The principal's burly figure cast a shadow, almost completely covering the boys and girls.

Xia Mi lowered his head and quietly glanced at the guy next to him, grinding his little tiger teeth bitterly. Really, after so many years, he was still the same, just like a piece of wood. This beautiful girl even said he had run away. He was still standing there stupidly, now it's better, he must have been caught by the big stupid bear!

It’s over, it’s over, this beautiful girl’s scholarship! It’s definitely going to be ruined!

Xia Mi screamed in his heart.

Wait, Chu Zihang, right? If you don’t treat me to a meal every ten or eight times later, this matter will never be over!

"What are you looking at!"

The principal stared at Xia Mi.

"You are such a good student. You stay up late at night and climb over the wall! What do you want to do?"

"Ah, what do you want to do!"

Xia Mi carefully raised his head and showed a flattering smile.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

The principal is big.

"stand at attention!"

"Stand still!"

Xia Mi straightened her chest and raised her head, and her arms naturally drooped close to the seam of her trousers.

For the sake of scholarship, this beautiful girl will endure it for the time being! Don't think I'm giving in! Just wait, Big Stupid Bear. One day when this beautiful girl graduates, I will definitely post your little story about you and the cafeteria aunt to the forum. I heard that there is a night watchman in Kassel, and you can make money with these little stories. Hahaha, the stupid bear is just waiting to shine for this beautiful girl’s account balance!

For some reason, the principal's back felt cold, and he felt like he was being targeted by someone.

He looked at Xia Mi suspiciously. The girl was standing in a military posture with a solemn face, and she didn't seem to have any crooked thoughts.

Despite this, the principal still stared at Xia Mi fiercely, gave her a warning look, then turned his face, and instantly put on an amiable smile. Xia Mi, who was standing in a military posture over there, was shocked. Hey, hey, big stupid bear. Are you serious about this expression? Could it be that he was snatched away by some Nascent Soul monster?

"Sorry to make you laugh."

The principal said to Chu Zihang.

"Xia Mi is a bit naughty, but he's not a bad person."

Is your name Xia Mi?

Chu Zihang thought in his heart.

It turned out to be her.

Xia Mi curled his lips in displeasure.

What are you doing, stupid bear? I sound like a child with a bad personality. After all, I am also a talented girl who gets scholarships every year, okay? Respect it! Respect it! Believe it or not, I will go to the education department and file a complaint against you!

Oh, the education department here doesn't care about mixed-race students. I'm sorry to bother you.

While thinking about all these things in his mind, Xia Mi was also worried. He didn't know what punishment was waiting for him this time. Will he be punished by standing at the school gate like last time? Just standing all morning doesn't make my legs sore, but there are so many people coming and going, and you can appreciate my beauty without spending a penny. Thinking about it makes me angry. Xia Mi really wants to put up a sign next to it. Write "Young and beautiful girl, five yuan for one look, one hundred for a photo," what a reasonable price, probably this is what humans call economic acumen, I am really a genius.

But there may also be other punishments, such as running thirty laps around the playground, cleaning up the campus garbage for a week, and anything Xia Mi can do as long as she is not asked to clean the toilet.

"Hello, Mr. Principal."

Chu Zihang politely shook hands with the big bear. Seeing this scene, Xia Mi was amazed. It's you, Chu Zihang. You are very good at dealing with elders. In just a moment, look at the big bear. How can you coax you to laugh? It's a good thing that Big Stupid Bear has no daughter. Otherwise, Chu Zihang, what will happen to your innocence?

While she was shaking her head inwardly with emotion, she heard Chu Zihang mentioning herself.

"Please don't blame the principal for what happened to Xia Mi."


The principal responded strangely.

Xia Mi next to him also looked over with wide eyes.

"She had no choice but to climb over the wall because she came to pick me up."

Pick you up?

Is this happening?

Xia Mi noticed that the big stupid bear was looking at him suspiciously.

So he immediately nodded confidently.

It was as if Chu Zihang didn't lie at all.

