Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 334 Sweeping the End

"Neutron jammer? There is such a thing."

Charles was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud: "A person like you is really... really admirable."

"Yeah, I feel the same way." Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "You never thought that I was not prepared to break the agreement with you from the beginning. Why do you have to make yourself like this again? Now Are you still the same Charles or the Emperor of Britannia?"

Charles was silent. He didn't know how to answer this question. The reason why Charles was Charles was because of his experiences and memories. But now that all of this has been changed beyond recognition, could he still be considered the Emperor Charles?

"The gain is not worth the loss." Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "You are no longer the Charles I knew before. Even if you use the GEASS eliminator on you and the memory modified by you will not disappear, the past memories will emerge. Two personalities and two memories will only make you more conflicted, but the decision is left to you."

"No need, I've used the GEASS eliminator a long time ago." Charles returned to his cold and arrogant look: "Otherwise, why do you think I didn't react at all when you GEASS went berserk?"

As he spoke, Charles frowned and looked at Xiao Yun: "You?"

"GEASS?" Xiao Yun blinked. At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes had returned to their original appearance and no longer glowed. He looked no different from a normal person: "Although I don't know what the situation is, it is now under control. Probably because I opened the door frequently during this period, GEASS will be disabled when I leave this world and will be activated when I return to this world. Maybe it meets some conditions of autonomous control, so it is no longer a problem. "

Charles looked at Xiao Yun with complicated emotions: "Oh, someone like you is really..."

"You are gifted, right? I know." Xiao Yun shook his head and said to Charles: "I'm afraid you are not willing to get such a result now. After all, you lost to someone like me inexplicably. To be honest, you have such a result now. I find it baffling, it’s different from what I thought at the beginning, but it’s all over, winner takes all, do you agree?”

Charles slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking. He generally recognized Xiao Yun's words in his heart, winner takes all.

Seeing Charles's behavior, Xiao Yun lost the interest to continue talking with him, and said directly to Charles: "Announce your abdication, and let Cornelia take over as the emperor of Britannia, just in case. It is also in order for Cornelia to be recognized, so you need to give a televised speech. Of course, the video will be released at that time. "

Xiao Yun said: "I know you have a backup plan. Two Knights of the Round Table have disappeared and no trace of them has been found yet. It must be you who arranged for them to do things. You'd better call them back and stop causing unnecessary trouble. After all, the alien matter has not settled down yet for this world, and there are still many things to do next. I don’t want Cornelia to have a lot of trouble after taking over your position.”

After Xiao Yun said nothing more, he called Cornelia to hand Charles over to her, and then left time for the two of them to go out.

As soon as he came out, he saw the gorgeously dressed Lelouch standing outside the door staring at him. Xiao Yun said: "What?"

Lelouch put down the hands he was holding and said, "Nunnally."

"I almost forgot. I'll pick her up later." Xiao Yun patted his forehead gently and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"It's nothing." Lelouch glanced at the closed door behind Xiao Yun and said, "Are you going to lock him up like this?"

Xiao Yun said: "It is impossible to kill him. He can die in anyone's hands, but he must not die in my hands."

Lelouch smiled lightly: "I really can't see that you are such an emotional person."

"That's because you don't know me too well." Xiao Yun patted Lelouch on the shoulder and said, "I am really very emotional. How will Charles deal with you two? You decide what to ask and what to say." Everything is your own business, and the only thing I can do now is to be Cornelia’s support and retreat.”

"Anyway, I want to remind you that I can bring Nunnally back at any time, but there are still two Knights of the Round Table who have not been found yet. We don't know where they are hiding and what the conspiracy is. There are still many things you have to deal with now. There are many. You may not have the time to take care of Nunnally when you bring her back, and it is easy for others to take advantage of her and become your weakness. Now that she is in another world with CC watching her every day, I don’t think you need to worry too much. ”

Lelouch said: "You don't need to tell me this. Anyway, I will find the person as soon as possible and settle the matter. It won't be a big deal if Nunnally stays there for two more days. What are you going to do now?"

Xiao Yun said: "I'm going to go to District 11. My people found some interesting things there. There will be a curtain call performance next. Do you want to watch the fun?"

Lelouch found it incomprehensible: "Even now you are still ready to destroy C's world. Now in this situation, as long as you think about it, the world can be in your hands at any time, why do you want to destroy it?"

Xiao Yun said: "There are so many reasons. If you want to do it, just do it. In the world of GEASS, CODE, and C, the existence of these things is a danger. The door will open again and appear in other unprepared places. The possibility still exists. I don’t care about this kind of thing, but I don’t want it to be controlled by people who hate me. The way to do it once and for all is to destroy it.”

Lelouch was silent for a moment. He looked at the GESASS eliminator on Xiao Yun's head and felt that he didn't know what to say. You said that Xiao Yun was careful and cautious. People really couldn't understand him when he acted wildly. But To say that he does things regardless of the consequences, he will always carry a GEASS eliminator whenever he is in this world to avoid being plotted, and he is so decisive that he wants to destroy C's world.

Lelouch hesitated: "If the destruction of world C will also lead to the disappearance of GEASS, will you still do this?"

Xiao Yun said: "Of course, GEASS's ability that cannot be used in other worlds is just a toy in the first place, but as long as it is something that can be copied by technology, it may be manufactured in other worlds. Destroying it is the only option. If you There’s no need to worry about losing GEASS. I don’t have the ability to destroy the will and subconsciousness of a human race, and I won’t do it. What I really want to do is probably completely block the passage to World C.”

Lelouch shook his head: "I won't go. I will find the last two people as soon as possible and eliminate the last threat."

