think of the dragon he once saw in the sea of ​​clouds. The shock of that intuitive visual impact was truly unforgettable.

After Old Tang finished speaking excitedly, Lu Mingfei nodded in sympathy, suddenly noticed a detail, and asked him.

"You just said that someone is chasing you. Who are they? Why are they chasing you?"

Old Tang looked embarrassed.

"To be honest, I don't know. Maybe you can ask the ninja lady. Well, it's the one you call Master, Feifei. I think you should know who it is, Feifei."

"As for ninja, I can probably determine who you are talking about."

"It's fine if you know, but if I must say it, I seem to have heard the female ninja and the pursuer mention it..."

Old Tang thought for a while, then nodded.

"I must have heard you right. Let me tell you, Feifei, my hearing is super good now. Well, they mentioned the word god descendant..."


Lu Mingfei said in surprise.

"Which miraculous thing are you talking about?"

"They are the descendants of gods or something."

Old Tang said.

"Consider it in context. My reading comprehension is pretty good, so this must be what it means."

"Oh, you're talking about the Goddess."

Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought he heard the proper nouns in Kyushu Martial Arts. The key point is that there are really people who practice martial arts in the dragon world. Apart from him and his disciples, the people who practice martial arts call themselves Luo Nu. , from the Hidden Gate.

He didn't think much about it when the fight was going on, but now that it was over, Lu Mingfei felt more and more strange.

One is how come there are martial arts practitioners from Kyushu in the Dragon Clan world. He originally thought that his trip to Kyushu was just an accident, some kind of unexplained time travel, but looking at it now, he went to Kyushu and came back. The reason seemed to be different. not simple.

The other thing is Luo Nu's state. Lu Mingfei can see that Luo Nu's accumulation is very solid, even to the point of being too solid. This is obviously not appropriate for a warrior, let alone Luo Nu. According to Lu Mingfei's judgment, Luo Nu, a descendant of the Yuanshi Sect like Nu, should have been promoted to Inhuman long ago, but the fact is that she has not. Luo Nu's realm is stuck at the peak of body refining, infinitely close to Inhuman, but she has always been Lu Mingfei had a strange feeling that it was not that she didn't want to be promoted, but that she couldn't.

Hidden door.

Lu Mingfei murmured in his heart.

Fortunately, he misheard. Old Tang was talking about descendants of gods rather than gods. They were descendants of gods, perhaps some hybrid organization.

Lu Mingfei also knew that many hybrids considered themselves to be descendants of gods. They regarded their ancient dragon ancestors as gods, so of course those with dragon blood flowing through them were descendants of gods.

However, he seemed to have heard the word divine descendants somewhere.

Where is it...

Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyebrows.

Norton's trial was too mentally draining. Although those several thousand years of experience seemed like a dream to Lu Mingfei at this moment, it still caused a huge burden on his spirit. In fact, Lu Mingfei now It is very rare not to have confusion about one's own identity. Someone who is not sure about his identity might already consider himself the King of Bronze and Fire.

Oh, by the way, to be more precise, he will soon be the King of Bronze and Fire.

Just waiting for the king's authority to truly fall into his hands.

"That, Fei Fei."

Old Tang's voice sounded a little low.

"He must be dead."


"another me."

"He must be dead."

Lu Mingfei thought of that majestic man.

He held the boy in his arms amid the fire that overturned an era.

"Yeah, dead."

"That's it."

Old Tang seemed to sigh.

"I haven't even had a chance to say a word to him yet."

"Actually, Feifei."

Old Tang was about to speak but stopped.

Lu Mingfei glanced at him.

Suddenly a strange thought came to mind.

How did Old Tang survive?

According to his judgment, the comparison between Old Tang and Norton is simply a drop of water and the ocean, a grain of sand and the desert. As long as Norton is willing, it is really easy to annihilate this personality named Old Tang.

Norton's spirit had been sleeping in the bronze tree before, and he had no chance to take action. But just now, the last part of the trial required Norton's approval, which meant that he had woken up. It was probably the ritual arranged by the little devil. For For a Dragon King, it should be very simple to take the time to destroy a weak personality.

But he didn't.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what Norton was thinking. In short, the current situation was that Old Tang was still alive and Norton was about to die.


Lu Mingfei sensed the call from somewhere.

The fire element that pervaded the world began to wake up.

They were active and expressed messages of joy and surrender to Lu Mingfei.

He has passed the trials of the Iron Throne.

Standing at the final destination.

The crown of glory is his.

All that remains is the coronation.

Lu Mingfei sat up and patted his clothes.

"Here, don't move, I'll help you."

Old Tang patted the grass clippings off Lu Mingfei's body.

"Take a turn and let me see if there's still no problem."

"Ah, very good."

Old Tang nodded and looked at Lu Mingfei with relief.

"It's almost time."

"about there."

"then you go."

Old Tang sighed with emotion.

"I bet my future on you."

"Heh, don't think I haven't watched One Piece."

"Haha, it's so embarrassing to be discovered."

Lu Mingfei waved his hand.

"Let's go."

"See you next time."

"Oh, right."

Lu Mingfei asked Old Tang.

"What are your future plans?"

"What else can I plan?"

Old Tang stretched.

"Of course until Constantine wakes up."

Lu Mingfei's eyes fell on the thatched house. Over there, there was a very familiar brass jar. He had seen it in Norton's memory. It was the cocoon where the Dragon King slept.

There was a crack on the top of the brass jar, which was probably the trace left by Norton's awakening. Lu Mingfei had seen similar traces before, but that time it was Constantine who woke up first.