The principal's frown relaxed and he looked at Xia Mi approvingly.

"Not bad, I finally did something that makes people worry-free."

"I wrongly blamed you, Xia Mi, I apologize to you."

Xia Mi was almost floating.

At this moment, she really wanted to announce it to the whole world.

Did you see it? Did you see it? Big stupid bear is apologizing to me!

This beautiful girl is on her way to success!

She waved her hand calmly and said a few words such as ""It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter" and "No one can make mistakes without being a sage." She secretly exchanged a look with Chu Zihang as if they had a tacit understanding.

Very good, very good, we cooperated well this time. I will treat you to a meal with this beautiful girl!

As for what to eat?

It must be a big meal. Instant noodles with ham sausage, how delicious is it? This beautiful girl is the most generous. I can grit my teeth and give you a braised egg, hahaha!

In Chu Zihang's eyes, a girl named Xia Mi stood there on a winter night, with a smile as cunning as a little fox, and her eyes were so bright, as if just through her eyes, she could feel the little girl's heart. Joy and excitement.

Then Chu Zihang's eyes also lit up with a faint smile.

Who said that a paralyzed face must be expressionless? Eyes are the windows to the soul. Chu Zihang's joy and sorrow are all in his eyes.

And now.

These eyes are smiling.


Qiu Shui met Victor at the station.

He took the initiative to talk to me.

"I noticed the one who came with you just now."

Qiu Shui gave a meaningful look while observing the surroundings with a vigilant expression, just like an agent in a movie.

Victor smiled and held out his hand.

"Relax, man. Even if you go out on the street and say that you met a group of weirdos with glowing eyes, believe me, no one will believe it. The only thing waiting for you is a lunatic asylum."

Qiu Shui touched his nose awkwardly.

They shook hands and introduced themselves.

Victor is an outstanding materials scientist who works in a research institute in a certain country. He has bright piety and is completely different from Qiu Shui, a fallen genius writer. The young Victor has already published a book in a top journal. Three heavyweight papers, and we are working hard to tackle new topics.

"Materials science?"

Qiushui hesitated to speak.

"I know what you want to say."

Victor shrugged.

"That's right, it's that lifeless material science. Speaking of which, I have to thank the terrible current situation of this subject, otherwise the guys at the institute wouldn't have let me go so easily."

"So, you are too!"

Qiu Shui suppressed her excitement and whispered.

Victor blinked and just said one word, and the two of them laughed tacitly.


In the next three hours, many people came one after another.

They whispered to each other and asked about what would happen next. Excitement and excitement were written on everyone's face.

Qiu Shui noticed that Victor seemed to be reciting silently, so he leaned over and asked softly.

"Did you find anything?"

"Something interesting."

Victor said.

"I did some statistics. You know, there are mainly two types of people here. One is artists like you. I think it's right to call fantasy novel writers artists."

"Look at the girl in the red shirt, she's a cartoonist, and the one next to her is a game designer."

Victor continued.

"The other category is scientific workers like me, who are interested in materials. I met two colleagues, as well as professional scientists and pharmacologists."

Qiu Shui was confused when he heard this.

“So what’s the point of bringing these people together?”

Victor spread his hands.

"I have no idea."

Despite saying this, the smile on his face was very exciting and his eyes were shining, as if he was looking forward to something happening.

"But it's fun isn't it?"

"Artists, scientists, and those guys with golden eyes."

"Believe me, man, no matter what happens next, it will be more meaningful than your past life!"

Qiu Shui thought of that hero in the dark night.

"I agree."


he asked Victor.

"I just wanted to ask. It sounds like your future is very good. Why did you resign? What should you do with your project?"

"Please, my friend!"

Victor rubbed his hands excitedly.

"I've never seen, you know, those eyes."

"They burst into my life and showed me a new world, and you know what that means to me?"

"Let's put it this way."

"It's like opening a treasure house in front of a miser, with mountains of gold inside."

"How could I hesitate!"