Xiao Yun nodded and left without making any further stops. As for what the final outcome of Charles would be, he had no curiosity.

After spending some time, he took a special plane and landed at the airport of Shengen Island. As soon as he landed, Xiao Yun went directly to the underground space where the ruins were located, and saw Luo, Aeolia and Cruze here. .

At this time, the originally empty underground hall was filled with all kinds of equipment, and countless terminal-type pseudo-changers were also busy inside. They were all doing some work and tests that Xiao Yun couldn't understand at all.

Luo is in charge of technology, Aeolia is in charge of research, and Kruse is just in charge of feelings.

Xiao Yun came over and asked the three of them: "How is it going? Did you gain anything?"

Aeolia was extremely emotional: "A miracle is a super-technological creation that is comparable to a miracle. Other than that, I can't find any more appropriate description to describe the mysterious world behind the ruins. It's incredible that I can witness it with my own eyes in my lifetime." Things are indeed very different in each world.”

Aeolia looked at Xiao Yun and said, "The essence of this so-called C world is a collection of human thoughts, a solidified collection of hearts, memories and subconsciousness. It is difficult to explain what kind of power can turn these human beings into Things are gathered together and controlled. After studying for so long, we can only determine that such a world of will that presents a spatial form has an operating system that can affect the spirit. There is no way to know what the principle is. It is not so much technology. Rather, it’s magic.”

"With the knowledge we have, let alone copying, it is almost impossible to even analyze it. This is not something that can be created by conventional technology and human power. Perhaps only God can create such a perfect thing. Creation, but unfortunately I am a scientist and do not agree with theological ideas, let alone the existence of God.”

Xiao Yun said: "That means nothing has been researched."

"No, at least I understand the basic operation." Aeolia shook his head and said, "But it's useless even if he understands it. The GEASS ability is not so much the direct influence of the user on the user. The person who controls GEASS has the authority to call the system, and use the operating system of this special space to modify the subconscious mind and memory of the corresponding target, and distort the mind of the recipient. "

"As for the system called the Sword of Akasha, this system is a kind of ideological ladder that can be used as a weapon to change the thoughts and behaviors of all mankind step by step. I just want to unleash the true power of the Sword of Akasha. You must have CODE, and you also need CODE to open the real channel to the C world.”

Xiao Yun looked at Cruze: "How are you?"

Cruze nodded lightly and said calmly: "The harvest is good, but it will be of no use anymore."

Xiao Yun said: "Then destroy it."

Aeolia shook his head but didn't say anything else. He just felt it was a bit of a pity, but Aeolia also knew that what was really going to be destroyed this time was just a passage. As long as the passage was destroyed, from now on, only those with CODE abilities would be allowed to destroy it. No one else can enter the realm that should not be set foot by humans through any means. It does not mean that C's world has been truly destroyed, and it is still possible to continue research in the future.

But Aeolia doesn’t know if he will have the opportunity to study all of this thoroughly in his lifetime.

As for Luo, it seems that he has no interest in this obviously more theological thing. For Luo, this kind of completely transcendent mechanical thing is no different from reading a heavenly book.

Aeolia slowly put away the things he wanted to use: "Let's evacuate first. It's time for me to go back. The rest of the things can be easily done without me. I have all the relevant information." I’ll make a copy and study it if I have time.”

Most of the equipment in the hall was left behind without being taken away, and all the data collected during this period must be taken away. When the personnel were evacuated through the door opened by Xiao Yun, Luo also followed back. When he arrived at World No. 0, he did not stay. For Luo, there was nothing too noteworthy in this world. That is to say, he took some cherry stones with him as samples when he left. On the contrary, Cruze followed Xiao Yun and sat on the got his special plane.

When the plane took off, Xiao Yun also picked up the intercom next to him and started to connect.

"It's time to start."

About half an hour later, a burst of intense light suddenly appeared from the right rear of the plane, like a small sun appearing on the horizon, and then a huge mushroom cloud rose. Then not long after, a second one appeared behind, two huge ones. The shock wave of the explosion swept across and made the plane tremble slightly for a while, probably because it was too far away and had no other effects.

Two small nuclear bombs were detonated on Shigen Island and Shengen Island respectively. The nuclear bombs with strictly calculated yields also underwent slightly special processing. Needless to say, the power of the nuclear bombs was enough to annihilate and then cover up everything on the two islands. All traces will be removed but it will not have much impact on further places. At this time, the passage of world C has also been destroyed and collapsed. No one except CODE holders can set foot in world C.

Xiao Yun and Kruse seemed to be taking it calmly in the cabin. Now Xiao Yun only had one last thing left to do, but in other aspects there were also some things he had to do.

Xiao Yun leaned on the chair and said to Cruze: "It would have been most appropriate to have Durandal come over here. After all, he is the best at this, but it is impossible for him to spare the time to wait for a long time. I can only trouble you here. I think you will have to put more thought into stabilizing the Britannia Empire."

"It doesn't matter, I just happen to be more interested in GEASS." Cruze smiled slightly, and his eyes under the mask suddenly shone with a distinctive light: "This ability is also very interesting. You can feel it every time you use it. As GEASS's ability grows, until it grows beyond the control of its own abilities, by controlling the rampaging GEASS, it can gradually enhance its own mental strength. This process is very important to me, and I am also very curious whether there is a third party. or more CODE holders, do you have any other information?”

"No." Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "But I have seen some special CODE holders, but they are not specific enough. There are still many GEASS ability users hidden in this world. There is a woman who seems to have the ability to return to the eighth level after death. The special GEASS ability from an hour ago, so be careful." (End of Chapter)

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