Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 496: Abnormal signal, Mei Weng

When the eagle soaring in the blue sky will return home after all.

YF21, which flew in the blue sky wantonly for most of the day, finally landed slowly on the third runway of the New Edward Flight Test Center under Lei Mingkai's driving.

At the same time, they were already ready, and the staff with a bunch of guys swarmed up and surrounded YF21, who had just walked off the runway and stopped at the designated position.

Among them, two staff members put a simple ladder next to the cockpit of YF21, swiftly boarded the sides of the YF21 cockpit, and helped Lei Mingkai to disarm the BDI system in the slightly cumbersome driving suit.

"Second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. The current stage of the test mission has ended. The next mission will only continue after a 24-hour overhaul of the YF21."

Garut, standing next to YF21, looked at Lei Mingkai, who slowly walked down YF21 with the assistance of the staff, said.

"Huh? In other words, I have a short vacation now?"

Lei Mingkai asked while moving his hands.

"That's right in theory. In fact, the unknown signal just now really made me care. I am afraid that the ensign and YF21 could not be rushed into the air without understanding why this unknown signal appeared."

Lei Mingkai nodded at Garut's words.

Half an hour ago, YF21, which had just completed all the test tasks, was about to return home under Lei Mingkai’s pilot, when it was suddenly forced into the YF21 communication channel by a burst of unknown signals.

Of course, this unknown phenomenon was naturally reported to the New Edward Flight Test Center by Lei Mingkai.

However, the New Edward Flight Test Center quickly searched the nearby airspace, and even after the signal channel of the Earth Unity Force stationed nearby, it still could not find the source of this unknown signal.

Under doubt, everyone's hearts hang up involuntarily.

Although, judging from the current situation, YF21 has not been affected by this unknown signal.

But neither Milad nor Garut dared to take risks, so after a quick exchange between the two, they made the decision to let Lei Mingkai and YF21 return.

"Then, I will take this opportunity to buy some cat food for Zero."

Lei Mingkai said so, but he concealed something in his heart.

Although the New Edward Flight Test Center could not figure out the source of the unknown signal, Lei Mingkai felt that he had touched something.

Now, Garut said that if it will take 24 hours at the earliest to carry out the next flight test, then Lei Mingkai is just in time.

White Cat Zero came over from one side, and jumped onto Lei Mingkai's shoulder as always, waiting for Lei Mingkai's next move.

Obviously, White Cat Zero also knows what that unknown signal actually represents.

"Well, there should be a working car here at the base. Lieutenant, you can report to Colonel Millard and go! Leave it to me here!"


Half an hour later, a car from the Edward Flight Test Center drove onto the highway to the city.

Sitting in the passenger seat, White Cat Zero raised his head and glanced at the front windshield, then stretched out his right paw and pressed the window lift button next to the passenger car.


In an instant, the cool breeze blowing in from the opened car window suddenly narrowed the white cat's eyes slightly, and even the fluffy tail shook involuntarily.

It's just like enjoying the invigoration brought by the cool breeze.

Lei Mingkai, holding the steering wheel in both hands, glanced at the White Cat Zero.

"Zero, talk about what happened just now."

The white cat's zero-type ears stood up and looked over.

"Just now? That unknown signal? Kay, what did you hear?"

"Someone seems to be calling my name. Amidst the chaotic noise, I heard my name."

"Really? I didn't hear anything here. It's just a noise. It's just like what the New Edward Flight Test Center monitors. So, Kay, do you know what this means?"

The results obtained by the White Cat Zero are no different from those obtained by the New Edward Flight Test Center.

But in the face of this result, Lei Mingkai heard someone calling him.

With this anomaly, White Cat Zero placed the target on Lei Mingkai.

"You mean someone is eyeing me? Finally, the group of people in Parliament?"

Lei Mingkai's hands holding the steering wheel tightened slightly, and his eyes became much colder.

"No, I'm not sure about this. But what can be known is that someone has noticed your existence and called out to you. This point can be made clear."

