Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 766: First contact

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Completely rolled!

It was just a lonely body, and it was able to defeat the monster that wiped out the Earth's Joint Squadron in an instant, and even drove it to death afterwards, and wiped out the terrible record of the last monster.

Watching the armed composite flying wings that swallowed hundreds of monsters, like a pack of hungry wolves, returned from all directions. After circling around the Lancelot King's Sword for a few times, they cleverly returned to Lancelot one by one. ·The back of the sword of the king once again turned into a scene of the wings of steel. Asuka, Lei and Luna Maria couldn't help but glance at each other across the screen.

The enemy is scary enough!

But this strange machine that appeared suddenly was even more terrifying.

Whether it just appeared, the strange and terrifying attack, and the armed compound flying wing that was subsequently released, all told the trio a fact.

The world they are in now seems to have undergone some unknown changes.

Evidence, except for the group of monsters that suddenly appeared.

There was only that strange machine that destroyed the monster.

"That is not the united body of the earth, and at the same time, it will not be the body of our Zaft."

Although Lei's voice contained a hint of doubt, it was more anxious.

"Ray, what are you talking about?"

Luna Maria didn't react for a while.

"Ray, Luna Maria, look! That machine is signaling us!"

At this time, Zhen Asuka's exclamation awakened Lei.

In the next second, Lei, who instinctively started the signal deciphering program, was suddenly shocked again.

What if the body you are driving or Zaft's signal deciphering program cannot decipher the other party's signal?

To know···

In the next second, Luna Maria's voice came.

"This...this is the signal channel used by Zaft! How could it be possible? Didn't Ray just say that it is not our Zaft body?"


Lei's eyes condensed, and he had already seen the information on the screen that the deciphering program had deciphered the signal from Lancelot Kingsword.

"This is the signal channel used by Zaft after Yakin Duwei's World War I. How can anyone still use this signal channel?"

The doubts deepened, but Lei's heart seemed to let go of something and became a little more relaxed.

Regardless of whether this signal channel is obsolete or not, the people who can use this signal channel may be Zaft's side after all.

Based on this, after Lei sent out alert signals to Zhen Asuka and Luna Maria, he proactively sent out a signal of gratitude and inquiring about his identity to Lancelot King's Sword.

Lei Mingkai couldn't help smiling as he watched the deciphered message that popped up on the screen.

From the moment Minerva and the trio appeared in front of his eyes, Lei Mingkai doubted whether Minerva and the trio had escaped from the SEED world he was familiar with, or from another SEED world. I got lost.

But no matter where the Minerva and the trio came from, I am afraid that only Ray would do such a cautious action?

"This is Knight K. You have entered our airspace, please report your belongings and the purpose of your actions!"

"Knight K? Code name?"

When the trio heard Lei Mingkai's claim, they stared at each other.

"Ray, do we use code names too?"

Zhen Asuka asked.

"No. I'll be responsible for the communication! Really, you are on alert! Luna Maria, get in touch with the Minerva as soon as possible."


Later, Lei proactively sent a video call request to Lancelot King's Sword.

This is undoubtedly a temptation.

But Lei Mingkai accepted the request without hesitation.

However, as the video communication connection succeeded, Lei saw a scene that shocked him.

The white as the main body and the mask with golden patterns on the periphery concealed the copy that should be seen by the face.

That is the face named Knight K.

Just like the name that Lei used as a code name, it hides the true identity of the man on the other side of the screen.

"Meeting for the first time! I am Knight K! Please report your affiliation and the purpose of your action!"

The calm voice and calm behavior made Lei vaguely see a shadow.

A long gone shadow.

After a moment of astonishment, Lei quickly calmed down.

"I am Ray Za Barrell, belonging to the Minerva. During the mission, I was chased by the monsters and came to this gravel belt between life and death. I'm very sorry! We didn't know this beforehand. It belongs to your universe!"

"Monsters? You mean the group of monsters called BETA are chasing you? Chasing the Minerva?"

Lei Mingkai raised his eyebrows, and when he was about to speak, a message from the Domination Throne suddenly popped up.

"Oh? Ray Za Barrell. It seems that it is time to invite you to our guest house."

Time goes back not long ago.

When the Lancelot King’s Sword passed the Minerva and rushed into the gravel belt to kill and kill, the Minerva who fortunately escaped from the gravel belt also ushered in greetings from the Throne of Domination. .

