Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 197 Nightmare of Life

It's hard to say whether it's a disaster or not, but it's really none of Xiao Yun's business that UNION wants to place the training venue in the People's Revolutionary Alliance. He doesn't even know those things are buried in the desert, but after the body data comes out Naturally there are people who will promote these things.

The AEU, a big force that wanted nothing, was directly thrown aside. Everything was on the territory of the People's Revolutionary Alliance. If you want to achieve mass production of new models, you can't go around this party. Kruse's this is purely a matter of imagination. Xiao Yun was wronged too much.

After Kruse changed into his combat uniform and drove the Holy Angel Gundam to eject from the front of the Ptolemy, the optical illumination had already fed back the picture in front to the screen of the Holy Angel Gundam.

Led by several large transport ships of the Human Revolutionary Alliance, the densely packed Human Revolutionary Alliance MS Iron Man appeared in Cruze's eyes.

"This type of mobile suit is really strange. Is it the type of pile of materials?" Cruze looked at it with some curiosity. The communicator flashed and Harrow also connected the communication.

"Kruze, there are many enemies, be careful. I suspect their goal is to capture the Gundam. The Ptolemy will quickly leave this space. Try to buy as much time as possible. If the situation goes wrong, catch up immediately. Can Angel Gundam is already working hard to put the armor back together, it will take at least forty minutes."

"There is no need for this." Kruse smiled faintly and said: "No matter how many machines like this come, it doesn't make any sense."

Miss Huang was a little surprised: "Kruze?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Holy Angel Gundam took the initiative and rushed towards the enemy. Green particles spread out, showing a scene that was somewhat different from that of several other Gundams such as the Angel.

The GN particles formed several dense flow belts, just like the Holy Angel Gundam had extra wings behind it, a bit like the wings of light like the angels in the Diablo game. The amount of particle ejection was even greater than that of the Ptolemy. Everyone who saw this scene showed expressions of disbelief.

"What kind of particle ejection volume is this!? It's amazing!" Ian, who was busy, looked up and the cool and brilliant picture made him involuntarily exclaim: "It's really like a steel angel. , is this a new type of solar furnace? When was this kind of thing developed? "

"God..." For a moment, he stared blankly at the flying wings of light flowing behind the Holy Angel Gundam, and suddenly seemed to see the Gundam that came to him like a god many years ago.

"Don't be in a daze." Lockon shouted loudly: "What time is it now? Hurry up and fix the armor on the body. The damn Human Revolutionary Alliance chose this time!"

Allelujah suddenly exclaimed: "What is that!"

At this time, even Lockon couldn't help but look up at the large projection screen in the hangar.

The large disc-like backpack of the Holy Angel Gundam on the screen suddenly detached, and the cannons on the backpack also detached one after another. The disc-shaped backpack hovered in front of the Holy Angel Gundam and the whole body suddenly burst out with green light. It was shrouded in dense particles, and then released a red electromagnetic beam toward the front, representing the destruction of heaven and earth.

The upgraded version of the Aegis Gundam Kraken Complex Phase Cannon is not installed on the body but on a backpack. This disc-shaped backpack is both a shield and a weapon. With the support of the GN-T solar furnace, it can be used as the original backpack. What it cannot do is to act independently after breaking away. Even in the atmospheric environment, it can still fight independently and be used as a fort.

Tieria murmured: "It's different from the GN cannon...,"

As the backpack was detached, all the skirt armor also detached from the main body of the Holy Angel Gundam one by one. Many floating cannons of different sizes rushed towards the MS team of the Human Revolutionary Alliance coming directly ahead like agile elves. In the past, a beam of light all over the sky suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Each floating gun unit is attacking at different places and from different angles. Even the multiple muzzles of a single floating gun attack at different angles and directions. The beams of light in the sky seem to create an insurmountable hole that is impossible to break through. The beam cage, and the floating cannons of each unit are also flexible and continue to launch attacks as if they have their own independent thoughts.

