Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 727 【0716】 Tiger among sheep

The Art of War says: "If you are ten, you will surround it; if you are five, you will attack it; if you double it, you will divide it."

Although "I have the advantage" sounds like an extremely bad FLAG, in fact, there is nothing wrong with Gaguire's judgment and decision-making of the battle situation.

Even if the equipment of the Northern Air Force is more professional and the team is coordinated by spellcasters, with a numerical disadvantage of one to four, they still cannot get half a cent from the Flying Wing Legion - after the flying rope hits the target, it needs to hit the target. , and under the huge numerical disadvantage, the two squadrons of the Northern Air Force simply did not have the manpower to finish the attack.

The result of this fight was that the Dragon Bird Knight of the Flying Wing Legion was hit by the zip line, and then made an emergency landing. After landing, he untied the zip line, took off again, and entered the battle again. This cycle is endless.

In this way, it is impossible for the Northern Air Force to break out of the encirclement without shedding a layer of skin.

Gaguire saw clearly that as long as I can fight you one-for-one, or even two-for-one, then the Flying Wing Legion will make a profit - so he waved the red flag immediately in anticipation of completing the aerial encirclement.

As long as this team battle started, I would have won strategically!

Unfortunately, the only thing Gaguier failed to calculate was that the Northern Air Force had a deadly trump card.

When the encirclement was about to be completed, an elemental dragon with a body length of more than fifty feet appeared in the thick clouds.

As the commander-in-chief of the Northern Air Force, Shyvana officially joins the battle!

Under the horrified gazes of the Dragon Knights of the Winged Legion, Shyvana spread her wings and drew a fatal and elegant arc in the air with a speed and agility that was completely inconsistent with her body size.

The crimson dragon scales shone with dazzling brilliance in the sun. The unique power of the dragon made the dragon birds subconsciously scream shrilly and began to flee. In this chaos, Shyvana was deeply moved. Take a breath.

Gaguire, who saw this scene, secretly screamed that something was not good.

He had seen a very similar scene on the battlefield of Nashrame.

The breath of elemental dragons is already very difficult to control. When they spray flames, they also spray out a kind of grease. Wherever it sticks, the flames cannot be extinguished. And dragon birds, birds with feathers all over their bodies, As long as it is touched by dragon fire, it will definitely turn into a fireball!

Moreover, the three-headed elemental dragons of the Nashra Beauty are not at the same level as the current one. The elemental dragons are slightly larger than the dragon birds, but this dragon... is just in terms of body length, what the heck? It's time to catch up with three dragons and birds!

I’ve never heard of dragons in the north!

He was moaning in his heart, but Gaguire did not hesitate in his movements. He found the rarely used purple flag and unfolded it completely immediately.

The attack plan is cancelled, and an emergency strategy is adopted immediately to entangle the dragon!

Gaguire's idea is good, but the problem is that the dragon birds of the Flying Wing Legion who have not undergone dragon desensitization training dare not step forward at all now!

You know, whether it is the dragon bird of Demacia or the sub-dragon dog of Noxus, these creatures with the "dragon" affix in their names are more or less related to the dragon, which directly leads to the fact that the dragon is born Their superiors and leaders will be trembling with fear after seeing the dragon.

There was no chaos in the Northern Air Force after Shyvana's appearance. That's because these dragon birds are members of Shyvana's command. Normally Shyvana would first come into contact with them in human form, and then transform into a dragon to let them adapt. Desensitize these dragon birds little by little.

The air battle in the Battle of Nashrame has proven that without desensitization, even an elemental dragon can be enough to put a dragon bird into a state of mental stress and out of control!

Therefore, although Gaguire activated the emergency plan, the dragon birds of the Flying Wing Legion still followed their instincts and hesitated to move forward.

The braver dragon birds were circling Shyvana, trying to avoid the dragon fire even if they succeeded.

The timid dragon bird turned around and started running away, regardless of the instructions of the knight behind him.

The result was that although Shyvana had only ignited four or five flying fireballs, the Winged Legion's attack formation was gone and its command was completely ineffective.

