Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 883 【0880】 Cooperation and sharing of spoils

Draven had no experience commanding large armies.

But having grown up in the slums, he has a natural cunningness - specifically reflected in this siege, he perfectly concealed the use of black powder.

In Noxus, gunpowder has long been widely used in many fields, but for the Avarosans, this explosive is quite new.

In the previous siege battle, Draven ordered the Earth Dragon Lizard to carry out a suicide attack. It was a test, a suppression, and a blinding method. The purpose was to tire out the Avarosan warriors who had experience in defending the city and make the defenders tired. The commander made a miscalculation.

The tool that Draven really relied on to break the city was the black powder that was continuously transported by logistics.

Now, the experienced soldiers in Forcalodna City are exhausted, and they are also accustomed to Noxus' attack method of using the earth dragon lizard to attack the city wall during the day. Late at night, even if there are still soldiers guarding the city wall, they will inevitably Relaxed.

This is the perfect time to launch a surprise attack!

That night, led by Draven himself and with the elite of the Trefari regiment as the vanguard, many Noxian soldiers quietly came to Fukaro carrying clay pots filled with black powder and with long fuses on the seals. Beneath the walls of Dena.

The night is dark.

In the absence of the Earth Dragon Lizard's earth-shaking footsteps, although the Avarosans on the city wall were vigilant, they were just a simple patrol team with a fixed route.

The direction Draven chose to attack was a direction where there had not been many battles in the past. It was far away from the military camp, and the people responsible for the defense here were all rookies.

In addition, after night fell, the vigilance of the snow eagles that the Avarosan people relied on to provide high-altitude vision also decreased. They also believed that the snow owls were too edible and did not tame them like Demacia. For Draven They led a surprise attack without even the slightest preparation.

It wasn't until the Noxians reached the bottom of the city wall and began to bury gunpowder cans and cluster fuses at the previously selected targets that the Avarosans on the city wall heard some movement and sent people over to observe.

But alas, it was too late.

Before the sentry shouted "Who is there?" twice, and before he had time to decide whether to take a closer look or directly warn, the gunpowder jar was already ready.

As a flash of fire lit up in the night, the clustered fuses were directly ignited.

The sentry who saw the fire below the city finally pulled the whistle off his neck, puffed up his cheeks and blew with all his strength.

The sharp whistle resounded through the night sky.

However, before the Avarosan soldiers woke up to the whistle, a roar completely covered up the whistle - more than 3,000 pounds of black powder piled together were ignited by the cluster fuse. A violent explosion occurred under the city wall.

Because the Noxian engineers dug down a certain distance when stacking the gunpowder cans, and as these gunpowder cans were continuously detonated, the city wall at the explosion site became obviously loose, and there was a slight tendency of collapse.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mages who had followed the team after undergoing military reforms finally took action. More than forty spellcasters cast spells together, and the power of the arcane magic gathered into a huge slap, which was then pushed hard against the loose wall.

Although the city wall of Focalodna is relatively strong, in the tundra zone, without special protection magic, it is far less strong and reliable than the general fortress wall.

With the black powder explosion loosening the foundation, the mage's hands pushed and squeezed without interference, finally making the wall top-heavy and collapse.

Seeing this scene, the Noxian soldiers let out a burst of excited cheers - those engineers were right, these Avarosa people did not know how to build a city at all, and their city walls did not have an obvious trapezoidal structure with a thin top and a thick bottom. The cross-section is actually close to a rectangle. This kind of city wall can be knocked down in minutes as long as you find the stress point!

With part of the wall crumbling, the battle quickly moved to the next stage.

Neatly dressed Noxian soldiers poured in from the gap, and after quickly occupying the surrounding wall sections, they opened the gate. Then more Noxians began to enter the city and wipe out the resistance.

During this period, the Avarosan warriors who had been on alert in the city also took up their weapons and rushed towards the Noxians who were coming in force, and a fierce street battle began.


