Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 934 【0928】 Avengers

Generally speaking, a talkative friend tends to be a silent listener - Zoe and Saul are such a pair.

Although their relationship was not close when they first met, and Aurelion Sol almost attacked the noisy little thing because of the remaining power of the Titan in Zoe, but after learning that she was possessed by Twilight, After abandoning and now hating Titan, the two sides almost hit it off and quickly formed an Avengers Alliance.

Moreover, the way the giants created protoss to interfere with Runeterra also gave Thor a lot of inspiration.

Yes, because he fell into the Titan's trick, he couldn't get close to Runeterra.

But this does not mean that He cannot exert his influence.

The appearance of Zoe now is obviously a good opportunity for Him. As long as Zoe can return to Runeterra and destroy the foundation of the Titan, those cunning thieves will definitely be finished!

With this idea in mind, Zoe and Thor "joined forces" to form an Avengers Alliance.

Then, Zoe happily returned to Runeterra under the guidance of Thor.

Her return destination was actually the city of Shurima, but there was a slight deviation during the transmission, and she ended up in Kashuli in Ionia. After negotiating with the locals to no avail, Zoe simply Opened another portal and continued looking for Shurima.

At least find someone who understands you.

Alas, Runeland is troublesome, but the heavenly world is convenient - under the infiltration of the heavenly ether, Zoe and Thor can still communicate smoothly even if they have never met before; but when they returned to Runeterra, Zoe was troubled by the language. Due to the blockage, I couldn’t even find my way home!


If Kalya's study of magic relies on solid foundation step by step, then Zoe's use of magic can only be described as "do whatever you want".

Such chaotic spellcasting makes her spells full of unpredictability. Although Zoe's goal is very clear, which is to find Shurima, the results show that she is wandering in circles in Runeterra.

"I think Shurima should be here", and then opened a portal. It was fate whether it was close or far.

As a result, a real version of the polar opposites was officially staged in Runeterra.

Zoe, who was teleporting around, did not find Shurima, but she successfully found a group of "little dragon dragons"-the alliance's frost dragon army.

At the beginning, when the Frost Dragon Legion on daily patrol saw a little man on the ground, they didn't pay much attention.

Under normal circumstances, there are no pedestrians in the Freljord in the winter, but occasionally there are a few ice travelers, which is normal, and this is not worthy of too much attention.

However, the Frost Dragon Legion did not pay attention to Zoe, but Zoe was very interested in these little dragons.

Although they are not as cool as big dragons, if Zoe remembers correctly, dragons with people should be Shurima's "specialty".

Therefore, after the frost dragon army turned its attention away from Zoe, Zoe took the initiative to open a short-distance portal and happily landed on the back of the leading frost dragon.

The dragon was startled.

It’s not that it was kindly worried about Zoe’s safety, but it told the flying elemental dragon that there was suddenly someone behind it…

Isn't this too scary?

However, what made them even more panicked was that this little girl spoke with an authentic Shurima accent.

"Do you know where Shurima goes?"

For a moment, the giant frost dragon couldn't help but think of the first time he saw Kalya in Ixtal - at that time Kalya stopped him lightly and then asked a question. The question that stunned me: "It seems that you are not too young, so are you interested in being promoted to an ancient dragon?"

At that time, I rejected him and thought he was a lunatic. I launched a decisive attack and wanted to give myself an extra meal.

As a result, the meal was not a bonus, but I enjoyed a "gentle" sand bath, the kind that almost rubbed off all the dragon scales.

Now, a little girl who looked quite irritable suddenly ran up to my back, and then asked me in a familiar Shurima accent how to get to Shurima...

Such abstract things were too difficult for an elemental dragon to understand. Considering the painful experience of the last sand bath, the elemental dragon finally believed that although he did not understand, he should at least be polite.

On the one hand, it's because of the lessons learned from communicating with Kalya, and on the other hand, it's because the heavenly energy around Zoe is like a light on its back.

So it shook its head, trying to express "I don't know."

