Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 926 【0921】 Between offense and defense

The elemental transformation of the elemental dragon caught the Frostguard tribe by surprise.

For the Frost Guard Priests and Frost Guard Warriors, when they were waiting for the breath of frost to come, and looking forward to the elemental dragons lowering their flying altitude to take the opportunity to counterattack, what really fell on their heads was thousands of Unexpected dragon fire.

The high-temperature flames and the diffuse haze reacted violently. As the haze was ignited, a series of explosions almost wiped out the Frost Guard tribe stationed near the warehouse.

Even the elemental dragons did not realize that this series of attacks was so effective. Many unprepared elemental dragons were even thrown away by the explosion caused by themselves, and they flopped around in embarrassment for a long time before they were embarrassed. The ground pulled up its flight altitude.

Bad news, shameful.

Good news, the enemy didn't see it.

The Frostguard tribe, which had never experienced bombing, was completely unaware that attacks from the air could be so deadly. Apart from the spear throwers and Frostguard priests deployed here, they did not deploy any other air defense facilities. In this kind of attack with no initiative at all, the effect of the dragon-hunting spear is only that much - except for a dozen dragons who were slightly injured by throwing spears, most of the elemental dragons were very He successfully raised his flight altitude and prepared his second breath.

As a price, the Frost Guard tribe's air defense forces deployed in key areas were wiped out, and their warehouses were also hit by a series of explosions, and the overall structure almost completely collapsed.

This air attack made Lissandra feel very bad. She had to admit that she seemed to have underestimated the air force formed by the warm-blooded people before the battle. These air forces seemed to have mastered a brand-new weapon for attacking the ground. The method is completely different from the "low-altitude breath of the elemental dragon" that I knew in the past.

In terms of lethality and destructive power, they far exceeded Lissandra's expectations.

However, it's just not good.

Just when the dragon bird knight and the elemental dragon began to circle again and prepare for the second wave of attacks, a precise wind and snow enveloped them.

The temperature was too low, and the dragon birds quickly developed various symptoms of discomfort.

Although the elemental dragons did not show any discomfort, they quickly received the order to stop attacking without the assistance of the dragon bird knights.

Although the elemental dragon can launch another wave of swooping attacks, judging from Lissandra's reaction, the price of doing so may be the complete destruction of the frost dragon army.

Now is not the time for their sacrifice.

Judging from the current situation, it is more beneficial to the overall battle situation to keep these elemental dragons in a hovering state - it will restrain Lissandra's energy, and at the same time, it will mobilize the defenders inside the Delver Fort and damage their morale. .

Neither Kalya nor Lux believed that this frost dragon army had the ability to completely determine the direction of the battlefield.


For the coalition soldiers on the frontal battlefield, although they did not have a God's perspective and could not see the bombing inside Fort Diver, the continuous sound of explosions and the uneasiness of the defenders were enough to explain a lot. Problem.

Obviously, our own air force has brought a lot of trouble to the Frost Guard tribe, and may even force them to spend energy on internal defense, which will mean that our pressure on the frontal battlefield has been reduced.

Before the battle officially begins, it is discovered that one's side has gained a small advantage. This is undoubtedly a very morale-boosting thing.

The Northern Expeditionary Army, which pays attention to discipline, is okay.

The Avarosan warriors who, together with the Northern Expeditionary Army, swarmed toward the city wall under the cover of the Malphites, accelerated their pace amidst excited shouts, forcing the accompanying mages to rush them in advance. Get various BUFFs.

Elemental anomalies still envelope the Diver Fort. The duration of these BUFFs may not be as long as usual, but at least in the initial head-on confrontation, they can gain a huge advantage for their own side.

Soon, the Avarosan warriors at the front came to the city wall and began to throw the weapons they carried.

Up and down the ice wall of the Dredge Fort, the radiance of magic and the shuttle arrows complemented each other, and Freljordian curses with various accents became a mess. The attackers and defenders, who had no fear of death, began to face each other at the first meeting, and the battle began. It has completely reached a fever pitch.

Although the Avarosan warriors were a little out of touch, fortunately the Malphites moved quickly enough.

Before they suffered mass casualties, these giant monolithic golems arrived under the city wall and, protected by various spells, began a very straightforward demolition work.

