Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 1018 Sense of Belonging (Two in One, please subscribe)

Chapter 1018 Sense of Belonging (two-in-one, please subscribe!!!)

White BMW cars shuttled on the streets of the city. Today was a day of full resumption of work. There were a lot of cars on the road. Every traffic light had to be blocked for several minutes. But my uncle was obviously an experienced driver. There were cars on the front, back, left and right. He honked the horn impatiently, but he still leaned on the newly purchased seat cushion, calm and composed.

An old song from ten years ago was playing on the car stereo, "I Really Fall In Love With You", and my uncle was humming along too. The original singer Wang Jie's voice was hoarse and affectionate, and my uncle's singing voice... was also quite refreshing. of.

"There are a lot of cars." Eriki lay on the glass and looked at the busy traffic on the road. In her memory, this city was not so prosperous when she first arrived. The number of pedestrians and cars on the street was almost comparable to that of Tokyo.

"That's for sure. I guess everyone in the city came out today. Chinese people are like this and can't sit still at all." The uncle hooked one hand on the steering wheel and turned to Lu Mingfei and Eryi. "You were not here a few days ago. You don't know how scary this windy and rainy weather is. I heard that several trees were blown down, and a psychiatric hospital in the suburbs was attacked by terrorists. It was reported on TV, and the street office The local and neighborhood committees distributed documents to every household, saying that they were not allowed to go out unless necessary. For three days in a row, rice and eggs were delivered to their doorsteps. It made people panic, as if it was the end of the world... Oh oh oh, secretly I’m in love with you!”

Before the uncle finished speaking, the music in the car reached its climax. As Mai Ba's uncle, of course he couldn't let go of this part and started howling with this voice.

Lu Mingfei and Eriki looked at each other, wondering how their uncle would feel if he knew that the so-called terrorist who attacked the suburban hospital was sitting in his car.

"I saw the news. The weather was really bad some time ago." Lu Mingfei followed his uncle's words and said, "But it's okay, that is, some trees and telephone poles were scratched, and the windows of several houses were scratched. A lot of cars were flooded, but it didn’t seem to cause much damage.”

"I never have the courage to say that I really fall in love with you!!" After the uncle finished singing, he nodded and seamlessly connected to the topic with Lu Mingfei, "Well, everyone should spend the second half of this year. Everything will be fine.”

"Do you have any explanation?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Well, it's a custom in coastal cities like ours. People in the countryside used to say that auspicious snow heralds a good harvest. A heavy snowfall at the end of the year will lead to a smooth and bumper harvest the next year." The uncle explained, "It's the middle of the year here. During the plum rainy season, if there is a particularly heavy rain, all the bad luck in the second half of the year will be washed away, and the weather will be smooth in the following days.”

"There is still such a saying." Lu Mingfei sighed.

"They are all old almanacs, and now only some older people believe in them. Anyway, you young people can just listen to them as superstitions." The uncle laughed, quite open-minded.

"No, what I said makes sense, otherwise the ancients always said that after the rain the sky will clear up." Lu Mingfei also looked out the window at the bustling streets and said softly, "No one likes bad weather. No one likes separation, but only after something happens can you realize how rare peace and joy are.”

"Hey, Mingfei is not very young, but his feelings are quite deep." The uncle smiled boldly, "Very good, very good. The children of our Laolu family are open-minded. You can follow me on this point. Next time when you drink with your uncle, Let’s talk about life.”

Uncle and Lu Mingfei chatted very casually along the way, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed. Even if there were a lot of cars on the road, there would be traffic jams for several minutes from time to time. Uncle said that the roads would not be so congested in a few years, because the government has planned several The construction of the subway line will begin in the second half of the year, and the old city is also ready to develop. When Lu Mingfei and Eryi return to this city in a few years, they are afraid that the city will have changed so much that they will not be able to recognize it. They will come back to develop by then. It's pretty good, after all, no matter how big the outside world is, it can't be as peaceful as staying at home.

Lu Mingfei smiled and said that after passing the school's internship assignment and getting his diploma, he would see how the school arranges it. He would also think it would be great if he could apply for a position to return to China. In fact, he didn't have that big ambition. , I should be content if I can have my own house, live a stable life, and not worry about food and drink.

Along the way, Eriyi was looking at the city outside the window, quietly listening to the chat between her uncle and nephew, who talked about everything in the world. The more superficial ones were chatting about family matters, while the more serious ones were discussing life. She had never felt like this in Tokyo. After experiencing it, it was as if she belonged to this city and had gradually integrated into other people's lives. Her emotions and sorrows were real, not what she saw from TV anime.

