Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 199 Heaven intervenes

In the Takmalagan Desert, the temporary stands were filled with people, and in the desert in the distance, there were more than a dozen training machines from UNION neatly lined up.

Homo Katagiri is now sitting at the highest point of the viewing platform, and sitting next to him is a representative from the People's Revolutionary Alliance. The two of them were chatting and laughing, talking cordially about things that others did not know, until the radio announced the start of the exercise test. Only then did the two of them set their sights on the desert theater ahead.

More than a dozen training-type machines rushed into the sky one after another, and at this moment a ray of light appeared from the horizon, and soon a white, blue, and gold machine came galloping from a distance.

This scene also caused everyone sitting in the stands to raise their telescopes, while reporters who were also invited quickly took photos and videos.

When the training attack began and dense barrages were directed towards the white, blue and gold Justice Gundam, a beam of light also spurted out from the muzzle of the Justice Gundam, crossing the sky and hitting directly. Two of them were used for practical training.

In the blink of an eye, a melted hole appeared in the chests of the two training machines. It brought up a burst of thick smoke and then roared and exploded towards the desert.

"Beam weapon!?"

"Yes, a real particle beam weapon." Homo introduced with a smile: "But it is completely different from the Gundam of the Celestial Being Organization. Not only the particle beam gun and beam cannon, but also the beam saber. come out."

After Homo's words fell, the Justice Gundam suddenly accelerated forward. The pink light that lit up after pulling out the beam saber once again became the center of everyone's attention. Soon, the Justice Gundam's beam saber cleanly hit two more machines. The practical training style is divided into two sections.

The rest of the practical training quickly dispersed, but the Justice Gundam showed extremely excellent maneuverability and powerful explosive power in the sky to continue its performance display. Under the operation of Livonz's excellent driving skills, this unit The replica version of Justice Gundam also showed that it was no weaker than Aslan in his hands, and its destructive front directly defeated all the exercise targets.

"It's amazing. You, UNION, are so wealthy that you actually thought of using a real mobile suit to test the performance of this machine."

Homo looked at the people around him: "If we don't do this, we won't be able to truly demonstrate the performance of this machine, and we won't be able to satisfy you and cooperate."

The generals of the People's Revolutionary Alliance looked at Homo with a smile: "Are you sure you are willing to disclose these technologies to us?"

Homo spread his hands: "Of course, if you want to mass-produce this new type of core energy furnace, you can't get around you anyway. If you want to produce a batch of these machines as soon as possible, you also need the full support of your heavy industry. "

The general of the People's Revolutionary Alliance smiled and stretched out his hand towards Homo: "It's a pleasure to cooperate, but what about the AEU?"

Homo laughed and held the opponent's hand: "Just let them continue to lag behind, haha."

At this time, a school-level officer from the Revolutionary League came to the two of them, bowed and whispered: "The communication was interfered with, it must be them."

"Are you here?" The general of the People's Revolutionary League raised his telescope and began to search, and soon found four green rays of light falling from the sky: "Commander Katagiri, the warm-up is over now, is it the real performance? What if the test machine is shot down here? Will Commander Katagiri regret carrying out the actual combat test with such great fanfare?"

"No, isn't that the purpose of the test machine?" Homo smiled, also raised the telescope and looked in the same direction: "The Celestial Being Organization...Gundam, now we also have our own Gundam, even in In this test, our test machine was cracked by the Celestial beings, and our goal was achieved. Their appearance will only make the performance we want more sensational, but it is not that easy to defeat our Justice Gundam. In the end, it was defeated against four simply because of insufficient numbers rather than insufficient performance.”

The general of the People's Revolutionary League put down the telescope in his hand and stood up: "Commander Katagiri, please leave with me, and let others handle the rest."

"That's fine."

Before the test started, Homo and the Human Revolutionary Alliance had already determined that Tianren would definitely intervene in the actual test of the new machine. However, this was also in line with the wishes of Homo and the Human Revolutionary Alliance. They had already done this near the acting venue. Many arrangements have been made. It would be good to be able to keep the four Celestial Gundams, but if Homo can't keep them, he is determined to take the Justice Gundam's performance to a higher level.

