Mad Doctor

Chapter 1112: small life-sustaining soup

"Father, you are too bad!"

Situ Wei covered her mouth and smiled, Ye Wutian's move was equivalent to deceiving a large group of people.

"I don't want to give it to them." Ye Wutian said.

"Because of Ma Feng?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

"Yeah." Ye Wutian nodded, the matter of Ma Feng made him unable to believe it, because Ma Feng also gave Ye Wutian a new view of the Ma family. Originally, Ye Wutian's impression of old man Ma has changed. , Ma old man can righteously destroy relatives, which is very remarkable, but now, Ye Wutian can't figure out whether Ma old man's righteous destruction was acting or what?

Things didn't get clear for a day, and Ye Wutian didn't want to get so close to the Ma family.

At noon, Ye Wutian sat at a table with the two women, and the guests next to him toasted Ye Wutian one after another. Whether it was from the system or a certain rich man, they also toasted Ye Wutian with business cards.

These people are all thinking of Zeng Shou Wan, and they all want to cooperate with Hongyan Group, so they are so enthusiastic.

Halfway through the meal, he saw someone hurriedly walking towards Ye Wutian, Ye Wutian felt bad and realized that something might have happened.

"Ye...Mr. Ye, sir, please come over, it's urgent." said the housekeeper.

Ye Wutian didn't ask the reason, from the expression on the butler's face, it was easy to see that something must have happened, and it was still a major incident.

He didn't say much at the moment, just nodded to the housekeeper and hurried over with Ouyang Xingyue's two daughters.

"Ye Wutian, save my grandma quickly." After entering the inner hall, Wang Roosi rushed over with a pale face and held Ye Wutian tightly, as if afraid that Ye Wutian would leave.

At this time, Wang Roose completely forgot that she didn't like men, and she just wanted Ye Wutian to help her quickly.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian asked in a deep voice. He was impatient just now and thought that it was Mr. Zhu's accident. Now that it's not, he immediately sighed in relief. Mr. Zhu can't be in trouble. In the future, he will need to rely on Mr. Zhu for many things.

"Talk while walking." Until now, Wang Roosi has not let go of Ye Wutian's arm, and continues to pull him forward, but she has not noticed it at all, and her concern is messed up. Today, Wang Roose is already in a turmoil! "Grandma suddenly fainted for unknown reasons."

When they entered the inner hall where the table of Mr. Zhu and the others was located, there was already a mess, and everyone in the capital was worried.

Seeing Ye Wutian coming in, Mr. Zhu also said, "Xiaotian, go and help."

Ye Wutian nodded in agreement, such a thing cannot happen on a day like today, and even stepped back and said that Mrs. Wang can have something to do, but it must not happen at Zhu's house.

If something happened to Mrs. Wang, the Zhu family would most likely get into trouble.

Mrs. Wang has been carried into the room, and there are a lot of people standing in the room at this moment, and the old man Ma is also sitting on the chair next to him.

After Ye Wutian went in, a doctor was already helping Mrs. Wang to check.

"Ye Wutian, please do your best." Wang Roosi was very worried that Ye Wutian would keep a hand, worried that Ye Wutian would not do her best, but she still believed very much in Ye Wutian's medical skills.

"It has to be sent to the hospital for examination." The doctor who was examining the old lady Wang said with a serious face: "From all the signs, the old lady is very likely to have a stroke."

"Little genius doctor, go and have a look." Mrs. Ma said, the one lying down was her only sister.

The doctor felt a little bit ignored, and it was very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only hold back all his dissatisfaction. Which of these people is he, a little doctor, who can provoke him? If you want to hold the doctor's shelf, you can't stand up in front of these people.

Ye Wutian, who stepped forward, pinched the wrist of Mrs. Wang. For Mrs. Wang, Ye Wutian had to help, no matter for the Zhu family or for the lion's head, no matter what, Mrs. Wang also had a crush on the lion's head back then.

While examining the pulse, he looked at Mrs. Wang. From the outside, Mrs. Wang looked like a stroke. Her mouth, eyes, nose and lips were obviously crooked on the left side, her right eyelid was fissured, and the right corner of her mouth was pulled down.

"Did the old lady have any illness before?" Ye Wutian asked.

"No, it's always been fine." The accompanying staff replied.

Ye Wutian didn't ask again, since there was no illness before, and now he suddenly fainted, why is this? From the pulse point of view, the old lady is normal, the five internal organs are in good condition, except for some minor stomach problems, nothing major.

what happened? Is it really a stroke?

"What was the old lady doing before she fell?" Ye Wutian asked, when he asked the question, his right hand was still on Mrs. Wang's wrist.

"I didn't do anything, just eat, and I fell down halfway through the meal. I don't know what happened."

Ye Wutian seemed to be grabbing something, and after putting down the wrist of Mrs. Wang, Ye Wutian quickly walked out.

Going out, Ye Wutian first looked at the dining table, the dishes on the dining table were the same as other tables.

"Which seat is the old lady sitting?" Ye Wutian asked.

There was an answer to Ye Wutian's question immediately, and pointing to a location was an answer.

