Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 495: Yong Dyson

That day, the meteor above Eden made a mark on the record of the New Edward Flight Test Center.

Although it had deviated from the purpose of the test, when YF21 landed and returned to the hangar, Lei Mingkai received a warm welcome.

Among the crowd, the hill-like Garut was particularly dazzling.

"Ensign Lei Mingkai, how do you feel?"

Garut knows that YF21's driving assistance system can keep the pilot in a state of high G force for a long time without being affected by it. However, from the development and manufacture of YF21 to the present, only Lei Mingkai has been flying around the world with a long high Mach so frantically.

"It feels pretty good! If it weren't for the meter, I couldn't believe that YF21 was at Mach 6 just now."

Lei Mingkai took off his helmet, took a deep breath of the unique mechanical breath in the hangar, and smiled.

"This is a very good fighter! Director Garut. I am proud to be able to drive it into the sky!"

Lei Mingkai made no secret of his love for YF21, which made Garut's mouth slightly cocked.

"Really? So, we will now prepare for the next test. Come on, Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Here comes our opponent."

After that, Garut turned around and walked to the door, turned around and waited for Lei Mingkai to follow.


Lei Mingkai secretly said.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the VF11 I encountered when flying around the world at a supersonic speed of Mach 6.

Judging from time and Garut's reaction, the so-called opponent is probably the craziest pilot in Macross' history-Yong Dyson.

Face the lunatic Yong.

This may be the biggest challenge Lei Mingkai has ever faced.

However, the two of them did not speak and kept silent all the time.

Garut no longer asked about Lei Mingkai's driving feelings, and Lei Mingkai was thinking about it.

The appearance of the lunatic courage is an opportunity for the whole incident to unfold.

Recalling the abnormal report about the fragments mentioned by He Meimei, Lei Mingkai almost placed the target on Sharon in the next instant.

That was a trace of abnormal time and space fluctuations detected by the Time and Space Administration from the endless void.

That trace of abnormal temporal and spatial fluctuations was almost exactly the same as the pattern on the fragment painted when Lei Mingkai handed it to the Xing Department.

To solve this mystery, Lei Mingkai and White Cat Zero came to this world.


Suddenly, at the next corner, a small figure ran out, yelled at Garut, and jumped onto Lei Mingkai's shoulder.

"Second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, your cat is very smart."

Garut's gaze moved slightly, and he took a look at the White Cat Zero.

"No, this is just a flash of light for a while! At other times, this little guy is just a foodie."

Lei Mingkai replied with a smile.

As everyone knows, when he was talking, the white cat's zero-style claws popped out quietly, trying to give Lei Mingkai a fierce claw. But it was unexpectedly discovered that now Lei Mingkai's driving suit, which had not been changed at all, actually blocked the white cat's zero-style paws.

The solid driving suit made the white cat zero-style hate itching.

If it weren't for a lot of noise if the trouble continued like this, White Cat Zero would definitely not let Lei Mingkai go.


Along the way, Garut and Lei Mingkai came to the meeting room.

Looking at the closed door, Lei Mingkai seemed to be able to see who was sitting there, waiting for his arrival.

"come in!"

In the door, Colonel Millard's voice came.

Then, Lei Mingkai saw two waves of people sitting at a long table arranged in a V-shaped layout.

On the side close to the door is the YF21 development team led by Garut, which is where Lei Mingkai belongs now. On the opposite side, on the side close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, is the position of the Garut team's opponent, the YF19 development team led by Yang Nuowen.

As the host of this meeting, Colonel Millard sat on the podium in front of the long table.

What deserves Lei Mingkai's attention is the man sitting next to the freckled girl with long blond hair tied into a ponytail.

Unruly, this was Lei Mingkai's first impression of him.

Of course, this impression is in line with Lei Mingkai's memory of him.

He is the craziest pilot among the many pilots in Macross, none of them.

However, the current Yong Dyson did not notice Lei Mingkai's gaze, but stared at Garut next to Lei Mingkai.

Even if the two sides did not have a violent verbal attack tendency, as long as they were discerning people, they would be able to see how terrible the flames of war were intertwined with the eyes of both sides in the air.