"Next time, let my brother wake up first, okay?"

Lu Mingfei was curious again.

Norton, what are you thinking about?

"Waiting for Constantine?"

Lu Mingfei looked away and looked at Old Tang suspiciously.

"There's nothing we can do."

Old Tang scratched the back of his head in distress.

"No matter what, he is still my brother. This child can't do without his brother. How can anyone rest assured?"


Old Tang paused.

"He is the one who allowed me to survive."

The doubts were cleared.

So that's it.

The reason why Old Tang was able to survive was because Norton took the initiative to let him go.

Well, it should be more than just letting go. Norton should do more. Transferring authority is very dangerous. Even Norton will die, let alone a weaker personality like Old Tang.

He is still standing here perfectly fine, probably because of Norton's initiative to protect him.

"Do you know what Norton is thinking about?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I'm also curious."

"All right."

Lu Mingfei waved his hand.

"I really want to go this time."

"Well, go ahead, go ahead."

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and took a step forward.

In the past, they were just bronze trees rooted in the sea of ​​consciousness and standing in the distance.

The moment is so close.

Lu Mingfei stood in front of the bronze tree.

When I raised my head from this position, I could no longer see the sky. All I could see were the branches of the bronze tree and the overlapping leaves.

The branches were twined with flaming snakes, and the leaves were dotted with fire like stars.

This is the authority of bronze and fire.

One of the basic laws of this world.

"It's so big."

Lu Mingfei said.

I kind of want to write a line of characters here. What's going on?

Just write something like "Lu Mingfei is here for a visit".

No no no.

That would be too childish.

He deeply reflected on himself, I am not a monkey.

It should be written "Someone came here for a visit".

He pressed his heart that was about to move.

It's time to get down to business.

Youyouran smiled, stretched out a hand and placed it on the tree.

Lu Mingfei sighed.

At first he thought it would be very hot or too cool, after all, it was both bronze and flame. But when he actually put his hand on it, he was surprised by the feedback.

So warm.

It feels like taking a hot spring bath.

And very kind.

He could sense emotions of joy from the bronze tree.

Like old friends meeting again after a long separation.

Soon, Lu Mingfei understood his situation.

At this time, Norton's sleeping consciousness was no longer in the bronze tree.

This is an ownerless tree.

It is also ownerless authority.

As long as he imprints his spirit inside, the highest authority of the extraordinary path of bronze and fire in this world will be open to him.

Lu Mingfei will also become the new emperor of Bronze and Fire.

What else is there to hesitate about?

After doing so much, isn’t it just for this moment?

The experience of putting your own stamp on the bronze tree is amazing.

Lu Mingfei only felt that his spirit was constantly rising.

Rise, rise, rise.

He saw crowds of people, traffic, steel cities, crisscrossing fields, mountains, rivers and the sea.

Then the crowd turned into ants, the traffic flow was like a model, the steel city was as small as a matchbox, the fields were invisible, the mountains were like slopes, and the sea was like water.

This is a perspective overlooking the world.

He is in heaven.

Countless pieces of information about bronze and fire flooded into my mind.

From this moment on, the whole world in Lu Mingfei's eyes was different.

That is a completely different path from martial arts.

The feeling that filled Lu Mingfei's heart was nothing but vast.

It's as if the world can change with just a few clicks.

He can raise the kingdom of bronze in an instant and let the army of bronze flood the earth.

You can also play with the fire of the sun, evaporating rivers, lakes and even oceans.

Lu Mingfei didn't know if Norton could do this, but there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to do this. Norton was just one of the twins. Without the authority to exert his true power, Lu Mingfei was different. He had martial arts. .

Of course, it is precisely because he has martial arts.

Mixed-blood scholars have some speculations about the power of the four monarchs. In addition to the obvious control of elements, they also focus on the meaning of the word "monarch" itself.

The monarch is the first generation, but is the way dragons reproduce their offspring really the same as humans? Scholars are skeptical.

There is a hypothesis. Scholars believe that in the perception of dragons, the concept of bloodline is different from that of humans. They are not divided in terms of parents and children, but in terms of authority.

Those with the highest authority are the first-generation seeds, those with the second-class authority are the second-generation seeds, those with the third-class authority are the third-generation seeds, and so on.

Based on the above theories, scholars believe that the authority of the four monarchs also contains a very important concept.


Just like the Black King giving authority to the monarchs.

The monarchs also assigned lesser powers to their subjects.

Or so to speak.

Princes create their subjects.

The information Lu Mingfei got at this moment very well proved this hypothesis.

From him imprinting the spirit into the bronze tree.


Beginning with his coronation as the new emperor of bronze and fire.

Lu Mingfei can create an extraordinary bloodline system with him as the source at any time.

He can promote Senior Chu as the next generation.

It can also turn ordinary people like Yuanyuan Chen Ping'an who cannot ignite golden eyes into pure-blooded dragons in an instant.

The fourth generation, the third generation or the second generation, as long as he is happy.

Because he is the emperor.

This is the authority of the emperor.

As long as he is happy.


As long as he is happy.

But here's the problem.

Lu Mingfei had no interest in creating an extraordinary path for his bloodline.

He is a warrior.

He practices martial arts and practices Taoism.

How many people have extraordinary blood, even if they are the second generation or the third generation?

This is contrary to Lu Mingfei's ideal.

So, he won't be happy.

Lu Mingfei did not forget it.

The future he wants is for everyone to be like a dragon.

Therefore, the authority to create the Bronze Clan.

he does not want.

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