Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 975 Extra: Noxus' Low Moral Advantage

Noxus·Low Moral Advantage

When the birth of a transcendent is no longer a simple competition of talent, embarking on the path of transcendence is no longer a personal matter.

As an imitator of Demacia, Noxus, under the leadership of Rell, keeps up with the times, starts its own transcendent training program through the "Noxus Talent Certification Act", and joins this vigorous wave of transcendent liberation.

However, since Noxus itself is a latecomer, and Rell still needs to work hard to reconcile the domestic environment, and Noxus has not been able to completely clear the old aristocratic forces in the country even after three generations of Swain Darius Rell, the waves of transcendent liberation in Noxus are obviously not as great as those in Demacia.

From the perspective of competition, Noxus, which is already one step behind, seems to be falling behind step by step.

What's more, due to Noxus's consistent expansion strategy, the entire surrounding area of ​​Noxus, whether it is bordering, across the sea, or not related at all, has a bad relationship with Noxus.

The historical legacy directly led to Noxus always being in a passive international relationship. When Noxus was strong, this international relationship allowed it to solve problems more unscrupulously through force, but now that Noxus has declined and can no longer wave its fists, it has become a deadly burden if it wants to catch up quickly.

That's not all.

What's more deadly is that Noxus itself has poor land and insufficient products, which inevitably leads it to the path of expansion and plunder. Once this path is blocked, even if Riel barely catches up with the extraordinary liberation wave, I'm afraid Noxus can only barely hang at the end of the wave and barely keep itself from falling behind.

This is obviously inconsistent with the Noxians' expectations of their own status.

In this situation, after several twists and turns, Noxus finally regained some of its imperial style again - realizing that it could not continue to fight internally, the Noxians began to try to overtake on the curve.

Military adventures have failed, and those who want to engage in military adventures will either die in the war or completely lose power.

The path of relying on the same old path was completely proven to be ineffective in the successive failures, and Noxus was forced to find a completely new path.

This path must be different from Demacia, and it must be able to overtake on the curve. It is best that Noxus can do it but Demacia cannot.

It seems that when the above conditions are superimposed, it seems like a fantasy no matter how you look at it, but when the right to education is realized as "public-private integration", many poor children in Noxus schools who do whatever it takes to get ahead have inadvertently opened a new door for Noxus.

As we all know, Demacia's education can be roughly divided into basic education and higher education. The former is compulsory (although it has just barely covered the whole country), and the latter requires selection before it is carried out.

The combination of the two, plus other aesthetic education, social education, etc., together constitutes the current Demacia education system.

In Noxus, in order to seize the lead in the wave of extraordinary liberation, many schools have chosen a more crazy form of education - no basic education, directly higher education.

Undoubtedly, this is a very unhealthy way of education. Students without basic education cannot establish a complete outlook on life, life and values. Moreover, overly strict and even somewhat forced higher magic education may even cause students' personalities to become distorted.

Although education in this way requires little investment and has direct returns, from the perspective of the students themselves, their lives are actually ruined.

After all, starting from a simple test at the time of admission, their lives have been completely planned. Except for a certain subject, they do not study anything else. This is a very scary thing.

But the people of Noxus do it without any pressure.

Not only are the schools in Noxus stress-free, but even the students themselves and their parents do not think there is anything wrong with this.


Because compared with Demacia, Noxus has a low moral advantage.

What were the schools in Noxus like in the past?

Just look at the school in Riel and you will know: the only ones who can really attend are the children of the nobility. Even if the children of the common people are lucky enough to join, they can only be consumables.

But what about now?

Although the students who enter the school have completely deformed lives, which can easily lead to irreversible character distortion, and may even be completely eliminated by society as the times progress, they have a brand new upward channel.

In the past, even when the Noxus Empire was the strongest, this upward channel also came at a price: at that time, if the children of ordinary people wanted to stand out, they had to go to the battlefield and turn their flesh and blood into firewood to drive the imperial war machine forward.

For Demacia, it is completely unacceptable to cultivate a group of students with distorted personalities who may be eliminated by society in the future. Neither Kalya nor Lux would consider it.

But for Noxus, this is completely feasible and even progressive - after all, it is better than the Scouts, right?

After receiving systematic magic education and participating in the extraordinary liberation wave, the Noxians took out the momentum of military imperialism, and the result was very magical and amazing.

When the "Noxus Talent Certification Act" was promulgated, Noxus's magic education had just taken shape, and everything remained on paper. Apart from a theoretical framework, there was almost nothing else.

But only ten years later, Noxus had more than 200 magic schools of all sizes, among which radicals had begun super-standard magic education for children as young as five years old.

And twenty years after the promulgation of the "Noxus Talent Certification Act", Noxus had an astonishing number of extraordinary people in many fields. Their theoretical knowledge was a mess, and their practical ability was extremely biased, but they could show astonishing production capacity in appropriate fields.

If Demacia wanted to develop the textile industry, the education system would train sixty textile workers with basic culture who could operate simple or complex textile machines; then train twenty other supporting personnel, ten senior magicians who had received higher education to enchant textiles, and ten scholars who improved textile technology or enchantment theory.

The Noxians start weaving at the age of five, training a hundred students to weave with various magics. They don't know anything else, but they have an amazing level of skills in weaving.

Although once there is a large-scale change in textile technology and a change in the popularity of textiles, many of them will lose their jobs and fall into hardship, but overall, the comprehensive textile level of Noxus has been effectively improved.

Demacia chose a unified layout and horizontal cooperation.

Noxus has embarked on the road of vertical division and special franchise.

This horizontal and vertical also represent the two schools of thought in the first fifty years of the extraordinary liberation wave-until rune magic finally changed and the rune stone industry finally took shape, the extraordinary liberation wave finally entered the next stage.

The beginning of the new book has been written, and I was going to send it to the editor tomorrow to see, and then upload it.

But today I got the news that someone in my hometown is leaving and will go back soon. It will take a few days to take a plane and transfer to a train.

The new book cannot be interrupted during its release period. I cannot write steadily these days, and I cannot write at ease. To be safe, the new book cannot be released tomorrow. I am afraid it will be delayed until next Monday. I am very sorry.

If I have time these days, I will update the extra chapter of the magic penetrating stick, and then save as many manuscripts as possible for the new book.

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