The people and the Revolutionary Alliance who really faced these attacks felt this time not the pain of a fist, but the powerlessness in the face of a violent storm.

Lockon was stunned for a moment: "This new weapon..."

Ian murmured: "Sure enough, the GN unit has been miniaturized to this extent. It can be so flexible in Kruse's hand, as if it is part of the body. Don't you need a second person or Is there anything else to help?”

"The helmet is different." Tieria looked at the screen and said, as if explaining to Ian: "The helmet he uses is different from us. He is not an ordinary person...a changer. This guy may be a real changer. , you should also know, Ian, only people with super spatial recognition capabilities can use the GN unit to this extent without relying on any other equipment."

Ian looked at Tieria: "Like them?"

Tieria's eyes were also a little horrified: "No... he seems to be a real human changer. The Holy Angel Gundam... is also different from our body!"

In an instant, a special light burst out from his eyes, and he said loudly and firmly: "It's God!"

Lockon frowned slightly and glanced at Ian and Tieria, but said nothing and looked at the screen again, but this look made Lockon's hair stand on end: "Get away!"

The mobile suits of the Human Revolutionary Alliance charged towards the Holy Angel Gundam with all their might. Missiles and bullets were all released towards the Holy Angel Gundam as if they were free of charge. However, what faced them was an even denser beam of light, which was torn apart in the blink of an eye. Broken into pieces.

Faced with the attack from the Human Revolutionary Alliance MS, the Holy Angel Gundam remained motionless and did not even activate the GN shield. It allowed all the attacks to fall on itself, which meant that a few sparks popped out and then nothing happened. there is none left.

This scene also left everyone stunned: "Can Gundam's armor reach this level?"

"it's over?"

Allelujah stared blankly at the picture on the screen. In just a few minutes, after the light dissipated and all the parts that had separated from the main body of the machine returned to the Holy Angel Gundam, the bright wings of light slowly disappeared. There is only one shocking picture.

Countless fragments of machine bodies and transport ship fragments were floating in the universe. The neatly organized Human Revolutionary Alliance MS team just now turned into dregs on the ground. There was no intact machine in sight, and it was almost directly encountered by the Holy Angel. Gouda thoroughly minced.

Lockon rubbed his eyes: "What's going on with this machine? How can its performance be so great that it can overwhelm several of our machines! And that kind of armor is supposed to invalidate live ammunition attacks!"

"There was no explosion."

Lockon looked at the moment where the voice suddenly appeared: "What?"

Setsuna raised his hand and pointed at the screen, his eyes filled with light: "There was no explosion. All attacks avoided the cockpit. It's amazing. He is really strong! He is the Gundam, the real Gundam."

"We couldn't save this kid, and he started talking nonsense again." Lockon covered his head with a headache and looked at the Archangel Gundam that had just started to be assembled: "Do you want to continue now?"

"No need, right?" Allelujah took a deep breath: "With the Holy Angel Gundam, we don't need us at all."

"Why not get rid of these people?" Tielia kicked off and rushed directly to the communicator: "Miss Huang, everyone who saw the Ptolemy must be eliminated."

Miss Huang also paused for a moment, and said in shock: "It can't be done. VEDA's order is to leave the survivors alive, and no one can handle it."

Tieria was stunned: "VEDA? Why?"

Kruse's voice suddenly appeared in the communication: "Let me answer this question for you, because these people are the most elite pilots of the People's Revolutionary League, and someone thinks they can still radiate their residual heat. So they need to be spared."

"Hey, Cruze, thank you for your hard work, you moved so fast."

Another lively voice appeared in the communication.

A second voice also joined in, looking a little cold: "It's such a busy day, and I was asked to do such a thing just after I returned to the universe."

The first voice said dissatisfiedly: "The hardest part should be whether I am okay or not."

Tielia was shocked: "Who is it?"

Others on board the Ptolemy were no less shocked.

Two aircraft suddenly appeared out of thin air on both sides of the Holy Angel Gundam. The two aircraft looked almost identical, one was blue and the other was red. Except for the slightly different weapons they used, they only had backpack flying wings. The direction is different, and there is almost no difference in other aspects.