Ye Wutian went forward, the old lady had eaten very little, Ye Wutian looked at it and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Let people take these things to test."

Zhu Jian immediately ordered the Zhu family to do it, "Young Master Ye, do you know the reason?"

Today's events made Zhu Jian feel a little uneasy. He was careful and careful. He didn't expect that an accident would still happen.

Ye Wutian didn't answer Zhu Jian's question, he pondered, the old lady has no heart problems, let alone other problems, what could it be? Will it be framed?

The most fearful thing is this aspect, if that is the case, things will not be good.

While thinking, Ye Wutian still fixed his eyes on the dining table, and suddenly saw those shrimps on the table, Ye Wutian was thoughtful.

Poisoned! allergy!

Thinking of this, I immediately turned back to the room. Before anyone came, the voice came first, "Before eating, what did the old lady eat?"

"I didn't eat anything."

"Are there any food allergies?" Ye Wutian asked again, Mrs. Wang's body was fine, and he saw that Mrs. Wang had eaten two shrimps.

It was the first time that Ye Wutian had encountered such a helpless thing. If the old lady was ill, Ye Wutian believed in his medical skills.


Ye Wutian found himself in a deadlock, fuck! what to do?

The unwilling Ye Wutian asked again: "Think again, what did the old lady eat before dinner."

The nurse who was serving Mrs. Wang hurriedly explained all the details. When she mentioned that Mrs. Wang had taken a few vitamins and some health medicines shortly before dinner, Ye Wutian's eyes instantly lit up.

"Poisoned!" Ye Wutian blurted out.

Everyone was shocked, especially the people of the Zhu family, who could not calm down, including the old man Zhu, who was poisoned in the Zhu family, and the Zhu family had an inescapable responsibility.

Ye Wutian explained: "This poison is not deliberately framed by others, but the old lady ate something that should not be eaten."

"You mean those shrimps?" Mrs. Ma asked. She has a certain medical background as a nurse.

"That's right, it's those shrimps. The old lady was fine eating those shrimps, but it just so happened that she had taken vitamins before meals. You can't take the two at the same time. In Western medicine, taking the two together is arsenic."

Everyone present in the Zhu family breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it had nothing to do with the Zhu family.

"Xiaotian, is there any way to wake up the old lady now?" Mr. Zhu asked. Although it has been confirmed that it has nothing to do with the Zhu family, Mrs. Wang must be rescued.

Ye Wutian gave Mr. Zhu a reassuring look, then walked to the bed, helped Mrs. Wang, and pressed her right hand on Mrs. Wang's back for a while, no one knew what Ye Wutian was doing, after a while, The old lady Wang, who had been in a coma, responded, and Ye Wutian hurriedly asked someone to bring a trash can over.

As soon as she brought the trash can, Mrs. Wang vomited and spit out all the food she had just eaten.

Everyone was shocked by the hand that Ye Wutian showed. Generally, he had to go to the hospital to induce vomiting, but Ye Wutian could make people spit out just by pressing a few times. This technique was shocking.

If Mrs. Wang could vomit on her own, it meant that she did not need to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. After successfully helping Mrs. Wang to induce vomiting, Ye Wutian immediately prescribed a prescription.

"Immediately let people decoct the medicine, decoct four bowls of water into one bowl, time is a matter of time, decoct with fire." Ye Wutian instructed.

"What happened to the old lady's face?" Someone asked, since the old lady vomited, her face should return to normal, but now the old lady's face is still crooked.

"Nerve paralysis, caused by poisoning, most people don't. The old lady is caused by her own reasons." After finding out the reason, Ye Wutian regained his strong self-confidence. Mrs. Wang's condition is not serious. Fortunately, she ate shrimp. Not much, otherwise this could be a tricky affair today.

"Can it still be cured?" Wang Roose asked.

"It will take a few days. I will prescribe some medicine to the old lady. It's not a big problem."

Hearing this, the people present breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, Mrs. Wang was all right.

It didn't take long for the fried medicine to be delivered, and Ye Wutian let the old lady Wang, who had woken up, drink it in the heat.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to disturb everyone." The waking up old lady Wang said that due to her face, her speech was still a little slurred. It took a little effort to hear Xiaoye, thank you. "The old lady Wang said to Ye Wutian again.

"Old lady, don't talk, take a good rest."

After confirming that Mrs. Wang was all right, everyone left, leaving only Mrs. Ma and a few caregivers.

Outside, the eyes of others looking at Ye Wutian began to change a little. Ye Wutian showed his hand today, which made both the Wang family and the Zhu family owe him favors. Earned, this kind of luck, besides him Ye Wutian, who else can meet?

Of course, even if you encounter this kind of luck, you must have that strength. Without the strength of Ye Wutian, you can only watch the opportunity slip away.

Once I got the favor of the two big families, I made a lot of money.

"Mr. Ye, the chief asked you to go to the study." Mr. Zhu's secretary came to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian did not refuse. After explaining a few words to Ouyang Xingyue and the two women, he followed the secretary. The old man must have something to say to him. ()

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