Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 884 【0881】 Different national attributes

Ai Xi hurriedly hurriedly rushed, but failed to reach Focalodna before it fell.

Now that the city has changed hands and has become a base for the Noxians to advance, it would be extremely difficult for her to take it back.

Although Avarosa also has specialized engineers, these engineering teams composed of furnace owners are usually responsible for equipment maintenance and camp construction. It is really difficult to let them be responsible for siege.

Therefore, when Ai Xi led the team to the city of Focalodna and tentatively attacked the city wall, she achieved almost no results.

Even if Avarosa's archers could suppress the projected firepower on the wall for a short time, they would not be able to climb over the wall.

Moreover, although some of the marauders have left, there are still many wandering around. If the Avarosan people really devote themselves to the siege, these marauders may not mind giving them more trouble later. She came hard.

At that time, once the team in hand has its strengths and weaknesses, the Avarosa tribe will be really in danger.

Under this situation, no matter how anxious Ai Xi was, she could only temporarily stop and lead her troops to defend the area to prevent the situation in the Laxtak Plain from deteriorating further.

The only good news for her is that since she ended the Anivia trial, the Avarosa tribe has been preparing for war. In a short while, there will be no problem with the supply of her army. And new support will arrive in the future.

She could still afford to wait.


Unlike Ashe, although the Noxian army in Forcalodna is temporarily at an absolute advantage, their supplies are a bit tight because the supply line is too long and the transportation losses are huge.

Especially since Ashe started to camp outside the city.

In order to urge follow-up supplies, Delevingne, who hated frivolous words, had to write directly to his brother for help.

However, what he never expected was that what he received next was not the military support he expected, but a fierce scolding.

In the letter, Darius directly denounced Draven's behavior of accepting the city of Forkarodna as "out-and-out nonsense" - for Noxus, this trip to Freljord was nothing more than It was a support, a political deal, but now with Draven taking the city of Forkarodna, the Noxians were suddenly in the forefront.

We agreed to play support, but why did we suddenly have to carry the team?

Previously, Darius wanted Draven to pay attention to the channels for material transportation and set up outposts in the Black Forest along the way. This was to strengthen the defense level of the Noxian Empire on the northern border and avoid the recurrence of divisions like the Black Forest Federation. Organization of attributes.

This does not mean that Noxus has the intention to occupy a large amount of land in the Freljord - not to mention how the profits from Forkarodna City are transported to Noxus, as far as the food, drink and food of these soldiers are concerned, It has already put huge pressure on the Immortal Fortress.

Considering the current situation in the kingdom, Darius's words were already very tactful, but the accusation contained in them made Darius blush.

However, when Draven had begun to think about how to leave the Freljord decently, Darius suddenly changed his mind.

They come, the security.

The Noxian Empire will not give up any land they have already swallowed.

Now that the matter has come to this, giving up the city of Forcalodna is completely inconsistent with the style of the Noxus Empire. Giving up after occupying it will expose the weakness of the Noxus Empire and all its problems. The Black Forest area is likely to reappear by then, and once the road to the Black Forest is cut off, the Noxian army will really have no choice but to wait to die.

In this case, Draven can only go to the dark side.

Next, the Immortal Fortress will do its best to support, so Darius hopes that Draven can win a hearty victory to show his authority and power.

Once there is a decent victory, even if the Noxian army voluntarily leaves later, there will be a buffer.

In addition to these rational analyzes and orders, Delevingne, who was very familiar with his brother, immediately felt that the second half of the letter was probably the focus. Although his tone was extremely serious, with a strong, It was accusatory and sarcastic, but Draven always felt that he also wanted to directly take over the city of Focalodna, and Darius seemed to feel proud because of this.

Finally, after putting down the letter, Delevingne fell into deep thought.

After a quarter of an hour, Delevingne finally made a move - he sucked his own saliva and then stood up silently.

That's right, he thought about it for a long time, but in the end he didn't have a decent idea at all.

Fortunately, although Draven himself is not good at thinking, he still has someone under his command - Draven found Tamara as soon as he recovered.

I really can't understand the meaning, but Tamara can!

Come on, Tamara, help me explain what we should do next!

When Tamara was invited to where Draven was staying to rest, she seemed very anxious.

"What happened?" Regardless of too many false greetings, Tamara asked directly before she even sat down, "Is there a response from the Immortal Fortress?"

"I shouldn't have told you before that I wrote a letter to my brother, right?"

"That's not hard to guess. I'm a member of the War Masons."

Obviously, for war masons, geographical analysis, observation of words, and disguise to win over are their most important courses. Only by mastering these skills can a war mason become a qualified spy.

When Swain had just succeeded as the commander-in-chief, the War Masons were an organization directly subordinate to him. Many of their talents were subsequently promoted, and Tamara was one of the best.

In addition, Delevingne never hides his emotions, and Tamara grew up with him and knew him very well, so she realized the key to the matter as soon as they met.

The only thing that could make Draven look like this was the letter sent from his brother from the Immortal Fortress!

Seeing that Delevingne still looked like a curious baby and was still asking questions, Tamara ignored his frequent questions and turned to look at the letter.

This time, Tamara did not disappoint Draven. She quickly discovered Darius' true thoughts from between the lines of his words.

"The commander-in-chief doesn't want you to withdraw, but you must be ready to withdraw."

This answer is a bit convoluted.

But then as Tamara gave a specific explanation of the reason, Delevingne finally understood.

