Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 925 【0920】 Air Combat Prelude

Lissandra knew nothing about Project Bloom.

Although the Frost Witch knew of Kalya's existence and had been wary of him, she even deployed a reserve team to prevent this uncertainty.

But she obviously couldn't imagine that this unstable factor had already brought the commando to her feet.

It can only be said that the fire set by Varrokan was of some use. The fire destroyed the above-ground structure of the mine, and the underground part was blocked first. In this case, although Lissandra also sent people to investigate, The complex Iron Thorn Mine was so confusing that the Frostguard tribe did not notice anything amiss.

No matter how cautious Lissandra is, she can only deploy her prepared troops in places such as cliffs and steep slopes that are inaccessible by conventional means. Without a problem with her brain, it is naturally impossible for her to mobilize the already insufficient manpower. , to defend the empty mine.

Who would have thought that the end of the mine was blocked later and that there was an underground passage leading to Drunne?


After receiving the news from Kalya, the coalition forces finally made their first large-scale siege preparations on the frontal battlefield.

The Malphites, who had been kept in the camp before, finally came to the front this time. In addition, the air force, which had been only responsible for carrying out reconnaissance missions, also deployed throwing missiles on a large scale for the first time. Weapons.

The cost of each magic bomb with the Hex Core as the detonation core is close to an ice gold coin. During this Northern Expedition, these ordinary-looking spheres painted with light blue paint were actually It is the most important strategic material of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Under current weather conditions, it is extremely difficult for dragon birds to take off, so only a very small number of elite air force soldiers can be assigned to attack missions.

And Xisilia was the first one among all the dragon and bird knights to accept the mission.

After receiving the order, she immediately returned to the rear of the camp and found her companions.

"Yun Ling, it's time to work." Xisilia gently stroked her partner's head, "The weather is not very good today, but for us, this shouldn't be a problem."

Yun Ling was obviously not willing to take off in such a cold weather - although the temperature near Fort Diver was still within a very normal range for the Dragon Bird, once the flight altitude exceeded a thousand yards, the cold wind would make the Dragon Bird quickly hypothermia.

In other words, it was not a cold wind at all, but a cold magical storm.

Only the strongest dragon birds can take off and carry out attack missions at this time.

"I'm a grandma now, and she's still like a child." Seeing Yun Ling looking like she needed a hug to get up, Heathlia was a little helpless, "The military situation is urgent, just give me a hug!"

After a while, other dragon bird knights on the mission saw Xisilia and Yun Ling striding out of the temporary dragon bird perch. Many people secretly admired Colonel Xisilia's control over the dragon bird - ——Only a few people who are at the same time as Xisilia will laugh secretly in their hearts, but they will not expose the longing caused by this distance.

Soon, one after another, the dragon birds walked out of the dragon bird perch under the guidance of their own knights, and began to comb their feathers in the cold wind.

The dragon bird knight helped with an oversized comb and handed over a special "combat mixture".

The dragonfowl's battle mixture is a pre-mixed wine based on Demacia brandy. It can make the dragonfowl's spirit become excited in a short period of time, so that they will not be afraid of pain.

Although this mixture can make people drunk to death, for dragon birds, it is just tipsy at best. In this state, dragon birds will be braver, not afraid of pain, and more interested in blood. Sensitive, and the price of all this is just that it feels fluttery when flying and is unfavorable for a long battle.

Considering that the next mission is to attack the ground, and they will retreat after the attacks in waves, now is the best time to use Dragon Bird Mixture.

Including Yun Ling, the dragon birds first drank the mixture with the help of the knight, and then quickly put on a full set of equipment and took the Hex bomb before the power of the mixture surged. The knights carrying themselves took off one by one, and at an altitude of more than two thousand yards, while ensuring their own safety, they began to hover on the top of the Diver Fort, waiting for the opportunity to dive.

And faster than the Dragon Bird Knight is the Dragon Legion.

