Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 296 Points System and Research Institute

Ye Sheng grabbed his hair, brows tangled together, and finally wrote the last sentence.

Take a quick look, 3,000 words, it’s up to the mark!

He leaned back hard and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally done!

I don’t know what Master Lu is thinking, but he actually requires every warrior who has achieved great strength to write a report on his experience. He also stipulates that the number of words must not be less than 3,000 words, and he is not allowed to hire ghostwriters. Once discovered, the consequences will be very serious.

This is simply Ye Sheng's nightmare. Instead of writing a report, it would be better for him to read a detailed explanation of the martial arts techniques for a day. Although it is full of introductions to the techniques and records of miracles, these alone are already very interesting. Sometimes When he was reading, he would involuntarily have such an imagination, as if he could glimpse a wonderful world through the vast sea of ​​martial arts knowledge.

Master Lu has said more than once that every martial arts technique is the manifestation of a person's path. If you look carefully, you can find obvious inheritance lines in the martial arts techniques.

Originally, the warrior in the Nine Heavens Armor of the Xiu Lei Department had a change of heart. When he became a Martial Saint, the original Nine Heavens Armor had completely changed its appearance, and this was also the source of the Divine Punishment Stake.

This was an example that Lu Mingfei briefly mentioned when teaching them, without going into detail.

But who are the mixed-race people? What’s more, the people here are all elites who have successfully joined the executive department. For them, drawing inferences from one example is a basic quality. Even if Lu Mingfei didn’t go into details, just such a sentence has already given people a Very broad space for imagination.

Since the Divine Punishment Stake is a martial saint emerging from the Nine Heavens Stake, what about the other techniques?

There are more than 3,600 exercises that Lu Mingfei placed in Yuanwuyuan.

Where did they come from?

The teachers and students in Kassel are all speculating about the origin of Kyushu Martial Arts.

Could it be that Lu Mingfei really completed this huge and sophisticated system by himself?

Looking at the example of the God's Punishment Stake, perhaps the answer to this question is not that.

Obviously, the martial saint who modified Jiuxiao's armor into a divine punishment stake mentioned by Master Lu could not be himself.

So, who is this?


What about other exercises?

Is it like the Divine Punishment Stake, with the existence of a Martial Saint?

How many martial saints are there?

several? tens of? Or hundreds?

It should be noted that Wai Gang is equivalent to the Dragon King, while Wu Sheng is above the Dragon King.

It is certainly impossible for so many martial saints to exist alone. Below them, Waigang non-human body training, and ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts. A vast picture slowly unfolds, including the people, things, and their histories. So thick that it makes you breathless.

But these are all just guesses. No matter how much you think about them, they are just guesses. Master Lu has never responded directly, and it is not that no one has asked him about the origin of Kyushu martial arts. Master Lu only said that he once had a dream, and there was a white man in the dream. The bearded old man insisted that Lu Mingfei was the best martial arts wizard in the world throughout history, and then made him read intensively for decades, and would not let him go until he memorized it all.

When Master Lu said this, he gritted his teeth and sighed. His face was filled with the emotion of "the past is too painful to look back on", but in the end it was just a faint sigh.

"So, this is why I didn't write a report on alchemical mechanics."

He said to Professor Schneider with sincere eyes.

"In order to practice martial arts, I have read all the books in my life. I hope Cassel will take note of my huge contribution and not fail me."

Lu Mingfei's tone was deep.

"This is important!"

Schneider was not Guderian, and he would not be moved to tears by two words from the S-class. He had his own persistence, so he cruelly informed Lu Mingfei to remember to take the make-up exam for alchemical mechanics.

Lu Mingfei was angry.

Why does he, a dignified general consultant of martial arts campus planning, have to make up the exam!

Can't understand! Can not accept!

To hell with exams and everything!

Faced with his situation, ordinary students may only be able to take care of themselves and get angry, and there is nothing else they can do.

But Lu Mingfei was different.

He is no ordinary student.