Suddenly, people stopped talking.

They all looked in a certain direction.

On the ticket checking platform, a conductor wearing a dark green uniform walked over, ringing a bell in his hand and with a spring-like smile on his face.

Miraculously, the people coming and going could not seem to see him and ignored him completely. They saw with their own eyes the conductor passing between a couple. The boy and the girl were chatting face to face without even looking at the conductor.

This man is like a ghost walking among the sea of ​​people, full of elusive and fascinating magic.

"Oh, how it's done!"

Victor clutched his heart, his face flushed.

"Qiu, you saw it, this is magic, this is a miracle, I bet he must be here to pick us up!"

Qiu Shui opened her mouth and was speechless.

His past life experience collapsed, and a door was slowly opening. Inside was a brand-new world, where even a stone or a piece of grass was full of mysteries.

The conductor's gentle eyes glanced at everyone.

He shook the brass bell and spoke in a brisk tone.

"Terminus, Kassel."

"Gentlemen and ladies, get ready to get in the car!"

For Qiu Shui, Victor and others, from this moment on, they will step into a brand new world.

Everything that only existed in fantasy before, or simply didn't dare to think about, now appears around them in reality.

Life has opened a new chapter.

As for Kassel, for the students of Kassel Martial Arts Academy, for the scholars of the two institutes, and for Lu Mingfei.

Their arrival also has a very special meaning.

Weapons Research Institute, Elixir Research Institute.

Since traditional thinking is progressing slowly, Lu Mingfei decided to introduce new blood, artists and scientists, plus youth. Youth means infinite possibilities, and possibility is what affects the success of a research. One of the factors.

Traditional research on city systems often has its own formula, so it inevitably seems rigid. If you add some ideas outside the system, you may gain some unexpected surprises.

Of course, for Lu Mingfei, this move can only be regarded as a casual move and cannot play a decisive role. However, Cassel's power is too huge. It is just a casual move and it does not matter.

After a day's work, Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and his consciousness sank into darkness. Drogunir turned on, and he woke up in the bed in the room next to Eryi.

Pushing open the door, he was surprised to see the girl at the dining table. Eriyi was holding bread in both hands, and there was strawberry jam on the table. The girl had a circle of jam on her mouth and was licking it carefully with her little tongue. It happened to be at this time , Lu Mingfei opened the door and came out.

The two looked at each other.

Hui Liyi blinked, Lu Mingfei turned his head, coughed, stepped back, and closed the door.

Three minutes later.

When the door opened, Lu Mingfei saw Eri Yi sitting at the table in an obedient posture, like a doll on Women's Day.

So it is indeed an illusion.

"Well, good morning"

【Good morning. 】

It's been a long time since I've said hello like this.

Lu Mingfei thought about it, and at the same time he felt strange why Eryi was still at home today. Wasn't this point already gone by now?

Ever since Hyakki Yakou's world mission, the relationship between the two has been very subtle. I don't know why, but they always avoid each other intentionally or unintentionally.

Could it be...

Lu Mingfei called up the menu.

Sure enough, there are new tasks.

But not World Two.

The mission was about gifts from afar. Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi received an Internet cafe. As a price, their future living expenses would have to come from the Internet cafe's income.

Today is the first day of business for the Internet cafe, which happens to be the weekend, which is why Eri is still at home.

I see.

Lu Mingfei had a simple breakfast and went out with Eryi.

Although they were walking together, there was a distance between the two of them, they did not speak, and there was almost no eye contact.

The neighbor's aunt was worried.

"Are you having trouble? This is not okay."

Lu Mingfei subconsciously turned his head and found that Eli Yi was also looking over. Their eyes met unpreparedly and they immediately separated.

The Internet cafe is three blocks away from here.

When I arrived, there was a lawyer waiting at the door. He presented me with an envelope containing the Internet cafe key and a set of documents.

After completing the procedures with the help of a lawyer and sending the other party away, Lu Mingfei and Eliyi visited their Internet cafe.

The name is Shenyin.

