Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 198 Sent to Jupiter

The news that all members of the People's Revolutionary League's top military forces were missing caused a great stir within the People's Revolutionary League. The mission that was originally destined to be won unexpectedly ended with the disappearance of all members of the unit. When the search force of the People's Revolutionary League arrived, After arriving at the fighting area, all they found were the remains of countless aircraft.

The fact that no body was found also left the Revolutionary Alliance a little confused. After all the Ptolemy crews were cleared, there was no trace of the iron man's wreckage at all, and they could only judge the fate of the Dingwu troops. The conclusion that the members seemed to be taken away.

Every member of the top military force is specially selected and will never surrender without a fight. The soldiers of the People's Revolutionary League are completely trustworthy at this point. To them, sacrificing their own lives to complete the mission is a big deal. Be prepared from the beginning.

But the current situation... is really confusing.

How could the investigation team have imagined that the entire MS team would be defeated in just a few minutes, and that most of the iron men would be reduced to wreckage in a single encounter? It was impossible to imagine that if they did not surrender, they would face a massacre. On the battlefield Being killed by the enemy or being massacred without the ability to resist on the battlefield are two different things. At that time, it was really the most incredible situation with no ability to resist at all.

On Earth, Xiao Yun saw the instructions from VEDA and nodded lightly, replying via text message on his mobile phone: "It's okay, I won't be able to come back for at least a few months after preparing the ship and supplies. I have to send someone to keep an eye on it." "

Another message quickly appeared on the phone. After Xiao Yun took a look at it, he closed the phone and put it in his pocket.

On the next day, Homo Katagiri called Xiao Yun to his office and personally made Xiao Yun a cup of coffee. The two sat face to face and started chatting as if they were chatting.

Homo took a sip of coffee: "A few hours ago, the People's Revolutionary League suddenly responded that the top management was willing to allow us to place the exercise location in the Taklimakan Desert. I have already notified people to start preparations now. I heard that the People's Revolutionary League yesterday targeted Tianjin. A capture operation was conducted and all personnel were missing.”

"With their investment of so much financial and material resources, they have failed. Our actual combat exercise test this time may also suffer from the intervention of Tianren. Is that machine really okay? What we have to deal with is Tianren's five Gundams. "

Xiao Yun said unhurriedly: "Although it has not been actually tested, you have seen the performance parameters of the body. That body is also the only way we can fight the Gundam so far. In fact, the final result is not important at all. The important thing is to have the opportunity to fully demonstrate the performance of that machine.”

"Even if it ends up being a one-on-four-on-five failure, it doesn't matter. As long as the senior management and the Human Revolutionary Alliance see the value of that machine, they will naturally know what to do. All they need is a chance to meet each other and bury it in the desert. Those things inside can be dug out and used again. If UNION and the Human Revolutionary Alliance reach a consensus, it is impossible for the AEU to refuse. By then, what will the Gundam be? Every Phantom Pain machine will be a Gundam."

Homo nodded: "It would be better if we could seize the opportunity to leave a Gundam. According to Professor Raphael's report, Celestial Being's Gundam has something completely different from our existing technology. It is possible to obtain Celestial Being's body." People can definitely get the future.”

Xiao Yun drank coffee and said, "I won't go there for the test this time."

Homo nodded: "I will go there in person and set off at noon. I will leave the base to you."


At noon, the Justice Gundam covered by a huge canvas was sent to UNION's large aircraft carrier. Homo personally accompanied it and many flag-like escorts flew into the sky from the base's airport.

Xiao Yun, who was watching the team leave, gave an order to the people below without haste. So at the hottest time when the Justice Gundam was about to start testing, a recruitment advertisement began to spread around the world. Get out there - do you want to be a Gundam pilot? Come on phantom pain! Do you want to be a new generation hero? Come on phantom pain! Do you want to get in touch with the most powerful mobile suit now? Come on phantom pain!

Xiao Yun sat in his office and looked at the hot discussion thread on the screen in boredom. He said to himself with a smile: "It's coming soon. There's still about a month left to gather UNION and With the human, material and financial resources of the Human Revolutionary Alliance, and the secret assistance of Tianren, dozens or hundreds of mass-produced Gundams are being produced every minute. If you little cuties don’t hurry up and take the bait, I’m already impatient to wait. You guys can’t do anything. Too low-key.”


