Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 935 【0929】 Fanatic Fan

Kalya has met many of his admirers.

But there are not many people as enthusiastic as Zoe...

As for fanatic fans, once they get involved, it's quite troublesome - and Zoe seems to be very dissatisfied with Setaka, and seems to have some kind of possessiveness.

In this case, Karl Adam immediately gave up the idea of ​​revealing his identity, so he decided to trick this guy away first.

So, after clearing his throat, he first denied that he was a descendant of Kalya and Setaka.

"Of course not, I swear to that."

Zoe was very satisfied with Kalya's attitude - she felt that Kalya shouldn't have lied.

Of course I didn't lie. How could Kalya himself be the descendant of Kalya and Setaka!

“That’s good.” Zoe nodded, put away her attacking stance, and lowered her head to look at the mask in her hand, “For the sake of this mask, Zoe will cover you, can you? Tell me, where did you get this mask?"

"Crafts." Kalya shrugged and decided to divert the trouble, "Now Shurima is trying to revive, and many things from the Shurima Empire era have been dug up again - how long have you not paid attention to Shurima? What’s the situation with Ma?”

"Ah, is that so?" Zoe blinked and put on the mask with a smile, "It has indeed been a while. After the annoying Twilight deceived me, I haven't been back for a long, long time... You Do you know how many years have passed since the Fourth Dynasty of the Shurima Empire?"

"Fourth Dynasty?" Kalya was obviously stunned, "What is that?"

"Huh? You don't even know this?" Zoe hugged her shoulders, "That's right, it's the fourth dynasty established by Kalya and the descendants of that bad woman. I think it is definitely finished. As long as it gets involved with that bad woman, Everything will be bad!”

The corners of Kalya's eyes trembled, and she decided to change the topic and tell Zoe to get out of here.

He finally understood that due to some changes, Zoe seemed to have embarked on a completely different path from the Twilight Stars - of course, this was understandable. After all, Jarvan IV was the Twilight Stars at the time, and seemed to be a giant god. You can only have one protoss at a time.

"Who can tell the history of Shurima clearly? Everyone says that they are descendants of the Prince Regent..."

"What Prince Regent? He's clearly the Emperor of Shurima!" The name Prince Regent seemed to irritate Zoe, "It's clearly that shameless old woman Setaka!"

Kalya narrowed her eyes.

Zoe, who has given up his identity as a Twilight Star spirit, is a fan of his own. Although it is a bit troublesome, he does not intend to ask the other party to do anything. In front of outsiders, Kalya still has some idol baggage.

However, looking at Zoe's unabashed manner, she even lacks respect when talking about Setaka...

This requires a little lesson.

"If I were you, I would definitely not speak so loudly about the ascended Martial Queen." Karya snorted, "If you really know Karya."

“What are you talking about?” Zoe raised her eyebrows, “It’s obviously that disgusting old woman——”

Before she finished speaking, the mask on her face suddenly deformed and sealed her mouth tightly.

Zoe reached up to take off her mask.

But unfortunately, the mask was like a shackle, completely blocking her face and making it impossible to take it off.

"I apologize for your words, Miss Zoe." Kalya said calmly, "Setaka's part."

"Woo!" (No!)

Zoe obviously would not give up easily. She shook her head and swiped in the air. After opening a portal, the full power of heaven spurted out from it, as if to completely envelope Kalya.

Unfortunately, Kalya was already prepared for this. He just raised his hand gently, and the power of heaven suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Seeing this, Zoe simply jumped up and was about to jump into the portal.

However, how could Kalya, who was well prepared, let her slip away so easily?

The yellow sand turned into a hand again and grabbed Zoe tightly.

"Apologise first and then talk."


Kalya's sudden attack caught Zoe a little off guard. She didn't expect that the guy in front of her who was easy to talk to before would suddenly change his expression - although she was quite afraid of Kalya at the beginning, but as Kalya Ya took the initiative to give him the mask and promised that he was not the descendant of that bad woman, and she gradually let down her guard.

Moreover, Zoe, who was used to playing with the big dragon, obviously didn't realize that pride had quietly arisen in her heart. From the bottom of her heart, she didn't think any mortal could really threaten her.

As a result, when she put on the mask without warning and annoyed Kalya, Zoe had little room to resist in the face of Kalja's continuous suppression.

However, it was impossible for her to change her words and apologize. As a fan of Kalya, she was full of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Setaka. It was already very polite to call her a bad woman, but she had to press her head to apologize. Absolutely impossible!

Although Twilight's power has dissipated, before returning, Dalonglong gave Zoe a lot of special powers. He originally wanted to teach the annoying Twilight a lesson, but now it seems that he has to try his skills first!

So, in Kalya's stunned eyes, a familiar and unfamiliar power began to fill her body.

This is a radiance mixed with celestial power, which is familiar and unfamiliar to Kalya.

It was this kind of power that filled the sun's disk in the past!

In the Shurima Empire, this power has another name - the power of ascension!

It was right for Kalya to give up her ascended body and her identity as an ascended person.

But as the chief designer of most of the key national projects of the Shurima Empire, he also has considerable application experience even with the energy itself, the power of ascension.

So, while Zoe was excitedly waiting for Dalonglong's power to teach the bastard in front of her a lesson, she saw a scene that made her doubt her eyes.

The power from Thor was easily grasped by Kalya, and then as golden symbols lit up in the air one after another, this power was finally guided behind him by Kalya and turned into a pair of Gorgeous eagle wings.

Kalya had not been exposed to such pure power of ascension for a long, long time. Even when this power flowed through his body, he even had a feeling of reappearing yesterday - as if he was still an ascendant.

It is precisely because of this reason that the feathers on his back appear particularly clear and real compared to every time before. Each golden feather is fully visible and shining with golden light.

