Mad Doctor

Chapter 1041: real prince

Ye Wutian has always wanted to know the true face of the prince, and he also knew that Fairy Feng knew the name of the prince. Once, he asked Fairy Feng more than once, hoping that she could tell him, but every time he was rejected, Now, when he was unprepared, she took the initiative to run over and tell him that she wanted to tell him about the identity of the prince.

At this moment, Brother Tian couldn't accept it.

"You know the prince." Fairy Feng said.

Ye Wutian was stunned, pointed back at himself, and then looked at Fairy Feng.

There is no doubt that Fairy Feng's words gave Ye Wutian an absolute shock. Does he know the prince? At most, he only knew that there was such a person as the prince. Of course, he knew the fake prince who had died.

Ye Wutian quickly thought that Fairy Feng would say this, indicating that the prince was someone he knew. Thinking of this, Ye Wutian felt inexplicably nervous.

"Yes, you know it." Fairy Feng confirmed again.

"who is it?"

"The prince's surname is Xu."

This time, Ye Wutian was even more surprised, his mouth was so big that he could stuff several eggs at the same time, the prince's surname was Xu.

"Impossible, the prince really has something to do with the Xu family?" Ye Wutian didn't want to believe this fact. When Zhang Jing came out to help the Xu family, Ye Wutian once suspected that the Xu family had something to do with the Poison Shadow Sect.

Now it's better, the Xu family is not only related to the Poison Shadow Sect, but more directly, the prince is still surnamed Xu.

This is a great irony!

"Which one is in the Xu family?"

"Xu Ying."

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Are you surprised?" Fairy Feng was very satisfied with Ye Wutian's reaction and said, "She is the crown prince."

"Impossible, it's impossible." The prince's surname was Xu, which was enough to make him unacceptable. Now, Fairy Feng also said that the prince was Xu Ying, which made Ye Wutian unacceptable.

Isn't the prince a man? How to become a woman?

"You want to ask why the prince is not a man?" Fairy Feng seemed to be wearing Ye Wutian's question.

Ye Wutian nodded, he did have doubts in this regard.

Fairy Feng said, "Who has ruled that the prince must be a man?"

Brother Tian was stopped by this sentence, thinking about it, it seems like that, no one stipulates that the prince is a man.

"I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is the truth, Xu Ying is the prince, the real prince." Fairy Feng continued to ruthlessly hit Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, his mind was in chaos, things happened too suddenly, too unbelievable, too hard for him to accept, how could the prince be Xu Ying?

"Sister Immortal, you didn't lie to me?" Ye Wutian still didn't believe it, and still couldn't convince himself to believe it.

Fairy Feng asked back, "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

"No, it's just difficult to accept." Ye Wutian shook his head with a wry smile. Ye Wutian thought a lot about the true identity of the prince, and made a lot of analysis, but no matter what, he couldn't guess Xu Ying. No matter how smart he was, he would never have thought that Xu Ying was the prince.

"It's just like that, cruel and realistic."

Ye Wutian was silent.

Fairy Feng glanced at Ye Wutian: "I didn't want to tell you, but during this time you have been fighting with the Xu family, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Ye Wutian had a headache. He knew that Xu Ying was the prince, and so many things would not happen now.

Next, Fairy Feng said a lot about the Crown Prince, telling everything she knew clearly.

Ye Wutian listened very seriously like a dream, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, could this world be too small?

"Sister Fairy, why didn't you tell me before?"

"A lot of things will be more interesting if you have to discover them yourself. If you didn't fight with the Xu family this time, I wouldn't tell you."

"Does Poison Shadow Gate belong to the Xu family?" Ye Wutian asked.

Fairy Feng shook her head and replied, "No, Xu Ying became the prince because he was chosen by the Poison Shadow Sect to be the prince and the spokesperson of the Poison Shadow Sect."

"So the actual control of Poison Shadow Sect is not in Xu Ying's hands?"

"You can't say that either."

The more Ye Wutian listened, the more confused he became, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know much about the implementation of the Poison Shadow Sect. I only know that Xu Ying was selected by the Poison Shadow Sect many years ago and became the prince. After each prince dies, the Poison Shadow Sect will look for new targets to become the prince. "Fairy Feng explained.

"I don't know too much about the specifics, I only know this."

Ye Wutian, who was silent for a while, thought of a new question, and asked: "I said before that the prince likes you, what's the matter? Could it be that Xu Ying likes women?"

Fairy Feng, who had never seen anything on her face, couldn't help but blushed when she heard the words, "Who said she likes me?"

"Isn't it? Then why do you keep harassing you?"

Fairy Feng replied, "That's just Huangzi. The real purpose is to win me over and win over Miaomiaomen."

Ye Wutian was sweating wildly, and it was a misunderstanding for a long time.

But that makes sense, Prince, no, should it be said that Xu Ying didn't want him to submit to the Poison Shadow Sect? So what was so surprising about wanting Fairy Feng to surrender?

Brother Tian didn't know what to say anymore. It was ironic that the prince he had been looking for was Xu Ying, and he had had such a ridiculous experience with her.