The white cat stretched out his hands in Zero Style, lying on the dashboard, craned his neck and looked at the fast-moving traffic on the highway ahead.

Suddenly, the white cat's zero-style gaze flashed, and he raised his head to look at the screen projected on the light pole on the roadside.

"Kay, look! Is there a familiar feeling?"

Lei Mingkai heard the words and looked at it, and at the same time a burst of music reached Lei Mingkai's ears.

In this instant, Lei Mingkai's thoughts suddenly became earth-shaking with the music in his ears.


No doubts,

When Lei Mingkai heard the music and saw the pattern on the projection screen on the light pole, he knew that this was the most popular virtual singer in the world, Sharon Ep.


Among the familiar music, Lei Mingkai even heard the melody he had just heard not long ago.

Princess Victoria! !


The melody hidden in Sharon Eppe’s music is the singing of Princess Victoria, who caused Lei Mingkai to run away.

However, although the current music did not trigger Lei Mingkai's rampage, it has already set off thousands of waves in Lei Mingkai's heart.


Lei Mingkai turned his hands, and the car he was driving accelerated, passing the truck in front of him from the side, and continuously accelerating towards the urban area where some buildings had already been seen in front of him.

"Kay, do you have an idea?"

White Cat Zero sat back in the passenger seat again, and after reaching out to close the car window, looked at Lei Mingkai and asked.

"Well, there are some. But you need to go to the city to find out."

Lei Mingkai did have some thoughts in his mind, but in the end he still had to go to the city to confirm.

For some reason, the closer to the city, the more inexplicable feeling in Lei Mingkai's heart.

It seemed that something was calling him in front of him.

Galloping all the way.

The closer to the city, the clearer Sharon's singing voice becomes.

"Who is this woman? She looks very popular. The princess? Or the queen?"

The white cat's zero ears flicked and looked at the colorful holographic projection before her eyes.

"No, she is not a human being. Form Zero. If she has to say it, she should be regarded as a kind of electronic life form. However, she is still far from that level."

"Electronic life form?! Is that the little girl's sister?"

The White Cat Zero originally wanted to use its own case for comparison, but when thinking of the fact that it can only be regarded as a metal life form, it changed its words to another case.

And this case is undoubtedly the only He Nana that White Cat Zero has ever come into contact with.

According to my own statement, He Nana can indeed be classified as a kind of electronic life form.

"No, it hasn't reached that level. The current Sharon Eppe should be just a kind of electronic program, but its intelligent formula is far beyond the same."

The car has already entered the urban area between Lei Mingkai and the white cat.

The surrounding scenery has changed from flat plains and rugged peaks in the distance to forested buildings and colorful holographic projections, as well as crowds coming and going.

The white cat turned and squatted on the window of the car, looking at the crowds around him, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

From its field of vision, it seems to be able to see an unusual picture.

When the cross made of two iron chains intertwined and formed in a cone shape appeared, among these pedestrians, there would always be a few pedestrians who stopped to watch, and showed a frantic look.

Even when pedestrians are crossing the road, there are a very small number of people staying on the zebra crossing among Sharon Ep's singing, ignoring the dangerous situation they are in.

"This electronic lifeform is even more dangerous than Princess Victoria."

The white cat Zero's eyes are full of solemnity.

Although Princess Victoria’s singing can fascinate people, according to what White Cat Zero has witnessed now, Victoria’s singing is far inferior to this electronic life form named Sharon Eppe.

In this regard, Lei Mingkai did not answer, but just transferred the car to the central island leading to the central area of ​​the city, which is the central island of the Atlantis Stadium where the Sharon Epps tour of the Galaxy concert is located.

To clarify the doubts in your mind, I am afraid that you can only get clues if you go to the scene in person.


The idea is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Even if Lei Mingkai knew the next thing well, he still underestimated Sharon Ep's influence.

The car he was driving just got off the bridge and was blocked by the turbulent flow of people.

"What a charming witch!"

