Mad Doctor

Chapter 1042: I'm going to pay for this

"I have a way, but why should I help you?" Ye Wutian asked Linda, "I have no obligation to help you."

Linda was choked, and she didn't know how to answer for a while. She understood Ye Wutian's medical skills, she was superb, and she was very powerful. If she could get his help, her injury might not be a big deal.

But, is Ye Wutian willing to help her?

Liu Qiusong was very angry and wanted to hit someone. He was clearly talking to Ye Wutian, but he was ignored by others. This was something he couldn't accept. With his status, Ye Wutian didn't even ignore him. I am afraid that any one person will not be as disrespectful as Ye Wutian.

"How can you help me?" Linda asked. In front of her personal affairs, she forgot the purpose of this visit.

Ye Wutian said: "I can help you, the premise is to see what you can give me, this is what I care about."

"What do you need?" Linda said. "You're a doctor, isn't it your job to save lives?"

"Don't use this set to fool me, your set is only suitable for elementary school students." Ye Wutian was full of disdain, "What age is this? Are you still using this set? Miss Linda, this is the only way your CIA can do?"

"Xiaoye, can't you hear me talking to you?" Liu Qiusong finally couldn't help but speak.

Suddenly, Ye Wutian looked at Liu Qiusong: "Liu Deputy Bureau, are you talking to me?"

Liu Qiusong: "…"

If Ye Wutian recognized the arrogant second in this world, no one would dare to recognize the first.

Ye Wutian is such a person. He is arrogant and likes to pretend to be crazy and foolish. For those who don't like it, he never knows how to write polite.

"I'm sorry, Miss Linda is a distinguished guest. The most important thing is that she is still a beautiful woman. Hehe, Deputy Director Liu, don't be angry, I really don't mean it." Ye Wutian kept apologizing, but the expression on his face Looking at his expression, I really didn't see any sincerity in him.

Liu Qiusong is old and mature, how can he not see it? However, he can't do anything, he can only pretend he can't see it, what else can he do? Competing with this kid? That way, I'm afraid that he will know his way even more, and it will make him extremely proud.

"What was my proposal just now?" asked Liu Qiusong, who suppressed his anger.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian asked in a daze: "I didn't hear it clearly, sorry, what did you just say?"

Liu Qiusong was very unhappy. He didn't like Ye Wutian very much. His brows were furrowed, didn't he hear? Just didn't hear a word? More importantly, did he really not hear?

Liu Qiusong didn't believe that Ye Wutian didn't hear it, and even more believed that this kid was deliberately pretending to be crazy and acting stupid. What didn't he hear? Bullshit.

"Okay, then I'll tell you one more time now. Listen carefully. It's better to just leave the matter on the M country side. What do you think? Give them the antidote, okay?" Liu Qiusong said: "As a In return, the state can give you certain subsidies.”

"Stop, what do you mean? Deputy Director Liu, I don't like to hear what you say. How can you make me look like a murderer? I'm not a murderer, understand? I'm not a murderer."

"Xiaoye, if it goes on like this, it will be meaningless."

"Okay, what kind of subsidy will you give me?"

"The conditions are suitable for you to open." Liu Qiusong threw the initiative back to Ye Wutian.

"I want it, but I'm afraid the above won't be able to give it."

"State your terms."

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while and said, "I heard that the above is going to suppress me and ban the sales of materials exported to Hongyan Island. Deputy Bureau Liu, I wonder if my request will be excessive?"

Liu Qiusong was silent, Ye Wutian's request, he was temporarily unable to answer, he also heard some of this, but there were many things that even he couldn't decide.

"It's very embarrassing?" Ye Wutian asked: "Then forget it, since it's difficult to answer, then forget it, I'm not reluctant."

"I can raise your concerns above."

Ye Wutian said: "In addition to this condition, I have another condition. The drugs that our company has developed specifically for the virus must also be bought back with money."

Linda and Liu Qiusong frowned at the same time, the question of Ye Wutian can no longer be described as too much.

"This condition must be agreed." Ye Wutian said decisively, not allowing anyone to refuse at all.

"If that's the case, I might as well just buy those pills from you, at least I don't have to owe any favors." Linda was quite displeased.

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, this foreign ghost girl is not completely stupid, so she has discovered such a profound problem.

Liu Qiusong will come together with Linda, there must be some deal between the two parties, but those are not the issues that Ye Wutian cares about, he only cares about whether his own problems can be solved.

"Not the same." Ye Wutian replied.

"What's the difference?"

"Buy my pills directly, it's not impossible, but Miss Linda, can you guarantee that the same plague will not break out next time?"

Linda was stunned, next time? same? Ye Wutian still doesn't plan to let go?

"What I can assure you is that my requirements have been met, and the same plague will not happen in the future, Miss Linda, are you satisfied with what I say?"