The name for this kind of thing might be "sense of belonging".

The white BMW parked leisurely at the entrance of Shilan Middle School.

Today's Shilan Middle School is also quite lively, with a lot of people, because today is the first day of resumption of classes. The energetic freshmen wearing sky blue uniforms walked into the pantheon-like door. There were several more doormen, like radar. His eyes scanned the faces of those who entered the school, in case there were any scum of society trying to sneak into the sacred school.

There is also a row of luxury cars parked in front of Shilan Middle School, from Mercedes-Benz to Porsche, from Bentley to Aston Martin... My uncle’s BMW 3 Series is considered the top of the pyramid in his old neighborhood. It's simply not enough to see here.

"As expected of an aristocratic middle school, the enrollment quality of Shilan Middle School this year is really high!" After parking the car, my uncle looked at the various noble car logos after getting out of the car, and he almost wet his famous brand tie.

"There should be a lot of people who spend money to get in." Lu Mingfei said, "After all, it doesn't mean that your academic performance will be good if your family has money."

"But if someone is willing to spend money, it is also a good thing for the school and other students." The uncle expressed his opinion from the perspective of capital. "With sufficient funds, the school can equip students with better teaching equipment and teaching staff, and high schools and junior high schools can also provide students with better teaching equipment and teaching staff." It’s different. Some students have weak foundations, but as long as they are willing to learn and have good teaching quality, they will definitely be good in the future.”

"That's true." Lu Mingfei nodded. Before he could take a step forward, two figures came out of nowhere, holding him up one on the left and the other on the right.

"I found it, I found Brother Lu!" said the handsome guy on the left.

"150,000, 150,000 yuan!" the handsome man on the right said excitedly, "we both found it together, and we will share the bounty given by the little goddess equally!"

Lu Mingfei looked left and right, and saw exactly the same face on both sides.

"What are you two doing?" Lu Mingfei looked at the two brothers Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao and asked.

"Brother Lu, where have you been? I've been disconnected for several days. My classmates called you, but they can't contact you!" Xu Yanyan said.

"Little Heavenly Girl posted a post offering a reward of 150,000 yuan for you. He said he suspected that you had been kidnapped by terrorists!" Xu Miaomiao explained, "Some people also said that you were swept away by a typhoon."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not being nice." Lu Mingfei glanced at his uncle. Fortunately, his uncle didn't become suspicious and thought it was a joke among classmates. "Isn't that post offering a reward of 100,000? I remember?"

"Hey, Brother Lu, do you know about this?" Xu Miaomiao was stunned, "It was 100,000 yuan at first, but no one could find you, so the little goddess started to increase the amount, adding 10,000 yuan a day, oh, by the way, you If I had shown up a few hours later, it might have gone up to 160,000 today!”

Lu Mingfei was shocked again by Xiao Xiao. He really didn't expect that Xiao Tiannu could do this... He was a little scared.

Mr. Shao must have known about this, but he had always hidden himself well. It seemed that that guy was indeed quite loyal... What Lu Mingfei didn't expect was that Shao Yifeng had long imagined them to be some kind of international superpower. He is capable of spying. If his whereabouts are revealed, the entire Black Prince Group will stop trying. He will not do such stupid things.

"Go, go, you can make money from your classmates." Lu Mingfei gave Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao a hammer, "I came here today to clarify this matter. I am not missing, but something happened a few days ago. I’m going to the city, but the signal is not very good these days, isn’t it?”

Obviously Lu Mingfei lied. He didn't come here today to clarify the matter. He made an appointment with everyone from Cassel College to meet here. He didn't even know why he met Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao here today.

It seemed like I met these two guys first when I invited my senior here last time, right? It's exactly the same beginning. It seems that we really can't make appointments to meet here in the future. I don't know why these old graduates like to run to high school.

"Lu Mingfei!" A familiar girl jumped out of a high-end Mercedes-Benz S-class car, and two girls followed her, walking quickly towards Lu Mingfei.

Su Xiaoqiang, Liu Miaomiao, Chen Wenwen... Lu Mingfei couldn't help but feel dizzy when he saw this lineup.

Why are all these high school classmates here together again? Still at the gate of Shilan Middle School? Does the resumption of classes at Shilan Middle School today have anything to do with them?

