Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 726 【0715】 Death falls from the sky

Kuscana dive, the standard bombing maneuver of the Demacia Air Force bombing formation.

The dragon bird performing the Kuscana dive will fold its wings together, adopt a predatory posture to catch prey from the air, and dive down at a nearly vertical angle. In a few breaths, it can rush from an altitude of 10,000 feet to a height of about a thousand feet above the ground. distance, manual bombing at this altitude.

This technical move requires a lot of cooperation between humans and dragons and birds.

For bombardiers, they have to endure the intense discomfort caused by the weightlessness when the height drops suddenly, and in this process, they must cooperate with the actions of the dragon bird to allow themselves to accurately drop the bomb at the lowest point, so that Hit the target.

As for the dragon birds, they need to control their flight rhythm and fly in the air with people on board, but they cannot really get close to the ground or even fall headlong to the ground.

Much of the Dragon Bird Knight's zipline throwing training can be completed on the ground, but for dive bombing missions, all training must be carried out in cooperation with the Dragon Bird rider - therefore, there are dedicated people in the squadron to clean the Dragon Bird. The bird's nest is different. In the dive bombing formation, almost everyone eats and lives with the dragon bird.

And now, the hard training over the past ten years has finally paid off.

Before the air defense formation on the Xiongdu Front realized the identity of the enemy, the twenty-headed dragon birds began to dive downward from above the clouds in a standard Kuscana dive attitude.

Behind them, the bombers mastered the weightless state and took out the carefully guarded Hex Crystal.

Eight thousand feet.

Five thousand feet.

Three thousand feet.

Two thousand feet.

One thousand feet.

The swooping dragon bird let out a sharp cry, and suddenly spread its wings as the air defense wing switched targets.

Scattered arrows came through the air, some missed, some flew away by grazing the dragon bird's feathers, a few hit the dragon bird, but due to the protection of the leather armor below the dragon bird, the effect was not obvious.

The heavy bed crossbow can cause a fatal blow to the leather armor of the bombing formation, but it is too slow to change direction. Even if half of the bombers choose the heavy bed crossbow as the target, the air defense wing and even the crossbow aircraft None of the adjustments have been completed.

No one noticed that just after the dive was completed, several blue crystal balls shining like gems were quietly thrown out of the air and were flying to the ground at high speed.

Almost everyone was attracted by the dragon bird with its wings spread wide and climbing rapidly upwards.

Among the three heavy bed crossbows, one has already locked onto the target!

But... it's too late.

The artificial hex crystal fell.

If it falls from such a height, even if it lands on meadows or dead leaves, the impact is enough to cause the crystal energy to become unstable. Once the energy of the Hex Crystal becomes unstable, there will be only one result.




A shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted on the ground, and gray-white Hex dust suddenly appeared in the forest on the hilltop like a flour bag hung in mid-air and punched hard.

The three heavy-duty bed crossbows that had been locked for firing received a lot of attention. At least ten Hex crystals fell around each one. Almost in the blink of an eye, these heavy-duty bed crossbows were hit by the terrifying shock wave. Crush.

The crossbow string collapsed, and various machine parts and the crossbowman operating it were blown into the air and torn to pieces.

Although Heya, who had survived Yalong's dragon fire, reacted immediately and raised her shield, she was still swept away by the shock wave. She flew sideways for a long distance like a torn sack, and plunged into the dead body. In the pile of leaves, one does not know life or death.

Compared with the heavy bed crossbows that have been focused on, others in the air defense wing are undoubtedly much luckier.

Although they also suffered scattered bombings, because the targets were relatively small and the positions were scattered, most of them were not directly thrown away by the shock wave of the explosion like Heya.

Although they are also within the explosion range, as long as they are not unlucky, most of them will only suffer some shock.

Dizziness, dizziness, internal organs seem to be displaced.

Compared with the physical injuries, this kind of attack from the sky is more fatal to their psychological blow.

After the explosion, the minds of the air defense wing soldiers who had never seen such a situation were completely blank. They put down their crossbows and spears in a daze, and watched the bombing formation leave with distracted eyes, even resisting. Their thoughts were gone - they had never seen such a rapid and terrifying attack method, and they had never expected that one day, the Dragon Bird Knight would launch an active and fatal attack on the ground.