Well, describing it as a legion is a bit exaggerated. Specifically, it should be the "dragon detachment."

Under the command of Kalya, the twelve elemental dragons flew into the sky first, and relying on their own eyesight and perception advantages, they began to actively monitor the situation around the Fort. All spies and agents who left the Fort must be asked to All assassins will be caught in one fell swoop.

Although the elemental dragons are huge in size, when they perform such delicate tasks, their performance can still surprise people.

Even though "the loss of external investigation capabilities" is considered an important piece of information, the emergence of this information still caused uneasiness in the hearts of many Frost Guard tribesmen.

Something seems amiss today.

Could it be that those warm-blooded people and traitors are planning to make a desperate move today?

Well, it should be.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and they will definitely not be able to hold on. Instead of leaving in such a dejected manner, they are probably more willing to fight to the death before leaving, right?

Lissandra thought so too.

It seemed to her that the Demacians were playing their cards one after another.

Although the distance of two thousand yards is safe, the elemental dragon hovering in the sky still appears very clearly in Lissandra's perception. Although this perception is not as direct as what ordinary people see, it is clear in terms of clarity. But it's even worse - at this distance, even the Hex telescope can hardly see the specific information of these elemental dragons, but Lissandra can clearly perceive the attributes of those elemental dragons.

The enemy in heaven is very annoying and difficult to deal with.

For Lissandra, these huge elemental dragons are actually not much different from annoying flies.

Not enough of a direct threat, but certainly annoying.

If there hadn't been the previous confrontation, perhaps Lissandra's thoughts would have stopped at "annoying", but because the performance of the Archon Masters was slightly outstanding before, Lissandra had to doubt these elemental dragons. There is also the possibility of some kind of combinatorial collaboration.

If that is the case, the pressure faced by the Frostguard tribe will be much greater.

In addition to this, another thing that Lissandra cares about very much is the Malphites.

Although the Northern Expedition did not easily use Malphite on the battlefield of Freljord, because the results of the Battle of Black Forest were too shocking, Lissandra also had a glimpse of it through the dreams of some frustrated Noxian veterans. A corner of that desperate battle.

The Dharma Protector is already very difficult to deal with.

If the Archon relies on Malphite's footsteps to move forward like it did during the Battle of the Black Forest, then what kind of countermeasures should it take on its own side?

Frostguard priests are hardworking and devout.

But Lissandra was really not sure whether their spells could stop those stone men.

Perhaps, he should enhance some weather to create a better battlefield environment for them?

Although the Frostguard priests who lack professional training are all very talented spellcasters, when they are brought together, they will restrain each other. In such a large-scale battle, Lissandra has to devote some of her energy to To coordinate your own mage team.

On the contrary, with mutual cooperation and the cover of Malphite, the combat effectiveness of the Archon will definitely increase.

Of course, with the protection of the ice wall, the defending Frost Guard tribe still firmly occupies an absolute advantage.

The ice wall can not only provide a cover and platform for the defenders, but also serve as a basic magic circle to reconcile the Frostguard Priests. With Lissandra shaping it as she pleases, this ice wall can even be used when necessary. Able to fully come to life and devour all enemies targeted by it and its master.

Lissandra was very sure that this ice wall was not indestructible, but before it was completely destroyed, the warmbloods and Avarosan traitors would definitely pay a high price.

Then, after they exhaust themselves and destroy the ice wall, they will find in despair that there is a new ice wall behind that ice wall.

Lissandra believed that this method learned from the Noxians would definitely bring despair to the enemy, and once the enemy fell into despair, the Frostguard tribe would have a precious opportunity to counterattack.

No matter how many tricks you try, won't the final result still be to bite the ice wall head-on?

If you want to gnaw it, then gnaw it until it’s bloody and hit your head until it’s bloody!


Sisilia controlled Yun Ling and carefully hovered over the Diver Castle.

The windproof and frostproof goggles came with a telescope function, ensuring her field of vision. As the dragon bird circled around, she had already made a rough plan for the next action.