The speed of the car was hindered by the flow of people and had to slow down.

Lei Mingkai looked around and found that let alone moving forward, it might be difficult to open the door.

The only feasible way is to quickly retreat before the flow of people is fully closed.

In the end, Lei Mingkai chose this method and drove the car back to the other side, a less crowded area. He shook his head helplessly as he watched the crowd converging from all directions.

"As expected, Sharon Ep. This terrible sight really exceeded my expectations."

Sharon Eppe’s concert started three days later, but those fans started from..., no, it should be said that they were guarded outside the Atlantis stadium earlier, waiting to meet The meeting with Sharon Eppe.

"Stupid humans! Why do you want to indulge in vain singing."

White Cat Zero shook his head, his tone was full of disdain.

"Life is too difficult. They are just looking for comfort that can comfort their souls. Gone."

The idea of ​​being close to the Atlantis stadium is obviously impossible.

Then, there is probably only one place where you can obtain information about Sharon Ep.

Hill of Stars.

Originally, Lei Mingkai did not mix up the love triangle between Yong Dyson, Garut and Mei Weng, but now it seems to be related to Sharon Eppe and is currently accessible to Lei Mingkai. People, there are only them.

In the interior of the Atlantis Stadium, among the staff who are preparing for the three-day concert, there is a woman wearing a red OL uniform with shoulder-length black hair holding a paper cup and standing in front of the debugging platform. , While looking at the brain projection in front, while talking to the program debugger next to him.

She is Mei Weng Fang Long.

She is also the heroine in the Sharon Epps incident.

"Miss Mei Weng. The preparations are ready. You can go to rest first."

On the upper platform, a man appeared.

He is the person in charge of Sharon Eppe’s plan, Matthew.

Condescendingly looking down at Mei Weng below, Matthew smiled and said that the two staff members who had offended Mei Weng before were fired, but did not receive Mei Weng’s thanks. Instead, Mei Weng replied coldly. , Then turned and left.

But when Mei Weng just left the court and came to the passage leading to the exit, he suddenly saw a shadow flashing past the turn in front.

"who is it?!"

Now the entire Atlantis has become the home of Sharon Epps, and there is no one other than the staff who serve Sharon Epps. Not to mention that during this intense working time, there will be people wandering around in the passage.

Mei Weng's voice continued to echo in the passage, but it didn't elicit even a shadow.

Standing in the passage, Mei Weng frowned slightly.

"Is it an illusion...?"

In the depths of the silent passage, Mei Weng had the illusion of whether he was too tired.

Under doubt, Mei Weng stepped forward again.

However, before he had gone far, a strange feeling suddenly swept from behind him.

In an instant, Mei Weng's nerves were tense, and the cold hair on his back stood up straight.

Death is so close to Mei Weng at this moment.

"Hehe...He's here! My knight!"

When the laughter sounded, the death sickle hanging on Mei Weng's neck quietly disappeared as if the scene just now did not appear at all.

"who is it!!"

Under extreme tension, Mei Weng suddenly turned around and looked behind.

There is nothing else there.

Yes, there was only a white shadow passing by the corner of Mei Weng's eyes.

"Who is it?! Come out for me!!!"

Mei Weng's voice constantly echoed in the passage.

The icy cold at that moment The death experience at that moment deeply pierced Mei Weng's heart, causing Mei Weng's voice and even her body to tremble.

"What happened!! Who the **** is it...Miss Meweng?!"

The security guards who heard the movement slammed open the door, and the moment they rushed here, they saw Mei Weng with a panic face.

"No, it's nothing."

Looking at the nervous security personnel, Mei Weng just shook his head, and after indicating that it was all right, he ignored the security personnel and walked directly out of the Atlantis Stadium and got in the taxi arranged by Matthew.

"Go to Star Hill!"

Even if he was sitting in the warm taxi, Mei Weng's body was still trembling.

In the scene just now, Mei Weng subconsciously chose to go to the most profound place in his memory.

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