Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 819: Night

  Sunset and moonrise.

   When the white moonlight fell on the table, it was already time for Kagali to work continuously for several hours after returning from the fierce battlefield.

   Just as Mina said, now both the soldiers who died in battle and the soldiers who are alive urgently need someone to arrange their place.

   It’s just that Kagali, who was devoted to work, didn’t take into account that she was also someone who had come down from that fierce battlefield.

   The tragic experience she experienced on the battlefield, the fatigue she accumulated was no better than the surviving Orb soldiers.

   "I never said that I want you to fight until dawn regardless of physical fatigue."

  As the door opened, a familiar figure walked into Kagali's office.

   Behind her are two helpless and embarrassed Orb soldiers.

   "You guys go and rest! Let me take care of it myself! Master Mina, I won't be embarrassed."

   Kagali put down the pen, rubbed her temples, stood up, and walked to the tea table on the right side of the room while talking.

   "Would you like a cup of coffee? Or maybe a cup of tea?"

   After watching Kagali's piercing look with sharp eyes for a while, Mina shook her head.

   "No. I don't need that kind of thing."

   Mina turned around and walked to the edge of the desk, picking up the files on the desk and glanced at it.

   "A pension for the heroic family? I didn't expect you to think so far! Your Prime Minister."

   Kagali held the hot water pot hard, trying to make herself a cup of coffee, but found that it was her full strength to stand up strong.

   While Mina couldn't see her trembling right hand holding the handle of the hot water bottle, Kagali sighed secretly, let go of her hand, and turned to answer.

"Every soldier who died for Orb deserves the treatment he deserves. The family that loses the hero will not lose its support. Because Orb will become the dead hero and take good care of their family until ···"

   After a pause, Kagali looked at the back of the desk subconsciously, to the right of the place where she used to be when dealing with official business.

   There used to be the place where her loyal and close guards stood.

   "Until... a hundred years later, the hero's family will go to the other side to meet the heroes without regret."

   Even though it was only a moment, Mina caught Kagali's gaze.

   It's just that she didn't break the dot.

   After putting the file in hand back on the desktop, Mina stepped forward and walked in front of Kagali.

   "Then, the matter here is over. It should also be our Prime Minister's turn to visit the soldiers wounded for the country."

   "But... there are still some things on my side that haven't been dealt with yet."

   Suddenly, Mina slapped Kagali on the shoulder while Kagali was not paying attention.

   This unexpected moment made Kagali's feet soft and almost collapsed to the ground on the spot.

   Fortunately, Mina, the instigator, quickly held Kagali with his eyes.

   "Now, do you still think you still have the energy to continue working? Your Excellency Aube."


   Kagali struggled subconsciously, and finally reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to process the files.

   "Obviously you too..."

   "Work and rest. Isn't it?"

   So, under the gaze of many subordinates, Kagali followed Mina, boarded the vehicle that had already been prepared, and drove all the way towards the treatment area where the wounded were placed.

   Looking at the broken city outside the window,

   Seeing that the original voice was full of people, but now it was a piece of rubble, and there were monster remains that hadn't been cleaned up, Kagali suddenly felt that her shoulders became heavier.

   The battle that almost destroyed Orb is over.

   The next thing I am afraid is to rebuild Orb's work.

   Along the way, Kagali's face kept changing.

   sometimes solemn,

   sometimes sad,

   sometimes struggle.

   Regarding this, Mina didn't even persuade him.

  This, everything will be a test for Kagali.

   After a short while, the convoy from the Prime Minister's Office drove slowly into the treatment area.

   The vehicle hadn't stopped, but Kagali, who was thinking intently about Orb's future direction, was awakened by a sudden movement.

"what's going on?"

   Outside the car window, there was a faint but clear voice.

   At the same time, as the largest wounded housing building, there seems to be a burst of flickering lights floating in the air.

   Under doubt, Kagali got out of the car and directly pulled the Orb soldier not far away.

   "What happened inside?"


To Kagali’s surprise, the Orb soldier who was pulled by her for questioning did not immediately respond, but after being urged several times by Kagali, he seemed to be awakened in a panic. Salute to Kagali.

   "Hug...sorry! Lord Kagali. I...I..."

   Compared with the dereliction of the Orb soldier, Kagali is more concerned about what happened in the building where the wounded were housed.

   However, the Orb soldier hesitated.

   "It seems...someone is singing inside."

