
Francis hurriedly supported Schneider.

If he hadn't been paying attention at all times, he would never have expected this scene. Schneider could fall down even if he was sitting upright.


Schneider said.

The Supreme Council.

It’s such a strange yet familiar word.

People only know that the Camarilla is ancient and has a long tradition.

But few people know that what is older than the Camarilla is the Supreme Council.

The Supreme Council is rooted in Europe, and their history is too old to be verified. It is said that their president once debated with Socrates, talked with the king of Sumer, and witnessed three hundred Spartan warriors marching to Thermopylae. I also admired the herding horses standing in the city of Troy.

And they only claim to be descendants of great beings.

The history of the Supreme Council is longer than the recorded history of Western humanity.

They hide themselves perfectly. Under the heavy curtain of history, it is difficult for people to see the true face of this ancient hybrid organization.

No one knows what the Supreme Council wants to do.

The exact members of the Supreme Council are also a mystery.

Even the Secret Party was initially just a branch of the Supreme Council. ''

The members of the Camarilla are all hybrids who hate dragons deeply. The purpose of the Camarilla is very radical. To kill a dragon is still to kill a dragon.

The Secret Party includes members of the Supreme Council and the power of the Hidden Sect of the Far East. This is the product of a multi-party game.

But the Camarilla does prefer the Supreme Council.

The Hidden Sect's behavior is too mysterious, and the Shenlong never sees its end. They don't seem to care about the development of the secret party.

In contrast, although the Supreme Council has reservations about the dragon-slaying stance held by the Camarilla, there are many surrender factions in the Supreme Council. They believe that there will be nothing wrong with the Dragon Clan returning to rule the world one day. They are mixed races anyway. , the status is definitely not bad, and maybe he will be rewarded with more powerful power because of his merits.

Despite this, the Supreme Council still gave a considerable degree of support to the Camarilla. Many forbidden alchemy techniques and alchemists were cultivated by the Supreme Council rather than the Camarilla itself.

Speaking of which, the vice-chancellor's real affiliation should be with the Supreme Council. He was not a member of the Conclave from the beginning. This was no secret in Kassel.

As for why a person who has not joined the Camarilla can sit in such an important position as the Vice-Principal, there is no way. Who calls the Vice-Principal the greatest alchemist of the current era? His status and strength are equivalent. The Vice-Principal’s status in alchemy , equivalent to Angers status in the dragon-slaying world.

Schneider had always been wary of the Supreme Council.

He did not believe in the existence of an organization that had no desires and no desires.

The foundation of this collective organization is that some people work hard for a certain goal, so they must have something to ask for.

It's just that what the Supreme Council requested was hidden so deep that it was difficult for Schneider to find it for a while.

All he knew was that the Supreme Council was frantically absorbing outstanding hybrids from all over the world.

Kassel's main branch campuses all over the country, outstanding graduates of all past years, their final destination is either the Executive Department or the Supreme Council.

As head of the Executive Department, Schneider is well aware of how many excellent seeds the damn Supreme Council snatches away from them every year.

But there is nothing we can do about it;.

Although the conditions offered by the Supreme Council are better and the employment environment is safer, there are still only a few young people who are truly determined to risk all their lives to slay the dragon.

If you stay in the execution department, what awaits you is endless field work, and your life may be in danger at any time. Even if you are paid a lot, you don't have time to spend.

What's more, the treatment of the Executive Department really pales in comparison to that of the Supreme Council.

Much worse.

In fact, the question should be asked in a different way, asking why some people choose the Executive Ministry instead of the Supreme Council. This is the right way to ask.

It can only be said that fortunately the Supreme Council only needs the best mixed-races. Otherwise, how to replenish the members of the Executive Department every year would also be a headache.

Schneider once secretly investigated why the Supreme Council needed so many hybrids.

To be realistic, they don't slay dragons and don't need to face Deadpool. The hybrids of the Supreme Council are more like window dressing and appear in the duel games played by the nobles.

But if only for this reason, why are so many hybrids needed?

Isn’t a few enough?

By now, Schneider heard the communication from the Divine Burial Hall, the unknown person conveying greetings from the Supreme Council.

