Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 344 New Situation

Xiao Yun and the others waited for several days until the guests who came to celebrate and the new partners of Kona Heavy Industries left. Xiao Yun and the others finally had the opportunity to enter the research institute located in the mountain below the factory. middle.

This is an empty research institute. Although it has all kinds of equipment, it is not complete, but at least it looks like a research institute rather than a hidden place with a door. There is not even a researcher inside, only the sickle team sent earlier and a few Alejandro's photocopier had been assigned to guard it from the beginning.

And Xiao Yun and the others finally saw the second door they had come into contact with in this life through a thick glass and a steel partition that could fall down at any time.

After looking at it for a long time, Xiao Yun shook his head: "I can't see any difference at all."

Luo was busy operating the computer to compare the data: "Maybe it's not that there is no difference, it's just that we know too little about other doors, so we feel there is no difference. It would be great if we could take it away. Next to this place is the garrison of the Freedom Alliance. The base always makes people feel a little uneasy.”

Alejandro shook his head: "If possible, I don't want you to do something dangerous under the eyes of the Freedom Alliance, but it's a pity that we can't take it away."

"Let's test it first." Luo turned to look at Xiao Yun and said: "To be on the safe side, you'd better not have any direct contact with the door. For the first test, I think it's better to keep the distance farther. Now you have There’s no special feeling.”

"It doesn't feel special. It's almost the same as on the Alliance Star. You have to be close to feel the location of the door." He said to Alejandro: "Prepare a transport vehicle or transport plane."

Alejandro nodded and turned around to make arrangements, while Xiao Yun said to Luo: "I will go a little further and open the door to pick up the person."


Alejandro prepared a small cargo spaceship for Xiao Yun. The spacecraft was driven by HE and there was no outsider among his team members. The Scythe team also accompanied him.

Xiao Yun waited until the cargo spacecraft took off and left Kona until it entered the universe and flew far away before Xiao Yun asked HE and the others to stop the ship.

In the cargo hold of the transport ship, Xiao Yun raised his hand and opened the door in front of him. No. 1 of the Sickle Team, fully armed and well prepared, nodded to Xiao Yun and went in, followed by No. 2 and No. 3. No. 4, No. 5, and after all five of them had entered, Xiao Yun followed them in fully armed, followed by the rest of the Sickle Team.

After coming from the other side of the door and seeing No. 1 and the others standing in a familiar place, Xiao Yun also nodded slightly: "Opening the door from this distance will not be affected, Ernesto! Can you hear me!"

Ernesto's voice sounded in the spacious area: "Lord Tokisada! I can hear you."

Xiao Yun said: "Send people in."

After a short while, a group of people appeared in front of Xiao Yun, and many equipment that had been packed in boxes were also pushed in one by one.

Researchers and related logistics personnel of the sect, Xiao Yun now only has such a related research team in his hands, and it is the kind that is put together. There are also more than 30 knights who originally belonged to Alliance Star and TMC, as well as Xiao Yun captured people in World No. 3, but the appearance of some of them is completely different from their previous appearance.

This time, Xiao Yun brought the people back to the transport ship in World 0, and then quickly brought the people into Men's research institute.

Except for the knights brought here, the people in the research team and the logistics team did not need Xiao Yun to direct anything. After arriving at the institute, they started working under the leadership of the crazy guy who first took refuge in Xiao Yun in World No. 2. stand up.

Then Alejandro was next. Xiao Yun introduced the three knight captains to Alejandro: "These three are the captains of the knight team I brought here this time, and they will work with you from now on. "

The three captains saluted Alejandro, and Alejandro nodded slightly but did not refuse: "It just so happens that I don't have enough available manpower. You sent three teams of people to solve my urgent need. I will arrange them."

The three teams of people who stayed with Alejandro naturally had another purpose besides protecting him, which was to monitor him. It didn’t take much for Xiao Yun to say anything about this, and Alejandro himself could feel it, but protecting him There must be a greater component, after all, Alejandro is also restricted in Xiao Yun's hands.

The third team is actually only about thirty people. If you say less, these are knights, but if you say more, if they spread out, there won't be any splashes.

Alejandro must be followed by several people at all times. At least a team of people must be left to watch over at the manor. Some people must also be assigned to the industrial park. The research institute now has a team of barkers who follow Xiao Yun at all times. There is no need to arrange other people for the Scythe Team for the time being, but basically no one can be spared to do other things.

But Alejandro's situation is a little different. Except for the fact that the institute is not allowed to be contacted by non-related personnel, there are actually no secrets in the entire Kona Heavy Industry that cannot be known to others. He has jumped from a black marketeer to a As long as there are people with status and status in the Freedom Alliance, he can definitely recruit people from the Freedom Alliance to form a large escort or even a small fleet. With these three teams of people as confidants, Alejandro can also save money. A lot of trouble.

On the other side, the people from the research team and the logistics team immediately began to seize the opportunity to put the equipment they brought over on the door. The green crystal door turned into a steel ring-shaped creation.

It took a few days for the research institute to inform Xiao Yun that they were ready to complete the next step of the project.

As Xiao Yun watched, the team activated the door for the first time. After the door was activated, the Sickle Team skillfully got in. After almost half an hour, the Sickle Team retreated from the door with several human weapons. , shook his head in Xiao Yun's direction across the partition.

"Close!" the person in charge of the research institute ordered and then said to Xiao Yun beside him: "Under normal circumstances, opening the door can only open a passage to a small alien space, but not all of these alien spaces are valuable. Only after opening the door hundreds of times can you encounter a valuable space.”

Xiao Yun nodded gently: "It's just luck."

