Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 818: Healing singing

   Luna Maria strenuously put a drip tray filled with blood-stained bandages on the cart at the door.

Since the end of that tragic battle, Luna Maria had not had a good rest, she was stepped down from the Pulse Gundam, without looking back, she hurriedly left from the Minerva. Asuka caught the eye.

   Then, she learned from Lei the reason why Zhen Asuka was in such a hurry.

   Zhen Asuka, this guy actually ran to rescue the wounded as he did when he was rescuing the Heavenly Pillar.

   This request, of course, will not be true Asuka's hot-headed thought.

   After the battle, Zhen Asuka immediately sent a request to Captain Thalia.

   may be based on fighting together and resisting foreign enemies,

   may be based on the traditional friendly country Obu is,

   may be other reasons,

   Captain Talia didn't think about how long, so he agreed and distributed some of the materials on the Minerva according to the manpower, so that Zhen Asuka took over.

   "Luna Maria. This is the real motherland! No need to be so surprised!"

   Facing Luna Maria’s doubts, Ray was much more indifferent.

  He understands Thalia's intention to agree to True Asuka.

   So, Lei, who didn't want to explain too much to Luna Maria, turned around and pushed the cart full of medical supplies, chasing the back of True Asuka.

   Seeing Luna Maria, who had left one after another, was puzzled, but she didn't want to leave alone.

   Therefore, there was the scene just now.

   "Where did these two guys get their physical strength? They ran here right after the battle, and the group lasted for hours."

   Luna Maria wrinkled her nose and looked up at the night sky full of stars.

   "Luna Maria! Do you still have a hemostatic bandage over there?"

   At this time, the sound from the treatment room made Luna Maria feel discouraged.

   "Huh! I know how to save people, but I don't know how to eat a bite of rice!"

   After Luna Maria, who was chanting like this, rubbed her empty belly, she turned around and pulled out a box of new hemostatic bandages from the bottom of the cart.

   "Hiss! Why has it become a little heavier?"

   Luna Maria's body shook, she was a little weak, and she couldn't hold the box firmly.


   Seeing that the box was about to hit Luna Maria’s feet, a pair of strong hands caught the box in time.

   At the same time, a familiar mask also appeared in front of Luna Maria.

   "Ah! Excuse me! Huh? You...are you?! Knight."

   "Well, I'm tired, let's go take a rest! The food is ready over there."

  The person here is Lei Mingkai.

   True Asuka, Thunder and Luna Maria, the three pilots from the Minerva who were active in the wounded treatment area, have spread throughout the entire Kaguya line of defense.

   "Ah! Oh!"

   After a stunned response, Luna Maria subconsciously took her steps but was forcibly pulled back.

   "No, now is not the time to eat..."

   Luna Maria, who forced herself not to think about eating, just stretched out her hand and tried to take the box from Lei Mingkai, but was stopped by her other hands.

   At the same time, a voice that has a strong affinity and can inadvertently make people relax inadvertently slipped silently into Maria's heart there.

   "Luna Maria, you have done enough! Now, it's your turn to rest! Leave the rest to us! Okay?"

   It was a slightly familiar black-haired girl who stopped Luna Maria.

   Luna Maria remembered that in the previous battle, the black-haired girl seemed to be in the bridge of the Minerva, sitting next to Captain Thalia as a guest.

   "You... are you Miss Audrey?"

   "Yes. Now it's your turn to rest. Luna Maria."

The black-haired girl, no, it should be said that Lux, who is shown in Audrey’s face, gently took Luna Maria’s hands, and without a word, and without allowing her to refuse, directly led her to the already set The rest area for meals.

   "I'll take Luna Maria there first. This child will ask you to take it to the treatment area."

   looked at Luna Maria, who was pulled away by Lacus, and looked down at the electric suitcase that was greeting him with emojis, Lei Mingkai had a funny feeling in his heart.

   "What the **** is this thing?"

   Seeing the busy crowd around, and no one noticed it, the white cat jumped from Lei Mingkai's shoulder to the top of the electric suitcase with a zero jump.

   The moment the white cat fell in the zero form, the electric suitcase that changed with emojis actually made a painful emoji.

   "This guy still knows pain?!"

   The white cat raised its sharp claws in zero form and gestured back and forth on the screen with the emoji of "It hurts".

   "Wait! Wait! If you have something to say! Small box is not a bad guy!"

   swiftly flashed the dialogue screen and flashed a few times, and then flashed a begging expression.

   This made the white cat Zero grind his teeth, and finally gave up the idea of ​​testing this electric suitcase.