Schneider suddenly understood a lot.

"Who are you."

Schneider said.

"Hall of Valor?"


Say it to the other side.

"The professor actually knows me."

Schneider was silent.

In this case, it makes sense.

The alchemy technology of the Camarilla was established with the help of the Supreme Council. Several of the largest alchemy projects even have alchemists from the Supreme Council directly stationed in them.

If you look up to others, it is understandable for others to take action.

It turns out that the Hall of Valor plan that Kassel had always considered as his trump card was just a wedding dress for the Supreme Council.

Schneider sighed in his heart and said, did you see it, Angers.

"What is your purpose?"

Schneider said.

"I'm sorry, Professor."

Say it to the other side.

"I can't tell you that."

"Okay, that's the end of the notice."

Say it to the other side.

"As the price of betrayal, I will keep this Shio Miyamoto alive."

"Let you see what this world will become."

"Speaking of it, it's really an exaggeration. You actually want to do such a thing and drag people on an island to die."


"Dragon slayers are mad."

Communication was disconnected.

Schneider called Norma. He wanted to know what was happening at the Divine Burial Hall. If it was Norma, there might be a way.

But this time, the campus secretary, who was always on call, disappeared.

Not only that.


Francis looked up.

The other staff officers looked at each other.

They were quiet, speechless, and finally, each one of them turned their attention to Schneider.

Schneider's eyes swept over the command post.

For a moment, Schneider was in a trance. He had the illusion that he had traveled through time.

After gathering his composure, Schneider was sure.

It's not time travel, he hasn't time traveled, he's still at the headquarters.

But the look of the headquarters has changed.

Before, it was still a futuristic science fiction style. Based on the powerful functions of Norma, super computing and virtual screen projection made this headquarters very busy.

Although there are less than ten staff members here, each one can play the role of an entire think tank team with the assistance of Norma.

But now, all the virtual projection screens that were once lit are gone.

The headquarters suddenly changed from a futuristic science fiction style to a 21st century realism style.

No one called Norma.

Because no one answered.

Norma is gone.

Professor Schneider was silent.


He said.

No one answered.

The headquarters was as quiet as a cemetery.

Schneider shuddered.

So cold.

It was the wind from behind, blowing from the starry sky, blowing at the command post.

It turned out that their world was so quiet after losing Norma.

Professor Schneider gets it.

The Supreme Council's infiltration of the Camarilla has reached such an extent.

He should have thought of it earlier.

The Supreme Council put a lot of effort into the process of creating Norma.

Only they themselves know how much they have done to Norma's underlying structure.

In fact, no matter what they did, they only needed to make Norma switch sides at the critical moment, or that there was no need to switch sides, just that Norma failed.

The Supreme Council can also achieve their goals.

The staff members were still looking at Schneider.

In the dark headquarters, only starlight is left, shining cruelly on everyone.

In order to facilitate virtual screen projection, the headquarters turned off all the lights.

This time, no one thought to turn on the lights again.

Without Norma, they couldn't even get in touch with battlefields everywhere.

Because of lack of manpower.

Too many people were infected by the star disaster and became "lookers". If it weren't for Norma, the hybrid command system would have been paralyzed.

Before, they would inevitably sigh in their hearts, how good it is, and fortunately there is Norma.

But now, Norma and the others have lost Norma.

What else could they do.

At this time, Schneider is their only support.


Schneider said.

"You've all taken my class."

"He also fought alongside me."

"So, what is a Dragon Slayer."

Schneider stood up, dragging the oxygen trolley with his steps staggering but firm.

He smashed a stack of papers on the table.

"I told Angers before."

"Technology that is too convenient will sooner or later destroy the Dragon Slayer."

"What the Dragon Slayer deserves most is not Norma, artificial intelligence, airplanes and tanks, or bombs with a certain yield."

"There is only one person the mixed-race can truly rely on."

Professor Schneider spoke faster and faster.

At the same time, he banged one box after another on the table.

Schneider pulled out an ax from nowhere, cracked it a few times, and pried them apart.