Zoe was stunned.

This...isn't this the power of Dalonglong?

Why is the guy in front of me so familiar with it, as if he is used to it?

Didn't Dalonglong say that he had never seen anyone from Runeterra before meeting him?

What exactly is going on?

"Obviously, these methods are ineffective for me." After recovering from a moment of confusion, Kalya shook his head at Zoe, "Apologise, Zoe - be sensible, you are no longer a child."

"Huh?!" Kalya's words made Zoe furious again, "What's your tone? Do you think you are much older than me? You don't even know about the Fourth Dynasty -"

"Of course I don't know." Kalya hesitated, and finally wiped off the yellow sand mask on his face helplessly, "I had already fallen into a deep sleep by then."

Zoe wanted to say something else, but after seeing this familiar face, she almost subconsciously held her breath.

This face was too familiar to her.

When she was wandering in the heaven, she thought of this face countless times and the stories he had written. For Zoe, who always maintained her girlish nature, the other person was her most important support and everything to her. The soul is haunted by dreams.

"What the hell, don't try to enchant me with this method!" After a moment of silence, Zoe gritted her teeth angrily, "You can even change Kalya's face, and you say you are not the descendant of that bad woman!"

"Setaka is not my ancestor." Kalya shook her head, "She is my wife."

"Ahhhhhh, I don't believe your nonsense!" Zoe began to shake her head crazily, "You liar, don't be like Kalya!"

"I am Kalya, not anyone else." Seeing Zoe's appearance, Kalya could only shake his head helplessly and said, "I never thought that one day I would have to prove that I am who I am..."

"You are not Kalya!" Zoe interrupted Kalya, "Karya was coerced by a bad woman - wuwuwuwu..."

"Setaka is my wife. This is reality, and what you just said is all fantasy." Kalya did not hesitate to expose Zoe's fantasy, "Although it is very happy to be worshiped by others. Things, but there is always a gap between reality and imagination. Although it is a bit cruel, please return to reality."

Zoe's whole body was visibly defeated.

In fact, when she saw Kalya spreading her wings, she already had an ominous premonition in her heart, and when Kalya wiped off the mask, although she didn't believe it with her mouth, she already believed it in her heart.

She knew Kalya too well.

Although she has never met Kalya, she has a considerable understanding of Kalya's mask, Kalya's wings, and even Kalya's favorite method of casting spells - as a fan of Kalya, she even knows a lot Something that Kalya himself didn’t even realize.

Therefore, when Kalya directly revealed her identity, even if she was unwilling to accept it, she still distinguished the authenticity immediately.

It was the first time she found out the authenticity that made her feel particularly sad.

Kalya...wasn't he really coerced by that old woman?

Why would he be with that kind of guy? Is it because she has bigger breasts, longer hair, and can fight better?

These have nothing to do with charm!

Why not take a look at yourself?

As her whole body sank, the light in Zoe's hair stopped flowing. Beside her, the portal disappeared with a "pop", but she herself seemed unaware of it and just remained exhausted in the air. His posture is as funny as he wants.

"So, do you want an autograph?" Seeing Zoe's appearance, Kalya was a little helpless, "As long as you are willing to apologize for your reckless thoughts-"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kalya, how could you like such a person?!" Before she could finish speaking, Zoe suddenly raised her head, "What's so good about her, even her written words are so boring and vulgar. !”

"Vulgar?" This time it was Kalya's turn to be confused, "What is vulgar?"

"Those pulling orders!" Zoe said disdainfully, "I've seen them before, in the museum."

"Are you talking about "The Report to the Bandits"?"

It seems to be the name.

Kalya covered her face.

"It is a letter of challenge specifically designed to provoke the enemy and make them take the initiative to attack. It is naturally rough and mobile, making people's fists harden just listening to it - you like my book very much?"

"Of course!" Zoe nodded quickly, "Especially the book "Traveling Backward"!"

"Oh, then do you know who was the proofreader of "Walking Backward"?"


Zoe had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"It's Setaka." Kalya said with a smile, "What a coincidence, this is also her favorite book."

"Ah?!" Zoe's voice was obviously deformed, "I, I don't believe it!"

"History is always a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone." Kalya shook her head gently, "You and I do not live in the same era. I am honored that you like my words, but you should also understand that in the words, The me may not be the real me - when "Traveling Backward" is written and published, it is no longer my own work."

Zoe's eyes were blank.

"Everyone has their own journey, and they also have their own river." Kalya took back his mask, stood up and stood opposite Zoe, "Although I don't know what you have experienced, but Judging from the aura on your body, it seems like a long journey to heaven?"

Zoe blinked--although she didn't speak, Kalya already got the answer in her eyes.

"No matter how that journey went, at least you are back now." Kalya continued, "Although Runeland today is completely different from the past, I believe that such a lively little girl like you should be able to Adapt to this new world.”

Zoe blinked again.

"Anyway, welcome back to Runeterra." Kalya waved his hand, and a thick stack of manuscripts appeared in his hands. "Leave it as a souvenir. I hope you can find the river of your own."

Zoe did not reach out, but looked at Kalya steadily.

"What?" Kalya also looked at Zoe, "You still think Setaka is a bad woman?"

Zoe subconsciously wanted to nod, but she stopped at the end. She did not take the manuscript of "Walking Backward", but after hesitating for a moment, she pointed to the hand in Kalya's other hand. mask.

"I want that."

"Ah?" Kalya was stunned, "It's not a simple mask."

"Yes." She didn't know what she thought of, but Zoe's face started to turn red, and the color of her hair changed rapidly, "That's better."

? ? ?

? ? ?

At this moment, Kalya seemed to be petrified and could not speak a word. (End of chapter)

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