Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 343 Kona Planet

Gina was a little confused as to how such a thing could happen. Why did the Freedom Alliance agree to Alejandro's seemingly rude request without even a little thought? Even though it was just a loan, how could they ask for anything? Not mentioning it?

It's not that there were no demands made. After Alejandro mentioned this matter to the top leaders of the Freedom Alliance, there was also a discussion there. To put it bluntly, the Freedom Alliance is just a resistance army with a different name. , the basic composition of its top leadership is still an alliance government formed by large-scale farmers, landowners, industrial representatives, chambers of commerce, etc. in the border area. Although it also has its own military industry, there is still a big gap compared to the TMC. .

From the perspective of the Freedom Alliance, Alejandro is a member representative who is in urgent need of high-end military industry capabilities. He is originally from the same class, and military industry is always a top priority. Border TMC has Dawn Industries. They also need to create a military industry representative who can compare with Sugon Industries. In this case, Alejandro naturally became the first choice.

There was originally an intention to win over Alejandro to join the Freedom Alliance, and they were even willing to give Alejandro a parliamentary seat as a ticket, but when Alejandro asked where he could get it at the right time, After the door was used for research, the result of the discussion over there was to lend one of the three doors to Alejandro for research, which could also tie Alejandro in more thoroughly.

Once Alejandro becomes a member of the Alliance Parliament, it means that Alejandro also has the obligation to protect the Alliance. Of course, there are also some other obligations, responsibilities and benefits, whether for Alliance members or the Free Alliance. This organization itself has many benefits in the long run, but for Alejandro, apart from completely binding the alliance, there will not be too many restrictions and problems in the short term. Originally, his company was just an organization that could An empty shell that can be discarded at any time.

However, the Freedom Alliance has also put forward some restrictions. Alejandro can only research the door in restricted places. The research on the door must be shared by the Freedom Alliance, and the research also needs to be supervised by the Alliance. In addition, he must take over the Freedom Alliance. Designated factories and funded the establishment of rear garrison defense bases.

After going around and around, we ended up back to the original point. The factory base where Xiao Yun once lived was taken over by Alejandro, and Alejandro was also responsible for funding the temporary base that is currently in use. To be completely perfected, even if the Freedom Alliance did not ask Alejandro to build a spaceport outside the planet.

No money? It's okay, we are all a family. Do you want to accept a ten-year, twenty-year, or thirty-year commercial loan? The interest will be based on normal commercial interest rates. Investment is also acceptable! Update device? It's a small thing. Let's work together to get a batch of the best equipment for you. Do you want to accept it?

Accept, accept, of course accept! These business behaviors include matters on another level. Alejandro can handle them with ease. They are nothing more than a process of exchange of interests, and Alejandro can also gain more for himself in this process. rights, but Alejandro also made some requests to Xiao Yun, that is, to quickly send someone to help him, preferably to bring those members of his family from World No. 2.

The Alejandro family has no choice for the time being. Xiao Yun is worried about bringing someone who has not been adjusted and transformed, but a special model of pseudo-reformer is fine. Xiao Yun went to World No. 2 and brought back a few An intelligence-type pseudo-reformer asked the Paw Team to send it to Alejandro.

And why the Freedom Alliance agreed to it actually has something to do with Xiao Yun. Category researchers and experts are originally relatively rare among technicians. Although the resistance army has found three gates, they have always only had one research team on the opposite gate. Moreover, the gates are almost exactly the same, and their functions are exactly the same. There is no difference between studying one and studying a hundred at the same time for the former Resistance Army and the current Freedom Alliance.

But who would have thought that the accidents that occurred one after another caused heavy losses to their research department. Almost all the first batch of people who went through the back door to World 2 were wiped out, and the second batch of people sent to support the Alliance Star disappeared. Yes, if you have time, it would be better to cultivate more talents and gather scientific research strength to figure out why the doors on the alliance star will become different. Of course, the research on new doors must be stagnant. Now there are people who are willing to carry out research on the doors themselves and also Naturally, they would not refuse if we could share all the results with them.

Alejandro taking over the factory is equivalent to taking over the planet in disguise, which is good enough for human survival but with a very bad climate environment. He also directly changed its name...Kona Planet, this seems to be a disguised change. Alejandro fulfilled his long-held dream and became a true ball captain.