"Then...what the **** is that? Satellite Fortress?!!!"

Minerva's deputy captain Arthur Chuan pointed at the giant monster that appeared on the screen and screamed.

"Calm down! Arthur!"

After Thalia Kuradis berated the yelling Arthur, she looked worriedly at the behemoth in the distance.

The current situation where Minerva is basically can be regarded as getting rid of the pursuit of that group of terrifying monsters, but there is a behemoth no less than Yakin Duwei Satellite Fortress in front of it.

In particular, it is completely contrary to the satellite fortress that Yakin Duwei's satellite fortress was transformed with asteroids as the main body. The strong visual impact brought by the behemoth forged entirely from cold metal makes this Zaft Thalia Kuladis of the new warship's battleship couldn't help being shocked.

"Meiling, can you call the other party?"

Thalia looked at Mei Ling first, then pondered.

According to her thoughts, from the glimpse of Lancelot King's Sword just now, it was impossible to get rid of the behemoth that appeared in front of her.

Then, if you guessed this, this behemoth might not be able to shout and kill the Minerva like that group of monsters.

"Yes! Trying now."

Meiling's actions were very quick.

However, before she sent the first greeting from the Minerva, the communication channel of the Minerva had been hijacked by an unknown signal.

"Warning! This is the domain of the Britanian Empire and the dominion throne! Warships whose ownership is unknown should immediately stop all operations into this domain and report their ownership!!"



Dazzling red flashes,

Screaming warnings,

These made Talia clenched her hands tightly.

The speculation just now was overthrown by reality.


As the deputy captain, Arthur still behaved like the other crew members and was very dependent on Thalia.

This made Talia subconsciously produce a bit of grudge against someone who caused the scene in front of her and was hidden behind the scenes.

"Calm down! Arthur!"

After berating Arthur again, Talia stood up and looked at Meiling.


"Yes! Captain. It is being processed now! Our communication channel seems to have been hijacked by the other party!"

Mei Ling's expression became a little flustered.

Regardless of how it looks, the loss of control in front of her, and the system screen that allows the other party to broadcast the alarm is already regarded as Meiling's dereliction of duty.

"No, don't panic! Meiling. In other words, the other party can also hear us talking. Right?"

Talia's expression gradually became calm.

The situation will not get worse anymore.

The behemoth far away,

The communications of the Minerva were hijacked,

Although it is embarrassing, they all prove a fact.

The other party can communicate.

This is enough.

"I am the space battleship that Zaft belongs to, the captain of the Minerva, Thalia Kuradis. We have no intention of offending your universe. We only came here in a panic because of the enemy's pursuit and killing. The offense ,Please excuse me!"

As soon as Talia's words fell, there was a burst of exclamation from the bridge.

It's streamer!

It was a stream of light that had never appeared on the Minerva before, and suddenly appeared in the bridge.

A graceful and beautiful figure appeared in front of Thalia and others in the stream of light that rushed from

It was a glamorous woman with long fiery red hair, pointed ears, a beautiful face that was enough to charm all living beings, but a mermaid on the lower body.

Her appearance drew the attention of almost all the crew members on the bridge in an instant, even most of the female crew members.


Talia looked in a trance, but in the blink of an eye she woke up with her own strong will.

But she saw a scene where most of the crew including Arthur and Meiling became sluggish and did not react to the outside world.

"Don't worry! Your crew won't have any problems. It's just that we need to be quiet."

The mermaid floated gently in the air.

"Quiet? You controlled my crew?!"

Weird mermaid,

A weird scene,

Let Talia's nerves tighten.

This is beyond the world recognized by Talia, within the scope of common sense.


The mermaid smiled softly, and uttered a fascinating song like a siren in the ancient legend, making Talia's spirit trance again.

"who are you?!"

In an instant, the tingling from the lips made Talia wake up again.

It turned out that the instinct of crisis caused Talia to bite her lip unconsciously, stimulating the return of consciousness.

"I, my name is Sharon Ep, the central program that governs the Throne. Thalia Kuladis from Zaft, welcome to the Britanian Empire!"

The streamer fell from the void again, and the mermaid that charmed all living beings quietly disappeared. What replaced it was the long hair, the third eye on the brow, and the holy and noble goddess.

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