Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 736 【0725】 The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind

The situation of the battle took a turn for the worse.

Not only is Lux being besieged and the Archon is struggling to support him, but even the soldiers of the Northern Walkers are now in danger after being controlled by the singing stars. In a gang-hopping manner, they jumped from the hillside into the valley and started killing.

Not only the Northern Walkers, but also the fearless vanguard and garrison troops who were besieged and thought they were waiting for support were regarded as enemies by the Sun warriors and were brutally killed.

No more pretense, the Twilight Stars have shown their all, and they don’t intend to let anyone leave this valley alive!

Under such a situation, Lux couldn't care about anything else. She could only hope that the Northern Air Force would start to retreat immediately. Everyone could withdraw as much as they could. Even before the protoss completed the encirclement, it was best for her to evacuate.

However, what Lax never expected was that after sending a signal from her side, Shyvana did not retreat, but instead assumed an attacking posture, as if she was "worried that the enemy would escape."


what's the situation?

Such an abnormal behavior naturally confused Lux. Her signal was correct!

However, after a moment of confusion, Lux quickly reacted - without any hesitation, she also assumed an attack stance and took the initiative to face the war protoss. The light-forged sword and the celestial spear collided together. Then, as if familiar, Lux's entire body was knocked away.

However, it doesn't matter.

After landing, Lux came up again with the sword, looking more like a fighting maniac than the war protoss.

Facing Lux's challenge, the war protoss was naturally very willing to accept it. Last time, he was tricked by Kalya. It would be good to have the opportunity to get it back from Lux this time!

For this reason, he even actively refused Fenggao's help, intending to take down Lux one on one and avenge his shame.

But unfortunately, the wish of the war protoss is destined to be impossible to realize.

On the one hand, the Twilight Stars wouldn't sit back and let him act like this.

On the other hand, Lux is not seeking death by overestimating her abilities.

Just when the twilight protoss couldn't help but want to speak and stop the war protoss from making such an aggressive move, on the other side of the mountain, the misty and dangerous black mist, with the breath of death, finally crossed the hill, and The overwhelming momentum spread to the battlefield.

After seeing the black mist, the expressions of all the stars were a little solemn.

They couldn't see through the black mist at all, and could only feel a severe discomfort, as if the two sides were naturally very uncooperative.

Unable to figure out what was going on, the Twilight Star spirit simply opened a portal. After anchoring himself, he entered the black mist through the portal. After anchoring himself, he even encountered the black mist. Whatever happens, it will be quickly pulled back to the starting point, so there is no need to worry about your own safety.

Just like that, the Twilight Star Spirit entered the black mist.

Then, as if being electrocuted, the Twilight Star Spirit immediately activated its self-anchoring as soon as it was teleported over, and came back through the portal in embarrassment.

And behind him, a huge and twisted body had already strode out of the black mist.

The next moment, a voice full of anger echoed through the mountains of Badaopo.

"Twilight Star deserve to die!"


This overwhelming black mist is naturally the Black Mist Army.

After discovering the traces of the Twilight Stars, Kalya did not continue to stay in Forsbarrow. After making preparations, he immediately set off on Ivar to the Shadow Island, where he briefly crossed Crossing the curtain between life and death, he met Aatrox in the Land of the Undying.

Aatrox was undoubtedly very surprised after seeing Kalya.

Although he was full of expectations for the old thing to finish and explode the gold coins, he was still a little hard to accept when he actually saw Kalya enter the land of the immortal.

It was clear that Kalya was still very energetic when they met last time, and then he even introduced Varus to join the Black Mist Legion. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like he would be finished in a short while!

According to Aatrox's estimation, although Kalya voluntarily gave up immortality, he could at least jump around for decades. Why did he come to the land of immortality now?

"I'm not finished yet!" Aatrox doesn't know how to hide his thoughts, and he doesn't bother to hide his thoughts, so Kalya just needs to look at him to almost know what he is thinking, "This time when I come to the Land of the Undying, I’m looking for you specifically.”

"Ah ha, it's really rare." Aatrox hugged his shoulders, "Teacher Kalya, who still has the world in mind, would actually take the initiative to come to the Land of the Immortal——"

"The main reason is that I want to eat mutton. I don't know if you raise Hui Sheep." Kalya said with a smile, as if he was just visiting, "After all, who didn't know that you, Aatrox, are a master at taming sheep. "

Kalya did not continue.

