Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 335 Poisonous

Cruze voluntarily stayed in World No. 3 temporarily. Cruze now has an obsession with evolving into a new human being that even Xiao Yun cannot understand. This also led to the GEASS ability he obtained through C.C. It's also related to this.

Based on his current understanding of New Humanity, Kruse's biggest obsession is to successfully take that step and become a true New Humanity, and in this world he finally got the key to open the door, a special plug-in.

Cruze's GEASS ability is not a sound type, nor a sight type, nor a field type, but a special type. It is the same type as Mariana's soul infiltration, a GEASS that can return to eight hours ago after death. It belongs to the fourth category that is different from the previous three.

And the GEASS he obtained can only work on himself, which makes Cruze a real new human in this world, with more powerful spatial perception and a super sixth sense, and more insight. It has been fundamentally improved, and its vision to see the essence of things has become sharper. It has powerful mental power and extraordinary brain waves, and can even control special equipment without using other additional powers.

To a certain extent, Cruze's current situation is very similar to that of No. 1. He himself has no special abilities that can be intensified, which makes his situation more pure. It also makes Cruze directly go berserk when he obtains the GEASS ability. state.

The so-called rampage is uncontrollable, and Cruze cannot control the turning on and off of GEASS ability. As long as he is in this world, GEASS will play a role in him all the time, a purely passive ability.

And Kruse also has a greater pursuit. Let his GEASS grow step by step. In this process, he can truly understand everything about the new human beings. After leaving this world, he can rely on this understanding to become a real new human being instead of relying on GEASS, and at the same time, Cruze also wants to obtain CODE, so that certain defects in his body can be completely repaired by CODE.

After such a long time, Kruse vaguely realized that he was still unable to take the step to become a truly new human being because he had some kind of flaw. However, he didn't know what the problem was, and he also doubted whether it was because he was a container. The body is not good enough or is missing something.

But after getting GEASS, Cruze vaguely seemed to notice something, but he couldn't believe that the problem he noticed was the factor that prevented him from taking the final step for so long, and he didn't need that. Something, so he was going to try it out in his own way first, otherwise how would he be different from those restricted humans?

Xiao Yun couldn't understand what Cruze was thinking. He only knew that Cruze wanted to get the third CODE.

He doesn't know if there is a third CODE holder in this world. C.C is definitely impossible to move. V.V was booked by Xiao Yun himself. Of course, he doesn't care about CODE that much. If Kruse has long-term If the third CODE holder cannot be found, Xiao Yun will generously give V.V to Cruze.

In addition, Cruze's staying here can also help Cornelia and Lelouch stabilize the situation in Britannia. Don't underestimate Cruze, this guy is the third real person besides Durandal. A final BOSS, and the only person in World No. 1 who plotted against everyone and almost destroyed the world.

With Cruze helping Cornelia control the situation behind the scenes, I believe that the situation in Britannia will soon be stabilized, and the entire world will be brought under Britannia's rule.

And Kruse is also very clear about Xiao Yun's plan, which is to make this world a population supply base and gradually change the small-time situation in World 0. To do this, Lelouch Charles, who has strength and the ability to modify memories, is indispensable, at least one of them is indispensable.

Xiao Yun was sincere when he first asked Charles to cooperate, but he didn't expect that Charles couldn't bear the grievance. He had an illusion in his heart that there were always unscrupulous people who wanted to harm me. This was really uncomfortable to say.

Kruse understands this very well...very well.

The most taboo thing when dealing with people like Xiao Yun is to be too thoughtful. The more serious the thoughts, the easier it is to suffer losses. The more suspicious people are, the more likely they are to be unlucky. He hasn't done anything yet and plans to cooperate with Charles sincerely. Over there, Charles Just drive yourself crazy first.

However, Xiao Yun also has other things to do before leaving. He does not need to worry about the situation in the entire world. Cruze, Cornelia, Lelouch and their supporters will.

