Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 765: The sword of kings first battle!

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In front of the huge monster,

A hint of color ripples gradually appeared, and the pure white body was completely revealed in front of Luna Maria’s eyes.

The huge monster that almost buried Luna Maria was split in half, passing by the left and right sides of the artillery Zaku warrior like lightning.

At this moment, the scenery quickly passing by the left and right sides was captured by the electronic eyes of the bombarded Zaku warrior, and appeared in front of Luna Maria.

First, it shows a gray-black hard structure,

Then it quickly changed from gray and black to bright red,

From hard to bloody,

It wasn't until the two long shadows completely swept across the left and right sides of the shelling Zaku warrior that Luna Maria's eyes were recondensed, condensed on the few drops that dye the electronic eyes of the shelling Zaku warrior red. Above the bright red liquid.


At this moment, Luna Maria's lips trembled, but she couldn't make any noise.



Perhaps this is a normal human response.

However, Luna Maria, who witnessed the incredible Earth United Squadron being killed in seconds, being chased by monsters, and making great sacrifices to escape to the gravel belt, is no longer an ordinary woman.


In front of the electronic eyes that were dyed red, there was a figure that shocked Luna Maria.

Just simply raising his hand, he easily killed the monster that made the Agamemnon-class mothership hate the Yellow Spring.

No effort is needed.

as if,

The monster just happened to appear in front of the body that appeared suddenly, and then it was inexplicably turned into two halves.

If the artillery Zaku warrior who was blocked by the Lancelot King’s Sword could not see how the monster was killed by it, he was one step behind, and he happened to be able to see the scene just now. The real Asuka and Thunder in it are clear at a glance.

However, the two people who witnessed Lancelot King's Sword that were able to kill a terrifying monster just by raising their hands could not react in time.

"Then...what the **** happened?!"

Zhen Asuka's eyes were wide open, and his face had a hint of horror at the unknown.

"Then...I...I don't know."

As a trio, the knowledge is the broadest, and even Lei, who is behind the top scientist in the field of human scientific research, can't see the clue.

The only thing he knew was that the terrifying monster slammed into the right hand of Lancelot King's Sword, and then was split into two by invisible power.

Do not!

Lei's heart was shocked, and he suddenly remembered that moment.

That's not beheading,

It's not cut,

It was that the monster seemed to be partly swallowed by something, and thus divided into two halves.

The part that was swallowed happened to have a similar outline to the Lancelot King's Sword.

"Did you swallow it?"

Ray frowned, but still swiftly signaled that Luna Maria would return to the team quickly.

Although Lancelot King's Sword is very strange to them, judging from its act of saving Luna Maria, at least it will not be an enemy.

Now, it doesn't seem to be necessary for the trio to take action.

It was only after Zhen Asuka and Lei drove their own fuselages to converge with the artillery-type Zagu warrior before they realized that the battle seemed to have nothing to do with them.

In less than a minute, Lancelot King's Sword had already fought with nearly a thousand monsters, large and small.

Compared with the fire and the roaring explosion when the trio had just fought with them, the attack of Lancelot King's Sword looked deserted, but weird.

Just relying on his fists and feet, he rushed up to meet those monsters.

Throw a punch,

There was an inexplicable gap in the monster that was hit.

Without any signs,

There is nothing unusual,

Just when the fist fell, the monster with a gap in its body lost its movement, and it slammed into the surrounding gravel and turned into a sky full of meat sauce.


Incomparably silent.

With the Lancelot King’s Sword stopping the group of terrifying monsters, the trio didn’t even feel lucky to be born after the disaster. Instead, there was a trace of weirdness, a trace of fear for incomprehensible things.

"Contact the Minerva! Here, we don't need to act anymore."

After taking a few deep breaths, Lei made a decision equivalent to retreating.

Zhen Asuka and Luna Maria looked at each other and nodded together.

On the other hand, Lei Mingkai looked relaxed.

The powerful performance of the ALDNOAH furnace is indeed beyond his expectations.

The dimensional barrier that can wipe out the BETA of the large universe is so powerful and fascinating.

Powerful enough that the driver does not need to pay attention to any dynamics on the battlefield, only needs to lock the target, and the performance that can solve all problems in the past is level A. There is no doubt that it is driven by a three-year-old child and can also complete most tasks—— The task of killing the target.


The above are all nonsense.

Let alone the level of the driver, it will never be the turn of a three-year-old child to board the aircraft and fight the enemy.


In the fierce battle that seemed to be fierce in the eyes of the trio, a rush of warning awakened Lei Mingkai who was a little distracted.

As his gaze moved, Lei Mingkai found two huge shadows, one from the left and the right, rapidly attacking from both sides of the Lancelot Kings Sword.

It looks like it's the same.

"Huh! Stupid!"

The menacing enemies failed to accomplish their purpose after all.