But seeing Swain coming over, Aatrox honestly shut his mouth and stopped teasing his teacher - among the Black Mist Legion, except for Shabeka and Shabek, No one else knows about this dark history of his, and if he continues to tease Karya now, I am afraid that the fact that he was gored by a sheep will soon be known to everyone.

Forget it, there's no need to be quick-tongued!

"So, dear Teacher Kalya." Aatrox stroked his sword, "What is it for?"

"To deliver an interesting message." Kalya said with a smile, "After many years, the Twilight Stars came to Runeterra again."

Aatrox's eyes finally widened when he heard the name of the Twilight Protoss.

As early as when the Shurima Empire was still there, there was a lot of conflict between Aatrox and the Twilight Stars.

Aatrox's character, in terms of high emotional intelligence, is called arrogant and arrogant. To put it bluntly, he has no emotional intelligence.

And because he is a direct descendant of Kal'ya, when Kal'ya suppressed the divine power, the Twilight Protoss often chose Aatrox as a breakthrough point. During the struggle, Kal'ya cheated him, so he backhanded Aatrox. Give him some embarrassment.

It is precisely because of the Twilight Protoss's unremitting propaganda that Aatrox's reputation in the Shurima Empire has not been very good. Even after Kalya sealed himself, he was obviously a very powerful Ascendant, but in the follow-up Shuriman He had no say in the changes in the political situation of the Mar Empire, so he had no choice but to leave angrily.

Although Aatrox's Darkin body was imitated by Kal'ya instead of being tricked by the Twilight Star spirit, it did not prevent him from being full of resentment towards this giant god who was always against him.

Of course, if that were the case, the two sides would be considered at most in conflict, not enmity.

What really filled Aatrox with hatred for the Twilight Protoss was after his wandering journey.

When Aatrox finally entered the Undying Lands and regained some of his sanity, he received more news from the Shurima Empire.

The once prosperous Shurima Empire has now completely collapsed, and the darkspawn who still remain in the Shurima Empire have disappeared amid successive coups and turmoil.

At that time, even Nasus didn't know where these dark descendants had gone.

But Aatrox, who is in the land of the immortal, can learn from the mouths of some people who have just died, some past events that ordinary people think are destined to be hidden in history.

Some people are promoting the darkin civil war, while others are trying to end it.

The more Aatrox learned about the methods of promoting and ending the Darkin Civil War, the more familiar he became.

Even as Aatrox pursued it, he was surprised to find that Rebesa's blood magic, which absorbed his compatriots, was inspired by a certain "genius".

This method can only be said to be too familiar to Aatrox.

So, just when Nasus was so tired that he no longer wanted to care about the fratricide among the dark descendants, Aatrox had already vaguely seen the black hand hidden behind the scenes.

Aatrox undoubtedly misses the former Shurima Empire; and he also despises the empire that gradually declined after Kalya sealed himself.

But that’s how people are, no matter how dissatisfied Aatrox was with his declining homeland, after realizing that the Twilight Protoss participated in the dismemberment of the Shurima Empire, he still felt dissatisfied with this insidious and despicable giant. Full of resentment.

Coupled with the previous conflicts between the two parties and the incident with Rebesa, when Kalya mentioned the Twilight Stars, Aatrox could hardly suppress his anger.

"Where is he?" Aatrox stood up suddenly, "He still dares to come to Runeterra?"

"He dares, and if nothing else happens, he will bring many stars." Kalya looked at Aatrox with a smile, "They are all the same faces, the blazing sun, the bright moon, the war..."

"Black Mist Legion, assemble!" Before Kalya could finish speaking, Aatrox immediately issued the order to assemble, "Swain, Swain - take action immediately!"

"The mission of the Black Mist Legion should not be to be a thug carrying private revenge." Swain did not accept the order immediately. "When you joined the Black Mist Legion, you promised that the legion in the Immortal Land was to maintain the peace of Runeterra. "

Kalya looked at the undead Swain with interest - he still had a broken arm, but unlike when he was the leader of Noxus, Swain now looked more like a human being. Orderly officer or clerk.

