
Caesar said.

"Who is speaking."

Chu Zihang opened his eyes. He kept the same posture as before, crouching with his eyes closed, silently, just like a Buddha.

They must fight tooth and nail to prevent the Emperor's Tomb from closing.

Chu Zihang listened attentively.

"Is there any movement?"

Nono said.


Chu Zihang said.


Zero said.

"You must have heard wrong."

Nono smiled.

"Why, I'm so stressed that I'm hallucinating."

Nono is probably the only person in the world who can talk to Caesar like this.

"Don't forget, my word spirit is Kama Itachi."

Caesar said.

His golden eyes lit up, he expanded his territory, and the invisible sickle and weasel wandered in all directions.

Caesar closed his eyes.

He has the right to receive the information sent back by Kamamaitachi.

Nuonuo calmed down. Through the Lotus Flower Technique, she saw Caesar looking like he was facing a powerful enemy. Nuonuo knew that Caesar was not joking.

Caesar must have heard something.

Nuonuo silently presided over the Padmasambhava method. After this period of time passed, the damage caused by looking directly at the essence of the god Dragon King gradually healed.

Who would have thought that just profiling the Emperor's tomb would allow her to get a glimpse of the White King.

Nono felt that he was so unlucky.

But, having said that, Nono is really curious. This junior sister is called Zero, right? Her Royal Highness the Russian Princess. Nono can’t figure it out. What kind of monster are you? You actually look directly at King Bai without saying a word. It's too strong.

Nuonuo's mind was spinning with a few things, but her mental state was still focused on Caesar.

Suddenly heard something.

It seemed that of the four people here, only Caesar heard it.

And it was a special occasion like the Tomb of Emperor Takamawahara.

Nono was worried about Caesar.

You shouldn't have heard anything bad.

Caesar opened his eyes, and the three of them looked at him one after another. They tried to find out the result on Caesar's face, but they only saw Caesar's slight frown.

"Kamaitachi can't hear it."

Even stranger.

What it is, Chu Zihang, Nuonuo and Ling can't hear it, nor can Caesar's voice spirit Kamitachi, only Caesar himself can hear it.


Nono said.

"What did you hear?"

Caesar was silent for a moment.

He was probably listening.

Caesar said.

"Who is calling me.

Nuonuo only felt a gust of wind blowing by. Damn it, she was in the spiritual space of Lian Sheng Dharma. This was a pure spiritual body. How could there be Yinfeng.

"Stop it."

Nono said.

"Your ghost stories are not scary at all."

Caesar looked at the emperor's tomb in silence. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky in Takamagahara was gray, with no sun, moon or stars.

Is it because this is the Nibelungen?

Or is it a legacy of the Takamagahara War?

Caesar looked at it for a while, then looked away, and looked around again.

Caesar seemed to be looking for something.

Nono realized that what Caesar said before was not a joke or a ghost story.

It turns out that Caesar actually heard someone calling him.

who is it?

Caesar turned to look at Chu Zihang.

"I remember your grades were good."

"How's your genealogy going?"

"The professor gave me an A."

"very good."

Caesar opened and closed his palms and looked at them for a moment. His eyes were full of strangeness, as if this was the first time in his life that Caesar had seen his own palms.

"I... suddenly had an idea."

"I'm weird."

"Can't say why."

Caesar pursed his lips.

Both Nono and Chu Zihang saw Caesar like this for the first time.

They listened quietly.

Caesar took a deep breath.

He raised his blue eyes.

Chu Zihang suddenly felt that these blue eyes were like the sky and the ocean, vast and mysterious.

Chu Zihang thought of Golden Eyes for no reason.

But Caesar clearly did not light up his golden eyes.

These are just ordinary blue eyes.

Chu Zihang thought, are there really eyes as noble as those of a yellow chicken in this world?

He remembered an anime written "Naruto" read "Eye Saga".

It seems that the second part of Naruto has come out. The most powerful Sharingan and Samsara Eye in the previous part suddenly tell you that the joke-like Byakugan can also evolve into triple jump, Byakugan Tenseigan and then Pure Eye. This is the most powerful one. Strong eyes.

Chu Zihang had seen it sporadically, and he remembered that his pure eyes were also blue.

Caesar spoke.

"I know it's inappropriate to say this at this time, but it suddenly feels like saying it."

"Actually, I've always been curious."

Caesar said.

