Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 929 【0924】 Snow Mountains and Deserts

This wasn't the first time Lissandra heard the name Kalya.

In the past countless years, in countless people's dreams and memories, she had heard this name countless times.

Some say he is the god of death.

Some say he is a messenger of civilization.

Some say he is the enlightenment of all wisdom, which sounds like Anivia.

Some people say that he is the ancestor of all craftsmen, and his name is very similar to Ornn.

But to be honest, no matter how resounding these names are, they are nothing to Lissandra.

Because this Frost Witch is one of the few old monsters that is a generation older than Kalya - among the three independently developed civilizations of Ionia, Freljord and Shurima, Shurima It's the latest one.

Moreover, it is the most serious one.

Although Lissandra also knows that the fragmentation of the Shurima Empire does not mean the death of a civilization, as the source of civilization in Freljord and the wise one among the three sisters, she believes that she is qualified to overlook Kalya , even overlooking the entire Shuriman civilization.

But now, being famous is not as good as meeting.

After actually meeting Kalya, she surprisingly discovered that the impression she had formed on Kalya in the past countless years did not seem to be clear or accurate.

The golden guy standing in front of him, although he possesses the cunning and power of legends, does not have the arrogance and nobility of those legends at all.

He does not have the airs of a regent prince, nor the reserve of the source of civilization. He is just like an ordinary extraordinary person, using all his strength to mediate with himself, and then facing himself head-on at the most critical moment.

For Lissandra, who has experienced countless centuries, she is used to the distortion and deformation of legends after being passed down by mouth. She believes more than anyone else that seeing is believing, so even though Kalya's name has repeatedly appeared in many place, but the golden guy she saw now was her real first impression of Kalya.

And this first impression... is quite amazing.

Even though Lissandra has realized that she has been tricked, as a lover of tricks, she does not think there is anything shameful about this method - a wise man should use his wisdom.

In addition, Karya's spells just now were impressive enough, so although she was full of hostility when facing Karya, she didn't have much disgust.

It is precisely for this reason that when the magic power of both sides came and went like a tide and repeatedly crushed the Diver Fort, they even seemed quite polite on the surface.

You said I have admired you for a long time.

I said it would be a pleasure to meet you.

It was as if they were two people who had been famous for a long time, and they had a simple exchange of words after meeting for the first time.

However, if you focus on the entire battlefield, the situation is completely different.

Yellow sand and ice and snow advance and retreat.

In the silent confrontation, both sides are working hard to change the battlefield environment so that they can gain an advantage in the next and further battle.

The strong magic power allows Lissandra to stir up wind and snow at any cost, covering the ground with dense snowflakes.

In contrast, Karya, through more precise control of the gravel, can always make the yellow sand mixed in the strong wind and let the gravel engulf the snow.

Between the pull of the magic power of both sides, the warriors and priests of the Frost Guard tribe moved away from the center of the battlefield, and the commandos also took the opportunity to gather together behind Kalya. At the same time, the main force of the coalition forces on the front battlefield was steadily approaching the city wall. ——As long as Lissandra is delayed, the situation on the battlefield will tilt infinitely towards the coalition forces.

Lissandra obviously knew this, so after some testing, she took the initiative to launch an offensive.

Several more giant ice claws grabbed Kalya from all directions.

It's just that different from the previous spell, these giant ice claws are more flexible, as if they are really transformed from the palm of Lissandra. When Kalya wanted to use the wind and sand to submerge them with her backhand, these giant ice claws actually While continuing to attack Kalya, they each started casting spells.

Or erect an ice spear like a forest of rain, or whip up a storm of ice as sharp as a blade, or expand the realm of ice that seals everything, or create an extreme cold that prevents gravel from clumping together...

For the first time, Lissandra showed the various means she should have as a spellcaster.

And among these tricks, her most deadly method is hidden - Zhen Bing.

Lissandra is definitely the best user of Zhenbing.