Xiao Yun just asked Gilbert, this poor man, to pack up all the people and equipment from the research department in Area 11 and send them to Britannia, and then met Gan Xiaoxiao at the newly established Dawn of Empire Research Institute. Lloyd.

Lloyd approached Xiao Yun with a very excited and happy look: "Oh my, Mr. Xiao Yun, it's been a long time since I last saw you. I feel like I have no backbone without seeing Mr. Xiao Yun during this time."

"Really." Xiao Yun sat down with a smile, put his legs up on the table, and looked at Lloyd and said, "Then how could Lord Lloyd betray you and become your backbone? How about I give you a chance to explain it to you?" Where have those bodies that originally belonged to me been sent?”

Lloyd looked innocent, blinked and said, "That was all arranged and requested by His Majesty, Charles. I was only responsible for sending the body out of the research department. As for where the body went, I really don't know."

Xiao Yun nodded with sudden realization: "Then you are useless? How about I send you to accompany His Majesty Charles?"

"Of course it works." Lloyd trembled and said with a habitual smile: "Mr. Xiao Yun, I will always be loyal to the truth. For me, the development of technology is the truth, and His Majesty's authority is the truth. Brittany The greatness of Asia is the truth. In order to follow the truth unaffected, I sometimes suddenly think of something. Just now, I suddenly thought that I installed positioning devices on those machines. I hope Mr. Xiao Yun will take me to the Her Majesty Queen Cornelia."

Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows and stood up, laughing and patting Lloyd on the shoulder: "I just said that I am very optimistic about you, Lloyd. Your pursuit of technical truth is very admirable. The reason for installing the locator is to Conduct real-time tracking and research on the body, yes, well done, I have received your loyalty to Cornelia."

After saying that, Xiao Yun glanced at Lloyd and said: "I will not hold Cornelia accountable for what happened before. We all know that you are a person with the highest loyalty to the imperial power. Who do you care about?" You are the emperor, but you will be loyal to the emperor. This is absolutely fine. However, the Lloyd era has changed. The entire world is about to face a greater change. You will be able to access a world that you have never been able to access, so you have to be loyal. Not only the emperor but also me.”

Lloyd's expression became slightly serious. He put one hand on his chest and slowly knelt on the ground on one knee, lowering his head: "I will always follow and be loyal to you, my king."

Xiao Yun smiled slightly, held down Lloyd's arm and helped him up, saying, "You are still in charge of the research department now."

Lloyd narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao Yun."

Xiao Yun said: "Charles is in the past. There is no need to pay too much attention to a bad old man who has Alzheimer's disease and cannot be cured. You have to be responsible for what the research department should do. There will be a group of people in the future. People will come over to carry out technical handover with you. You have to coordinate other military industries to assist them in completing a batch of new airframes. There are still many things to do next. When the work here comes to an end, I will take you to a larger world. As for your family, you don’t have to worry, because your family will become one of the greatest families in the world, understand.”


"Lloyd, don't let me down, you know."

After getting the method of tracking the several machines previously manufactured by the Research Department from Lloyd, Xiao Yun handed the things directly to Cruze after coming out.

Lloyd's previous assistance to Charles was not considered a betrayal, it was just that he did what he should do best as a courtier. This kind of person was smart but also stupid, and Xiao Yun could not argue too much with him.

As long as Cornelia is the queen of Britannia, it is impossible for him to betray Cornelia, and Xiao Yun will not give him a chance to betray him.

After getting the things, Kruse quickly determined the location of the target, but this location was a bit unexpected. He didn't expect that the location was within the territory of another force besides EU. However, in It doesn't matter, you can easily solve the problem with a little preparation.

Half a month later, Cornelia officially ascended the throne and became the queen of Britannia. Yuffie became the governor of District 11 and announced the establishment of the Japanese special zone. It also announced that the alien incident had come to an end.

Cornelia did not have the ambition of Charles, nor did she intend to rule the world. She had just become the queen and had too many things to do, so she took the initiative to extend an olive branch to other forces and started cooperation talks.