"You can understand me, right!" Unfortunately, Zoe didn't care what the other person wanted to express. What she cared about was that the little dragon seemed to understand what she said. "That's great, finally someone who understands me." The person I’m talking to is—well, a dragon—so now Zoe asks you to take me back to Shurima!”

The elemental dragon was stunned.

Wait, among human expressions, shaking your head means negative, right?

I was really shaking my head just now!

Could it be that she saw it wrong and didn't realize that she was shaking her head?

In desperation, it began to shake its head again, trying to express that it did not know where Shurima was.

"Are you going to reject Zoe?" However, what completely confused this elemental dragon was that Zoe did not follow the rules at all, "The dragon that rejects Zoe is a bad dragon. I can't I’m going to teach you a lesson on behalf of Dalonglong!”

The elemental dragon was dumbfounded.

This is how the same thing?

How did this natural disaster happen to him?

After thinking about it, it all started because I glanced down during my daily patrol. How could I have offended such a little ancestor?

Fortunately, the elemental dragon that could be appointed as the patrol team leader was a smart person. After discovering that something was wrong, it finally chose to change its direction and fly south.

However, while turning, it also let out a low roar to the elemental dragon behind it, and actively reduced its flying speed.

"Stop watching the show here, go and invite Kalya!"

Thanks to the resourcefulness of this elemental dragon, a quarter of an hour later, Kalya rode the elemental dragon that had reported the message before and found the unlucky guy who had been "coerced" by Zoe in the south.

To be honest, even Kalya didn't understand the situation at all before seeing this unlucky guy.

If the Frostguard tribe is looking for trouble with the elemental dragon, then they shouldn't go south at all!

If the Noxians are dishonest again... No, it's impossible. The current Noxians have no reason or ability to be so dishonest.

Therefore, after getting the warning, Kalya thought something strange had happened.

And judging from the results...this is really weird.

However, something even stranger is yet to come.

When Kalya came on a dragon and wanted to stop Zoe and figure out the situation, he was greeted with a rather warm hug.

"Wow!" Zoe opened a portal casually, then jumped over gently and deftly, standing next to Kalya, "Where did you get the mask on your face? I also want to make one - —This is so similar to Kalya’s mask!”

Kalya was stunned.

What's going on!

"Let me take a closer look." Zoe looked familiar. "This pattern is exactly the same as the statue I saw in Shurima City. No, I can't wait any longer. Please give me a price. Since I am an honorary life member of the Kalya Worshipers Association, how about giving it to me? I know the location of many secret vaults!"

Kalya was completely confused.

This young girl who seems to be full of energy is looking for a mask from me?

Hmm, wait, why does she look more and more familiar?


"You know my name!" Zoe put her hands on her hips, showing a proud look, "You have also heard of the name of the first lifetime honorary member of the Kalya Admirers Association, right!"

"Sorry, what is that association you are talking about?"

"The Association of Kalya Admirers!" Zoe showed an unbelievable expression, "That is an organization that I have painstakingly established. For it, I have emptied several treasury that only I know about. Can you get it?" With such a great mask, it’s impossible that you haven’t heard of this association, right?”

Kalya fell silent.

First, he had indeed never heard that he had such an association of admirers.

Secondly, he never expected that Zoe would become his admirer.

Thirdly, he was suddenly hesitant to reveal his identity.

Although he didn't know what Zoe in front of him had experienced and what the situation was, his intuition told him that if he revealed his identity at this time, he would probably face a steady stream of trouble.

In front of the overly enthusiastic Zoe, even Kalya was a little at a loss for a moment.

"Why, aren't you willing to help?" Seeing that Kalya didn't take off the mask to give herself, Zoe's tone was full of undisguised disappointment, "Give me some face, if gold can't satisfy you... …What about this little dragon? Wait, little dragon, don’t run away!”

Just when Zoe finally realized that she seemed to have just hijacked a dragon and wanted to use it as a bargaining chip to impress Kalya in order to win the mask on his face, the dragon had already flapped its wings and fled.

Seeing that her chips were about to disappear, Zoe anxiously opened a portal again.