On the Tianren, Regeni looked at a group of captured human-revolutionary alliance military pilots who were put on electromagnetic handcuffs and neck bombs and stood in line in front of him, all with disdain in his eyes.

However, it was Xiao Yun's order to bring these people back. As the number one henchman of VEDA and Xiao Yun, Regeni would naturally not disobey any orders and operational arrangements.

Looking at this group of people, Regeni pushed up his glasses and spoke loudly: "Quiet down, everyone. I will tell you this only once. If one of you disobeys the order, all of you will be executed. I don't care about your life or death at all. If it weren't for adults, I think you are still of some use. Now you have all turned into dust in the universe. If you want to survive, you must complete the tasks we assigned you. "

Among the captured members of the armed forces, Sergei Smirnov stood at the front, followed by Soma Piris and Staff Officer Ming, who had silver-white hair.

Although these people survived and were captured to this place, none of them had the time to feel resentful. Although they were lined up, they were still in a mess. Many people could not stand up at all and could only sit on the ground. You may not be able to stand properly after being a kite for several hours.

However, Sergey still had some courage. He stood straight and looked at Regeni: "This is the base of Tianren? What do you want us to do after you capture us? Let me tell you that if you let us attack the Human Revolutionary Alliance That is absolutely impossible, even if we die, we will not do such a thing."

Regeni was really not interested in answering any questions. He treated these ordinary humans as if they were ants. However, Regeni was respectful to Luo, Cong Yungui and others. Even if he was a man-made changer, he still had a look. of.

Hanayu, who was standing next to Regeni, replied to Sergey: "Celestial beings have existed for many years. The size of our organization is far beyond your imagination. You are alive because someone has taken a fancy to you. Your current identity is no longer a soldier of the Human Revolutionary Alliance, but a member of the Tianwairen, a military organization affiliated with Tianren, and the Gundams you fight belong to a different organization. "

"As a member of the Celestial Beings, you need to know the significance of the existence of the Celestial Beings organization. The goal of that team is to intervene in armed disputes between humans and prompt the world to unite to establish a unified regime in order to prepare for dialogue with the upcoming alien civilization. , they can be called heavenly beings.”

"As the Extraterrestrials, our mission is to serve as humanity's strongest military force to eliminate threats from outside humans. Now there are nearly two hundred alien life forms on the earth. One of the goals of the Extraterrestrials is to eliminate these aliens. Life forms and be prepared to deal with more hostile alien life forms, while at the same time protecting the technology belonging to this civilization from being leaked.”

Sergey was stunned after hearing Hanayu's words: "What? Aliens? What a joke!"

The other members of the Dingwu Force also showed various expressions.

Hanayu looked like a young girl with nothing, and said calmly: "This is not a joke, Sergei Smirnov. Originally, you were also the object of concern of VEDA, the highest decision-maker of heaven and humanity, but it was determined that you are not responsible for the Human Revolutionary Alliance. Your loyalty will become a threat to the Heavenly Beings after you join them, so we did not invite you to become a member of the Heavenly Beings before.”

"People with talents all over the world are under the attention of VEDA. Just two months ago, more than 150 alien races descended on the earth. However, they kept a low profile and did not take many actions, but If you have noticed, you will know that many places have suffered small-scale attacks by unknown persons in recent times. Most of them are laboratories of cutting-edge research industries or PMC's MS Gnaku, but they only lasted for a short time. time stopped."

Sergey's brows suddenly frowned. He had indeed heard of these things: "Didn't you do it?"

"It's us." Hanayu corrected Sergei's statement and said: "It was not our actions."

Staff Ming asked: "Then you brought us back because you want us to join you in dealing with these aliens?"

Hanayu said: "That's right, but your first mission is to recover and protect. Dingwu is composed of the most elite group of pilots in the People's Revolutionary League. VEDA has been continuously targeting you since you started to form this team. Keep paying attention, and it will be determined that you have the ability to pilot the Gundam, so you will then serve as pilots for the Gundam Armed Forces of Tengai. Of course, if you are unqualified, you will not be qualified to pilot the Gundam, and can only exist as support personnel and reserve pilots. "

Regeni snapped his fingers, and a huge projection screen appeared in front of Sergey and the others. On the screen was a neat row of black Gundams.