"I'm level A."

"But there are many A-level hybrids in this world."

"And my word spirit is just Kamaitachi."

Caesar smiled.

"I know that a person's words, spirit and blood cannot completely determine whether the person is great or not. Character, will and leadership, these intangible qualities are equally important."


"The Gattuso family."

Caesar said.

"The Gattuso family has given me unparalleled attention since I was born."

"No one can tell leadership or character or quality from a baby."

"The baby in front of them only has blood and dragon blood concentration."

"Even though I wasn't awake at the time."

"But the Gattuso family, you know, some ancient mixed-race families always have some superfluous technologies."

"They could test dragon blood levels on a baby instead."

"Of course, I'm level A."

"It's an elite, but by no means a rare A-level one."

"Objectively speaking, Anger, Lu Mingfei, and Yuan Zhi from the Eight Sheqi Family have three children."

"Their bloodline is higher than mine."

"But Gattuso's old men, and Gattuso's stewards, or should I say, all of Gattuso's people."

Caesar paused and said.

"They all regard me as a god."

Caesar smiled.

"You don't know, I have memories from a very young age. I remember when I was a baby."

"I can still see it now."

“They put the baby in sackcloth swaddling clothes.”

"No, it's not because they can't afford silk. In fact, if they wanted to, they could decorate a palace with silk."

“I believe that linen swaddling is a symbol of some occult existence.”

"They put this baby on the throne."

"Mummy-like old men crawled out of their life-support machines and walked on their knees to the throne. They kowtowed to the baby and paid homage."

Caesar said.

"You guessed it, this baby is me."

"But it's not me they're worshiping."

"Everyone at Gattuso told me I was special and great in the bedroom."

"I never understood it."

"what about you."

Caesar asked Chu Zihang, Nono and Ling.

"Do you understand why a baby is great?"

"Is it because of the A-level bloodline?"

Caesar scoffed.

"I can confirm that every one of these mummy-like old men is Grade A."

"There's even an S-class."

"This is obvious. The Gattuso family has always strictly controlled the bloodline of their offspring. Every bride in the Gattuso family must be approved by all the elders."

"They value the heir's lineage as much as the glory of Gattuso's name."

"My mother, many people say, my mother died because she gave birth to me."

"So, don't you find it strange?"

"Why is it that the heir to whom the Gattuso family has high hopes is only an A-level person?"

Caesar said.

"Of course, when I was a child, I once thought that maybe it was because of my speaking ability.\

,""I have a powerful voice that can change the world."

Caesar shrugged.

"A child."

He said.

"Perhaps the Gattuso family has some kind of technology that can detect the voice of mixed-race babies."

"Of course, now we know that whether the Gattuso family has such technology or not, the importance they attach to me must have nothing to do with Yanling."

Caesar said slowly.


He smiled.

This smile hides a lot of meaning. Yes, Kamaitachi. In fact, the serial number of this Kotōrei is not low, but it does not meet Caesar's standards. Even Kamaitachi's high-level Kotōrei Vampire Scythe is nothing more than that.

Caesar believed that with the attitude of Gattuso's mummy elders looking higher than their heads, neither the so-called sickle or the vampire scythe was qualified to attract their attention.

So that’s it.

Caesar said.

"I never thought about it."

"Old thing, why are they paying attention to me?"

"If it weren't for dragon blood."

Caesar asked Chu Zihang.

"Look, is there such a possibility?"

"There is something more noble than dragon blood in hybrids."

When Caesar said this, he himself was doubtful.

No matter if you tell this sentence to anyone, they will probably laugh at you.

What does it mean that there is something nobler than dragon blood in a mixed race?

Please, could you please read the definition of mixed race carefully before speaking?

The so-called hybrids, simply put, are humans with dragon blood flowing through them.

Have you seen it, humans with dragon blood flowing through them?

If it weren't for dragon blood, hybrids would be just ordinary humans.

Therefore, from the most basic definition, the idea that "there is something more noble than dragon blood in hybrids" is wrong.

This is why Caesar didn't ask until today.

Even Caesar found this idea too strange.


This time Caesar heard someone calling him.

He heard it with his own ears, but not with his kamaitachi.

This is enough to prove a lot of things.

Dragon's blood is interference. Caesar has never believed that he does have something different from dragon's blood, and even more noble than dragon's blood.