The reason for not wanting to withdraw is out of consideration for the reality of Noxus. Considering that the Black Forest region has just returned and people's hearts are still in turmoil. Considering that the Noxus Empire will never play the role of a soft persimmon. Considering that Nok There are still many areas in the Sass Empire that have not been recovered, and the entire empire has not been restored.

These realistic problems were loaded together, which resulted in Draven stepping into Lissandra's trap and biting this exquisite piece of fishing bait. He could only go to the dark side.

In contrast, "preparing to evacuate" means that you are ready to bargain, and at the same time, you will not be in a hurry when you actually evacuate.

And if possible, this posture can also confuse the opposing army and horses, causing them to misjudge their own side.

In other words, Darius hopes that Draven will stay in Forcalodna City and assume a retreat posture before new changes occur. He can advance, attack, retreat or defend.

Anyway, the Avarosa people outside the city can't do much.

I will try my best to torture the people in the Immortal Fortress. If I can really gain a foothold here, then maybe we will have Noxus' own northern trade!


Darius, who has his own calculations, obviously does not know that just when he is planning to collect a temporary tax and send a special team that does not require much logistical supplies to the battlefield and to Freljord, in In Demacia to the west, more than 10,000 elite soldiers have gathered around Green Teeth Peak.

The number of 10,000 people is just a drop of rain for Noxus, which often has an army of 100,000, and for Freljord, where all the people are soldiers.

But considering that Demacia has its own military performance and talent training, the combat effectiveness of these ten thousand people may be quite terrifying.

The gap between 10,000 retired professional soldiers and 10,000 militiamen may be greater than 10,000 men and 10,000 pigs.

Now, these ten thousand people will serve as the vanguard, marching eastward, crossing the Nocmooch Plains, then turning north in the Black Forest area, taking Tukgul to Freljord, and supporting Avarosa. .

While the team was gathering, Lux was not idle either. A series of envoys had already set off one step ahead of the army, and successfully obtained the right of passage from the principalities and city-states along the way - for this, Demacia paid a price It is an open business market.

Since Demacia's international reputation was pretty good in the past, and it had never had the habit of territorial expansion, the principalities and city-states along the way were more worried about the Demacia's request for a passage, but what the Noxians would do after everything was over. revenge.

Yes, the Demacians say their final goal is the Freljord.

But... who knows if they might encounter Noxians halfway and have a massive encounter break out?

War is not a game. War involves all aspects of economics and politics. In addition to their own interests, principalities also need to pay attention to their own security issues - Demacia is okay, but Noxus will really expand its territory!

It is precisely because of Noxus' various criminal records that when Demacia makes a request for passage, most city-states and regions will readily agree.

Especially the principalities and city-states close to the Black Forest area.

Noxus took back the Black Forest without bloodshed, forcing them to face the threat of Noxus again. After the disintegration of the Noxus Empire, many of these principalities were dumbfounded. .

Not only do they have to face the pressure from Noxus again, but they also have to worry about Noxus shamelessly engaging in a "settlement of accounts."

In this entanglement, the young and promising Laxana took the initiative, sent a large number of envoys to communicate with her, launched a diplomatic offensive through fierce comparisons, and received amazing support.

Although the principalities and city-states along the way do not agree with the Demacian army entering the city or camping near the city, they are willing to "provide some supplies within their ability" to "ensure the sufficient supply of Demacian supplies."

Unlike Draven, whose eyes lit up when he heard that Forcalodna could be taken, the envoys responsible for diplomatic activities had a special bottom line confirmation before departure. They all rejected the help of these city-states and principalities and took the initiative to Donated supplies became purchased supplies.

Demacia has money.

We don't take any advantage of you!

This is of course not because the Demacians are stupid and have too much money. The main reason is that in addition to military goals, this army also has propaganda attributes. According to Lux's plan, while this army is advancing eastward, it will also attack the principalities along the way. and city-states, showing the style of Demacia.

For the residents in the areas along the way, the power represented by an army that "pays for fair transactions with one's own money" is obviously more acceptable than the power represented by an army that "prompts the lord to collect more taxes from his family" .

Demacia now needs an opportunity to deliver goods to Valoran. Cities have been built. Even if part of the eastward strategy is disrupted, the executable parts must be resolutely implemented!

Moreover, purchasing supplies on your own is a way to open up the market. Considering that the supply line for this trip is terrifyingly long, in addition to ensuring that the Green Teeth Peak base has sufficient supplies and transportation personnel, Lux also proposed "adequate supply channels for supplies" " request.

If we can establish contact with the local lords and farmers in the principalities, even if there is a problem with the overall supply line, we can at least rely on spending money to purchase supplies to ensure that supplies will not be completely cut off in a short period of time.

For the greedy Noxians, even if they realize that the city of Fukarodna is a bargaining chip for the Frost Witch to completely drag them down, they also know that occupying this city will become the number one enemy of Avarosa's army. target, but they still don't want to spit it out.

From Draven, who accepted the deal, to Darius, of the Immortal Fortress, they were unwilling to give up the benefits they had obtained - and the reason for this was not only greed, but also related to the national attributes of Noxus. .

Noxus cannot be weak!

In contrast, Demacia is more confident. Lux believes in Demacia's production level and is even more convinced that even in the fairest trade, Demacia will not be the loser - so, she Can arrange everything calmly, generously and fairly.

Demacia is always fair! (End of chapter)

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