Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 930 【0925】 Bad Battle

Magic is an objective law.

In different environments, different types of magic will have different performance effects. The more extreme the environment, the more limited the expression of magic.

In Runeterra, elemental magic of various elements can be used normally.

But if you go to a secondary plane such as the Shadow Realm, the corresponding magic will be strengthened, while the opposite magic will be weakened.

And if you reach the star realm, almost all elemental magic will be extremely suppressed, and the star realm spells will be extremely powerful.

For example, in Ixtal, due to the existence of the elemental gradient barrier, the casting of elemental magic is smoother than in other places, while arcane magic and rune spells are somewhat weakened.

All these are not enough.

Of course, for extraordinary beings, the limitations of this environment are very limited. For example, Lux is in the Shadow Realm. Although it is a little more troublesome to cast spells, she can still shine brightly with her own magic power.

However, there is a place where the influence of the environment is so powerful that even extraordinary beings find it difficult to release spells there.

This kind of place is called the Forbidden Demon Realm.

Within these forbidden magic areas, even if they are extraordinary beings with abundant magic power, the spells they release will quickly dissipate and get out of control.

In the era of the Shurima Empire, the forbidden magic field was a very important laboratory environment. In key areas of many core magic laboratories, a circular magic forbidden field was artificially arranged to reduce the interference of the external environment on experiments.

Of course, this kind of forbidden magic field is very fragile. If someone insists on trying to actively cast spells here, the forbidden magic field will often be directly destroyed. Therefore, casting spells in the forbidden magic field is the most important thing in Shurima University. Those who violate the prohibitions will be directly expelled from school.

In addition to the man-made forbidden magic realm, there is also a kind of forbidden magic realm that is "purely natural".

For example, the Land of the Void is a purely natural forbidden magic realm - there, the effects of all spells will be completely swallowed up due to the different plane laws.

The battle with the void gave Kalya a lot of inspiration. Although he didn't have much time and energy to develop spells after that, he still gained a lot of interesting ideas in the field of forbidden magic.

After he abandoned immortality on Mount Targon, these ideas gradually had a little chance to be put into practice. In addition, he was teaching Renekton about elementalization some time ago and had such a solid experimental material. On the basis of the magic field, the spell of the forbidden magic arena finally took shape.

The Forbidden Magic Arena, as its name suggests, is a small arena where the use of magic is prohibited.

The principle of its spell can be roughly regarded as a synthesis of Shurima's circular magic forbidden field and the void magic forbidden field. Specifically, it creates a chaotic storm to turn the center of the storm into a "magic force is rapidly extracted." The Forbidden Demon Field.

The turbulent chaotic storm will absorb the surrounding magic and incorporate it into the storm. By "voiding" the storm to make its absorption capacity stronger than its destructive power, the central area of ​​the storm will be drained. Magic vacuum.

Originally, according to Kalya's idea, the final form of this spell should be a "single-element magic-forbidden arena" formed by extracting a certain elemental storm, that is, all except the designated magic types are banned inside the arena.

But the transformation of Chaos Storm was really frustrating. Even Kalya could only end up with a half-finished product that killed a thousand enemies and suffered 800 self-inflicted wounds.

Well, considering that Kalya himself is a quite pure spell caster and is still in an elemental form, maybe this spell should be regarded as killing eight hundred enemies and damaging one thousand self?

However, no one could have imagined that this guy Lissandra would just hit him head-on - Kalya has never seen a person who accumulates so many kinds of energy in his body. Since you don't care about the complexity of your own power, Then I will simply let you have a taste of the Forbidden Demon Arena and see if you can maintain the balance of your own power under the extraction of the Forbidden Demon Arena!

With this idea in mind, Kalya seized the opportunity and set off a chaotic storm.

He pretended to create a situation of "putting himself in the eye of the storm to gain a combat advantage", attracting Lissandra to the center of the Chaos Storm, and then suddenly changed the parameters of the Chaos Storm.