There are no obvious changes to the internal architectural layout of the Diver Fort, so the targets of the first wave of attacks will not change. As for whether the subsequent targets will change, that will have to wait until the first batch of bombs are dropped. Saw it.

Although the Dragon Bird Knight has been equipped with special communication equipment, when transmitting the message, Xisilia will still transmit the sound steadily and make tactical gestures at the same time.

Today's weather is not sunny, but at least there is no snow. After making a gesture of "everything is going according to plan" and completing the sound transmission, Xisilia first confirmed that everyone had given their instructions in time. In response, he lowered his head and focused all his attention on the position opened by the coalition forces outside Fort Diver.

She was waiting for a signal from command.

Lux did not keep Sisilia waiting for long.

As Malphite was activated one by one, and once again formed a fighting group with the Archon, and began to advance towards the city wall, Lux also opened his light-cast wings and flew into the air.

When Malphite No. 1, who was at the forefront, was less than 500 yards away from the ice wall of Fort Diver, she finally pulled out the broken blade and pointed it at the sky.

A huge and bright red attack arrow appeared in mid-air.

The not-so-clear sky made this light signal extremely dazzling. Not only did Heathlia, who was attentive, see it, but the other dragon and bird knights also saw it clearly and knew it in their hearts.

So, Xisilia did not hesitate to issue the order for the first wave of dive bombing missions through the sound transmission channel, and took the lead, controlling Yun Ling to fold her wings, and began to fall straight towards her at an angle of nearly ninety degrees. A target that has been aimed at for a long time.

Her target is the granary in the Diver Fort.

The superb flying skills ensured that Heathlia could meticulously complete the full set of technical actions required by the Air Force during the rapid descent. She took out the No. 1 and No. 2 bombs from the safety magazine and dived. He opened the safety when one-third of the way was completed, dropped the bomb when two-thirds of the way was done, and immediately climbed up with Yun Ling.

Yun Ling, who was diving happily and shouting happily, let out a dissatisfied "chirp", but still suddenly spread her wings, drawing a U-shaped trajectory in the air, and turned from descending to ascending less than 200 yards from the ground. .

And almost at the same time that Yun Ling started to climb, the No. 1 and No. 2 bombs thrown by Xisilia also successfully hit the target.

With a dull explosion, a burst of gray mist instantly rose up. These Hex crystal dusts were once the biggest source of pollution in Zaun, but now they have become sharp weapons on the battlefield. Not only do they have good magic conductivity, they will It will interfere with the casting of spells, and it will also seriously affect the line of sight, and even cause an effect similar to refraction, making it impossible for the Frost Guard Priest who relies on the naked eye to target the rapidly climbing dragon bird - several ice picks flew under Yun Ling's belly. , Xisilia, who was the first to complete the dive mission, successfully climbed back to a safe altitude of two thousand yards, and both the man and the dragon bird were safe.

Behind Xisilia, these most elite dragon and bird knights almost completed the first round of throwing tasks in less than a minute.

In the city of Fort Diver, smoke filled the area near the warehouse, and the gray fog seemed to obscure everything.

The Frost Guard priests on the ground had to use various means to disperse the gray fog. Many people ignored the "reservation of the ice caster" and chose to call on the power of the wind.

However, just when the gray fog dissipated a little and became a little thinner, the second wave of the air offensive arrived.

The Frost Dragon Legion has arrived.

When seeing these frost dragons, the Frost Guard Priests were even a little relaxed - as ice bloodline, the thing they were least afraid of was the breath of ice, and their resistance in this regard was even comparable to that of the frost dragons.

However, they never expected that someone on the coalition side had the ability to transform elements.

Just last night, Kalya transformed the attributes of the frost dragon overnight.

What greeted the Frost Guard Priest was not the breath of frost, but the overwhelming dragon fire that was enough to ignite the gray mist. (End of chapter)

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