In her long life, she had already turned Zhen Bing into a part of herself, and the sharp claws that she grabbed at Kalya all contained the terrifying power of Zhen Bing.

What's even more terrible is that Kalya has clearly discovered that her whole body has a tendency to turn into ice.

Kalya is already a master of elementalization, and the body he now moves freely is the incarnation of the elements.

But when Lissandra used Zhen Bing's power, she frantically used Zhen Bing's power as part of the elemental incarnation - her elementalization was the elementalization of Zhenbing's element!

Pure elementalization!

This is an area that Kaliyadu has never been able to enter.

If it weren't for the battlefield, I'm afraid Kalya couldn't help but start to study how Lissandra did this.

Unfortunately, considering that the two sides are currently fighting, Kalya can only suppress her curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and muster up her energy to deal with the offensive from Lissandra.

Kalya also has the ability to use pure elements.

However, due to his mediocre magic talent, he was not very good at shaping pure elements. In the end, he could only prepare gravel in advance, put it all in the small world, and pour it out when used.

The reason why these yellow sands can suppress the ice and snow created by Lissandra's magic power is because they are the pure elements accumulated by Kalya.

However, when Lissandra turned part of herself into an element, and when the confrontation in the elemental realm turned into an equal duel of pure elements, Kalya instantly felt the difficulty.

Although the situation of the battle seemed to have not changed much, Kalya knew very well that his gravel was being consumed rapidly.

And in this war of attrition, even with the accumulation of small world, Kalya does not think that he will have the confidence to have the last laugh.

Even though the huge waves caused by the yellow sand can crush the ice claws condensed by Zhen Bing again and again, Lissandra can continue to control Zhen Bing to put pressure on Kalya while slowly moving like a moving iceberg. , greeted Kalya.

Although Lissandra's eyes cannot be seen.

But from the opponent's performance in the battle, Kalya still read a lot of interesting information.

For example, Lissandra is not actually the creator of Zhenbing.

During the confrontation of spells, Kalya discovered very keenly that the opponent's method of using Zhenbing was exactly the same as his method of driving yellow sand!

This is interesting.

Kalya's yellow sand came from his small world and was transported to Runeland after opening a space channel.

So, where did Lissandra's Perfect Ice come from?

The answer comes from herself - perhaps through the use of some kind of sealing spell, perhaps through the power of some kind of contract. Under Lissandra's feet, all the ice and snow on the ground she steps on will turn into perfection. ice.

At first, Kalya thought this was the other party's way of making Zhenbing. Although it was a bit unusual, it was not incomprehensible.

But as the battle progressed, he could feel the changes in the incarnation of the elements from Lissandra's body.

It seems that with the continuous production and consumption of Zhenbing, the disturbance of the pure elements in her elemental body is weakening.

This is interesting.

Lissandra is definitely not unable to maintain her pure elemental form. Her spell control is the most exquisite that Kalya has ever seen. The current level of fighting will not make her unable to sustain the consumption.

Her steady magic output from beginning to end proves this.

Therefore, the only explanation for the weakening of Jingchun's elementalization is that the Zhenbing she used was not made on site by herself, but was "peeled off" from her own body.

To be honest, this conclusion is somewhat surprising.

But if you put it on Lissandra, it is not surprising at all - if Kalya has some research on the magic of blood, then Lissandra can only be described as crazy in this regard.

The reason behind the birth of the Ice Bloodline is simply enough to make people stunned. It is not incomprehensible to make a small modification to one's own elemental form, and achieve pure elementalization by attaching to the form of Zhenbing.

Of course, understanding is understanding. Lissandra's "eclectic" attitude really surprised Kalya. Her own magic power, the power of pure elements, and Volibear's thunder were just the powers that Kalya knew about. There are three kinds of people in Sandra.

In addition, Anivia vaguely revealed before that there is also some kind of secret connection between her and the void...

Lissandra is simply using her own body to nourish the poison!