As a result, Lissandra fell into the Forbidden Demon Arena without any precautions.

When Kalya took a long sword out of nowhere and stopped her, Lissandra was already laughing angrily.

Although she didn't quite understand the operating principles of the Forbidden Demon Arena, she had obviously guessed Kalya's purpose after feeling that the spell was ineffective.

Okay, you plan to fight with a long sword, right?

Do you really think that without relying on magic, I can only be captured without any help?

The first step in the rise of the three Freljord sisters was not magic, but fists!

Then, a shocking scene appeared - Lissandra picked up a spear and rushed straight towards Kalya.

It’s hard to imagine that two top spellcasters in Runeterra would actually pick up swords and guns and fight hand-to-hand!

And as the sword and spear came into contact, Kalya found awkwardly that she was... completely outmatched in terms of strength.

After three moves and two moves, Lissandra had the upper hand.

Even though Kalya's swordsmanship is very standard and his reactions are very flexible, in front of Lissandra, his attacks look quite weak. If he continues to fight, I'm afraid he will soon be killed in the forbidden area he carefully constructed. Inside the Demon Arena.

Under this situation, Lissandra's heart that had been hanging before finally gradually fell to the ground.

When she noticed the effect of the forbidden magic field, she was really shocked. If Kalya was a strong swordsman like that Lux, then she might really suffer a big loss.

But now it seems...

The creativity of this spell is good, but Kalya himself is really a bit stretched.

Maybe... I should try to catch him and ask him to contribute this spell?

However, just when Lissandra was happy and thought she had the upper hand, a sudden change occurred.

Her body began to appear obviously out of control, and the mediocre sword stabbed by Kalya almost opened a skylight in her chest.

Although at the last moment, Lissandra avoided the sword in the chest with a slightly embarrassed posture, her previous joy disappeared at this moment - the loss of control just now came from the loss of control of the energy in her body!

In the Forbidden Demon Arena, the different types of magic contained in her body were also being extracted by the chaotic storm outside. However, Lissandra in the Forbidden Demon state could not clearly perceive this extraction. When she realized When something was wrong, her magic power had become very obviously out of balance!

Damn it, are you waiting for me here?

When Lissandra stood up in a hurry and raised her head again, her expression had become completely ferocious. Now she had realized that Kalya's intention was to completely destroy herself in the Forbidden Demon Arena!

Such a despicable person...


To Kalya's expectation, Lissandra did not choose to leave the Forbidden Demon Arena after realizing the imbalance of her own energy. Instead, she rushed towards Kalya with great ferocity. Now the Frost Witch had completely She has no intention of taking prisoners. She wants to kill Kalya, the culprit, before her energy is completely unbalanced!

The previous battles have proven that he is a weak and powerless rookie. As long as he is willing to get hurt a little, it is no problem to take his life.

With a series of continuous attacks, Kalya, who was left and right, was obviously at a disadvantage - he also saw Lissandra's intention to trade injuries for her life.

How could Kalya accept this result?

I have tried so hard to drag you into this forbidden demon arena, is it because I am seeking death?

What a joke!

Seeing that Lissandra seemed to have made up her mind to maintain the offensive, the remaining gold on Kalya finally peeled off. Then, in the stunned eyes of the Frost Witch, she saw a golden sand sculpture with slightly bald feathers. He flapped his wings and flew into the air with some difficulty, completely avoiding his own attack.

Kalya's Ascendant - or rather, Darkin form!

The sand sculpture hovering in the air happily let out a long cry, as if laughing at Lissandra's overestimation. The angry Frost Witch grabbed all the throwable weapons around her and threw them into the air.

But unfortunately, none of these weapons can hit the target.

Moreover, when faced with these throwing weapons, Kalya even spread her wings quite skillfully, and used almost fancy flying to dodge. The more she looked at it, the more irritating she became, calling Lissandra no longer a frost witch. calm look.