Perhaps this is also the final result of the Gattuso family's purification of blood for generations and strict selection and control of marriage.

In a sense, Caesar is a product of the Gattuso family, a creation carefully tuned in the laboratory.

Caesar does not need to agree. It is enough for him to agree with himself. However, the king is always good at listening to other people's opinions. This is the king's duty.

So he asked Chu Zihang.

In fact, Caesar was already prepared to be laughed at. Although Chu Zihang was not the type to laugh at, but...


,"Nuonuo laughed in the spiritual connection of Padmasambhava.

"What are you talking about, Caesar?"

"I'm so stressed that I finally got something wrong with my brain!"

Caesar could completely imagine what Nono would look like at this moment, if Nono was right in front of him.

So Huo, even if there is no Chu Zihang, there is still Nono here, right?

There will always be people who laugh at him.

Caesar doesn't care. What's wrong with being laughed at by his own girl? No one else wants to be treated like this.

What about you, Chu Zihang?

Caesar heard Chu Zihang say.


Nono's laughter stopped.

Caesar's smile froze.


Caesar's brain was working quickly.

Let him think about it and let her think about what Chu Zihang's "um" meant.

represents something.

It's um what.

Yes, yes, yes.

But what did Chu Zihang agree to?

Caesar finally remembered.

What he asked Chu Zihang before.

"There is something more noble than dragon blood among hybrids. Is it possible?"

Chu Zihang's answer was.


Caesar took a deep breath.

His heart was a little confused.

Oh, this situation is really rare for Caesar.

Caesar had a lot to say to Chu Zihang.

Caesar has always had doubts about his life experience. This doubt has been buried in Caesar's heart for a long time. Caesar thought that this doubt would continue to be buried in his heart like it had been for the past twenty years. After another twenty years, four Ten, sixty, eighty, when so many years have passed, and when Caesar dies, this doubt will be in the grave together with his corpse.

Unexpectedly, today, Caesar was recognized by Chu Zihang.

"What is it?"

Caesar said.

"What is more noble than dragon blood in a mixed race?"

Caesar found that Chu Zihang was looking at him with a very strange look.

Caesar waited for Chu Zihang's answer.

"I can't say."

Chu Zihang said.

"As you know, there are many things that I don't even know about, and I can't say anything about them."

Caesar hesitated to speak.

They knew this. They had just experienced it not long ago. Nono profiled the essence of the White King. If Zero was not special, they would not know the information Nono profiled anyway, because Nono couldn't tell.

"That's it again."

Caesar said.

But he relaxed his brows.

"You seem happy."

Chu Zihang said.


Caesar said.

"It confirms what I have long thought, and anyone who replaces me will be happy."

"I knew those old guys had bad intentions."

"You know, it feels strange for Grandpa to be shocked."

"It's like I'm not a human being in their eyes."

"I smoke that family. That family always gives me a rotten smell. I suspect that the water circulation system of Gattuso Castle is filled with liquid formalin."

"It's hard for you to imagine the way those old guys looked at me."

"It's not the way you should look at a normal person at all."

"Of course, this is not the way you should look at a so-called genius."

"I never understood it when I was a child. I just felt disgusted subconsciously until I was invited by the Pope to visit the Vatican. I saw believers from all over the world who came here for pilgrimage. They had the same look in their eyes. I was too familiar with this and couldn't be wrong."

Caesar said.

"The way those old guys looked at me is exactly the same as the way believers look at me during pilgrimage."

“I almost threw up in the Vatican that day.”

"I swear, if I hadn't worn the dress my mother had sewn for me that day, I would have done it for fear of getting it dirty."

"From that day on, I decided that from now on, no matter what the old guy asked me to do, I would definitely not do it. Whatever they wanted me to be, I would definitely do the opposite."

"The thing that disgusts me the most is that no matter how much trouble I make, they still look at me like, you know, like a believer."

"I'm so sick."

"Later I even wondered if I was worrying too much."

Caesar said.

He spoke in a relaxed tone, as if a burden had been lifted off him, and now he was just chatting with his good friends.

"So, how happy I am now."

"I didn't think too much."

"Those damn rotten, filthy bugs..."

Caesar scrawled more than a hundred non-repeated curse words without even taking a breath.

You see his polite smile and his lovable demeanor, and you would never imagine what Caesar is doing at this moment.

After speaking in one breath, Caesar breathed freely and smiled broadly.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

Nono whistled.