Even if these large universes BETA are holding a pair that will not hesitate to collide with the same kind and die, and will drag the Lancelot King's Sword into the Yellow Spring together, the determination cannot threaten the Lancelot King who has already unfolded the dimensional barrier. The sword.

When light black ripples appeared, they enveloped Lancelot Kings’ Sword. While the optical camouflage used to disguise was constantly fluctuating, the two large-scale cosmic BETAs also ended up tragically in a different place like the others. .

In an instant, Lancelot King's Sword was surrounded by countless monster remains with blood beads and many smooth cuts on the body.

This is a silent killing.

A rolling battle with a dimensional barrier of absolute defense against a cosmic BETA that only knows how to level the A and suppress the enemy with numerical superiority.


Facing the unbreakable dimensional barrier, the cosmic BETA, which completely left the trio behind, still shrank the encirclement of Lancelot King's Sword, as if it were immortal.

"Do you refuse to retreat? This is a bit unexpected."

Lei Mingkai's gaze swept across the screen in front of him, and landed on the screen showing the total number of enemies.

"The number is 761? Although the dimensional barrier is very refreshing, the efficiency is still slower. There is no way! You can't just reach out and pat to death one by one, right?"


Dimensional barriers are for biological enemies, as long as they are touched, they will be injured if they are not dead, but when faced with more than multiple enemies, the efficiency has become lower.

For this reason, when designing the Lancelot King’s Sword, he consulted many original Martian knight’s exclusive machine information, and with the addition of the newly promoted Gunpla fan as an identity bonus, Lloyd will naturally perfect it. The Lancelot King’s Sword’s idea of ​​how to attack multiple enemies was placed on the pair of steel wings known as the Armed Composite Flying Wings.

In the beginning, the fundamental purpose of this pair of armed composite flying wings was to allow Lancelot King's Sword to be able to obtain dynamic intelligence from the outside world when it unfolded the dimensional barrier.

But at exactly that time, Lloyd had just started a certain series of Gunpla, and he had a special liking for a particular armed system in this series.

Therefore, the armed composite flying wing has evolved from a simple monitoring function at the beginning to a composite armed system that takes into account surveillance, offensive and other means.

As the colorful optical camouflage rippled, the Lancelot King's Sword first became blurred and pitch black, and then in the blink of an eye, a steel body with pure platinum patterns was revealed.

Then, light green, prismatic square-shaped shimmering barriers suddenly appeared around Lancelot King's Sword, and the previously released armed composite flying wings also returned to Lancelot. ·The surrounding area of ​​the sword of the king seems to be the many knights who guard the king.

But please pay attention!

The armed composite flying wings that returned to guard Lancelot King's Sword accounted for only half of the fifty-six armed composite flying wings that made up the steel flying wings.

For the other half that had never returned, 28 armed composite flying wings had already sneaked behind the cosmic star BETA under the cover of the complex terrain of the gravel belt.

"Attack! My family!"

At the moment when the command of Form 2 came out of Lei Mingkai’s mouth, the 28 armed composite wings sneaking to the back of the cosmic BETA burst into a torrent of light beams. There would be more than a dozen large cosmic wing that would not have time to react. BETA made a match.

Immediately after, the 28 armed composite flying wings that succeeded in their first accomplishments did not continue to shoot, but after turning off all the optical cameras on their bodies, they slammed them at a high speed of Mach 3. The flesh and blood of the next target was torn apart.

If the vacuum can transmit sound, then what occupy this space at this moment is the horrible sound of the armed composite flying wing group tearing like a hungry wolf pack frantically, gnawing at its prey.

It was not an attack made with a beam attack, but the technique of radiating the vibrating blade used by Lancelot before.

Do not!

It is a further new technology.

Under the breakthrough of this new technology, Lloyd, who has almost become a heavy Gunpla enthusiast, did not hesitate to use the armed compound flying wing system to restore the performance of a certain armed series.

"GN Tusk? I didn't expect Lloyd to have such a fanatical time."

Lei Mingkai couldn't help letting out a sigh as he watched the armed composite flying wings that were constantly eroding the enemy.

Who would have thought that Lloyd could use the technology in his hand to reproduce a scene similar to GN's fangs slaughtering the enemy.

"It's just that the energy storage on the armed composite flying wing is a bit low! But..."

The reserves cannot keep up, but the quantity is sufficient.

I saw the 28 armed composite flying wings hovering around the Lancelot King’s Sword move all together, and when they attacked the enemy, it was the return of the 28 armed composite flying wings that launched the first round of attacks. time.

"It's almost time! Minerva should be almost in contact with the Throne of Domination! Then, it's time to end this greeting!"

Not long after, the twenty-eight armed composite flying wings that were recharged were launched suddenly, surrounding the Lancelot King's Sword, completely strangling the last remaining enemies.

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