Lei Mingkai next to    shook his head slightly.

   "Let's go! Your name is Xiaoxiang, right? You should know what Audrey wants to do later?"

   Lei Mingkai just finished speaking, and the electric suitcase named small box immediately showed a "remarkable" emoticon.

   "Of course! I was made by Master Nana because of this!"

   Thinking of He Nana's amazing blue technology, Lei Mingkai decided not to delve into what samples this small box had.

   After all, Lei Mingkai has seen and experienced the power of the more exaggerated Hedron shield.

   Lifted the box, took a step forward, walked to the gate of the treatment area, and pushed it open.

   A nervous and busy sound rushed towards him.

   "Luna Maria···You···"

   Next to the gate, a figure flashed over.

   Before Lei Mingkai could speak, the figure swiftly grabbed the box from Lei Mingkai's hands, lifted the box without looking back, and ran towards the depths of the treatment area.

   In the tense air, even the boy's instructions came.

   "Luna Maria, this box is not enough. Go and find out if there are any other bandages!"

  The back of the red Zaft uniform with his sleeves rolled up without an image is the boy who is so busy and sweaty.

   On both sides of the passage he walked, there was an Orb soldier with blood-stained bandages everywhere.

   Their faces are painful but joyful.

  The pain is the pain caused by the injury on the body.

   I am pleased that I finally won the invasion of a foreign enemy that almost caused Orb to sink into the unrest.

   "Knight? Why did you come here?"

   Just as Lei Mingkai was looking at the surrounding situation, Lei's voice came from the side.

   Turning around, Lei Mingkai actually saw the blond boy in a white coat.

   "Ray? It seems that you are very comfortable with the situation here!"

   Compared with the real Asuka who didn't even change his uniform, he just started treating the wounded like this, Lei was calmer and calmer.

   Lei Mingkai can even see a few small blood stains on the hem of the white lab coat that Lei put on.

   "Let's make you laugh at the knight! It's just that after the war, most of the wounded who can be contained here are mostly traumatic. The first aid courses that I have learned in the field, just can come in handy."

  Lei's face seemed a little pale, but Lei Mingkai could see a ray of light in those eyes.

   "Really? Ray, you don't have to be too humble. After all, you are saving lives and saving their tomorrow."

   Lei Mingkai pointed to the wounded in the hospital bed behind Zhi Lei.

   It is not difficult to see from the eyes of the wounded who secretly looked over here, Lei must be the one who personally treated them, right?


   There is a more important point.

  It is the nurses who shuttle among the wounded, who are also secretly looking at this side.


   Very self-aware Lei Mingkai naturally would not think that those little nurses were looking at themselves.

   Their goal must be the little handsome guy with long blond hair, a handsome face, and a melancholy feeling between the eyebrows—Ray Za Barrell.

   Suddenly, a loud noise came from the depths of the passage where True Asuka had left, causing the wounded around to turn their heads and watch.

   "Lei, go ahead!"


   Then, Lei Mingkai reached out and patted the electric suitcase beside him.

   "According to Audrey's idea, what should you do now?"

   "Of course I started working!"

   After the line was swiped, the electric suitcase named small box unfolded its real form hidden in the ordinary electric suitcase in a period of mechanism unlocking.


With bursts of inaudible buzzing, drones that were only palm-sized and triangular in shape rose into the air from the unfolded electric suitcase, sliding past the heads of the wounded in groups of two. Flew in the direction where the commotion came.

   The flying trajectory dragged by the shimmering light that flickered like breathing attracted the attention of the wounded around.

   "It seems that UU Reading www.uukā is right to bring this child."

   Lei Mingkai was a little surprised when he heard the voice coming from behind.

   "A drone for medical use?"

   "Well, that's also true! Of course. That's just one of the skills that Kokko assistant possesses."

   While the fragrant wind flickered, the black-haired girl passed Lei Mingkai and walked first to the passage where the commotion came.

   There is still her voice in the air.

   "The real name of the small box is the multifunctional integrated tactical music support AI. It sounds great, right?"

   "It's a bit powerful indeed."

   The black-haired girl smiled, swinging her hands gently, and the second batch of flying drones swarmed in. In coordination with the black-haired girl's movements, they began to scan the wounds of the wounded around.

   Then, beams of treatment beams directed at the wound, and Lux's voice reached Lei Mingkai's ears.

   "According to the latest research of the Administration, the singing of certain singers seems to be able to cooperate with special equipment to enhance the speed of repairing human injuries. And I seem to be one of these singers."

   The voice fell, and the singing sounded immediately...



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