How she reconciled and maintained the balance was completely unknown to Kalya and could not be imagined. However, after realizing this, Kalya, who did not have an advantage in the war of attrition, quickly found the next step. Action ideas.

Since you like to raise voodoos, then I will open the voodoo nest!

If the balance of the various forces in Lissandra's body could be completely destroyed in some way, could the Frost Witch continue to reconcile and fight?

Maybe your attunement has brought amazing power, abundant magic, and endless means.

But can you really tie it all together and maintain its balance no matter what the state is?

Kalya thinks she can't.

If it was possible, then why did she use Zhenbing to create it bit by bit after turning into pure elements?

Isn't it because he is afraid that his stability will be destroyed and he will lose control of his power completely?

Realizing this, Kalya quickly had an idea.

He was very good at destroying the stability of magic.

I heard Lux ​​say before that Lissandra once set off an elemental storm, hoping that the increasingly fierce elemental storm would engulf the coalition forces, but was unexpectedly defused by the Archon.

At that time, Kalya once commented sharply on Lissandra's choice: "This idea is effective for those who cast spells based on instinct, but it is meaningless for those who possess spellcasting systems and magical knowledge."

Yes, from beginning to end, Kalya's advantage is the knowledge he possesses, which is a power closer to the essence of magic and the rules of the world!

The elemental storm is not a simple collision between wind, snow and thunder.

A true elemental storm will go from macro to micro, from elemental gradient to magic tide, and everything will fall out of control. When the Shurima Empire conquered Icathia and captured the Mage King, the most famous spell was "Chaos". field".

Lux once asked Kalya a question: Why does the Shurima Empire have such a complete magic system, but most ascendants prefer to use ascended bodies to fight?

The answer Kalya gave her was that the core of magic is control, but no matter what the situation, it is easier to lose control than to control.

That's it now.

In a head-on battle, Kalya was no match for Lissandra. Although the two sides were not superior in terms of magic control, Lissandra's magic power was crushing.

However, if Kalya gives up control and instead creates chaotic elemental storms out of control, can Lissandra still be able to control the complex power in her body?

Kalya is very much looking forward to the answer given by the other party.

A thick wall of sand rose up, temporarily blocking the giant ice claw closest to Kalya.

Then, when Lissandra's wrist slightly pressed down and destroyed the wall, she had a wonderful feeling of "popping a balloon".

Do you seem to have broken some kind of balance?

In Lissandra's astonishment, centered on the giant claw of perfect ice, a turbulent storm spread to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lissandra could clearly feel the power contained in the storm. In the center of the storm, the elements and magic were mixed together, seeming to violently destroy and devour everything.

Do you want to use a large-scale elemental storm to smooth out the disadvantages accumulated in previous battles?

The corners of Lissandra's mouth curled up slightly.

I used Elemental Storm before. Don’t I still know what the core of this move is?

You want to rely on the elemental storm to interfere with me and stay in the eye of the storm to gain an advantage in battle... It's a good idea, but it's a pity that you are facing me!

Seeing that Kalya seemed to be reciting a lengthy and astonishingly powerful spell, Lissandra's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot - no, not from the spot, but suddenly with a crampon. Changed position!

It was a perfect iceclaw hidden under the yellow sand that had not completely disappeared. Through elementalization, Lissandra instantly crossed over the turbulent elemental storm and came directly to the eye of the storm.

Do you want me to lose sight of one thing in a turbulent storm?

How is this possible...wait, something is wrong!

After entering the eye of the storm, Lissandra's behavior changed drastically for the first time. She turned around and wanted to leave without hesitation, but it was too late - in front of her, Kalya holding a long sword had already stopped her. before.

"Don't leave once you're here, Your Excellency Frost Witch." Kalya stood with her sword in hand, as if she was the initiator of a duel, "In the Forbidden Demon Arena, under the power of Chaos, our duel has just begun! "(End of chapter)

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