Lu Mingfei decided to use his authority second only to the principal to force the implementation of the "Abolition of Examination Proposal". After serious thinking, he found that compared to the sleeping dragons who don't know where ×, for the students of Kassel For them, exams are far more terrifying than dragons. They are the natural enemies of students and seriously damage their physical and mental growth. Therefore, for the sake of all students, even if the think tank objects, it doesn’t matter. His rights are supreme. There is no People can stop him! a ha ha ha! nobody! No!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Counselor."

"Your proposal is not allowed to pass."


"This is the principal's decision."

Lu Mingfei covered his face.

What a pain!

"Mr. Advisor, a call request from Mr. Principal."


After a beep.

"Hello, Mingfei."

The old man smiled.

"I'm sorry I can't agree to your proposal."

"Your mother and father are my good friends. Since they sent you to Kassel, I have the responsibility to cultivate you into an excellent person."

"But I just killed a dragon!"

"Dragon slayers also have to take exams. Although it is cruel, there is nothing we can do about it."

"So, come on, Mingfei, I believe that making up the exam will not be a problem for you."

It sounded like Ange was smiling even more happily.

"After all, you are S-class."

"So does S-level have the privilege of passing the re-examination with 100% accuracy?"

Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up.

"The privilege of S-level is to have three chances to make up the exam."

Lu Mingfei:......

"What use do I need from this idiot's power!"

There was no movement.

Lu Mingfei had a dark face. He had reason to suspect that Angers guy must be taking revenge. That was right, he must be taking revenge on himself!

Just because of the special training he gave Angers a while ago, this old guy held a grudge. Although Angers smiled happily at the time, he also said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You can do anything to become stronger. Just let me go." Hand training, don’t worry” and the like.

Bah, if you believe me again, I, Lu Mingfei, am just a puppy!

It's obviously what you said. It doesn't matter. Besides, didn't you survive in the end and not be trained to death?

Too vindictive!

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, there is nothing he can do now, just make up the exam. What are you afraid of? Besides, don't there still be three chances for S-level? He didn't believe that he couldn't get through this.

The weather is getting cold.

New Year's Day is approaching, but for Kassel, located in North America, Christmas is obviously more important than New Year's Day.

Students and professors are speeding up the work at hand and trying to complete some of it before Christmas so that they can have a relaxing holiday.

Professor of Dragon Genealogy writes the word "Christmas" in class.

"The saint, the transcendent person, the great being, uses him as a symbol to divide the before and after the park. So, can anyone tell me who this saint refers to?"

The professor's eyes fell on a girl.

"This classmate, please answer the question I just asked."

Zero stood up.

"According to the Dead Sea Documents, the saint is the Black King. Two thousand years ago, a creation similar to the Black King's egg was discovered in ancient Europe. Although he has not yet revived, he still performed incredible miracles. People affected by the Black King's egg Man claimed to be the son of a god who turned water into wine, stones into gold, and finally raised the dead.”

"Master Alchemist Arthur pointed out that all this is probably the ritual performed by the Black King for his successful return. If the supreme emperor wants to be resurrected, certain necessary conditions need to be met."

"The hybrid organization at the time discovered this anomaly, and after suffering a large number of casualties, they successfully prevented the Black King's return plan."

The professor listened, nodded, and finally smiled gently.

"Perfect answer!"

"Please sit down, please sit down!"

He made a pressing gesture.

At the same time, the professor looked around the classroom and said seriously.

"I hope your notebooks aren't blank."

The students lowered their heads and started writing.

Zero looked at the white outside the window.

It started to snow in Kassel.

Soon it will be Christmas.

I don’t know if it snowed in Siberia?

Her thoughts drifted far away, as if she had returned to a long, long time ago, which was also a winter.

The professor noticed Ling's abnormality and didn't pay attention. For good students, teachers are always very patient.


Kassel’s hilltop campus has almost completely changed its appearance compared to before.

Buildings rise from the ground one after another, as if Genbuyuan has transformed from virtuality to reality.