Inside is a sword and a walkie-talkie. It is a hard and rough tome. You can tell at a glance that it must have come down from the growth line of Suzhou. It may not have many functions and is not as sophisticated as anything else, but it is definitely easy to use.

It's not good enough to make you bang it twice, but it will work.

"I know what you are thinking."

"I know you are desperate."

"I know you want my comfort."

Professor Schneider said.

His words should have been impassioned, which would arouse everyone's emotions even more.

but no.

Schneider looked even a little lonely at this time.

He leaned against the table.

Francis suddenly discovered that Professor Schneider was also old.

He is also an old man.

He is still an old man dragging oxygen bottles and life support equipment and may die at any time.

"But, boys."

"terribly sorry."

Professor Schneider said.

"To comfort you, I can't do this kind of thing."

"I can't even pray."

"We are weak."


Schneider took out the alchemical weapon from the box.

"We need them."

"I think you all heard what the vice principal said."

"The end is now."

"We lost Norma, too."

"In fact, we don't even know who the enemy is."

"There could never be a worse battlefield."

"I understand those who want to pray and those who want to wait for death."

"I don't blame you."

"We are all weak."


Schneider said.

"It's all death anyway, why not die in a different way."

"I prefer that when we die, we are on the way to charge.

"I am leaving."

After Schneider finished speaking, he turned around.

"Where are you going!"

Francis stood up quickly and said.

"I mean, which battlefield."

"Young man."

Schneider looked back at him.

He pointed in a circle and encompassed the whole world.

"Everywhere is a battlefield."

Francis seemed to be struck by something invisible.

Schneidermei ignored him and went out.

Francis gritted his teeth, took a weapon from the box, and followed.

Then comes the next staff officer.

Get the next staff officer.

Just a blink of an eye.

The headquarters was empty.


"Master, your rose."

The vice principal was drunk and hazy.

"Rose? What rose!"

"Where's my brandy!"


The visitor said with a smile.

"This is the rose you ordered."

"Ordered it half a century ago, you may have forgotten."

"It doesn't matter."

The words of the visitor seemed to have some kind of magic power, making the vice-principal unable to concentrate to listen.


"This rose is exactly the same as it was then."

"Have you remembered?"

The visitor placed an empty tray in front of the vice principal.

There is nothing on it, let alone a rose.

The vice principal seemed to have seen something.


"Half a century ago."

"let me see."

"Yes Yes."

The vice-principal muttered to himself.

Alchemy can do many things that modern science cannot explain, such as rewriting memory.

In ancient legends, when alchemy was first founded, it was to imitate the spirit of the dragon clan.

Half a century ago, the vice-principal took out a certain memory of his, encrypted it, and sank it into the deepest part of the sea of ​​memory.

The vice-principal has set up a certain mechanism for it. Once triggered, the memory will automatically float up and be unsealed.

This was before the vice-chancellor entered Kassel.

Then came his fifty years in Kassel.

Fifty years later, the mechanism established by the original vice-chancellor was triggered.

Then, he remembered.

The vice principal was confused for a long time.

He was sorting through the memories he had suddenly acquired.

This was a painful process, with a strong sense of dislocation, and the vice principal almost vomited.

The vice principal's face darkened little by little, and he rubbed his brows.

The vice-principal seemed to be a changed person.

There was some kind of deep and mysterious smile on his face.

It's amazing to say that even though it's still the same face, its temperament can undergo earth-shaking changes.

If the previous vice-principal was a couch potato, an insulator for beautiful girls, girls would have to walk around him when they saw him. Trying not to show disgust was the greatest respect for the alchemist master.

So the current vice-principal can even compete with Angers in terms of personal charm.

He was the kind of decadent scholar with a strong magnetic force.

The vice-principal glanced at the brandy, frowned, and took another sip. His excellent upbringing prevented him from spitting the drink away.

The vice-principal threw away the brandy casually. This was his beloved wine that he had to catch a drop of even if he slipped on his knees, but now he threw it away casually.

"Where are the clothes."

The vice-principal tore off the stinking cloth, and the visitor respectfully presented him with an alchemist uniform. The vice-principal wrapped himself in a black robe, and his frown, which had always been tight, relaxed a little.