"Long time no see..." Lu Mingfei didn't know how to say it. It was not good for him to act too affectionate or too cold. Eri Yi was still watching.

"Are you okay? Where have you gone? Everyone has been looking for you these days, and no one can contact you!" Su Xiaoqiang circled around Lu Mingfei, as if to see if Lu Mingfei was intact. No missing arms or legs.

Liu Miaomiao and Chen Wenwen behind them also kept staring at Lu Mingfei, and their eyes made him feel a little scared.

"I'm really not here during this period..." Lu Mingfei was about to explain when Su Xiaoqiang suddenly pulled him aside.

"You can lie to a fool, but don't try to deceive me. You haven't left the city at all!" Su Xiaoqiang glared and lowered his voice and said to Lu Mingfei, "Don't you remember the car I lent you? The police gave it to me later. He called me and told me that the car had been found in a nursing home in the suburbs, and asked me if I had been involved in a terrorist attack!"

Lu Mingfei secretly said something bad and almost forgot about borrowing the car.

"Sorry, sorry, I borrowed your car and it broke down. In the end, you had to ask someone to tow it back." Lu Mingfei was really apologetic, "I will compensate you for the car."

"No need, you know I'm not looking for you to talk about paying for the car." Su Xiaoqiang glared at Lu Mingfei, "What's going on at the Sacred Heart Hospital? I heard that a building was bombed! How did you get caught? Involved in something like that?"

"It's not that exaggerated. It's a floor, not a building." Lu Mingfei said that the rumors were getting more and more sinister as they spread. "We went to the Sacred Heart Hospital that day to see our senior brother's mother. Her mother was probably there. We were hospitalized. You know that the hospital is full of rich people. They were probably targeted by some human traffickers. Anyway, nothing happened to anyone in the end. We hid in Mr. Shao’s place for a while and came out after the news passed. "

Fortunately, Lu Mingfei thought about the second set of words in advance. At this moment, he finally understood why people often said that if you tell a lie, you must use more lies to make up for it. In the end, he simply blamed it on Mr. Shao... Anyway, Mr. Shao There are enough blames to be shouldered, including this one.

"Mr. Shao? Are you talking about Shao Yifeng?" Su Xiaoqiang didn't expect to hear this familiar name from Lu Mingfei, "How do you know Shao Yifeng?"

"No, I know him, it's my senior sister, she and Mr. Shao are quite familiar with each other." As soon as Lu Mingfei said this, Su Xiaoqiang's eyes showed contempt.

Lu Mingfei saw Su Xiaoqiang's expression and knew that she must have thought wrongly. He thought that Mr. Shao's reputation was really not very good. Once a woman was associated with him, people's first reaction would be like a relationship between alcohol and sex.

"Don't think too much, my senior sister and Mr. Shao are just elementary school classmates. Mr. Shao has been pursuing her, but she has a fiancé." Lu Mingfei explained.

"Oh, the 'perfect angel' that Shao Yifeng always talks about is your senior sister." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly realized, "Is your senior sister so good? I think Shao Yifeng has been fascinated by her."

"It's not that she's so good, it's just the feeling of white moonlight, you know." Lu Mingfei felt that he couldn't stay on this topic with Su Xiaoqiang for too long. He looked around and asked, "Have you seen my senior brother? Oh, by the way, why did you all come to school today?"

"I didn't see my senior brother, I just arrived. As for why we all came..." Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei with a dim look in his eyes, "It's because of you."

"Ah?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused, "What do you mean..."

Before Lu Mingfei finished speaking, another familiar voice floated over.

"Lu Mingfei, you're late, do you know? Are you still chatting up girls here?" Nuo Nuo walked over quickly, obviously a little angry.

"This is my classmate, senior sister..." Lu Mingfei was about to explain, but one of his arms was grabbed by Nuo Nuo.

Nuonuo grabbed Eri with her other hand and pulled them to Shilan Middle School in a rather tough manner. She did not forget to turn around and say hello to Su Xiaoqiang and the others: "Hello, classmates, goodbye, classmates."

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned and stood there, staring at Nuonuo's back in a daze. This was probably the first time she saw a girl who could surpass her in terms of momentum and grandeur. She still remembered what Lu Mingfei called this girl just now... Senior Sister.

"Who is that?" Liu Miaomiao and Chen Wenwen couldn't help but come forward to ask.

"Probably 'Angel'." Su Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes.

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