The people in the stands evacuated one by one. Only a group of reporters who were desperate for their lives stayed and continued to take photos and videos. Because the GN particles produced by the appearance of the Celestial 4 Gundam had already affected the communication, they wanted to broadcast it live. That definitely can't be done.

The Justice Gundam just hovered in the sky calmly, until the four Celestial Gundams got closer and closer, and then it took the lead to launch an attack on the four Gundams.

The beam cannon on the backpack and the beam gun in the hand fired two waves of beams in succession, causing the four Gundams to quickly disperse.

The De Angel Gundam directly activated the GN stance and resisted the Justice Gundam's attack. Then it placed the cannon on its chest and began to pour in GN particles. A huge beam of light engulfed the Justice Gundam in the direction.

The Power Angel Gundam quickly withdrew and set up a sniper rifle and began to lock on the Justice Gundam. Under the attack launched by the De Angel Gundam, the Power Angel Gundam directly ejected the GN sword on its right arm and rushed towards the Justice Gundam. Only the Main Angel Gundam could Keep flying in the sky in the form of a fighter plane, and only when you seize the opportunity will you launch a wave of missile attacks in the direction of the Justice Gundam.

"It's such an interesting fit."

Levonzi smiled faintly in the cockpit of the Justice Gundam. He didn't take it seriously when faced with the siege of the four Celestial Gundams. He knew very well what the performance of the Justice Gundam was, but what he knew even more was the various capabilities of the four Celestial Gundams. ability.

Without giving the Power Angel Gundam a chance to lock, he stepped on the pedal and pushed the operating lever to quickly shift its position, and even accelerated and rushed towards the Power Angel Gundam.

The shield and the GN sword collided together and then shot out a few sparks before bouncing off each other. Then the two beam sabers collided together and separated at the first touch. Just as the sniper attack from the Angel Gundam came from a distance, it finally came from It passed through the gap between the two Gundams.

The muzzle of the Justice Gundam lit up again, and the two beams forced the Archangel Gundam, which was still planning to press on, to dodge quickly. However, the next second the flight pack behind the Justice Gundam broke away instantly and directly hit the Archangel Gundam's chest. , the huge impact caused the Archangel Gundam to stumble backwards and lose its balance, and the beam saber in his hand was knocked from his hand.

The Justice Gundam's main thruster spurted out violent propulsion, and it followed behind the backpack and seized the opportunity to hold the beam saber and swing it directly. The beam blade full of violent energy left a meltdown on the chest of the Angel Gundam. It seems that just a little bit can completely expose the cockpit of the Angel Gundam.

Just when the Justice Gundam was about to continue its pursuit of the Angel Gundam, the Archangel Gundam, which had been acting as a cover, maintained its MA form and rushed directly towards the Justice Gundam. The sharp corners hit the Justice Gundam's shield and sent out a burst of steel. The neighing sound also knocked the Justice Gundam away far away.

The Force Angel Gundam's sniper attack also followed, but the released beam was blocked by the Justice Gundam's backpack that suddenly appeared. The sniper beam hit the backpack, and a scene of water splattering appeared on the backpack, and the beam was neutralized. .

Such a scene can't help but make Lockon a little surprised, but the current situation does not allow him to have too many thoughts, because dozens of Iron Man MSs from the Human Revolution Alliance suddenly appeared in the desert, and the dense firelight has already Covering in his direction.

Levonzi quickly adjusted the position of the machine body and rejoined the backpack on the machine body. He smiled lightly and operated the machine body to escape from the siege of several Gundams. He also glanced at the Archangel Gundam that had regained its balance.

"What a reckless move. You knew there would be a trap but you still fell into it. Emperor Lee Noriega, the tactical forecaster of Heavenly Man, what other plans do you have."

The Justice Gundam turned around and quickly zoomed away. This scene seemed quite strange in the eyes of the pilots of the four Gundams. However, after the alarms began to sound continuously in the cockpit, the four of them realized belatedly. Countless missiles soared from the surrounding desert, covering them like raindrops in their direction.