The cafeteria was decorated for the holidays in advance. There were two Christmas trees standing at the door, with ribbons and brass bells hanging on them. I don’t know which student made it in the first place. Anyway, by the time people came to their senses, the Christmas trees were already tied with wishes written on them. The cards rise and fall as the wind blows, which looks really interesting.

"I heard that if you hang up a card with your wish written on it, it will definitely come true."

"Please, these are some old stories. They must be used by adults to deceive children. Partner, you must not believe it!"

Yaji, who was clenching his hands on his chest, turned his head, stared at Ye Sheng fiercely, and walked into the cafeteria angrily.

"That look just now was..."


Ye Sheng scratched the back of his head and realized that Aji was about to walk away, so he quickly chased after him.

"Wait for me!"

Today's menu is on the blackboard. His eyes pass over the four old set meals. Below, are the new experimental meals from the research institute.

Ye Sheng's expression was tangled. Do you really want to order the research package? Thinking of that wonderful taste, his face turned bitter, but... there were not enough points.

The point system is a system recently launched by the Wushu Academy. It aims to solve the contradiction between limited educational resources and the number of students. It also has the vision of urging students to practice martial arts.

The ways to earn points are: standing, listening to lectures, progressing in cultivation, and competing.

In martial arts arenas, there are often battles in which points are used as bets. At first, it was just a private behavior of warriors. After Lu Mingfei found out, he did not issue an order to ban it. Instead, he established clear regulations on what can and cannot be done. The main point is to discuss points. In addition, both warriors can only invest one point at a time, and they need to call Norma to act as the referee. The gambling battle can only be carried out in the presence of Norma, otherwise it will be considered a violation and will be given seven days to one month depending on the severity of the complex. The punishment of depriving Yuanwuyuan of login privileges is unequal.

At the same time, the Wuyuan explicitly prohibits off-site gambling. Any form of gambling does not exist. Violators will be handled with the highest standards.

Yes, that's right, it's you, Fingel.

These are the only sources of points, but there are too many places where points are used. Points are required to apply for a one-on-one course with a road master, and it is still charged by the minute. Of course, you can also apply for other people's courses. Chuzi is currently open The specific teaching qualifications of Hang Ling and Caesar need to be approved by Lu Mingfei, which is very difficult. On the one hand, Chu Zihang and Ling have good talents, and on the other hand, they want to be one step ahead, and the martial arts elective class, which is the first Among the batch of martial arts practitioners, only Caesar was qualified.

In addition, it is not ruled out that others have no idea of ​​starting classes, at least in Angers. The teachers and students in Kassel have not seen their principal for almost two months. There are Lu Mingfei and The think tank is in charge, and the original Kassel team is present at the Mid-Levels campus. This campus does not have any extremely precious treasures, and its natural attraction is not enough to make pure-blooded dragons rush over to grab it.

Besides, it’s better to take ten thousand steps back. Even if Cassel encounters any danger, isn’t there still Lu Mingfei here? He was the hero who had just killed Norton not long ago. Those who didn't open their eyes would die as many as they came.

Therefore, even if the principal is not seen for a long time, the teachers and students in Kassel only occasionally remember that the rest of the time is spent doing their own things. Everyone has endless things to do, and the twenty-four hours in a day can't wait to be broken into forty-eight hours. use.

Perhaps only the vice president and professors Schneider would talk about it when they meet.

"Where did that old guy from Angers go?"

"I heard it was a secluded retreat. It seems that I got some incredible skills here at S level."

"Kung Fu? I don't know what Angers chose?"

Let’s put aside the principal’s matter and return to Ye Sheng. He was still struggling with looking at the menu. Points are like money. No amount is enough. Susie and Caesar can still earn some by being teaching assistants. Ye Sheng just It's no longer possible, and I just gained strength two days ago, so now is the time to use my points.

"Look, that one."

Yaji pulled Ye Sheng.

Looking in the direction of my partner's finger, I saw several men in white coats.

Ye Sheng could see that they were obviously incompatible with the Kassel students around them. It was a difference in temperament, like sheep that accidentally broke into a pack of wolves and were still looking around with curious eyes.