   The Orb soldier hesitated a few times and said something that made Kagali confused.

   "Don't embarrass him! Someone is singing here. Besides, you know the person who sings."

   When Mina’s affirmative voice came over, Kagali also saw the Orb soldier breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to act too much.

   This makes Kagali very helpless.

   "Go back and continue on duty! Pay attention to your surroundings."

   "Yes! Lord Kagali."

   looked at the back of the Orb soldier who had fled, Mina stood at the gate and looked at Kagali.

   "If you are curious, you might as well keep up! Standing there, no one will come to greet you! Your Prime Minister."

   Kagali moved the corners of her mouth, but did not respond to Mina's sarcasm.

   For her, these sarcasm has long been accustomed.

   "The deep part of the cold night..."

   Following Mina, the moment he walked through the door, Kagali's spirit was lifted up, her whole body was refreshed, and the fatigue accumulated in her body seemed to disappear a lot.

   "What...what's going on?!"

   Kagali's suspicious gaze followed Mina, cast it toward the lobby of the building, and landed on the figure surrounded by many wounded.

   A gleam of white light scattered from the small triangular drone hovering over the hall, covering the figure like moonlight.

   The figure that seemed to be covered with a layer of holy white gauze was so beautiful and so holy.

   "The singing of prayer seems to shine slightly..."

   "That···is la···"

   After a pause, Kagali recognized the figure from behind.

   Only, at the moment when she touched her long black hair, Kagali seemed to understand something and stopped speaking.

   And Mina gestured towards the corner where no one was nearby, and asked Kagali to follow her.


   As soon as he passed, Kagali saw a familiar mask, a familiar figure.

   " I didn't expect it was really you. You..."

   Kagali looked at the figure sitting in the corner in surprise, then subconsciously turned her head to look at the eye-catching figure in the hall.


   "We are missing. Haven't we?"

   Before Kagali could ask, the man laughed proactively.

   "According to the actual situation, we are indeed missing. This is not something surprising. Is it? Your Prime Minister."

   After staring at the mask for a while, Kagali finally nodded.

   "That's true. After all, in that situation..."

   Kagali sighed, but suddenly changed to a serious face.

   "Knight. You didn't return after that? With her and Audrey."

   The man named Knight frowned on the spot.

   He heard it.

  Kagali’s words seem to be hiding something.

   "No. At that time, we were indeed missing from this world. We were completely missing."

  As he spoke, the eyes hidden under the mask were still wandering around.

   may be due to the unusually moving voice,

   may be the reason that the figure is very eye-catching.

   Except for the triangular drone hovering over the hall, no one noticed the situation here.

   "So, who is the holy lion knight who appeared in Zaft six months ago?"

   After all, Kagali asked the question that had been held in her heart for a long time.

   "Half a year ago, holy lion knight?!"

   Now, it was the man and Mina's turn to be surprised.

   "It seems that the changes in this world are far beyond our imagination, don't they? Mina."

"Perhaps so. When the Imperial Pillar of Heaven fell into this world, we had not received any news about the Knights of the Holy Lion. It seems that the plan of fate advocated by our Speaker Durandal is far more than what we know. It's that simple."

Looking at the two of you, UU reading, I used the term "holy lion knight" as the basic word, and I was able to speculate that a bunch of possible Kagali frowned, and couldn't help thinking in her heart. Sorted out the information she knew.

"Actually, after the X1 rift broke out, Zaft’s newest battleship, the Minerva, disappeared. After the squadron that went to the DSSD forward scientific research space station to search for the squadron sank, Zaft was once given to by the monsters that ran out of the rift. Suppressed at the door of the house. Until, Speaker Durandal relied on the powerful lethality of the miniaturized Genesis and a hero "Holy Lion Knight" who was declared to be the first battle of Yakin Duwei in the name of Zaft. With the hard work of the pilots, they were able to eliminate the alien monsters that were once oppressed at the door of the house."

   "Holy Lion Knight?! Yakin Duvy?!"

  The gaze hidden under the mask gradually became cold.

   There was only one person who could be crowned the Knight of the Holy Lion in the first battle of Akin Duvy.

   That was after Genesis was about to launch at the earth, driving the Liberty Gundam, and then using unknown means to summon a pure white steel lion, destroying Genesis’s pilot, Lei Mingkai in one fell swoop.

   "If that person is the so-called holy lion knight, then who am I?"

   The mask was slowly taken off, showing Kagali the true face behind it.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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