For a moment, Lissandra even had the idea of ​​​​exchanging one with Kalya.

However, as her various energies began to become completely unbalanced, and even seemed to be on the verge of collapse, Lissandra finally gave up her final attack with hatred and took the initiative to leave the Forbidden Demon Arena.

The moment her figure left the center of the chaotic storm and entered the storm, the energy that had been previously unbalanced by the chaotic storm suddenly exploded in her body, and all kinds of energy were mixed together, even in her body. A small magic vortex was born in the body.

Although Lissandra transformed herself into a pure element immediately, barely suppressing the further loss of control of her magic power, her figure still staggered, and blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, dyeing the deep blue ice red. .

The storm gradually subsided.

Lissandra didn't know what Kalya's current state was, but she thought it wouldn't be worse than herself - at least those silent sands had become active again, and she couldn't control the ice as she had at the beginning.

In this case, temporary retreat became his only option.

No, it should be said that in this case, it is hard to say whether a smooth retreat can be achieved.

After all, Lux had left a deep impression on Lissandra before. This little girl who uses light magic and can transform into semi-elements can be said to be unparalleled in the world in terms of mobility.

If she bites me... I'm afraid it would be a luxury to leave safely!

Realizing this, Lissandra simply gave up the idea of ​​gathering troops. In her opinion, gathering the troops at this time can only increase her goal. If she wants to leave smoothly, she can only cut off her own strength!

These Frostguard priests and Frostguard warriors staying in the Diver Keep are enough to cause serious damage to the Frostguard tribe.

But as long as you are still there, as long as you regulate the mixed and chaotic energy in your body, there will be opportunities later!

Moreover, winter is coming soon. The Avarosan people may still have some strength left, but the Demacian people will definitely not be able to continue going north. They will have a winter to regroup!

Thinking about this, she did not choose to assemble her troops, but she reluctantly transformed into a line of ice and headed north over the mountains and ridges.

Although Kalya immediately restored her elemental form, dispersed the Chaos Storm, and began to shout "Lissandra has been defeated", when Lux realized what happened and tried to find When Lissandra arrived, the Frost Witch had long since disappeared from the battlefield.

Lissandra is missing? !

Considering that it was best not to further irritate the Frostguard tribe, whose morale was on the verge of collapse, Kalya finally gave up the idea of ​​getting an ice sculpture head and said it was the head of Lissandra, and just publicized the defeat of the Frost Witch.

The Frost Guard tribe, who didn't know what happened, didn't believe Kalya's statement at first, but when they saw that the Frost Witch didn't show up, Kalya, who had fought with her before, passed by the battlefield like a winner, and their Morale finally collapsed.

In fact, if these Frostguard tribe warriors and priests are still willing to continue fighting, then I am afraid that the result of persisting will be that Kalya has no choice but to lead the commando team to withdraw from the Diver Fort. It is true that Lissandra ran away, but Kalya also has no combat effectiveness, and although the defense system of the Diver Fort itself has been damaged, it is still generally intact.

What's more important is that on the frontal battlefield, Lux's magic power consumption is also very large, and the magic power reserve of the magician is not sufficient. If the battle continues, the coalition forces will be unable to succeed.

However, with the loss of Lissandra, the warriors and priests of the Frostguard tribe have visibly lost their fighting spirit. They have no reason and motivation to continue fighting. The invincible Frost Witch escaping from the battlefield is completely shattered. their inherent worldview.

So, the exhausted commandos launched a final wave of assaults, planning to run away if they couldn't win the battle, but the Frostguard tribe fell directly into collapse.

The sluggish Frostguard warriors gave up their weapons, and the absent-minded Frostguard priests gave up casting spells.

Although there was no control from Kalya, many people fell into the gravel and almost suffocated themselves to death...

A fierce battle, but in the end it came to an end in a manner that was close to a bad battle. (End of chapter)

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