They stood at the door, looking up at the sign in the same posture.

It always feels like it's very familiar.

"Okay, the next step is cleaning!"

【Um! 】

The Internet cafe must be cleaned up before the official opening.

The tasks that required strength were left to Lu Mingfei. He hesitantly piled the tables, chairs and equipment of the Internet cafe into the corner. Hui Liyi took this opportunity to fold a paper hat and held it with both hands for Lu Mingfei to wear. superior.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head slightly in cooperation. The long sleeves of the girl's red miko uniform slipped down, revealing a white jade-like forearm. The pear coat looked very serious. For this girl, it was probably like wearing it during general cleaning like in anime. Paper hats must have an unusual meaning.


Eliyi looked at Lu Mingfei with satisfaction, clapped her hands, moved her eyes down, met her eyes, and turned her head away with a blushing face.

Sweep the floor, mop the floor, clear the cobwebs from the ceiling.

Lu Mingfei worked enthusiastically.

Eriyi was not lazy either. She wiped the tables, chairs and the bar with a rag. The girl was very attentive and did not miss any small corner.

The day passed quickly.

Lu Mingfei plugged in the clerk on the last computer.

Stand up straight and clap your hands.


A bottle of mineral water was handed to him.

There is also a handbook.

"Please drink some water, Ming Feijun."

A pair of big blinking eyes appeared above the ledger. It was Eri Yi.

Lu Mingfei smiled.


He took the water quite naturally.

Eriyi walked in the brand-new Internet cafe.

I ran my fingers across the table and picked it up again. There was no dust at all.

Eriyi narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyelashes were so long.

[When will it open, Ming Feijun? 】


【Will there be guests? 】

"Of course, there must be so many guests, so many that they would crush our doorstep!"

【Really? 】


Although Lu Mingfei used a very confident tone, Eryi still looked a little distressed for some reason.

[But, Ming Feijun. 】

She gave Lu Mingfei the contents of her ledger.

[Our Internet cafe seems to have no threshold. 】

Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

The evening sun hung in the sky behind the two of them.

Their shadows are so long.

They look so close together.

Lu Mingfei and Eriki returned to the apartment.

The aunt looked at the two people side by side with a kind smile.

The Internet cafe opened successfully.

Eriyi was in a good mood. She stood at the counter and glanced back and forth with curious eyes. She glanced at the door from time to time with bright eyes. Probably for this girl, working in an Internet cafe was as fun as a game.

Lu Mingfei was holding drinks in the back. It was really not easy to run an Internet cafe in Jingying. There were so many trivial things. It would be nice if there were employees to help.

A few gangsters with colorfully dyed hair took a look at the signboard of the internet cafe and walked inside arm-in-arm, chatting and laughing, their voices echoing everywhere.

Eliyi pulled Lu Mingfei.

【Are you a guest? 】

Lu Mingfei glanced at the guys at the door and his eyes lit up.

"No, it's the employees!"

Soon, the gangsters with bruises and swollen faces were obediently grabbing drinks and wiping tables and chairs. Lu Mingfei crossed his legs to supervise. When the gangsters passed by him, they would bend down deeply and shout "Hello, boss!".

Lu Mingfei nodded. He noticed that Eliyi had been looking here, and suddenly he wondered if he would scare the girl, so he was ready to explain a few words.

But faced with his explanation, Eriyi said.

[I know, Ming Feijun. 】

[You are doing something serious, right? 】

【Like an older brother. 】

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"Oh okay."

Not only did the laborers who came to their doorsteps receive no wages, but they also worked very seriously. At the end, Eriyi presented her with a bottle of water. Everyone was so excited that they shed tears, bowed deeply to Eriyi, and shouted.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Lu Mingfei drove them all away with a dark face.

It was just a bit awkward when he turned back to face Eri Yi.

"That, they are all talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Hui Liyi displays the ledger.

【Sister-in-law? Are you calling me? 】

【What does it mean? 】

Lu Mingfei hesitated and was speechless.

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