"These are the machines you are going to pilot, Justice Gundam Type F, Star Water Girl Gundam Type F, Archangel Gundam Type F, Power Angel Gundam Type F, and Archangel Gundam Type F."

The neatly arranged black aircraft on the screen and the three frontmost aircraft among all the aircraft made all members of the Dingwu Force take a breath of cold air when they saw this scene.

At least before they came here, no one would have thought that Celestial Being's Gundams would have such a huge number, but now after witnessing this scene with their own eyes, they discovered that Celestial Beings actually had so many Gundams, and they were mass-produced Gundams.

Needless to say, if all these machines were put into combat operations against the earth, the UNION, the Human Revolutionary Union or the AEU would have collapsed long ago.

Sergey looked in disbelief: "There are so many Gundams!?"

Staff Officer Ming asked quickly: "Type F means mass production?"

Regeni said calmly: "Yes, I need to know your answer, whether to join or reject."

Sergey was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said: "If it is as you said, your goal is to solve the aliens, I can join. Heavenly beings with such combat power already have the power to subvert the entire world. Those of you who have not done so have The goal may really be to deal with threats from the outside.”

"You can see clearly." Regeni snorted: "If this mission could only be carried out by ordinary people like you, there would be no need for people like you to join us as outsiders to complete the mission independently. People with brain quantum waves are not allowed to come out. Your mission this time does not allow anyone who can use brain quantum waves to approach the mission site. "

Soma Piris looked at Sergey, who nodded slightly and asked: "Why."

Hanayu said: "Because we suspect that another alien life has appeared at the target location of your operation. It is speculated that this alien life is very sensitive to users of brain quantum waves and may stimulate them. If It’s really exciting that the only outcome for the earth that they are not prepared for now is destruction.”

Sergey felt his eyelids twitching a little quickly: "Is there a third party?"

"It should be considered the fourth party." Hanayu corrected again and said: "Super soldier Soma Piris, you do not need to participate in this mission. All of you have three days to familiarize yourself with the machine before setting off to the target location."

Sergey asked: "Where is the mission location?"

"Jupiter." Hanayu said: "The ships and supplies are being prepared as soon as possible. The specific mission will be clearly told to you after you set off. The rest of the people are on standby here. Sergei Smirnov is following me. Sir, please Talk to you."

Sergey nodded and followed Hanayu to another room quickly. After turning on the communication, Xiao Yun appeared on the communication screen.

"Are you?" Sergey suddenly recalled something when he saw Xiao Yun for the first time: "The logistics officer of UNION's new unit Phantom Pain!?"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Yun contacted Sergey in his office and said, "I know what you want to ask. There are many people from the top of UNION, AEU and even the People's Revolutionary Alliance. Wu's every move is always under our surveillance, and I will be ready to take you down once I notice your actions."

Sergey fell silent.

Xiao Yun didn't give Sergey a chance to speak: "The purpose of calling you is to tell you to do your best. Anyway, you have to go this time. You have to go or not. Jupiter knows. I don't know what's going on there. It's just I have a general feeling that there are some problems there. Hanayu and the others must have told you what you need to know. Anyway, investigate carefully and act cautiously."

"What I can tell you clearly is that there is still a transmission device for outsiders on the earth over there, but the biggest secret of heavenly beings is hidden over there. We have always planned to catch all the outsiders on the earth, but there is no guarantee. Someone with a strong head may seize the ship and run to Jupiter, so I can only send you to block the door first, and kill everyone who dares to show up there. "

"By the way, the things left by the heavenly beings should be recycled and destroyed. If it were someone else, I might not be worried, but if it were you, I would be very relieved, even if you are not sincere about joining Tianwai. It doesn’t matter who you are, and it doesn’t matter what other thoughts you have. After this passes, you will still work hard to protect the earth and do good things. You still have these righteousnesses.”

"The safety of the entire earth is related to righteousness. I don't need to threaten the lives of your subordinates. As long as you know what to do, the rest doesn't matter. The transmission device looks like a door, with a green crystal door frame. I just want You can tell me not to touch or attack randomly, otherwise I don’t know what will happen.”

Sergey nodded: "Are you the supreme leader of heavenly beings?"

"No, the supreme leader of the Heavenly People is VEDA. I am just the leader of the Heavenly People. In short, I leave it to you." (End of Chapter)

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