According to Noxus' past combat experience, this kind of street fighting after the city is broken should be devastating. It is difficult for an enemy that has lost its organization and has demoralized to continue to resist after the city is broken. At most, there will be a few remaining troops to rely on. The military buildings in the city are just for fighting against trapped beasts.

However, what Draven and all the Noxians never expected was that although the walls of Fukarodna City had been lost, the Avarosan people, who had little organization, still had considerable power. Amazing fighting power.

In the process of clearing out the defenses, the Noxians paid a heavy price far beyond their expectations - even Draven, who was rushing at the front, was almost cut down by an Avarosan who rushed out from the corner. Midsection.

It seems that without any organization, the Avarosan people will not collapse, but are extremely brave? !

In fact, there's nothing wrong with Noxian feelings.

This kind of chaotic fighting in the dark is indeed the strength of the Avarosans - or in other words, if it were not chaotic fighting, then these Noxian soldiers who came from afar would find that most of the Avarosan Even on the frontal battlefield, the Rosa warriors actually had little organization.

Although for most armies, order and discipline are combat effectiveness, but this is obviously not suitable for Freljord.

For the Freljord people who are used to solving problems with fists and swords, fighting is a daily activity for many people. On the one hand, this exercises their courage, and on the other hand, it also leads to the formation of the Freljord army. With a considerable degree of individualism.

Even the Avarosa tribe under Ashe is not exempt from this.

The specific manifestation is that even in large battlefields that require command, the Freljordians often operate in small groups and fight independently.

Therefore, this kind of melee after a sudden attack is actually the relative strength of the Avarosan people. Even before Ashe, the Freljord people didn't like to build cities very much. In addition to not having the organizational power, Part of the reason is that the city's defense effect is not as good as elsewhere, and street fighting has to rely on its own skills anyway.

Due to the superposition of various reasons, although the Avarosan warriors after breaking the city were at a disadvantage due to equipment gaps, preparation gaps and other reasons, the damage caused by their counterattack far exceeded the expectations of the Noxians, and even The whole street fight had a vaguely tragic trend.

Seeing that the Avarosan warriors in the dark were still very effective even after being dispersed, under Tamara's urging, Draven had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the darkness to complete the battle, and instead walked along the relatively spacious path. The street occupies key positions, waiting for dawn tomorrow, and then concentrates superior forces to clear out the area.

In any case, the Noxians now have numerical and organizational advantages, and Avarosa no longer has a city wall. Instead of fighting with the opponent in the dark, it is better to divide the battlefield and create local superior forces. Complete the cleanup at the minimum cost.

In this way, the soldiers headed by Cui Fali stopped advancing and began to clear up residential strongholds along the main streets. They escorted the engineers to build barricades in the night. They waited until dawn tomorrow to attack the enemies in each area one by one. Break!

When Noxus stopped advancing, the Avarosan warriors who were still engaged in trapped beasts and relying on chaos to cause massive casualties to the Noxian soldiers suddenly became They became passive - they were unable to directly attack the Noxian military formation. They wanted to organize for action but were unable to assemble effectively because the city wall was suddenly breached, the message was not delivered in time, and the commander could not be found.

The result was that some brave men attacked the Noxian military formation and were easily killed, while a few stayed in the building where they were, and their space for movement was gradually compressed, waiting until tomorrow morning for the end to come.

It seemed like it was going to be the end of Focalodna.

However, what people never expected was that at dawn, the friendly forces of the Noxians-the teams composed of raiders-came to Forkarodna and clamored to march. The city was looted and plundered.

This is very shameless.

Although it was understandable that they could only sit and watch during the siege of Noxus because of the lack of siege means, but now that the city wall was breached, they eagerly jumped out to share the spoils. It's a bit shameless.

Therefore, in the face of the demands of the raiders, Draven did not hesitate to use Noxians to deal with them in a "gentle" way.

Fortunately, the translator spoke quickly at this time, otherwise if the conversation continued, the two parties would probably start fighting on the spot.

