Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 767: Minerva arrives in port

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How does the baby feel when facing the legendary Titan Giant?

Thalia is not very clear, nor will he know the answer to this hypothesis.

However, now she knows how she feels when she is facing the existence of having incomprehensible abilities, and even the existence of the power of life and death for her and even all the crew of the Minerva.

That absolute powerlessness made Talia unable to even mention the courage to struggle.

This is completely the opposite of the situation before facing those monsters to chase after the monsters, when the desperate situation came to life.

She couldn't understand what kind of existence the woman who claimed to be Sharon Eppe was like?

Sometimes incarnate a mermaid who charms all beings,

Sometimes incarnate as a holy and noble goddess,

Just standing there, speaking in that soft and moving voice, and able to control everyone on the Minerva.


If the other party didn't want to keep himself, I'm afraid he would fall into the desperate situation of stagnant consciousness like the other crew members, and let Sharon control it.

"do not worry!"

The goddess with the third eye quietly disappeared, and when she reappeared, she chuckled softly in Talia's ear.

"This is just to prevent unnecessary commotion. We do not mean to hurt you."

Thalia turned abruptly, but couldn't catch Sharon's trail, so she could only yell at her sharply.

"In order to prevent unnecessary commotion? We are just victims chased by the enemy and will not pose any threat to you!"

It's a pity that Talia's scolding did not arouse Sharon's anger, not even some reaction.

Seeing Sharon who appeared again not far in front, the powerlessness in Talia's heart became stronger.

"He is back!"

At this time, Talia, who heard Sharon's voice, realized that a smile appeared on Sharon's mouth.

The smile she once had.

That is the expression that the girl will show when she is about to meet the one she loves.

and many more! !

In an instant, Thalia subconsciously remembered what Sharon said when she appeared.

That behemoth is called the central program of the satellite fortress that dominates the Throne...

Created by humans, the AI ​​program that controls terrible weapons will still show the same expression as a human girl in love?

What is going on in this world? !

At this moment, Talia's heart is chaotic.

Hunting down the Minerva, almost clicking on Shen Qi’s monster,

And this woman who claims to be AI, but has the same emotional expression as humans,

All this, everything is subverting Talia's perception of the world.

Neither the Earth Union nor the Zaft, or even the many third forces in the world where Talia was born, could do such a terrifying thing.

In fact, no matter how chaotic Thalia's heart is, how the three views are subverted.

Now that the Minerva has fallen into Sharon's control, it is already an ironclad thing.

As Sharon said, he controlled all the crew of the Minerva in the blink of an eye, just to avoid unnecessary commotion.

Otherwise, relying on Sharon's own computing power and the huge resources of the central computer that dominates the Throne, controlling a Minerva is just a very simple matter.

Two guiding lasers were shot from the port of the Dominion Throne and connected to the Minerva. This ship was built with Zaft's highest technology and was officially landed by Durandal’s high-expected assault landing ship Minerva. Into the control of the throne of dominance.

And this information was also sent to Lei Mingkai under the operation of Sharon.

Soon after, he released his claws and used them to run out of energy, and he can only rely on the remaining spare energy to maintain the communication and survival system of the Zagu warrior, the Lancelot King's Sword brought back by the Zagu Phantom. Back to the vicinity of the dominion throne.

Those who traveled with him had not much surplus energy, but were helped by the Zaku Warriors and Zaku Phantom who could only rely on the Lancelot King's Sword to have a slightly better Pulse Gundam.

"This...what the **** is this?! The Earth Union Satellite Fortress?!"

In the slightly dim cockpit, Luna Maria couldn't help exclaiming when she saw the huge body of the Throne of Domination.

"No! That's not the satellite fortress of the Earth Union."

After Ray denied Luna Maria's words for the first time, he went on to say:

"It's not Zaft's satellite fortress either. Although it's a little far away, the scale of this satellite fortress has already surpassed Zaft's Yakin Duvi."

"It deserves to be Ray Za Barrell! That's right. This is not a unity of the earth, nor is it Zaft’s satellite fortress, but owned by the Britannia Empire and directly under the Empire Empress Euphemia LI ·Britania’s satellite fortress."

Lei Mingkai smiled, and told Lei and Luna Maria one by one the basic information about the dominion throne through wired communication.

But the strange thing is that Lei Mingkai just followed the Pulse Gundam behind, and the real Asuka sitting in his cockpit forgot.


Still unintentionally?

Perhaps only Lei Mingkai knows.

It wasn't until the guiding laser that ruled the Throne was clearly visible and connected to the Zaku warrior and Zaku Phantom who were incapable of action due to exhaustion of energy, that Lancelot King's Sword put away the claws that helped them all the way. .