"Wake me up now."

"What year is this?"

"2010, Master."

The vice principal looked at him slowly.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on the visitor's forehead.

He had scoffed at carrying out such a task before, the vice-principal of Kassel, that joke. As for going through so much trouble for such a joke.

Only now did he understand that the real vice principal was such a terrifying figure.

Just the look alone has such authority.

The change from before to after was so big, as if he was a completely different person.

"I need an explanation."

said the vice principal.

"Why wake me up two years early."


The visitor bent down more respectfully than before, and handed over his notebook. Opposite him was the contemporary Speaker of the Supreme Council.

"I guess you can't meld memories very well, Master."

said the Speaker of Parliament.

"I'll explain it to you."

The notebook illuminated the face of the vice-principal, and the visitor bowed his head and stood in silence.

"I see."

The vice-principal was thoughtful.

"With so much going on, plans are moving forward."

"Is it Lu Mingfei who caused all this?"

"That S-class that Angelibao has."


said the Speaker of Parliament.

"The gods are coming."

"We have to provide accurate coordinates."

"To facilitate the gods to locate this era in the long river of time."

"So, we need your wisdom."


said the vice principal.

"This is the mission of my school."

"No need to say more."

"Good work."

The Speaker nodded.

“Our people will show you the way.”

The Speaker ended the call with the Vice-Chancellor.

The visitor said to the vice principal.

"Master, please come with me. We have prepared everything you need, just waiting for you to host it."

The vice-principal stared at his face for a long time.

"Have I seen you somewhere?"

The visitor did not speak.

"Looked up."

Then the visitor raised his head, revealing one blue and one golden eye.

"Odd-colored eyes."

said the vice principal.

The vice-principal muttered to himself.

"It's strange, it doesn't look like you, but why do I see the shadow of one of my students in you."

"who is he?"

"A barbarian who only knows how to fight."

said the vice principal.

"Okay, I recognized the wrong person, let's go."


Someone said.

They passed a full-length mirror.

The vice principal looked at himself in the mirror.

The vice principal couldn't see anything unusual in his expression.

But almost no one knows.

The vice-principal sealed more than one memory.

There is a paradox here.

It stands to reason that the vice-principal should set a special trigger mechanism for each confidential memory.

But after the vice-principal sealed the first memory, he forgot that he had sealed the memory.

Therefore, when the vice principal sealed the memory for the second time, he subconsciously set the same trigger mechanism.

So far, the vice-principal has recovered two memories at the same time.

One period is the past, the mission he shouldered before coming to Kassel.

One was a memory he kept secret for Lu Mingfei when he was in Kassel, to be precise, last year.

At that time, Lu Mingfei awakened and said "Don't die".

The vice principal discovered the secret behind the words "Don't die".

For all other hybrid species, the use of the Word Spirit is to give orders to the domain in which it expands, and what is changed is only a small range of rules within the domain.

Lu Mingfei's "Don't die" was an order to the whole world, changing the rules of the world.

There is an essential difference between the two.

At that time, the vice principal guessed Lu Mingfei's possible identity from Lu Mingfei's words.

This is taboo.

With the knowledge of the vice-principal, he naturally understands that a lot of knowledge has power in itself. Let alone touching it, if you know it, it is a curse.

What's more, the secrets of Lu Mingfei may be related to the ultimate outcome of this world.

No way, no way.

Who said the vice-principal was too smart? As a true master of alchemy, the vice-principal’s innate wisdom stood at the pinnacle of countless people.

Being too smart is also a curse. For example, the vice principal, he naturally guessed Lu Mingfei's identity. Obviously this was a secret that he should not know, so the vice principal could only choose to forget it.

Also forgotten with him at that time was his son, Professor Manstein.

Now, the Supreme Council not only awakened the vice-principal's memory before going to Kassel, but also awakened the vice-principal's speculation about Lu Mingfei.

By this point in time, the end has come, and the Supreme Council's plan has reached the final stage. At this point in time, many secrets can no longer be kept secret.

As a result, the vice principal knew Lu Mingfei's true identity. (End of chapter)

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