The bombing formation, which had spent a lot of money, threw more than a hundred Hex crystals in just one dive bomb!

Even the hills in the Badaopo target area were blasted out with a patch of alopecia areata!

Under such an offensive, the air defense formation originally ambushed here by the Xiongdu Front Army had completely lost its combat effectiveness.

I don’t know whether the commander is alive or dead.

Heavy anti-aircraft equipment was blown up all over the ground.

The soldier could not find a way to fight back and fell into an emotional breakdown.

Although due to the cover and shelter of the forest, the number of casualties in the air defense formation was only about one-third, but from this moment on, in this battle, they had completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Even if these people are gathered later, it will be difficult for them to continue fighting. This bombing from the sky has almost completely destroyed their will to fight. When the dragon bird swoops down, the sharp cry will become A nightmare they will never forget.

Traveling all the way at night, the air defense regiment preparing to ambush at Badaopo thought they had caught a fish.

But they never thought that they were actually the prey.

However, although the air defense wing withdrew from the battle, the battle on Badao Slope was far from over - the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion, who had previously been tasked with luring the enemy, were trying to join the main force of the Flying Wing Legion on their way to outflank. In the mid-air in the north, densely packed dragon and bird knights have appeared.

The battle continues.


Gaguire, who personally led the team, rode a dragon bird and led the main force of the Winged Legion out in full force.

Although the main force of the Xiongdu Front has not yet arrived in Rithos, under Gaguire's previous proposal, Jarvan IV still allowed his request to build a dragon bird's nest in the forward position. With the dragon bird's nest, the Winged Legion The Dragon Bird Knight can take off nearby and wait for work.

According to Gaguire's battle plan, the Flying Wing Legion will dispatch a small-scale lightly-armed dragon and bird knights to pretend to be reconnaissance, but actually lure the enemy into an ambush point and suppress it with ground firepower, while our own side will take advantage of this opportunity to gather dragons on a large scale. The bird knights outflank them and annihilate the pursuing enemies in one fell swoop.

The first step of this battle plan went very smoothly.

The enemy decoy team flew according to the usual reconnaissance path, and soon saw the enemy, and lured them to pursue them all the way, and successfully arrived at the ambush point.

However, what is different from the plan is that it seems that the damage caused by the ground firepower at the ambush point to the enemy is... very limited!

In the field of view of the Hex telescope, only one of the pursuing Dragon Bird Knights seemed to be hit, and the rest seemed to be unwilling to let go, as if they would continue to kill them all, regardless of the firepower on the ground, and they would eat up this reconnaissance team.

Under such circumstances, Gaguire couldn't help but twitch his lips.

As expected, ground air defense is still unreliable. At critical moments, we still have to rely on the Flying Wing Legion themselves... Wait, what is that?

In the field of view of the Hex telescope, several speeding figures suddenly plunged from the sky like diving, and then the air defense positions on the ground exploded into clouds of gray smoke, although it was too far away and Gaguier could not hear it. There were explosions and screams, but his heart sank when he saw this situation.

Throwing things from the sky is not an unimaginable thing. Among the dragon and bird knights of the Winged Legion, there are people who are good at shooting in the air or throwing throwing axes and hammers.

However, the northerners' throwing weapons were obviously something Gaguier had never seen before. Judging from the range, they seemed to have caused quite serious damage to the ground.

Gaguire did not care about the casualties suffered by the ground anti-aircraft positions.

What he cared about was the attitude of the people in the North during this bombing.

They seemed...prepared?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to just throw this strange explosive weapon as soon as the air defense position was exposed!

If the enemy has been prepared, will the subsequent outflanking and interception continue?

Gaguire hesitated for a moment.

However, it was only for a moment.

After a moment of hesitation, Gaguire quickly reacted. Although the enemy seemed to be prepared, they were also prepared for the ground.

Judging from the size of the enemy and the intelligence provided by His Majesty, we have assembled the main force of the Flying Wing Legion and are still in an absolute advantage in air combat!

You know, there are fifteen teams of dragon and bird knights beside Gaguire at this time, one hundred and fifty people!