"Ray Za Barrell, Luna Maria Hawke, and Real Asuka. Your mothership Minerva was anchored in the port of the Throne of Domination half an hour ago. I believe you have already Can’t wait to get back on my boat. Then, see you in an hour!"

While the Steel Wings stretched out, Lancelot King's Sword flew along the guiding laser into the Throne of Domination first. There was no doubt that the trio would turn around and leave.


Under the current situation of running out of energy, Ray will inevitably make the most correct choice.

Even if he had been hanging from behind, posing as a Pulse Gundam that looked like he was rushing on the road, it was the same when Lancelot King's Sword left and accelerated to Zaku Warrior and Zaku Phantom.

"Ray, Luna Maria. I can't reach the Minerva."

Zhen Asuka's eyes were fixed on the screen of Lancelot King's Sword, with extremely complex emotions in his eyes.

Is grateful,

Is doubt,

More worried.

The appearance of Lancelot King's Sword is undoubtedly the key to saving them.

However, the Minerva, who had taken off the line first, never got in touch with the trio. It was not until Lei Mingkai brought them here that he was told that the Minerva had docked here half an hour ago. In the port of the satellite fortress dominating the throne.

Such a puzzling situation gave Zhen Asuka a trace of worry.

Is worried about the safety of the Minerva,

He is even more worried about the safety of the people he knows.

"Let's go! Now, the choice we can make is to enter this satellite fortress and join the Minerva. At that time, we will know everything."

Lei let out a breath slowly.

"Whether it is what we see or what they want us to see."

On the other hand, when Lei Mingkai, who had just walked off the Lancelot King's Sword, had not expressed his gratitude for the applause and congratulations around him, Ethelam brought the Countess Femian to greet him.

Ethelam's small face could still see a hint of blush.

This is probably the aftermath of that bold move before.

Ever since, the Visser technical group and others, including Fermian, saw a subtle scene.

Lei Mingkai and Ethelam just wanted to speak, but at the same time they made the same move of handing over the opening remarks to each other.

For a while, the scene became extremely delicate, causing the eyes of Femian and the members of the Visser technical team to come and go, and it was so lively.

"Ahem. Guys, the performance of Lancelot King's Sword in the first battle was very good, but after closing the dimensional barrier, the attack method was a bit single. I hope you can continue to improve. In time, I believe Lance Lot·King’s Sword will surely be as powerful as its name, and become a magic weapon to protect the empire!"

Fortunately, the stalemate between the two did not last long, so Lei Mingkai used it to find a reason to send away the surrounding Visser technicians.

"Congratulations to Your Highness on the victory!"

Perhaps because of the departure of his subjects, Ethelam also gradually let go.

"No. This is a matter of course! It's not a battle to be congratulated! What's more, the enemy hasn't really moved."

Lei Mingkai shook his head, recalling the enemy he encountered in the previous battle.

There are many enemies, but among those monsters, there has never been an individual that poses a great threat to the body.

For example, individuals with long-range energy attacks, including light level.

If these individuals existed in the previous battle, Lei Mingkai might not dare to so dare to face the army of thousands of BETA to close the dimensional barrier.

Obviously, Ethelam knew what Lei Mingkai meant.

"His Royal Highness is talking about light-level individuals?"

"Oh? Your Royal Highness, do you know the light level?"

This time it was Lei Mingkai's turn to be surprised.

At present, in the Britanian Empire, no more than five people can know the existence of BETA, and these people do not include Ethelam.

"Yes! Sharon received news from the Imperial Capital not long ago. It was about the rescue report of Clerk Teresa. In the report, the existence of BETA was mentioned. Moreover, Lacus Klein, the diplomatic ambassador At the end of the report, I also specifically put forward the opinion that we should check BETA's movements immediately."

"Theresa? Did you encounter BETA while rescuing Danu's son?"

Lei Mingkai knew about Teresa's team to rescue the son of Danu.

However, what he didn't expect was that in addition to the BETA in the universe, the figure of BETA also appeared on the earth, and was hit by Teresa who rescued the son of Danu?

"Yes. When Clerk Teresa arrived, the submarine named Son of Danu was under siege by BETA. Fortunately, the rescue was timely. Son of Danu was not only successfully rescued, but also in Ahmedabad. With the help of Wallonia's new floating system, he returned to a naval base on the west coast of the empire's mainland, waiting to be repaired."

"Really? So, is there any other news from the Imperial Capital?"

Ethelam nodded slightly, and glanced up at the electronic clock above the wall.

"In 15 minutes, Your Majesty will hold an online meeting. It will inform you of the current situation facing the empire and the means to respond to situations that may occur in the future."

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