The angry Draven began to speak in front of the translator, while the looters on the opposite side acted like they were generous and vented their anger by greeting each other's ancestors. After feeling the emotions in his heart (Dlevin felt that he was not at a disadvantage, because he had grown up with his brother since he was a child, and he had never even seen his parents, let alone his ancestors, for as long as he could remember), he communicated some effective information.

The plunderers said very naturally that they were here to get "their share of the spoils."

They want the city's population, food, and supplies!

After hearing what the other party said, Draven began to spit out fragrance again.

"Is this your fucking trophy? I'm here to drink from the northwest wind?"

These Freljord barbarians are so shameless!

However, what Delevin didn't expect was that the other party still looked like it was natural and said, "You all took the best, what's wrong with letting us have some soup?"

Draven was stunned.

the best?

Is it best to fight these Avarosans who are like hedgehogs after breaking the city?

"But this city belongs to you!" Facing the angry Draven, the leaders of the raider tribe who didn't understand what he was talking about were confused. "This is the witch's assignment. Do you have to violate it?" ?"

This time it was Draven's turn to be stunned.

It's not that he cares about the distribution of witches as much as the Freljordians, but he never expected that the other party meant to leave this city to himself and Noxus!

Although Draven is a political idiot, Darius told him from the beginning of this military operation not to fight for the Freljord people, but to let engineers build forts along the way - in other words, from the beginning From the beginning, Darius coveted the Freljord.

Even for Noxus, Freljord is too barren and there is no benefit to occupying it, but driving some nails while the two sides are cooperating can reduce the pressure on Noxus in the north in the future.

However, what people never expected was that when Noxus was making her own little plans, the Frost Witch who facilitated the cooperation between the two parties was generously willing to give away a city - even if it was to be destroyed by Noxus. The strategic value of cities that have been plundered by humans is still immeasurable.

You know, this is Forkarodna, a key place connecting Draxtak in Central Freljord and East Freljord, and to the south is Tukugur.

After the Black Forest Federation returned to the embrace of Noxus, the supply line was not as long as Noxus imagined by occupying Forkarodna City!

Draven was certain that the Frost Witch had never brought the city to the table in the past.

Now facing the plunderer's request, he now has to face a multiple-choice question - should he accept the deal and let the plunderer go away, or should he let the plunderer go away and continue to deal with the difficult Ava? What about the Rosa people?

In Delevingne's opinion, this is a score-earning question.

Without the slightest hesitation, a hypocritical smile appeared on his face, and he directed the soldiers to go back and occupy the city walls and key streets. As long as these places were occupied, he believed that these plunderers would not have any regrets in the future. There's room.

As for whether the two sides will argue afterward...


How can it be so easy to spit out a place occupied by Noxians!

In this way, Noxus and the Raiders reached a new tacit understanding after the fall of Forkarodna.

The plunderers can plunder the city and steal all the wealth of the Avarosans, while the Noxians take over the city's defenses and become the new masters of the city - because of their fear of each other, they Although they both felt uncomfortable with each other, they still abided by the agreement in the end.

Three days later, the raiders drove their livestock, loaded their loot, and took their furnace slaves out of Forcalodna, leaving only an empty city to Noxus.

Tamara, on the other hand, took advantage of this period of time to lead her engineers to reinforce the city defenses of Focalodna, and sent envoys back to urge for supplies.

At this point, the eastern gateway to the Rakstak Plain fell completely under the control of the Noxians. When Ashe, who hurriedly gathered tribal warriors and set off for support, received the news, this Ashe War Mother Varosa almost went dark.

It was also at this time that Demacia's vanguard army completed an emergency assembly at the Green Teeth Peak Camp.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Black Powder:

The black gunpowder in Runeterra is not a pure chemical fuel. In addition to fuel, the active ingredients in this explosive also include various magic active substances. While deflagrating, the high temperature will destroy the stability of the magic active substances, causing an explosion. .

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