On the other side, those backhands left behind by Charles were completely cleaned up, and they no longer had any other worries. Xiao Yun, who had been in this world for a long time, also temporarily left and returned to World 0.

After leaving Xiao Yun this time, a lot of people stayed with Cruze and Cornelia, including some members of the Paw Team and a group of terminal-type pseudo-changers. The people in the Paw Team were responsible for action and protection, while the terminal-type pseudo-changers The task is to create and develop a body for Cruze and the others to use. The second thing is to build a special laboratory to prepare for the resurrection of certain people. The existence of the C world allows this world to have the future if the technology is sufficient. It is possible for the dead to be truly resurrected. Xiao Yun did this just to fulfill the original agreement with Lelouch.

Xiao Yun, who returned to World Zero, also brought more people back from World No. 3, and these people were delivered to Aeolia, World No. 2, that same day.

Everything that happened on the Alliance Star and World No. 3 did not affect the armistice agreement signed between the resistance forces and the TMC on the planet Chimera. At least for most people in the entire border space, the existence of the door was out of reach. What they really care about is whether the war between the rebels and the TMC will continue, and this armistice agreement must be carried out no matter what.

After the armistice agreement was signed, the high-level officials from both sides who signed the agreement left. Chimera also lifted its blockade and was designated by both sides as a free trade zone, an absolute neutral zone, and a trade center.

It obviously belongs to the Three-Way Zone, but in fact both sides are trying to control the Chimera Star. Leonardo, the leader of the City of Desire, which controls the Chimera Star, has a headache but he doesn't dare to take any action. Now at this time, even if he knew that the purpose of the two parties was to reshuffle the Chimera, he couldn't do anything.

In order to prevent TMC and the rebels from noticing Dawn Industry, or Xiao Yun to be precise, Mathias strictly prohibited Leonardo from doing some extra things, but under a normal attitude, City of Desire also You still have to have some proper attitude, and the degree of this needs to be carefully grasped.

As soon as Xiao Yun "went", the TMC chief who had been drunk alone with him before could not wait for him to come back. He could only regretfully choose to leave and let Gina tell him to meet again next time.

When Gina came back, he looked at Xiao Yun lying on C.C's lap and eating fruit without looking indifferent. He sat in the president's seat and handled the official business of Shuguang Industries.

Gina had nothing to say, but Xiao Yun had a question to ask: "Everyone is gone?"

"Yes." Gina responded and said without raising his head: "You'd better not wander around outside during this period. Both the resistance and the TMC have secretly arranged many people on the Chimera. Shuguang Industry is also the focus of both parties, and you must show up when the ship comes back. "

Xiao Yun ate the alien fruit and waved his hand: "Small problem."

Gina took a look at what Xiao Yun was eating, then resumed her work: "I suggest you eat less of this kind of thing."

Xiao Yun was puzzled: "It's delicious."

"This is to moisturize the intestines and detoxify." Gina said calmly: "The most important thing is that the effect is very good. Although it tastes delicious, too much may cause stomach upset."

Xiao Yun, who was lying on C.C's lap, stared blankly at C.C, who was peeling the fruit and stuffing it into his mouth one after another. Suddenly, he felt a slight pain in his stomach.

After peeling the fruit, she stuffed it into Xiao Yun's mouth, but found that it couldn't go in. C.C lowered her head and looked at Xiao Yun. Her head was filled with inexplicable talking eyes that seemed to be asking you why you didn't open your mouth.

"Ahem." Xiao Yun slowly sat up, looked at C.C and smiled slightly: "I'm full, you eat."

"Oh." C.C nodded, threw the fruit aside, picked up something similar to an orange, peeled it apart and ate it piece by piece, which made Xiao Yun's face full of confusion: "Why don't you eat it?"

C.C looked at the TV program that was playing in front and said very seriously: "Because my body is very clean and I don't need to eat this kind of thing, you should eat more."

Xiao Yun: "???"

"Because your whole body is poisonous inside and out."


Happy New Year 2024~~~ I wish you all new changes in the new year, and wish you good luck

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