"Hey! Isn't the Jietrati's physique the strongest? Why is it hanging with his right hand now, looking sick."

Yong Dyson's gaze moved down, and he clearly saw Garut's right hand hanging on his chest.

"I don't remember that our New Edward Flight Test Center would have such a silly pilot."

To Lei Mingkai's surprise, Garut did not face the verbal attack of Yong Dyson, but calmly looked at Milad.

"Well, Master Garut, Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, please sit down! I will introduce you to you."

Milad's eyes looked back and forth between Garut and Yong Dyson, and then began to introduce Yong Dyson to everyone present.

"This is Yong Dyson, who has been transferred to the New Edward Flight Test Center from today. According to the order, he is your opponent of YF21 and the pilot of YF19."

On Garut's side, everyone except Garut and Lei Mingkai who knew the situation looked at Yong Dyson in surprise.

With YF19 losing at least four outstanding pilots in a row, there was even a madman who came to serve as the test pilot for the unknown body.

"Huh! It's just a disobedient clown! I don't even know what he is about to face?"

Garut snorted and ridiculed unceremoniously.

"What? You bastard, have the guts to say it again?!!!"

Yong Dyson, who was irritated on the spot, fought back loudly.

"Humph! Yang Nuowen, didn't you tell this fool how many pilots you lost?"

With that said, Garut ignored the Yon Dyson yelling on the side, and instead looked at Millard.

"Colonel. I think the outcome is now divided. Our YF21 test pilot is enough to show the performance of YF21. In this case, YF19 is not enough to continue the next test task."

As soon as Garut said this, everyone present, except for Yong Dyson, turned their eyes on Lei Mingkai.

Just now, Lei Mingkai, who completed his round-the-world flight at Mach 6, didn't look any different, as if the heavy burden brought about by staying in the high Mach state for a long time just now didn't exist at all.


Yang Nuowen patted his forehead helplessly.

The amazing performance of YF21 just now has probably been passed to the ears of General Gomes, the supreme person in charge of the Supernova Project.

In the current situation, I am afraid that the YF19 project is about to be cut in half.

"Colonel Millard! I only came here today! I have never boarded YF19 at all. If I just admit defeat like this, I won't accept it!!"

Yong Dyson will never admit that he will accept the fate of failure when he first arrives.

"Really? This lieutenant, before you came to the New Edward Flight Test Center, the data of YF19 had a rough model. Compared with our YF21, the gap is not the slightest!"

Garut unceremoniously used facts to rub Yong Dyson on the ground.

"What? You bastard! Shut me up!"

"shut up!"

Just when Yong Dyson wanted to "convince" him, Millard shouted and prevented the meeting that was about to run out of control.

At the same time, the phone rang.

"Yes! This is Millard, please speak!"

This seems to be the eve of the announcement of the supernova program.

Looking at Millard, who was holding the microphone and listening to the voice coming from the other side, everyone involuntarily closed their mouths, waiting for the arrival of fate.

"Cut! Kay, you have to go on!"

In this silence, White Cat Zero only moved his ears slightly, and said such a sentence in Lei Mingkai's mind.

But Lei Mingkai was not surprised by this.

"Really? Well, the good show here has to go on. It's also a very good result."

Through the white cat zero-style narration, Lei Mingkai knew that the person on the other side of the microphone must be General Gomes, the highest person in charge of the supernova project.

The reason why he suppressed the amazing performance of YF21 just now and chose to continue the competition between YF19 and YF21 is probably because of a project hidden behind the Supernova Project.


Probably, it was also one of the biggest obstacles to Lei Mingkai's mission.

Gradually lowering the microphone, Millard's eyes also lifted, slowly from left to right, from right to left, looking around the crowd, looking at the faces of the crowd that seemed calm, but in fact they were extremely nervous. .

After a long time, Milad spoke slowly.

"The call just now was from General Gomes. He announced that the Supernova project will continue. In addition, he specifically told me to tell the YF21 team, Director Garut and Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. The final result of an excellent fighter plane. It will not be determined by a certain speciality data."

Garut and Lei Mingkai looked at each other, and after realizing that the other's eyes were not surprised, they responded to Milad's words in unison.