Under such a situation, Gaguire felt that his head was as big as a bucket. In desperation, he could only wave the colorful flags and let the Winged Legion do their own thing in small units. At the same time, he mobilized the personal guard team to land temporarily and call for reinforcements. .

After the dragon joined the battle, the failure of the air battle was inevitable. His only chance now was to see if he could find a few Sun warriors, send them to the sky, and give the dragon a hard blow—— After all, before setting off, Jarvan IV specifically told himself that these Sun warriors had the strength of those who would climb the mountain.

In the sky, the heroic Winged Legion warriors and dragon birds were ignited by Shyvana's breath one after another.

The 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the Northern Air Force took the opportunity to separate. The 1st Squadron provided support around Shyvana, while the 2nd Squadron escorted the bombing formation and returned quickly.

On the ground, the Guards Team of the Flying Wing Legion, which hurriedly landed on the top of the mountain, began to look for the Sun Warriors. After seeing these angry and pious Sun Warriors, they simply threw off their armor and threw away themselves. weapons, carrying them into the air quickly, transforming from knights into drivers.

After the giant dragon appeared, the situation on the battlefield could no longer be determined by just relying on the dragon and bird knights!


In Runeterra, aerial combat is a very special type of combat.

It doesn't seem difficult to fly - many birds without magic can fly freely, and there are also many spells that can make objects fly briefly.

However, if you want to fight in the air or even cast spells, and combine flying and casting, the difficulty begins to increase exponentially.

Because of the rune laws, what needs to be considered at this time is not only air resistance and magic turbulence in the air, but also the intensity of the astral brilliance, as well as the unpredictable heterogeneous element concentration gradient at different altitudes.

In other words, the spellcaster can send himself to the sky through levitating spells. In this case, the spell he releases is likely to disturb the levitating spell that allows him to maintain flight, or disturb the concentration of surrounding elements. Or it may cause magic turbulence, or even expose oneself to the light of the astral world - any of the above triggers will cause the floating spell to fail, and then the caster will fall to his death.

Therefore, flying is not difficult, but forming an air force is not an easy task.

Even in the heyday of the Shurima Empire, the air force had to be formed by signing contracts with elemental dragons.

Of the non-biological aircraft researched and manufactured by the Empire itself, only the Monolith Fortress has actually been put into practical use - well, if a fortress that can float can be considered an aircraft.

Precisely because of the complexity of the sky environment, the air combat strategy in Runeterra has always been to "fly well and avoid interference from casting spells."

In this case, the elemental dragons that combine flying and casting spells have become the well-deserved overlords of the air. Their elemental bodies can freely adapt to various complex environments in the sky, and their breath ability also makes them more capable. They are very familiar with high-altitude spellcasting and are well-deserved aerial killers.

In comparison, the Dragon Bird Knight is more like a light reconnaissance unit, with more than a slight difference in attack power and defense power. The only advantage is in quantity.

Therefore, after Gaguire, who wanted to fish, realized that he was the fish, he decisively gave up the stupid idea of ​​using the dragon bird knight to fight against the elemental dragon, and tried to lure the dragon to the ground without path dependence. After observing the battle situation , he decisively chose to turn the dragon bird into a complete vehicle, abandon the poor offense and defense of the dragon bird knight, and leave professional matters to professionals.

The Dragon Bird Knight serves as a driver and serves as a flying pendant for the Sun Warriors!

It has to be said that Gaguire's thinking is still very clear - after the eight dragon bird knights carrying the Sun Warriors flew up, Shyvana, who had been unscrupulously calling names and sighing before, finally had to restrain herself.

High in the sky, the sun was shining brightly.

The warriors of the Burning Sun, blessed by the Burning Sun, bravely started a gang fight, trying to jump from the back of the dragon bird to the back of Shyvana, risking their lives and giving Shyvana a hard blow. of.

This tactic is undoubtedly very tricky. No matter how flexible Shyvana is, her size is still here. All the Sun Warriors are extraordinary people. Let a group of extraordinary people carry out a suicide attack. Shiva Na couldn't avoid them all on her own.

However, Shyvana doesn't have to rely on herself.

Don't forget, the First Flight Squadron is still there, and after completing the task of luring the enemy, their only mission is to assist Shyvana.

