Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 974 Extra: Noxus's good student Riel

Noxus, Good Student Riel

The world will never stagnate because of the departure of someone, even if that person is Kalya.

Perhaps, only when the sky is about to brighten, the members of the Northern Vanguard Group - now it should be called the Demacia Vanguard Group - will think of Kalya's teachings and guidance when looking up at the horizon; and for the common people in Runeland, Kalya is an extremely unfamiliar name, but the inexplicably appearing star has become the "harbinger" of all kinds of "prophecies" in the mouths of many liars.

What really affects the public is never a star, but the changes of time.

Mortals cannot see the collapse of the Targon star map and the disintegration of the old order, but they can clearly feel that a wave called [Extraordinary Liberation] is sweeping across the entire Runeland.

The origin of Extraordinary Liberation is Demacia, and the normalization of the infected is the pioneer of this wave.

When the first batch of liberated infected changed their names and participated in the construction and management of the North as the guardian of the law, few people could see the deeper impact brought about by this change.

Even when the North Walkers arrived at the gates of the capital and completely overthrew the old dynasty of Demacia, in the eyes of most people, the Archons were nothing more than "the force that Laxana united to seize power."

However, with the Great Crusade and the dismemberment of Noxus, Runeland seemed to have returned to peace, and the waves caused by the normalization of the Demon-Infected really attracted the attention of those knowledgeable people.

Archons are very good at fighting.

Not only are they good at fighting, but when governing the place, their methods are much better than those of the old nobles. They can not only collect taxes, but also truly organize the civilians, which is something that other kingdoms cannot do.

What's more terrible is that the training of Archons seems to be very simple - there are not many Archons with great reputations, and those who have entered the extraordinary field are rare, and most of them are extremely talented, but apart from these top geniuses, the bottom line of most Archons is very guaranteed.

This is very scary.

As the first generation of Spellbinders gradually retreated to the second line and the second generation of Spellbinders educated in the North gradually entered the mainstream vision, many people realized that Demacia had a brand-new talent training system that could train Spellbinders on a large scale.

In other words, it was not only Spellbinders, but also the three armies of Demacia.

The first to study this were the Noxians.

As the old enemy of Demacia (this old enemy is now unilaterally certified by Noxus), the Noxians began to re-examine Demacia intentionally or unintentionally after the relationship with Demacia eased.

In this process, knowledgeable people led by Rell soon discovered the secret of Demacia's talent training system.

Rell also came from a magic school. Although the magic school she was in was a bit too bloody, it is undeniable that many of the classmates who escaped from the school with her and wandered all the way later became Rell's right-hand men.

The Demacia model seems to show Rell a completely different path. If the resources of magic education are not poured into one student, but shared by students and a relatively complete system is established, does it mean that Noxus can also cultivate its own magic guards?

In the past, the relevant knowledge of Noxus was spread through blood - each noble family regarded blood and knowledge as the foundation of their lives. They improved the magic talents of noble children through marriage and other means, and established private schools internally to pass on knowledge in the form of a master-apprentice system.

Due to the intricate connections between the nobles, these private schools often developed into associations and then became a hotbed for corruption. At the beginning, the Black Rose seemed to be just a secret magic association.

In the early days of Rell's coming to power, she had always cracked down on such secret groups. With the example of the Black Rose in front of her, this crackdown was naturally legitimate. However, even if Rell fought with all her strength, the result was only to suppress associations and connections on the surface. Those nobles who had survived the three reigns of Swain Darius Rell had their own ways of survival. Although Rell had classmates as helpers, she still could not really reach out to the nobles' private plots, so this crackdown was always superficial.

Faced with this situation, Rell decided to carry out drastic reforms to the Noxus education system after some discussions with her classmates.

Private schools were still prohibited, but the transformation of private schools into public schools was encouraged and welcomed. As a reward, Rell and her classmates were willing to personally participate in the course teaching and guarantee some rights of the sponsoring nobles in the form of contracts.

Including but not limited to the naming rights of the school, the right to allocate admissions, the administrative management rights, etc.

According to Rell's plan, the process of converting private schools into public schools is essentially closer to "cooperative education", that is, the nobles provide the venue and part of the teachers, and Rell provides the reputation and the other part of the teachers.

The graduates of this kind of public school converted from private schools will inevitably carry the imprint of the sponsoring nobles, which is not as pure as Demacia's education, but it is precisely these imprints that make Rell's plan feasible.

Most nobles are unwilling to give up their own private territory of education.

But the nobles of Noxus have never been of one mind. When most people were watching and waiting for Rell to fail, several old nobles with few descendants took the lead in surrendering.

The first was the Cockao family.

This famous family now has only Katarina as the main line, and she married far away in Demacia. Under such circumstances, the private assassin school, which was once managed by General Du Cockao and had trained a large number of elites including Talon, soon realized the transformation from private to public and was named [Diplomatic Academy] in the Immortal Bastion.

As for Katarina, who was not good at diplomacy, she became the principal of this school. After the Cockao family gradually lost in the military field, they gained in the diplomatic field.

The leading role of the Cockao family is quite deadly.

Many families without direct descendants soon smelled the smell and came to them. In the past, in order to avoid the decline of the family, they often had to spend a lot of money on marriage and adoption, but the result was usually either annexation or becoming a vassal.

But now, they can be more "broken jars" and become Rell's lackeys to protect their own foundation.

So, with the establishment of one school after another, many old Noxian nobles smelled the breath of danger.

They wanted to resist, but the resistance at this time was no longer powerful.

When the morning star hung in the sky for the twelfth year, in Noxus, the last old association finally came to the brink of dissolution due to the lack of new members; it was also in this year that Rell signed the "Noxian Talent Certification Act" modeled after Demacia.

Although Rell has never been a student of Kalya, it is undeniable that she has learned well.

The appearance of the three bills, the "Demacia Talent Certification Act", the "Noxian Talent Certification Act", and the "Imperial Talent Reward Measures" of Shurima, are also generally considered to be the sign of the official start of the extraordinary liberation wave.

So far, the road to the extraordinary has officially opened to most people in Runeland.

Rest is good for physical and mental health...

During this period of rest, the author finally went on a few trips after four years, and his sleep quality has also improved. I feel better.

However, sometimes people are just mean. They don't need to write novels, but after a long time, they can't help thinking about the next book when they lie in bed at night. After resting, the desire to create that had been gradually exhausted is now full again.

In addition, the editor took the initiative to ask me when I would start a new book (which really flattered me), so it's time to prepare for another start!

I will update some extra chapters to recover in the next few days, and the new book will be coming soon!

It's still the League of Legends universe, but it's no longer a "decent" story. Stay tuned!

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