The person in charge nodded his head in agreement with Xiao Yun's words: "It's just a matter of luck, sir. If you are unlucky, you may only bring back a pile of garbage hundreds of times if you open the door. This is why the resistance has not opened this door before." The reason for the two inner doors.”

“Either you have to wait for a long time for the door to recharge automatically or you have to spend a lot of money to recharge the door, and generally the energy is not good and the only way to recharge the door is through the extracted dark matter. It is a waste of money and it is easy to waste money. What we know about the door now There are still very few doors that can only rely on experience to analyze their operating mechanisms and laws. There is no specific knowledge system that allows us to understand this kind of thing. "

Xiao Yun walked over and picked up the phone: "No. 1, what's going on inside."

Reply No. 1: "A small abandoned base, in tatters and without anything of value. I found nothing except these weapons."

Xiao Yun nodded and asked the person in charge beside him: "Is there a way to find the location of the other door through the door."

The person in charge shook his head: "No, we speculate that there is a connection between the doors. The function may not have been to open different spaces but to be a passage for shuttle between each other, but so far we have not found the door. It can’t be said that the method of contact has not been found at all..."

The person in charge looked up at the door enclosed by the steel structure and said: "At least we can use this device to open the back door and intervene in the world behind the door on the Alliance Star."

Xiao Yun said: "Have you ever considered that the equipment might be replaced over there?"

The person in charge said: "It doesn't matter if we replace the equipment, as long as we can enter a code for the new equipment over there. It's not as complicated as we thought."

Luo hurried over and handed Xiao Yun a communicator. The latter glanced at it doubtfully and took the communicator and put it to his ear: "What's wrong?"

"This is Alejandro, with some news we just got about the door."


Alejandro said: "Gina just informed me that someone in Chimera is selling a new door that has not been discovered by the big forces. However, there is only information but no real object. The failure to pass through the City of Desire is the result of the discoverer's own fault." , Now people who know a little bit about the situation are thinking of various ways to find this tout."

Xiao Yun smacked his lips and glanced at the door here, and once again realized what it means to change a plan: "Let Gina and Leonardo find the person no matter what, and tell Gina that I will go back immediately."

Xiao Yun patted the person in charge here on the shoulder and said: "We will follow the normal steps here. Stability is the priority. I don't need any research findings that you can give me immediately."

Xiao Yun left the research team here temporarily, took his own people, and hurriedly left to return to Chimera. Naturally, Luo and Cong Yungui followed them.

After spending a few days on the road, Xiao Yun, who returned to Chimera, hurried to the president's office, where Gina and Leonardo were discussing their sudden encounter with Chimera in the City of Desire. Conditions of strong wind and heavy rain.

As soon as Xiao Yun came in, he spoke directly: "How is the situation now?"

Leonardo stood up quickly: "We haven't found out who it is yet, but my people have discovered something. We may be able to find the person in a few days."

"It's so slow." Xiao Yun sat down and poured himself a glass of water. After putting down the glass, he said, "Why is it so sudden?"

Leonardo explained: "Chimera is originally the star of the black market. Although our City of Desire is the largest black merchant here and the owner of the Chimera planet, we have not been able to maintain Chimera's black market status from the past. It will interfere too much with the actions of other black market merchants. We act more as market managers and intermediaries. There are many black market merchants who can sell and acquire things without going through us ourselves, but things like this are usually worth a lot of money. It is said that we will still be able to better protect the interests of both parties, so I am thinking that there may be something wrong with the situation this time. "

Xiao Yun looked at Leonardo and signaled him to continue.

Leonardo said: "If it is a door and it is an undiscovered door, even the information is worth a lot of money. Without a middleman, it is easy for the seller of the information to lose all his money and lose his life. People like black traders are not guarded in the first place. For people who behave themselves, nothing is guaranteed without a middleman. There’s no reason why people who frequent the black market don’t know this, so I think there must be something going on here.”

Gina said: "Either it's a bait or what this tout wants is something other than money."

Xiao Yun thought for a while and said: "Find the person first, find the person before the others. Leonardo, as the owner of the City of Desire and the nominal person in charge of the Chimera, don't tell me such things. You can't do it."

Leonardo trembled and then laughed dryly: "Don't worry, we will definitely find the BOSS."

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

Only two days had passed before Leonardo brought good news to Xiao Yun. He had been found, and he was the first to be found in the City of Desire. He had already been taken to the City of Desire for protection.

On the way to the City of Desire, Xiao Yun looked at Leonardo on the projection screen in front of him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Woman?"

Leonardo nodded rapidly: "Well, she is still a very hot, sexy and beautiful woman. I didn't find her, she came to me on her own, with a bitter and hateful look on her face, which seemed a bit troublesome. "

Xiao Yun felt a little itchy: "What is her request?"

Leonardo said: "It's very troublesome. She doesn't want money, but she doesn't want money at all. But she has other requirements to help her revenge and save people."


Leonardo smacked his lips: "TMC..."

"TMC?" Xiao Yun asked with a strange look on his face, "What kind of hatred is it, and who is there to save?"

Leonardo quickly said sincerely: "There's something weird about BOSS. Maybe it's really a trap. This bitch is unwilling to reveal anything. She took the initiative to show up in the City of Desire just to use me to protect her safety. I’m not going to say anything now, I think it might be fishing.”

Xiao Yun said: "Fishing, who are you fishing for, me?"

"It's not impossible." Leonardo nodded seriously: "After all, the Alliance Star incident was not too minor."

"That's right." Xiao Yun nodded gently and said, "But even if I'm fishing, I still have to go out and see this woman. I'm a little curious about how beautiful she is. Now it's well known that you have my support, and all the people selling are there. You still have such a beautiful woman, so it makes no sense for me not to come out and take a look. Whether it’s bait or fishing, I’ll wait until I meet her first.”

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