Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 737 【0726】 Many oriole

The title of Xin Zhao [Steward of Debon] comes from his status as the steward of the Light Shield family.

However, in addition, he also served as the commander of the garrison for a period of time and as an instructor in the Fearless Vanguard for a period of time.

In Demacia, Xin Zhao's reputation is undoubtedly very high, so much so that when he said, "His Majesty is controlled by the protoss, think about Taric in the past," many soldiers hesitated.

Under normal circumstances, the soldiers cannot feel whether the commander has been replaced or not.

But don’t forget, Jarvan IV has never been an ordinary commander. Since the Battle of Tobitsia, he has eaten, lived, and shared joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He was able to successfully poach other nobles’ private armies in the past because of this skill. !

Since Jarvan IV returned from the capital, his whole style has changed a lot, and his commanding style is also different - everyone only thinks that the affairs in the capital and the chaos in the north have made His Majesty mentally and physically exhausted, and he has never I have thought about the possibility of Jarvan IV being replaced.

Now that Xin Zhao suddenly appeared and raised his arms with certainty, many soldiers, especially those in the garrison, felt somewhat hesitant.

Even though they are just ordinary soldiers, they can vaguely feel that His Majesty is different from the past.

Therefore, after the black mist covered them and the spell of chanting the star spirit temporarily failed, these soldiers did not immediately attack the rebels around them. Instead, most of them formed a sword array and a shield array to protect themselves.

Interestingly, when the war situation suddenly changed, the Northern Walkers also received Lux's order - a bright light cut through the darkness, and Lux's voice appeared clearly beside them.

"Walkers of the North, form your entire team and target the Warriors of the Burning Sun!"

As a result, the Northern Walkers who were still fighting with the Xiongdu Front Army a moment ago began to quickly assemble their entire team. Under the guidance of commanders at all levels, they actively affected the Lieyang Warriors who were trying to come over to finish the damage, completely ignoring the Xiongdu Army behind them. Front Army.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV could not help but shout loudly, ordering the Xiongdu Front Army and the Sun Warriors to attack the enemy from both front and rear.

The remaining soldiers of the fearless vanguard and the garrison were stunned.

Which side is the friendly force and which side is the enemy?

Is His Majesty who issued the order really His Majesty?

What should we do next?

During the stalemate, two bald crows squawked and flapped their wings and flew out of the black mist. Their cries were shrill and harsh, even forcing the singing stars to stop singing.

"Star Spirit, Star Spirit, you dare to be a Star Spirit but don't be a Star Spirit!" Shabeka said in a tone-deaf tone that made people's scalp numb, "Let me expose your face, Star Spirit, Star Spirit, shameful Twilight Light Star Spirit!”

"If you were still that poor little emperor." Shabek suddenly spoke up and started a duet, "Then come and say with me that the stars are all bastards, the twilight is despicable, the sun will eventually set, and the bright moon will steal. Guanghua, war is a fool, the chanting is pretentious, the heart is rich and sterile."

"Sing, sing, as long as you say it, I will flap my wings and fly away."

"Sing, sing, as long as you sing, they will charge with you."

"Tell those people that you are not a star spirit, tell those people that you are not a giant god."

The voices of Shabeka and Shabeka were not pleasant to hear, but in the black mist, everyone could hear them clearly. Many soldiers subconsciously looked at Jarvan IV - although it was somewhat blasphemous to say so. , but anyway, it’s not the Winged Sisters who are being blasphemed. It’s okay for a few giant gods that I’ve never heard of to say a few words of praise.

However, Jarvan IV did not respond to Shabeka and Shabeka's words, but repeatedly emphasized his orders, asking the Dauntless Vanguard and the garrison to launch an attack quickly.

In this case, neither the Dauntless Vanguard nor the Garrison took any action. They are the most loyal warriors in Demacia, but they only have one loyal target, and that is Jarvan IV - if the His Majesty in front of him is controlled by someone As a counterfeit, taking action at this time would be the greatest disloyalty to His Majesty!


At the edge of the black mist, the Northern Walkers and the Black Mist Legion fought together against the Sun Warriors.

In the valley, sometimes the sky is clear and the air is clear, and sometimes it is filled with black fog.

On the hillside, Lux was once again in crisis.

Although the timely arrival of the Black Mist Legion gave her a long sigh of relief, Lux's side was still at an absolute disadvantage relying solely on Aatrox, Varus, Shabeka, and Shabek.