"Understood! Colonel Millard."

In the next second, Yang Nuowen and the personnel on the side of Yong Dyson suddenly cheered.

However, Milad's lightly spoken words drove them back to their original form.

"Director Yang Nuowen, Lieutenant Yong Dyson, now that you are returning to the factory for maintenance, you can only temporarily serve as the task monitor of the YF21 team. Believe me, you can only defeat your opponent by fully understanding your opponent!"

After speaking, Millard supported the table with both hands and slowly stood up, announcing the dissolution of the meeting.

And it was Garut and Lei Mingkai who left behind Milad.

"Second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Be careful with him, he is a tough opponent."

After leaving the meeting room and disbanding each, Garut invited Lei Mingkai to his room.

"Yeah. I know. Director Garut. No one would treat the three-time Roy Foca Medal winner as a worthless idiot."

Perhaps intentionally, Lei Mingkai told something that Garut did not know.

"What? Three times... Roy Foca?!"

Although Garut did not join the earth unity, he still knew what the Roy Foca Medal meant.

In the end, even if there are more words, Garut can only turn them into a word that urges Lei Mingkai.

"Please! Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Whether it is for me, for our team, for YF21, we must defeat Yong Dyson."

"I know. That's why I'm standing here. Director Garut."

"Thanks! I should have done this originally."

Garut sighed slowly.

"Okay! I believe you are also tired from today's flight. Go back and rest first! Next, our test progress should speed up."

"Then, see you tomorrow! Director Garut."

The next day.

Lei Mingkai once again changed into YF21's special driving suit and stood in front of YF21, waiting for the boarding notice from the maintenance staff. The white cat zero pose obediently squatted at Lei Mingkai's feet.

"Kay. That man is here."

When the white cat zero voice sounded in Lei Mingkai's mind, Lei Mingkai also found a figure standing at the gate of YF21's hangar and looking around.

There is no doubt that this man is Yong Dyson.

Fortunately, today's YF21 test mission does not require a wingman to observe, so Yong Dyson also has some free time to come here and look around.

But the same unfortunate thing is that in order to understand Yong Dyson’s technical level, in the next time, Yong Dyson has to sit in the "stroller" like a "baby", and was tossed by Yang Nuowen and others. .

"Hey! The one over there!!"

White Cat Zero turned his head and glanced at the man standing by the gate, but was blocked by the staff of the YF21 team and couldn't get close.

Suddenly, Yong Dyson, who was stopped by the staff, seemed to see White Cat Zero looking at him.

Immediately, he waved his hand and shouted:

"Kitten! White kitty! Help me call your master."

As everyone knows, such a sentence immediately annoyed the White Cat Zero.

It hates being called a kitty by others.


As soon as he turned and moved his limbs, the White Cat Zero Form turned into an afterimage and rushed in front of Yong Dyson.


The sharp claws popped out, and among the sparks and sparks, Yong Dyson's face suddenly had countless scars, and it became a big painted face.


The surrounding staff were silent for a while, and then there was a deafening noise.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


"what happened?!"

After hearing the sound, Garut took a look at Yong Dyson, who had already become a big painted face, his face was distorted, but he quickly controlled his expression.

"Isn't this Lieutenant Yong Dyson? What can I do to come to our hangar?"


Yong Dyson gritted his teeth, looked down at the little white cat still flaring his teeth and claws towards him, and then turned and left.

Even if Yong Dyson behaves like a fool, I'm afraid he can't give up caress about a little white cat, right?

Seeing Yong Dyson's angrily but unable to attack, Garut shook his head helplessly. After everyone was dispersed, he reached out and picked up the white cat with blown hair. .

"Alright! Alright! He is not a bad guy. He is just curious about our YF21."

"Director. Is Zero Type in trouble?"

Lei Mingkai, who had finally "perceived" the wrong way, turned around and looked at Garut who had returned with the white cat in zero pose.

"No, it's just that your cat was scared. Alright. Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, continue with your mission! Type Zero, leave it to me to take care of it!"


However, Garut did not know that at that moment, Lei Mingkai and the white cat exchanged their eyes.

The white cat Zero's eyes are full of triumphant light.

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