The industrial park where the factory was upgraded, the defense base for the rear garrison, and the space port were not completed. More construction companies were hired at a high price and it would take time to complete. However, the original factory base was originally restored after repairs. It can also be used. There is no need to carry out other work for the time being, but it is no problem to make a place to carry out research on the door first.

Peace was maintained in Xiao Yun's long-term exchanges with several worlds. Nearly four months had passed in World No. 1. The upgrading work at the library and the construction of new strategic colonial satellites were also carried out in Lac. It was pushed forward bit by bit under Si's control.

The intervention of heavenly beings also continued, but gradually shifted the focus from South America to Africa and then extended to the Equator Federation.

World No. 2 and World No. 3 are also going step by step without much change.

In World No. 0, Alejandro is no longer alone except for the intelligence-type pseudo-revolutionaries arranged by Xiao Yun. Most of the members of the Kona family were brought over from World No. 2 by Xiao Yun. Kona Heavy Industry was officially opened and it was also a happy day for the Kona family to move into their new home. Xiao Yun also brought Luo and Cong Yungui back to their hometown, and came to Kona Planet with a slight disguise as employees of Kona Heavy Industry.

After the transport ship stopped at the huge tarmac, Xiao Yun got off the ship in a car. Looking at the earth-shaking changes around him from a forest to an industrial park, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's only been more than three months. Such a big change.”

Luo thinks this is normal: "With the combination of various new construction technologies, modular building structures and industrial robots, the situation will definitely change every day. Super large engineering vehicles can bulldoze a very wide area of ​​land in a day."

Xiao Yun nodded: "I didn't expect that this place would actually become my own. How did the people inside arrange it before?"

Cong Yunyun picked up a tablet and took a look at it, and said: "All the combatants have moved to the base next to it. All Alejandro who is willing to stay in the technical field have been hired, and the remaining civilians have now been resettled. In the newly built small towns nearby, a large agricultural city will be built here according to Alejandro’s plan.”

"Build a city in this place?" Xiao Yun stretched his head out of the car to look at the sky and then retracted: "This damn place is full of thunderstorms whenever the weather changes. How can this place be an agricultural city?"

Cong Yungai directly handed the tablet to Xiao Yun without any explanation. Xiao Yun took it and looked at it and suddenly realized: "Oh, barrier city."

Luo Dao: "The energy resources here are quite good. The modular agricultural city built based on colonial satellite technology has an outer barrier to protect the interior from being affected and can also collect natural energy to the maximum extent. Alejandro This is also used as a pilot project in the plan, and it can be used as one of Kona Heavy Industry’s profitable projects in the future.”

"Businessmen have brains." Xiao Yun nodded and said, "That stupid guy Gina hasn't been able to come up with a few such creative projects until now. I'm even worried that he will make some kind of automatic doll when the next one comes out. flagship product.”

Cong Yunyun was silent for a moment and said something fair: "He is not a real businessman after all, but the current development of Shuguang Industry is still very good."

Luo interrupted the two of them: "The person who picked us up is here."

A car came from afar and turned around and started driving side by side with the car of Xiao Yun and the others. HE stretched out his hand from inside and made a movement to follow, and then led Xiao Yun and the others to quickly leave the tarmac towards the factory. Drive away.

With HE leading the way, there was no inspection or obstruction along the way. After entering the factory, we followed HE and drove through an open steel gate.

After the two cars entered one after another, the door slowly closed. The ground shook slightly and then began to slowly descend. After parking the car, HE opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Cong Yunyun got out of the car and saw the younger version of himself and just nodded slightly. HE also nodded towards Cong Yunyun and then came to Xiao Yun: "BOSS."

"HE." Xiao Yun pushed the door open and got out of the car. He turned to look at another side of the scenery that was revealed as the large elevator continued to descend. A huge canyon came into view. At this time, they were on the rock wall of a canyon. The tunnel covered with glass and steel frames is sloping down the rock wall.

Xiao Yun looked up again and frowned slightly: "Here..."