"These two machines? Gundam?"

Cruze said: "Stop playing and move faster."

"I don't want to do such a thing." Luo sighed helplessly. The next second, the cockpit of the red machine opened directly. Luo, wearing a pilot suit, jumped out of the cockpit, and then he was still in the direction of the machine's arm. After a pause, he pulled out a rope and started getting busy.

If you look carefully, you can see Luo being followed by two drones that are also floating and emitting orange-red particles.

The blue machine gathered together the machines that had lost their combat capabilities, and used the beam saber to tear open the cockpits of these iron men and instruct the people in the cockpit to come out obediently.

The people on the Ptolemy did not dare to make any sound now, and just watched obediently at the scene that shattered the world. A pilot from the Personal Revolutionary Alliance was pulled out of the cockpit and tied to a rope. On the ground, no one fell down and no one was left behind, all turned into human-shaped kites.

Then I saw the pilot of the red aircraft getting back into the cockpit of the aircraft and disappearing without a trace. Only a string of human leather pilots connected by ropes were dragged away quickly. It was really... the space kite came back again. Now in this world.

Cong Yunqi didn't talk nonsense. After the matter was done, he left two words and then disappeared without a trace: "Leave."

Cong Yunyun was speechless when he looked at the people drifting on the screen: "It's so boring. I hope what happened today won't become a lifelong nightmare for you."

Cruze sighed helplessly as he looked at the group of people drifting away by kites in the universe, and operated the Holy Angel Gundam to return to the Ptolemy.

Having just entered the Ptolemy and parked the aircraft, Cruze came out of the cabin and saw Tielia and Miss Huang at the edge of the passage.

Tieria asked directly: "What's going on with those two machines?"

Cruze glanced at Tieria: "This is not something you should know within your authority. VEDA will tell you everything you can know, and I can't tell you what you can't know."

Tieria clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: "I will ask VEDA for instructions."

"Poor little guy." Cruze smiled and said: "The Ptolemy is not the only operational unit of Celestial Being. Each group has different tasks and does its own thing. You don't need to worry about the rest. "

Tieria looked deeply at Cruze: "Who are you!"

Cruze waved his hand and left directly through the two of them without saying anything.

Miss Huang quickly said: "Mr. Kruse, wait a moment."

"What's up?"

Miss Huang asked: "Where will those people be taken?"

"I don't know, I'm just a thug. Naturally, VEDA and the people who can decide their life and death will decide their whereabouts." Kruse paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Maybe they will do it next time we meet. Become the new thugs of Tianren, but they may also become the bait for the next operation. Who knows, in fact, I also have doubts about the purpose of keeping these people, after all, they are useless. "

Cruze left immediately, and Tieria couldn't help but rushed into a special room and started to contact VEDA, but not long after, she floated out of the room with a look of despair, like a child abandoned by her mother. There was still a tear in the corner of his eye.

Miss Huang came to Tieria's side. Looking at Tieria, she felt that the child seemed to be deeply hit. She opened her mouth and asked, "Is there any news?"

"VEDA asked us to continue the mission and not to interfere with other matters. Everything is within the plan, but VEDA said that the two machines that just appeared are indeed the organization's new machines. They belong to another team and are responsible for a more special mission. The Holy Angel Gundam is prepared for that mission, and the mission goal of the Ptolemy Team is for the upcoming dialogue.”

"But they are the real armed force for the upcoming war. Because they were worried that the goal of that mission would affect Ptolemy's actions and plans, they deployed the Holy Angel Gundam as supplementary assistance."

"I don't know more. VEDA has actually revealed a lot of things to me, and the rest is not something we should know." Tielia shook her head and continued to Miss Huang: "VEDA has something new "The Holy Angel Gundam and Ptolemy remained in the universe, while the other four Gundams descended to Earth to intervene in the actual combat exercise test of UNION's new aircraft. The specific mission information has been sent to the Ptolemy host."

"I'll go see it right away."

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