"If you say that, that's too bad." As if he thought of something interesting, Kalya said to Swain with a smile, "If you refuse this operation, you will lose the opportunity to see the Black Mist Legion step on the road. A chance to go to the land of Demacia."

"The battlefield is in Demacia?" Swain's expression was still very serious, but the upturned corners of his mouth revealed his inner thoughts at this time, "That's really interesting... Maybe my previous words were a little biased, this is not a A private revenge—"

"No, this is a private revenge." Seeing that Swain seemed to be planning to mobilize the Black Mist Legion, Xin Zhao, who had been standing silently behind Aatrox like a pillar before, suddenly said, " Swain, you are still struggling with your position during your lifetime..."

"This is indeed not a private revenge." Kalya turned to Xin Zhao and continued with a smile, "After all, the Twilight Stars have completely controlled the current Emperor Jarvan IV of Demacia. If he is allowed to continue to indulge, Then there may really be big trouble in Rune Land next.”

Xin Zhao shut his mouth suddenly. He looked at Kalya blankly, with an undisguised look of astonishment on his face.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Kalya raised an eyebrow, "In your opinion, Jarvan IV has successfully reached the summit, so he shouldn't have become a puppet of the giant god?"

Xin Zhao said nothing, but judging from his expression, he seemed to acquiesce to this statement.

"Of course this is impossible." Kalya spread out his hands, "It seems that you don't know enough about the power of the Titan. When Lux was able to climb the Titan's Peak and avoid becoming the container of the Titan, it was because I was always by your side. Staring, Jarvan IV looks like a normal person, that's because the Titan's will was still latent at the time... After all, that was Twilight."

Xin Zhao turned his head and looked at Aatrox in disbelief - he didn't know much about these things, but after getting along with him for so long, he already had a certain understanding of Aatrox. This is Disdainful of lying.

Aatrox nodded.

Although his heart had stopped beating for a long time, Xin Zhao still felt a little subtle at this moment.

Your Majesty has now become the vessel of the Titans. Do you want to turn Demacia into the country of the Titans?

This...can't be like this!

At this point, Xin Zhao has no intention of rejecting this obviously vengeful action.

Soon, Varus, Shabeka and Shabek were also called over, and Kalya easily convinced them.

In this way, the Black Mist Legion set off from the Shadow Island and began a mighty expedition. Among the legions, there were the undead who followed Aatrox's will, Swain who hoped for the end of Demacia, There is Xin Zhao who doesn’t want anything to happen to Jarvan IV, there are also the chattering fun-lovers Shabeka and Shabek, and Varus who never says a word from beginning to end.

Kalya did not choose to go with the Black Mist Legion.

After successfully inciting the Black Mist Legion to join the battle, he quickly left the Shadow Island and turned south, heading straight for Shurima.

Simply attracting the Black Mist Legion is not enough.

Since the Twilight Stars are here in person, how can Shurima get some help?


The Twilight Protoss didn't know where Kal'ya had gone, but whether he saw Aatrox or not, he realized something was wrong.

You were not in Risos, but you went to gather your old troops?

And Aatrox, this idiot, was obviously abandoned by you before, but now he actually listens to you and comes to cause trouble for me?

The Twilight Stars wanted to say something to shake Aatrox's mind, but unfortunately, Aatrox in the black mist was not manic. No matter what the Twilight Stars said, Aatrox just waved. Holding a big sword and riding on the billowing black fog, they pressed on him step by step.

As the black mist gradually filled in, the voices chanting the star spirits were gradually isolated.

The Northern Walkers and the Xiongdu Front began to gradually wake up.

In the billowing black mist, the soldiers of the two armies looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to react - before, they were indeed enemies, but after the chanting star spirit controlled the field, the Sun warriors joined After the killings began, both sides realized something was wrong.

At this moment, Xin Zhao stood out from the black mist holding a spear.

"Warriors of Demacia!" Although his body is dark in color and his aura is cold, in the eyes of many people, he still seems to be the trustworthy German steward. "Your Majesty is possessed by Twilight and is now out of control. !”

As an old commander of the garrison, Xin Zhao's words still carry some weight.

"Think of Tarik before!" He continued anxiously, "We want to rescue His Majesty!"

Half an iced watermelon and spent a whole day running to the toilet.

I have to go to the toilet to write a few hundred words, which is so desperate...

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