If none of this counts as a threat, then nothing counts as a threat.

"Mr. Ye, are you going too far?" Linda gritted her teeth with hatred. It's rare to see such a rogue.

"Is it too much?" Ye Wutian didn't think: "In any case, I must get the money."

Others say that you can't have both fish and bear's paw, but Brother Tian doesn't believe in this evil. He thinks that it is possible to have both.

"Not only that, Miss Linda, I have an even more excessive request. In addition to the above two points, you must also promise me that you are not allowed to deal with Vegas."

"Impossible." Linda refused on the spot, Ye Wutian's demands were more than one, and one was more difficult for her to accept.

"Little Ye, let's be forgiving." Liu Qiusong couldn't listen anymore, he brought Linda here, and Ye Wutian embarrassed Linda, which was like embarrassing him.

"I didn't offend anyone, it's all I want to say. This is my minimum requirement."

"You should know that your requirements are very strong."

Ye Wutian didn't care: "Is there? I don't think that cooperation is completely what you want and what you want. It's not difficult for a strong person."

"Let's take a step, it's good for everyone."

"No, this is my bottom line, my principle, and I can't make concessions." Ye Wutian refused: "However, in return, I can help Miss Linda's hand heal for free to ensure that there will be no future troubles."

I don't know if Brother Tian himself felt that his request was too much or what was going on, but this fellow threw a candy in a timely manner.

There is no doubt that this candy of Brother Tian is very attractive to Linda, and she is tempted.

"Xiaoye, this is in China." Liu Qiusong already warned.

Ye Wutian sneered: "What do you want to say?"

"You know what I said." Liu Qiusong retorted unceremoniously.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, Deputy Director Liu, if you want to warn me, then I advise you to save yourself. Your trick is not applicable to me."

Liu Qiusong asked, "You don't care at all?"

"Miss Linda, you are the protagonist, I only care what you mean, what is your opinion?" Ye Wutian looked at Linda with disdain for Liu Qiusong.

"I can't answer you."

Ye Wutian stood up, spread his hands and asked, "Then what else are we talking about? What's the point of talking about it? Two, please, let me know if you have the answer."

"Ye Wutian, what do you mean?" Liu Qiusong finally lost control. If he was provoked like this, no one could hold back.

"I have a meeting to hold, a very important and important meeting." Ye Wutian never liked Liu Qiusong, and he also knew that the other party didn't like him either. In that case, why should everyone be hypocritical?

After leaving this sentence, Ye Wutian left the reception room directly regardless of the reaction of the other two.

"It's unreasonable to be presumptuous." After Ye Wutian left, Liu Qiusong slapped the table frantically, his eyes widening in anger.

Linda didn't expect Ye Wutian to be so disrespectful. In order to be safe, the CIA deliberately recruited Liu Qiusong through connections, but the result was still the same, and even the effect was not as good as her own.

Knowing this, she could do it herself, at least she didn't have to do it like this.

"Mr. Liu, I want to talk to him again."

Liu Qiusong was stunned: "Talk? Is it useful? Will he listen?"

"At least I have to work hard."

Liu Qiusong did not speak, and waited for a while before saying, "How can I help?"

Linda shook her head: "No need, I can do it myself."

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Liu Qiusong was not hypocritical. In fact, he didn't want to stay here either, it was uncomfortable.

Liu Qiusong left, and Linda and her assistant were left in the reception room. The two discussed it for more than ten minutes. When they walked out of the reception room, the news was that Ye Wutian had left.

It was clearly stated that there was still a meeting to be held, and it was repeatedly emphasized that it was a very important meeting.

Ye Wutian's departure was not intended to avoid Linda, but because he really had something to do. Five minutes ago, he received a call from Zhang Jing, and the prince was here.

The real prince is finally about to appear, Ye Wutian can't describe what kind of mood he is in, complicated? there must be.

I have seen Xu Ying quite a lot, and UU Reading is quite familiar with her, but what will she say after we meet later? And what should he say?

As he got closer and closer to Xu Ying, or in other words, the prince, Ye Wutian became more and more nervous, and even wanted to turn around and leave.

However, Brother Tian finally decided to go, at least to see what tricks the other party wanted to play.

When Ye Wutian appeared, Xu Ying was sitting in the cafe, the whole cafe was empty and the atmosphere was very strange.

This woman is hidden deep enough, and she deceives him so hard. The person she has been looking for all the time will be someone she knows, and good luck will trick people.

"Why don't you sit?" Xu Ying said first.

"I don't dare to sit, I don't know if I have been poisoned by you." Ye Wutian looked at the other party: "Prince, should I call you that?"

Xu Ying smiled: "It seems you know."

"You don't want me to know?" Ye Wutian sarcastically said: "That's right, I don't know, you can continue to play with me, right?" ()

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