Even if the Twilight Stars are still unwilling to be exposed and do not take the initiative to take action, the war, fertility, guardianship, chanting, blazing sun, bright moon, and these demonic stars are still enough to completely suppress Lux and his party.

Even if Aatrox alone suppresses the two Celestial Hammers of War and Guardian, even if Varus restrains Fertility, Shabeka and Shabek suppress Chant, Lux still has to face the blazing sun and bright moon. A tacit attack from a pinch.

Leona and Diana took action together, and wherever they went, it was like the sun and the moon competing for glory. Even the light-forged sword in Lux's hand seemed bleak in front of these two protoss.

Although before the Great Reconciliation of the Century, the Lunar Sect and the Solar Sect were always in a state of life-and-death struggle, Leona and Diana were close friends before they became protoss, so they cooperated quite well in the battle. Diana Attack and Leona defend, forcing Lux to retreat step by step.

Under the attack of the two protoss, Lux had almost no room to fight back. She could only rely on her light-forged wings to move around and dodge as much as possible.

Lux was already so embarrassed.

Shyvana, who had to face the demonic protoss, was almost captured on the spot.

In front of Tam's tongue, Vladimir's Tide of Blood, and LeBlanc's Shadow Chain, the thick dragon scales were no different than a thin layer of white paper.

On the contrary, Shyvana's attacks pose little threat to these guys. The dragon's fire breath is almost ineffective, and the dragon's teeth bite is hard to hit. If Shyvana hadn't been able to fly, I'm afraid she would have been taken down quickly in one encounter. .

At the critical moment, Galio finally arrived at the battlefield, carrying Ino and Sona.

Seeing the Colossus of Justice, the morale of the Northern Walkers was greatly boosted. Amidst a burst of cheers, Galio fell from the sky and rushed into the formation of the Sun Warriors.

Then, he saw the power of heaven for the first time.

This kind of power that "looks like magic, but is actually not magic" is not only unable to be absorbed, but will also cause damage to Galio's body - if it were not for the protection of the Archon, Galio would probably collapse soon. Under the concentrated fire of the Lieyang warriors.

Lux, who caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of her eye, couldn't help but pursed her lips.

The power of heaven is so unreasonable. Even with the help of Galio, Sona playing music, and the help of the Black Mist Legion, the Northern Walkers' formation was retreating steadily when facing the Sun Warriors.

That is to say, these Sun warriors cannot fly, otherwise the battle situation may be even worse!

Aatrox was still shouting for a fight.

Varus's arrows also continued to fire.

But the balance of victory is tipping towards the Star Spirits little by little.

Lux can't hold it any longer, and neither can Shyvana.

As for the protoss, Twilight even had the energy to maintain her disguise at this time, constantly trying to mobilize the garrison and the fearless vanguard to achieve a pincer attack from both front and rear.

A sword struck Leona's shield, she opened her light-forged wings, narrowly avoiding Diana's moon blade, and barely breaking away from the subtle and dangerous gravitational pull. Lux's breathing was already very rapid.

Teacher Karya, where are you?

In this situation, why don't you show up?

If this continues, not only the Plateau Walkers and the Plains Walkers may be wiped out, but once the Twilight Stars tear through their disguise, most of them may not be able to escape!

It's an extremely urgent time, Teacher Kalya, what are you waiting for?


Lux was very confused as to where Kalya was.

The Twilight Stars were also confused.

According to his judgment, as long as he gives up his identity as Jarvan IV and takes the initiative, victory will be within easy reach!

Although he had been trying to order the soldiers to attack, in the eyes of the Twilight Stars, how had he ever taken these soldiers seriously?

From beginning to end, he was worried only about Kalya who had disappeared!

The man who rejected the morning light!

However, seeing that these stupid people who overestimate their abilities are at the end of their rope, why hasn't Kalya appeared yet?

Is he hiding in the dark and continuing to wait?

Or is it that the current situation is already the limit of what he can mobilize?

Today, the Twilight Protoss finally feels what Kalya felt during the Shurima Empire - at that time, he was in the dark and Kalya was in the light. He could quietly arrange plans behind the scenes, and Kalya's main All the energy is focused on the Shurima Empire.