Although they had lowered their communication voices, Ye Sheng could still hear what they were saying with the hearing of the mixed race, just from this distance.

"No matter how many times I try, I still can't believe that this is actually true!"

"Calm down, Victor, problem, problem, don't forget our mission."

"Man, it's rest time now. Look, here we are. That's right what they call it, hybrids! It's so cool! The lost history, the war hidden under the peaceful life, the two races The love-hate entanglement between each other, I remember, buddy, you are a fantasy novel writer, how about it, inspiration is coming out like a fountain!"

"I care more about the subject than inspiration or anything else. I don't understand why a bunch of little supermen want to drag me in when they are researching weapons. I'm not like you, Victor. You are a serious scientist, although you don't know about materials science. Is it useful for me to research extraordinary weapons, but at least I can be considered a professional counterpart, but what about me?"

"Hell! I'm just a novelist, making weapons? Come on, what can I make! Quills?"

"Not bad, very good, great!"

"Let me go, Victor! What are you doing! This is the canteen, don't come near me!"

"Haha, relax mate, don't worry, let me tell you, even though I'm from London, my sexual orientation is normal."

"You don't need to emphasize this. I'm a little panicked."

"Don't worry about this. Come on, let's continue the topic. What did you say, quill! Hahaha, yes, quill! That's great! That's great!"

"Yes, why does the weapon have to be a sword, why can't it be a quill, or even, why can't it be a book?"

"Look where we are, hybrids and dragons. Now that the legends have become a reality, why do we still hold on to the old ideas and not let go?"

"As you said, man, the form of weapons may be a good entry point!"

"So, stop doubting yourself. Since the hybrids have chosen you, you must have some qualities that attract them. For example, let me think about it, a fantasy novelist, right! Inspiration! Imagination! You know what, man, the most important thing about you is this, imagination!”

"Don't talk about me yet. Is that quill pen really possible just now?"

"I have no idea."

"But you can try."

"Who would have thought of using a pen as a weapon? This is where you are so good, buddy. Do you still remember the induction training? Didn't that bad old man boast that alchemy is omnipotent? Since it is so powerful, why don't we try it."

"By the way, have you heard? There is something going on at the Alchemy Research Institute. It seems that someone named Luo... Luo or something has made great achievements."

"No wonder our supervisor has a gloomy face these days. If the elixir research institute produces results, our weapons department will still stand still. The supervisor will probably have to take the blame to Master Lu and resign."

Ye Sheng's expression changed.

The mixed-race people around him also had similar expressions.

They exchanged glances tacitly and continued to line up in silence.

This is not the first time. Recently, people have been spreading news about two research institutes, the Weapons Research Institute and the Alchemy Research Institute. Any slight disturbance can affect the hearts of the hybrids, and they can adapt powerful weapons to assist their practice. elixirs, it all depends on them.

Now that I heard news from insiders of the institute, the credibility has reached a higher level. Maybe weapons and pills are really not far away from them.

Thinking of this, Ye Sheng's heart surged, and he wished that time would pass quickly so that he could get the elixirs and weapons tomorrow.

Wait, it seems to be saying that whether pills or weapons have to be exchanged for points.

Ye Sheng's face turned solemn.

He mentally calculated his points balance, compared how many lessons he could exchange for, and prepared for future weapon elixirs.

Ye Sheng's face turned green.

Not enough, not enough, not enough at all.

He glanced firmly at the blackboard with the menu written on it.

The original four sets of dishes have been replaced by point purchases, but the experimental set below is still free, that's all.

It's Ye Sheng's turn.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold!

His face showed the heroism and generosity of a strong man going to his death.

"Please bring me an experimental package, thank you!"

The two researchers walking by looked at him frequently.

"Man, did you see that? He is indeed a mixed race. He is so impressive even when he is eating. It's really impressive."

"Victor, be careful, people can hear you like this!"

Aki turned away embarrassed.

Is it too late to pretend you don’t know this guy?

PS: Come on, all college entrance examination students! ! !

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