HE said: "It is said that it used to be an escape passage. In the past few months, all the original escape passages were demolished and this new mobile platform was built."

"I said it feels a bit familiar." Xiao Yun nodded lightly and stepped lightly on his feet: "The door is under here?"

"Yeah." HE nodded and said, "But it's not underground. To be precise, it should be inside the mountain wall on our side."

Xiao Yun nodded gently: "Kruze is really right."

HE looked at Cong Yunqi a little strangely, and Cong Yunqi said: "Kruze speculated that the door to the new world can only be opened when Xiao Yun is near the door. He opened the new world twice. The gate is always located near the door. ”

HE understood immediately and said to Xiao Yun: "BOSS, I'm afraid it won't work today."

Xiao Yun waved his hand: "Don't worry if it takes a few days. The Scythe team has already made arrangements?"

HE said: "Alejandro has arranged for them to temporarily serve as escorts at the lower level."

The lifting platform stopped at the normal position and did not continue to go down. After HE signaled everyone to get on the car, he drove the car and took Xiao Yun and the three of them forward. Following the repaired flat road, Xiao Yun soon appeared in his eyes. A round frame cover, and entering from the entrance of the cover suddenly turns into a world of birds singing and fragrance of flowers. There is also a complex of buildings built on the rocks like works of art, and this is the new home of the Kona family. manor.

Xiao Yun looked around in the car and sneered: "This stupid bird really knows how to enjoy it. We still sleep in dormitories every day in the industrial park!"

Luo turned back from the passenger seat and looked at Xiao Yun: "You either go to World No. 1 or World No. 3 to rest every day. Since when have you slept in the dormitory? Cong Yunqi and I sleep in the dormitory every day, okay?"

Xiao Yun blinked: "I said it's us. We are in the same group. Doesn't it mean that I sleep in the dormitory?"

Luo turned around silently, feeling that this bastard simply couldn't communicate. Enjoying happiness was his own business, but suffering hardship became everyone else's business?

HE settled Xiao Yun and the others down first, and when the sky got a little darker, the sound of music coming from the building below could still be faintly heard in the building where Xiao Yun and the others lived.

However, after Alejandro finished his business and came to Xiao Yun, he did not go to Alejandro's trouble or say anything more, and just discussed the business directly.

Alejandro sat in front of Xiao Yun and controlled a stereoscopic projection, introducing the situation of the entire industrial park, base and research institute to the people present: "The base of the Freedom Alliance is only about two hundred kilometers away from us. , the current garrison size of the entire Kona star is eight warships, which rotate in sequence in March, but the base is built according to the berths of sixteen warships. The base personnel is about 8,000 people. When the space port is built, it can also support it. A larger fleet makes a supply stop."

Xiao Yun glanced at Alejandro: "The Freedom Alliance is managed by the landlord class. In name, the army belongs to the large collective of the Freedom Alliance, but in fact they all have money, strength, and strength to accept joint command. But in fact, they still have their own Personally armed, you know what I mean?"

Alejandro nodded: "I understand that the remaining vacant berths are equivalent to the size of the private army that the alliance's senior leaders have given me by default, but I still need to accept the alliance's dispatch when the alliance needs it."

Xiao Yun waved his hand and said: "No need to talk nonsense. You are in charge of Kona Heavy Industries and I have no intention of intervening. What happens next?"

Alejandro sneered abruptly: "Although this group of people in the Alliance have common interests, they also value their own interests more. External unity is more about interests internally. Although the senior management agreed to lend me the door, it is a fact They still want me to guard this remote and outlying gateway. Someone takes over, which is exactly what they want. They don’t believe that I can research anything, so they only send about ten people to serve as supervisors and concurrently as dispatchers. The military representatives of Kona Heavy Industry will leave all the rest to the people at the garrison headquarters.”

"There are no permanent personnel at the institute at all. Except for our people, they didn't even ask when researchers would be stationed and start working. They waited until the invited guests left to control the command of the base headquarters. Being on the Kona planet means we can do whatever we want.”

Xiao Yun rubbed his forehead: "Speak properly when you speak. Don't laugh so suddenly and make it inexplicable. You act like we suddenly become bad guys who want to disrupt the world and subvert the Free Alliance."

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