Some of the countless missiles that appeared were flying higher in the sky, while others were flying directly towards the four Gundams. The Angel Gundam and other four aircraft could only quickly turn their guns to clear these missiles flying towards them. The roaring sound of the missile suddenly resounded continuously through the sky, and the strings of fireballs caused by the explosions seemed to be scattered throughout the entire exercise venue.

The dust was billowing and the black smoke was thick, but only the four green light balls did not dissipate. The missiles flying higher in the sky drifted and turned around after reaching a critical point. Pieces of shells from these missiles It fell off, ejected smaller warheads one after another, and then released countless dense small warheads. This time it was really like rain, covering the four aircraft.

More mobile suits appeared in the sky. The flag-shaped missiles from UNION came from nowhere and rushed towards the training ground. Even the Justice Gundam once again turned and launched towards the position of the four Gundams. attacked.

The situation suddenly turned into the worst scene for the Celestials. It seemed that the four Gundams were about to completely hate this. But at this moment, dozens of beams of light fell from the sky and attacked the UNION flag coming for reinforcements from different angles. launched an intensive attack.

The unprepared flag-type team's multiple machines were instantly pierced by beams and exploded one after another. This sudden change also made many people raise their heads and look at the place where the attack appeared.

A machine with large wings that has never appeared before is surrounded by several large units, exuding green particles and floating in the air. These large floating units are still attacking everyone around them. and UNION's MS launched continuous attacks, fully displaying their huge firepower.

This is another Gundam, the Secret Angel Gundam, but it is an angel that will perish as soon as it appears.

The Justice Gundam rushed directly towards the Secret Angel Gundam, and engaged in a fierce battle with the Secret Angel Gundam. As they fought, they gradually moved away from the encirclement specially designed for heavenly beings in the acting venue. In the chaos caused by the Secret Angel Gundam, the four heavily damaged Celestial Gundams quickly rushed into the sky and evacuated quickly without looking back.

Then... there was no more, except that I heard a violent roar and then saw a small mushroom cloud appearing far, far away.

However, the search team found fragments of the new body of Celestial Gundam in the desert, as well as unit fragments that can be separated from the body to attack. They also found the damaged backpack, broken arms and other body parts of the Justice Gundam.

Such a discovery would naturally make people think that this was the result of the fierce battle between the Justice Gundam and the Celestial Being's new machine. However, the members of the search force of the Human Revolutionary Alliance were lucky enough to find the Justice Gundam's black box. From the black box It was determined that the Justice Gundam was destroyed and killed, but UNION and the Human Revolutionary Alliance also discovered from the black box that Celestial Being's new body had also been destroyed.

This discovery immediately made the two parties quickly finalize a series of cooperation, and then directly closed the desert and began a carpet-like investigation. Every time they found fragments about the Secret Angel Gundam, they would be sent back quickly. But after searching for it, I couldn't find the most important part, the energy core.

After receiving the news, AEU quit. Why did you two immerse yourself in work and abandon me? So you paid a heavy price and squeezed in. Just five days after this incident, the three major forces united to work together. An announcement was made that a joint military exercise would be held in the Taklimakan Desert, and the latest generation of airframes would be used in the three-nation exercise.

At the same time, Xiao Yun also hurriedly made a CG commercial and started to put it in large quantities. Thinking that he could trick a fool into coming, he waved money and started a more vigorous recruitment operation.

But that's not the most important thing. What's more important is that a special piece of news has firmly occupied the front page of the world's news. Articles like Tianren's new Gundam were defeated by UNION's new machine, and the body was broken into pieces and scattered everywhere.

The article also explains in detail the role of the particles produced by the Celestial Gundam, and even adds a bit of fantasy to it. For example, people who get an energy furnace that can produce such particles will be exposed to the particles for a long time. Through evolution, you can even obtain special functions and have abilities beyond human beings. It was also revealed that things have been left in the desert and have not been found, etc.

The seemingly nonsense article attracted countless people, because the person signed at the end of the article was Professor Raphael, one of UNION's academic leaders. Although it was nonsense, the data Raphael pulled out were all well-founded. It was absolutely true. He presented all his research on GN particles, and also obtained some additional data provided by Xiao Yun to finally complete this article.

But it is a pity that Professor Raphael, who worked so hard on research, began to recuperate due to "illness" and hurriedly disappeared from the public eye.

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