As a pure element, the monolithic element is extremely repellent and destructive to other elements, which allows them to get twice the result with half the effort when dismantling the ice wall - the magic that protects and condenses the ice wall becomes transformed under their fists. They are very fragile, and it seems that it doesn't take long for them to chew a big hole in the wall of the Diver Fort.

However, Lissandra, who had long realized that the Malphites were not simple, had already been prepared.

Without her needing to personally take action, the Frost Guard Priests began to reshape the ice wall. They thickened the ice wall and slowly repaired the structure of the ice wall. The parts that were not easy to repair were simply discarded and turned into flying objects. Using the cracked ice blade, although the Malphites could slowly dismantle the city wall, the siege party could not really advance the front effectively.

The ice wall in front was shattering, and the exploding ice blades prevented the following mages and the shirtless Avarosan warriors from getting too close; the ice wall behind was slowly taking shape, reducing the effectiveness of Malphite's work.

The combination of the two directly caused the coalition's front to appear to be advancing, but the battle group with Malphite as the core was being divided bit by bit.

On the contrary, the Frost Guard priests and Frost Guard warriors on the city wall are like springs on the city wall, accumulating the power to fight back.

Lux, who was in mid-air, had a clear view of the situation on the frontal battlefield.

Although she still doesn't know how Lissandra plans to launch a counterattack, it can be seen that the opponent has definitely absorbed the experience of the previous battle in the Black Forest, has an insight into the advancement characteristics of the Malphite battle group, and plans to take Divide and conquer, dismantling combat units.

A very smart idea, the only problem is that they didn't realize that Malphite was more than just a siege puppet.

After confirming that dents had appeared on several main attack walls, Lux directly issued the second stage attack order.

After receiving the order, Malphite retreated immediately and took the initiative to give up his previous advancement distance.

Then, just when the Frostguard Priests followed the plan before the battle and planned to take advantage of the enemy's retreat to repair the city wall, the Malphites showed obvious deformation.

The highly malleable monolithic elements changed from siege puppets to siege vehicles, and began to escort the Avarosan warriors who had been buffed again to attack the city wall.

Although the Frost Guard priests had been repairing and thickening the city wall before, during the Malphites' attack on the ice wall, the Frost Guard warriors who were originally on the front line of the city wall had to withdraw in large numbers.

On the one hand, this is because the city wall is moving and the ice wall is unstable; on the other hand, it is also because the constantly exploding city wall is prone to accidental injuries.

Anyway, at this time, the coalition's subsequent occupying troops were unable to gain a firm foothold on the city wall.

And what Lux grasped was this critical opportunity.

Before the Frost Guard warriors could rush to the front line again, the Malphites quickly transformed, lifted and protected the fully BUFFed Avarosan warriors, and climbed directly onto the city wall.

This hand transformation happened so fast that when the Frostguard tribe realized what they were doing, the Avarosa warriors and the Frostguard warriors were already fighting hand to hand on the city wall!

The city wall that had just been thickened by the Frost Guard Priests became a arena for melee soldiers from both sides. Under such a situation, Malphite no longer took the initiative to dismantle the ice wall, and the Frost Guard Priests were unable to use Ice Explosion. It seems that they can only sit back and watch the Avarosan warriors and the Frostguard warriors have a "fair and just" duel on the city wall.

This situation is undoubtedly very unfavorable to the Frost Guard tribe.

Because after this wave of pull, they lost the geographical advantage of sitting on the city wall. Their counterattack and the coalition forces ascending the city wall happened almost at the same time. As the defender, they lost the geographical advantage, which was the biggest disadvantage.

The battles have the tendency to turn into a massive brawl.

Although the individual strength of the Frost Guard warriors is clearly superior to that of the coalition forces, with the blessing of various BUFFs, the warriors of Avarosa will obviously not be at a disadvantage before the spells expire.

Even if the Frost Guard Priests interfere immediately and try their best to prevent the Archon from replenishing the BUFF, don't forget that there are still many powerful teams on the coalition side that have not yet appeared!

Lissandra, who had spied on the dreams of many Noxian soldiers, was very impressed by the scene of the Northern Expedition resisting the attack of the Noxian army.