"thanks, thanks."

Caesar said.

"Wait a mininute."

Caesar listened.

It seems that the call of location has come to him again.


Caesar said.

"I am listening."


"Aren't you going to introduce yourself first?"

"All right."

"How rude."

"Oh I got it."

"The Religion."

Chu Zihang and the other three listened quietly.

When he heard the word "religion" from Caesar's mouth, Chu Zihang's heart moved.

Facial paralysis is good, no matter how turbulent your heart is, it will not show on your face.

Chu Zihang accurately captured that word.


This is the second time I heard this word. The last time, Chu Zihang was in the mouth of the principal.

Chu Zihang thought of Angers' description about the age of gods, dragons and humans again.

Should it be a coincidence or necessity? No matter who asked Caesar's question, which hybrid or which scholar, the result he got would definitely be that Caesar was crazy.

The most important and noble thing in a mixed race is of course dragon blood, what else can there be.

Just in time, Caesar asked Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang knew.

There is something more noble about hybrids than dragon blood.

It's people.

Man is originally the son of destiny and the master of the world, unless he was usurped by the dragon clan.

Of course, this news cannot be said. Once it is exported and triggered, the hanging gardens of the Nibelungen will descend. At that time, the age of the gods will return.

They haven't found Lu Mingfei yet. If the gods return at this time, everything will be over.

However, after listening to Caesar's story, Chu Zihang suddenly discovered that the Gattuso family seemed to be hiding some huge secrets.

Even Principal Anger only learned the secrets of the Age of Gods, Dragon Age and Human Age in the Hanging Garden.

The Gattuso family seems to have known this for a long time.

And they are preparing for the return of the gods.

Gattuso had been preparing for a long time, and the final product of their plan was Caesar.

Chu Zihang had to think about it, could it be that there were some items on Caesar... related to gods?

At this time, Chu Zihang heard about "God's Religion" from Caesar again.

It was obvious that Caesar was trying to convey his message to them through his soliloquy.

Nuonuo and Ling may not understand the word divine religion very well, but Chu Zihang immediately understood what divine religion represented.

There has always been such a weird organization in the mixed-race world. They exist in the form of a church, secretly recruit believers, and spread the message of the Doomsday Judgment.

Chu Zihang once looked at the church's archives in the executive department.

The divine religion mentioned by Caesar can only refer to this church in the mixed race world.

The church has always been on Cassell's hit list.

In Cassell's view, the church belongs to the capitulation faction, and the god they worship is undoubtedly the dragon.

How sinful it is to interpret the church's classics in this way. They are actually trying to welcome the return of the Dragon Clan, kneeling at the feet of the Dragon Clan, and willing to become their slaves.

However, it now seems that the so-called church may not have believed in dragons from the beginning, but God, the real God.

Chu Zihang was shocked to realize that the Gattuso family, the church, and perhaps other organizations were hiding in the dark or on the surface.

It turns out that the influence of gods on this world has never disappeared.

Although it has been from the age of gods to the age of dragons.

But the gods never left.

"You guys say it."

Caesar said in a playful tone.

"I am the Son of God."

Caesar smiled.

"No, no, no, don't use that tone."

"You have to understand."

"The one who really should be angry is me."

Caesar's eyes were cold.

"Okay, the game is over."

"You Chen Gong amused me."

"Now, get out of my head."

Chu Zihang waited for a while.

He noticed that Caesar had stopped talking.

"Is it over?"


Caesar said.

"Although these guys are still chattering in my ears, this kind of thing is very simple, just pretend not to hear them."

"I have a lot of experience in this. I have attended both the principal's and Guderian's classes this way."

"So, they're actually still talking to you right now."

"There's nothing I can do."

Caesar said.

“I swear, I’ve never hated scam calls as much as I do now.”

At this point, Caesar probably couldn't help it, he smiled.

"You know, I really don't know how these guys' brains grow. They lie and don't tell the truth."

"You wouldn't believe what they said to me."


Caesar said.

"They actually told me that I was the son of God."

Chu Zihang:......

"What did they actually say? The age of the gods is coming."

Chu Zihang:......

"They actually tried to deceive me and told me to return to God's arms. What else could I do to ascend to heaven, bathe in God's blood, and live forever?"

Caesar paused. He was listening.

"Yes, yes, and the master of the world."


Caesar said.

"They actually" (End of Chapter)

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