Now, the relationship between the two parties seems to be reversed. Since the Twilight Stars took over the body of Jarvan IV, Kalya disappeared from the world immediately, leaving no trace behind, making the Twilight Stars suspicious.

It can be said that the situation is changing.

Seeing that Kalya was reluctant to show up and the battle situation was developing in his favor, the Twilight Stars finally decided to stay calm.

Since the problem can be solved without taking action, it is better not to take action.

After all... Jarvan IV's vest is still very useful.

The Twilight Protoss who had made up his mind even smiled and responded to the noisy Shabeka and Shabek - "The Protoss are all bastards, Twilight is despicable and shameless, this doesn't rhyme either!"

"Gah, you really mean that?!" Shabeka seemed to be startled by the Twilight Star Spirit who suddenly spoke, "You don't even want to lose face?"

"Karya is right, you are indeed a guy without the dignity of the stars!" Shabek flapped his wings and added, "He said that you care most about the dignity of the giants, but you insist on showing a cynical look on the surface. , it’s the kind of hard-wearing——”

The Twilight Star Spirit's face darkened visibly.

These two noisy crows!

He secretly swore that he would keep a close eye on them later, catch them, pluck all their feathers, and throw them into the heaven!

You like to mock, right? !

"He's angry, he's angry!" Shabeka said again, "Karya is right, he will be anxious!"

"It's not entirely impatient." Shabek added, "Look, he still maintains his disguise-"

The Twilight Stars gritted their teeth and did not intend to get involved with them. They wanted to simply take this opportunity to mobilize their soldiers.

Then, before he could speak, there was a violent space fluctuation that made the Twilight Star Spirit almost unable to bear the urge to teleport himself away.

The next moment, a blue arcane magic circle shining with blue arcane light appeared in the black mist. On top of the magic circle, several figures turned from virtual to real.

"Shabeka, Shabeka, what a surprise." A hissing voice sounded like a poisonous snake spitting a letter, "Are you not dead yet?"

"Aha, the poisonous snake is not dead, how can the crow die?"

The arcane light dissipated.

In the center of the battlefield, the figures of five dark descendants appeared.

"Twilight Star Spirit, you deserve to die!" x5

In the dull expression of the Twilight Star Spirit, these five bodies suddenly twisted and expanded.


Although the mantis is chasing the cicada and the oriole is behind, Kalya has never put all his treasure on a single oriole.

According to the experience of the Shurima Empire, the relationship between the giants has always been relatively loose - although they have the same position in some aspects, most of the time, they do not have any substantive alliance.

So theoretically speaking, what the North has to face are the giant gods with their faults such as twilight, bright moon, blazing sun, war and guardianship.

In this case, with the Black Mist Legion joining the battle, it seems to be very stable.

However, based on Kalya's understanding of Twilight, this old silver star spirit would definitely not be so simple.

So for the sake of safety, Kalya decided to bring another group of people over.


Of course it’s the Sun God Cult!

After arriving in Shurima, Kalya also considered going to find Azir and Nasus.

On the one hand, Antasil is too far away, and on the other hand, the appearance of Shurima, which they represent, in Demacia may cause some problems in the future. Kalya finally chose to go through Vicoula to find out about the Sun Cult.

Kalya was lucky.

When he arrived in Shurima, Varieva had been awakened by Xuyuyan.

Moreover, Valieva was not the only darkin to be awakened—in addition to her, there were also Nayafili, Naganeka, and Tayanali.

Kalya had to use at least a little bit of rhetoric to convince the Black Mist Legion to join the war.

But to encourage the Sun God Cult to cause trouble for the Star Spirits, all it takes is a mouthful.

The reason is simple. Among the awakened dark descendants, except for Varieva, who had long realized that something was wrong, the other unlucky ones were sealed by the twilight stars and became what they are now.

After hearing the news about the Twilight Stars, without Kalya's instigation, these darkspawn all said, "Let's talk about old times and stuff later. We just want to see the Twilight Stars now."

Then, in order to return to the north as soon as possible, Kalya simply activated the space mark that Ryze was hiding in Vikoula.

When Ryze arrived in a hurry, with Kalya as the intermediary, the two parties completed a deal-Varieva took out a rune fragment she collected, and Ryze sent them to the north.

Although Ryze didn't have any good feelings towards dark descendants, for Kalya's sake, he agreed to the deal.

Great, the second oriole is in place.

The second oriole.

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