Coupled with the fact that the heavily armored Northern Expeditionary Army arrived at the city of Forcalodna first, even though the current situation was a bit erosive, Lissandra still insisted not to invest more and more elite forces. .

Now is not the time!

The city of Fort Diver is too big. Even after the fire, the Frostguard tribe gave up many areas when rebuilding the ice wall, but the area they need to defend is still too large. Now it is time to shrink the defense line and consume the enemy's physical strength. when!

From Lux's perspective, she saw the gradual shrinking of the Frostguard tribe's defense line.

As time went on, when the BUFFs of the Avarosan warriors were about to disappear, three sections of the city wall were even forced to be detonated by the Frostguard priests to prevent further attacks from their own side.

The forced detonation of these three ice walls clearly showed that our side undoubtedly had the upper hand in this round of offense and defense.

However, Lux did not feel relaxed.

In a sense, she felt that she was under greater pressure - the Frostguard tribe was obviously well prepared, and those who appeared on the front line were all with very conventional configurations, and Lissandra herself did not take action. The level is about the same as that of the team guarding Fukarodna. They are definitely not the real elite of the Frost Guard tribe!

What a troublesome enemy.

As two more city walls were forced to be detonated, Lux finally gave the order to start the advance camp.

The physical strength of the BUFFed Avarosan warriors has been severely exhausted, and as the battle line slowly advances, it is becoming more and more difficult to cast spells. At this time, it is no longer possible to continue to maintain the previous battle rhythm. It fits.

What the coalition forces should do now is to gain a foothold inside the first city wall and make Lissandra anxious.

It looks like Lux is leading a siege.

But in fact, she knew very well that the final decision would be made by Kalya and the Bloom Project commandos who had already been lurking in the mine.

That commando team, which has assembled most of the elite coalition forces, can completely destroy the defense of Fort Diver as long as Lissandra is mobilized and entangled by him!

Therefore, Lux is not in a hurry, and she even expects Lissandra to be anxious. If she hadn't taken the initiative to act too explicit at this time, otherwise she might not be able to help provoking Lissandra again.

For the current war situation, pursuing fiercely requires restraint, while playing steadily and steadily requires arrogance!

Only by convincing Lissandra that the coalition forces are rationally trying to consolidate their advantage can Lissandra dispel all the hesitations in her heart and allow her to take action herself!

In this way, as more and more sections of the outer city wall began to explode, and the Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests on the first line of defense began to retreat, the first camp that had been waiting for the battle finally took action, and they steadily crossed The first frontline composed of Malphite combat units was formed, and then it completely entered defense mode.

With the first camp to defend in front, the Avarosan warriors began to retreat and rest, while the Law Enforcers quickly took action to begin the rescue of the wounded and the emergency repair work on Malphite.

This kind of first aid on the battlefield has limited effect, but it clearly conveys the message that the coalition intends to fight steadily. When Lissandra saw this scene, she finally couldn't sit still.

The Frost Guards are not afraid of a group of people fighting to the end, but are afraid of this kind of steady encroachment. The disadvantage in military strength is their biggest flaw.

And this is the main reason why Lissandra comes to the front line in person. She has the power to make the final decision. As long as Lissandra takes action, the battle will end and turn into a decisive battle.

It was prudent not to take action before. Lissandra believed that it made sense to make certain sacrifices and see clearly the enemy's tactics.

Now she thinks she has understood the coalition's thinking - these people are going to fight stupidly!

Although Lissandra was still a little confused as to why the coalition forces had not launched an attack before. She knew that the coalition forces had been training and getting familiar with the frost field during this period, but even if everything made sense logically, she still felt that it was a bit of a show. mean.

Now it seems that I have been worrying too much. After all, judging from the performance of the coalition forces, they have made obvious progress compared to the time of Focalodna. Maybe they are really training during this period, waiting to be fully prepared and then return. Launch the final attack.

Perhaps... changing the attributes of those frost dragons is also one of their main purposes of delaying time?

Lissandra shook her head and stopped thinking about these things. She stood up and began to move slowly like an ancient glacier.

The cheers of the Frost Guard warriors and priests were the roar of ancient glaciers crushing everything. Along with the glaciers came the suddenly intense wind and snow, as well as the rolling thunder hidden in the wind and snow.

The time for the decisive battle...has arrived. (End of chapter)

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