The idea of ​​​​jumping into a gang war is good, but why should I let you do it?

You can jump and I won’t stop you?

Come down you!

One after another, the Sun warriors who tried to join the gang to fight were stopped by the Dragon Bird Knight with their bodies, entangled together and falling to the ground. Gaguire's heart finally sank to the bottom.

With the cover of the flying squadron, Shyvana's breath has been restrained, but the lethality is still astonishing. The besieging and entangled dragon and bird knights are still being ignited one by one like cotton balls soaked in alcohol.

Although the Sun Warriors, who had high hopes, worked very hard, they were unable to pose any substantial threat to Shyvana.

The throwing weapons used by the dragon bird knights are like ridiculous tickles in front of the dragon's scales.

The battle has reached this point, and the Flying Wing Legion has no chance of winning.

In this case, Gaguire's right hand trembled slightly and finally took out a white flag.

Not surrender, but retreat - disperse and retreat as much as you can!

As for the break...

Let the remaining Sun warriors continue to join gangs. In this case, the Dragon Bird Knight has no qualifications after the break!

Unlike Sar Lange, the former commander of the vanguard army who longed for freedom and redemption, Gaguire believed that his judgment and command were correct. This time it was a foregone defeat. His hard power was really no match for his opponent, so he ultimately did not choose to do it himself. After the break, he remained useful and returned to the camp to organize defense.

After all, with the completion of the air defense positions on the ground, Gaguire was already considered the best at air defense on the Xiongdu Front.

I can't die here yet!

After seeing the flag, the remaining squads of the Flying Wing Legion began to retreat one after another as if they had been granted amnesty. Only the few unlucky ones who served as drivers of the Sun Warriors were still making final preparations for possible gang-hopping battles and substantial separation of the rear. efforts and attempts.

Since Shyvana was temporarily unable to escape, most of the personnel of the First Flight Squadron still needed to cover Shyvana, so it seemed that the Winged Legion could at least escape some people.

When Gaguire broke away from the fighting contact and counted the number of people, he found with tears in his eyes that among the more than 150 dragon and bird knights he had brought out, there were now less than 60 people following him. .

Even if there are still people who break out and go in other directions and can circle back later, at least half of them will be lost after the entire battle - this loss has already accounted for a quarter of Demacia's total air power!

This is less than a quarter of an hour!

Less than a quarter of an hour!

Gaguire was still trying hard to make up for it and summarize it, but at this moment, he just felt like his head was a mess. He had so many thoughts but couldn't figure anything out. He could only go all the way back to the camp first.

At this moment, the only good news is that before setting off, in order to prevent the enemy from unreasonably changing homes, a special air defense position was arranged at the main camp. As long as he returned to the camp and entered the dragon bird's nest, Then you will be safe...

Taking a long breath, Gaguire tried to calm himself down. Then, just as he was stroking the flag and planning to say something to the personal guard team, he looked around and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The sky was darkening, and a thick dark cloud was rolling over his head.

Raising his head to look at the clouds, Gaguire reacted and his chest suddenly froze. He quickly took out the striped flag and tried to guide the team to lower their height.

According to past inertial thinking, flying with your back against the clouds is safe, because you can't tell the direction within the clouds, and there will be no enemies flying in the clouds and mist.

However, previous battles have proven that the Northerners seem to have mastered a way to travel through the clouds without losing their way or scattering the team. When flying against the clouds, they are likely to be attacked!

However, by the time Gaguire reacted, it was already too late.

Shyvana's dragon body tore through the clouds again, and the 1st Flight Squadron guarding her finally launched a herringbone attack formation.

Dragon fire fell from the sky again, and this time, along with the dragon fire, there was a flying rope.

Gaguire started waving the white flag again.

However, unlike the last time, under the continuous raids, this time the Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion were finally unable to maintain even the basic team organization.

The frightened dragon bird completely ignored the knight's order and began to flee.

This time, it was a real tiger joining the flock - not only Shyvana was the tiger, but also the dragon bird knights of the first flying squadron became tigers after the collapse of the Winged Legion.

Eczema is not a big problem, it just hurts a lot.

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