Ye Wutian didn't know when Fairy Feng left. When he came back to his senses, Fairy Feng had already disappeared. Ye Wutian stayed in the office by himself, his mind was very confused and he thought a lot.

Xu Ying is the crown prince. Although he is sarcastic, he finally figured out one thing, and finally he no longer has to run around like a headless fly.

Life is full of surprises!

Xu Ying is the prince, which can explain why Zhang Jing is the number one spokesperson for the prince, and why Zhang Jing finds him and asks him to withdraw from the attack on Xu's group, so it is.

Does Xu Ying know about the Xu family's collusion with pirates? Or is she a supporter?

Ye Wutian didn't want to be the enemy of Xu Ying, but now it seems that he has to be like that, and he has to be the enemy of Xu Ying, what should he do? How should we go next?

Reconcile with the Xu family? Ye Wutian didn't want to do that, and there was no way to reconcile with the Xu family. The only thing he could do was to continue to rush forward. Besides, the Poison Shadow Sect had always wanted to attack the Hongyan Group.

Pulling the bow did not turn back the arrow, even if he knew that Xu Ying was the prince, Ye Wutian would not back down. Whether it was with the Poison Shadow Sect or the Xu family, they could only be enemies.

When Ye Wutian told Ouyang Xingyue's three daughters the true identity of the prince, they were all shocked.

"How could it be her?" Situ Wei said in astonishment.

Ye Wutian asked: "You don't know either?"

"Why do we need to know? I really don't know." Situ Wei replied, "The identity of the crown prince has always been mysterious, and we have also checked it out. To tell you the truth, we didn't dare to investigate too much before, such as the Poison Shadow Sect. , we don't want to mess with it unless we have to."

Ye Wutian nodded understandingly, the Poison Shadow Gate is really not easy to mess with.

"What are you going to do?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Ye Wutian, who smiled bitterly, asked back: "We don't seem to have a way out now."

"Unexpected." Situ Wei sighed, and she was always sharp-edged and didn't know what to say.

Cheng Kexin also agreed: "It's very unexpected."

"Master, Xu Ying didn't find you?"

Ye Wutian replied: "No, but her subordinates approached me and asked me to give up dealing with the Xu Group."

"You refused?"

"Sure, why should you listen to them? I said, we don't have to be bullied by others anymore, and only we will bully others in the future."

Situ Wei smiled and said, "We are very happy to hear this."

"It's good to know, at least you don't have to suffer, you can prepare." Ouyang Xingyue said.

"Yes, it's a good thing to know the identity of the prince." Cheng Kexin agreed.

"Don't worry about this for now, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and what should come will still come, it's useless to think too much, it's important to do your own thing first." Ye Wutian looked at Situ Wei, "Did you inform the client? "

"Notice." Situ Wei replied, "I was just looking for a chance to tell you about this, sir, the response was great."


"Well, it is said that some people are quite dissatisfied with us."

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while and asked, "What did your grandfather say?"

"Nothing was said."

"Ignore them, we just need to be mentally prepared, but if it doesn't work, we will buy materials from abroad."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Cheng Kexin said: "What I'm worried about is that the above will come up with other ways to stop it. If it just stops us from purchasing materials, that's fine, but I'm afraid it's more than that."

"Prepare for the worst." Ye Wutian also learned the shameless means of those people, and in order to achieve the goal, he was at a loss for all means.

Several people were chatting, the door of the office was pushed open, and secretary Li Feifei knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, there is someone called Liu Qiusong outside looking for him."

Ye Wutian frowned, Liu Qiusong came to the door at this time, and it was probably not a good thing.

"Deputy Bureau Liu, what kind of wind blows you here?" After entering the reception room, Ye Wutian said with a smile, but Ye Wutian didn't expect that there was Linda sitting beside Liu Qiusong.

"Miss Linda, how could it be you?" Ye Wutian, who was full of surprise, did not expect Linda to follow.

Linda sitting there did not give Ye Wutian a good face, as if Ye Wutian owed her millions.

"Xiaoye, let's go straight to the topic, when will you help solve the matter in country M?" Liu Qiusong asked.

Linda also said, "Mr. I hope you understand that with so many lives, you have no right to do that."

Ye Wutian glanced at Linda's hands, her wrists were still fixed in plaster, "Miss Linda, your wound is not recovering well, you have to think of a way, if this goes on, your hands may not be able to recover as before. That state."

"Do you have a solution?" Linda's eyes flashed, and for a moment, she forgot her purpose.

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "If I said that this kind of injury can only be regarded as a little shit, would you believe it?"

"Help me." Linda saw hope. Before the operation, the doctor had told her that it was impossible for her hands to return to the state before they were cut off, and they would definitely be affected in the future.

Liu Qiusong secretly cursed, "Stinky woman, what's more important?"

"Xiaoye, let's just forget about it. What do you think? In return, the state will give you some compensation appropriately."

"Deputy Bureau Liu, which side are you from?" ()

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