However, this time she didn't get into it smoothly.

The yellow sand turned into a big hand and grabbed her ankle directly.

"Stop bullying that poor elemental dragon." Although he hasn't fully understood the situation, Kalya can't just sit back and watch his air force being bullied by a little girl. "Do you have to have a mask?"

"Of course!" Zoe did not hesitate, "This is the first time I have seen such an exquisite mask. It is as if it was copied from a statue."

"Take it." Kalya stretched out his left hand, and a mask of the same style as his face appeared in his hand, "Then get out of here. This is a battlefield and it is very dangerous."

Zoe took the mask doubtfully and looked at it carefully in her hand.


As a Shuriman living at the foot of Mount Targon, Zoe has heard many, many stories about Kalya since she was a child. Some of these stories are true, some are serious, and some are false.

After growing up a little, Zoe became a believer of the Titan because of family reasons. However, when the rebellious period came, she began to secretly do things that were not allowed by the sect.

So what can't a follower of Titan do?

First of all, you can’t read Kalya’s book.

Of course, this mainly refers to Karya’s serious works, including many papers and lectures. Reading too much of these things will impact the faith of believers.

As a follower of the giant god, Zoe could not get these serious things and was not interested in them, but she happened to be eager for something different, so after several twists and turns, she read some other works by Kalya. work.

Kalja's novel.

Because of these interesting stories, Zoe became interested in Kalya and wanted to know more about Kalya and the "person whose name cannot be mentioned" in the sect.

At this time, Kalya has fallen into dormancy, so Zoe cannot see Kalya - but since Kalya has not been dormant for long, the Shurima Empire has not yet reached Azir's era. Although it has been divided, it has not yet It was over, so soon, Zoe found the statue of Kalya.

Then, Zoe, who is a handsome dog, immediately fell in love with Kalya's handsome face.

What are paper people?

This is an extremely perfect regent who really existed in history!

Although Zoe and Kalya are not from the same generation at all, in the eyes of the girl, "You were born before I was born, and you are dead before I was born", which is also a touching poignancy!

In this way, the next Twilight Celestial Spirit became a fan of Kalya by chance, a fan from another generation.

Even after being chosen as the next Twilight Protoss, Zoe's first stop on her training journey was Shurima City to visit the Kal'ya Museum!

It was in Shurima City that she saw Kalya's golden mask for the first time in a display case in the museum.

As a fan of Kalya’s books and people, Zoe would only dream of this kind of top-notch peripherals!

If it weren't for the fact that Zoe was not yet proficient in mastering the power of twilight at that time, I am afraid that Shurima City would have experienced a "shattering robbery."

Although Zoe also bought a lot of related replicas afterwards, in her opinion, these things didn't have that taste.

So, a somewhat disappointed Zoe formed the Kalya Admirers Association, appointed herself as the president, and began her vigorous star-chasing journey.

Zoe's star-chasing made the Twilight Stars who were paying attention to her furious. Although "Kalya was dead" at the time, her own star-chasing still made the Twilight Titan speed up Zoe's training progress - she was summoned midway Returned to heaven and began a long journey to heaven.

This journey will allow her to adapt to the power of the celestial world, and will also make her gradually forget about Kal'ya - and most importantly, make Runeterra forget Kal'ya.

In this way, Zoe began her lonely journey to heaven, and the more she walked among the lonely stars, the more she felt the faint sense of loneliness in Kalya's words.

After all...Karya's heart is always filled with unspeakable loneliness.

Of course, with the baptism of the power of twilight and the power of heaven, Zoe's state gradually began to develop in the direction of the twilight star spirit that the giant god expected, until the twilight giant god changed his plan and planned to choose Jarvan IV as his successor. My own star spirit.

Now, after many years, Zoe saw Kalya's golden mask again. After she took the mask, she looked at it blankly, and then suddenly raised her head after a while.

"Who are you?" Her tone became dangerous. "Could it be...that you are the descendant of Kalya and that bad woman?"

Super expansion~

Didn't expect it!

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