For such a large dragon bird knight, even if all the northern air force is dispatched, they will never be able to gain the upper hand!

Moreover, judging from the explosives they just dropped, the Northern Air Force, which is already at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, still has many people who seem to be specialized in ground attack. Such people are completely useless in air combat.

In this case, if you outflank the enemy, you will not only be able to eat their regular dragon and bird knights, but you will also have a chance to catch those who threw explosives!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Moreover, at this time, the Flying Wing Legion was already on the string and had to be launched. I couldn't just lead the team back in despair, right?

Thinking about this, Gaguire finally made up his mind and showed the red flag.

Compared with the sign language communication system of the Northern Air Force, there are few flying wing corps that gather for large-scale operations. In terms of command, they mainly rely on flags-formulate tactical plans before the war, and then bind the tactical plans to the flags and display them. Whatever flag is raised, whatever plan is implemented.

In this operation, outflanking, intercepting, and annihilating the enemy is a red flag.

As Gaguire showed the red flag, behind him, a group of dragon and bird knights from the Winged Legion quickly took action. In small groups, they gradually opened up the formation and expanded the width of the formation, vaguely encircling them. , surrounded the Northern Air Force.

With a numerical advantage of eight to one, this is not even a fight!

The formation of the Flying Wing Legion unfolded, and the Northern Air Force Squadron, which had been pursuing them fiercely before, seemed to have restrained its posture, changed direction, and wanted to leave the battlefield.

However, due to the absolute disadvantage in numbers, it seems that it is not easy to escape.

At this moment, another group of dragon and bird knights emerged from the thick clouds above the battlefield - Gaguire, who was about to lead the team to encircle and suppress them, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

The Northern Air Force...why are they always hiding in the clouds?

Aren't they afraid that the clouds will thicken, their vision will be obscured, and they will lose their way?

Even if they are familiar with the local terrain, this kind of getting lost is very fatal for the dragon and bird knights!

However, when all the dragon and bird knights finally appeared, Gaguier, who had been a little nervous before, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason is very simple. There are not many dragon and bird knights. It seems that the people in the north have indeed prepared the manpower to respond, but even if there are people to respond, their numbers are still at an absolute disadvantage.

The advantage is mine!

Thinking of this, Gaguire waved the red flag a few times again, indicating that he should continue to maintain the attack posture, and the many dragon and bird knights of the Flying Wing Legion also followed the order, and together with the support army, completely included the Northern Air Force into the encirclement network.

There was even a small team that took the initiative to raise the altitude, vaguely intending to cut off the northern air force's access to the clouds.

An eight-to-one outnumbering force can completely encircle it. If it is four-to-one ratio, it is necessary to actively intercept the direction in which the enemy may be fleeing. When it seems that it may not be possible to completely annihilate the enemy, the more serious thing is to cause more casualties.

The Flying Wing Legion's attack formation was launched, while the Northern Air Force's side, after a simple exchange, formed two herringbone flying formations with the First Flying Squadron and the Second Flying Squadron as the main body. It seemed that through this Means to break through the interception of the Flying Wing Legion in order to break out of the encirclement.

Gaguire, who had experience in air combat, naturally would not give the enemy team time to break out. He continued to wave the red flag with one hand, and took out a yellow flag with the other hand and then waved it - and then The yellow flag representing the start of the attack was displayed, and the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion, under the command of each squad leader, began to accelerate the attack.

Eat them!



The dragon gun was set up, the flying hammer was held in the hand, and the flying wing army gathered here was ready for battle and faced the two flying squadrons of the Northern Air Force.

Gaguire squinted his eyes, looking at the black dots that seemed to be about to collide with each other at the next moment - above the Badaopo hills, a battle that would determine the direction of the northern battle was about to begin.

However, it turns out that this curtain was not pulled open, but violently torn apart.

Because, just before the two sides were about to confront each other, a huge creature finally revealed itself in the clouds.

Appearing with her, there was also the overwhelming dragon fire that seemed to be overwhelming and trying to burn everything.

Shyvana, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Air Force, officially joins the war!

I have to go to the hospital in the afternoon...sigh.

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