Mad Doctor

Chapter 1114: Yangmou

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Chapter 19: Yang Conspiracy

In the study, Mr. Zhu sat there with a cigarette in his hand.

The old man has not smoked for a long time. Today, he wants to smoke one.

"Come on, take a seat." Master Zhu pointed to the chair in front of him and said to Ye Wutian.

He pulled out the chair gently and sat down, "Father, why did you suddenly think of smoking?"

Mr. Zhu looked at the cigarette between his fingers and played the soot skillfully. As an old smoker, he has not smoked for more than a year, and was forcibly ordered by the health care doctor to quit.

He hasn't smoked for more than a year, and feels that the taste of the cigarette has changed. Despite this, he still wants to finish smoking the cigarette, or let it burn in his fingers.

"How do you feel about today's events?" Zhu Lao, who was playing the cigarette ashes, suddenly asked.

Ye Wutian was taken aback by this question, and he didn't know how to answer. What happened today? What happened today can be said to be very serious, or it can be said to be very ordinary.

"Didn't see it?" Mr. Zhu asked.

Confused Ye Wutian shook his head and said that he didn't see it, he didn't understand what the old man meant.

Suddenly, Ye Wutian realized something and blurted out: "You mean Mrs. Wang?"

Mr. Zhu nodded in relief, his eyes encouraged Ye Wutian to continue.

Seeing the clue, Ye Wutian had a little confidence and said: "Fake?"

The laughing old man Zhu was playing the soot again, "Go on."

Ye Wutian knew that he guessed right, and if it was like that, he really let him guess right, he just guessed randomly.

Could Madam Wang's food poisoning be fake?

Ye Wutian quickly denied this speculation. He is a doctor himself, and there is no way he could be wrong. Mrs. Wang just ate the wrong thing.

If it's true or false, Ye Wutian doesn't know how to describe it. He can only say that those people are too cruel, and this kind of bad idea can be figured out. Mrs. Wang is old.

"Can't believe it?" Mr. Zhu put out the cigarette and asked with a smile.

Ye Wutian nodded, he couldn't believe it and couldn't believe it.

"Father, why do you confirm that everything is acting?" What Ye Wutian couldn't figure out was that those people could even make fun of their own lives, what else could they dare to do?

"Although Mrs. Wang is not in the officialdom, she is not simple. Don't underestimate her." Mr. Zhu paused for a small meeting, and then continued: "The Wang family is not an ordinary family, and Mrs. Wang's identity is even more extraordinary, and she can be her. How can such a mistake that should not have happened, how can it be simple?”

With the reminder of the old man, Ye Wutian opened the spiritual platform in an instant, and he understood everything. Yes, why didn't he think of it? How could Mrs. Wang's health care doctor not even understand such a simple truth? Shrimp can't be eaten with anything, you know for sure, there's no reason not to.

At that time, because I was in a hurry, I didn't think of this all of a sudden. Now I was reminded by the old man, Ye Wutian also understood, but why did they do that?

As if seeing through what Ye Wutian was thinking, Mr. Zhu took the initiative to explain: "Because of me, and because of you."

Ye Wutian began to wonder again. If he said that it was because of Mr. Zhu, he could understand, but Mrs. Wang and the others played this bitter trick for him?

Incredible! Totally incredible!

Now, Ye Wutian knew why the old man wanted to call him in, it turned out to be to impress him.

In the status of Mr. Zhu and the others, everything they do has a purpose. To outsiders, this is just an ordinary birthday banquet.

After analyzing it, Ye Wutian began to understand a little bit again, why the old man Ma appeared here, and he came out with Mrs. Ma, such a large lineup can no longer be used to describe the face.



Ye Wutian suddenly came up with these words, Old Man Ma brought Old Man Ma together, did he really want to wish Mr. Zhu's birthday?

Who is old man Ma? Don't talk about taking the initiative, even if Mr. Zhu invited him, he could refuse directly. If he gave face, he would let a younger generation in the family come over. If he didn't give face, he would just ignore it.

Now, not only the old man Ma is here, but also the old lady Ma, and even the old lady Wang.

The more he thought about it, the more he had a headache, Ye Wutian couldn't understand why an ordinary birthday party was so complicated.

Old man Ma is here to make a deal.

The Zhu family held this birthday banquet and called many like-minded people over, just to show a kind of cohesion, a kind of strength, a kind of unity, and at the same time to tell some people outside.

One foot high! The devil is taller!

Today's birthday banquet was disturbed by Mrs. Wang's affairs, which has lost its meaning, and everyone's attention has been diverted. It can be said that the protagonist of today's birthday banquet is not Mrs. Zhu, but Mrs. Wang.

This is also something that Mr. Zhu did not expect.

Master, Jiang is still old and hot, Ye Wutian has to admire the wisdom of old man Ma.

"Our plan didn't come true, and their plan didn't come true either." Speaking of this, the old man couldn't help but lit a cigarette, took a sip of Meimei, and seemed to be in a good mood, not upset by the disturbance of the Ma family.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian was thinking, is it possible that the nervous expression of Mr. Zhu was also pretending when he was outside? Maybe from the beginning, the old man understood, that's why he is so nervous, just pretending to be seen by others, everything is intentional.

A mountain is still a mountain high!

Ye Wutian had to sigh, this world is really too complicated.

"Your appearance also disrupted their plans." Mr. Zhu smiled and said, "Your high-profile appearance, especially the Zeng Shou Pill you gave later, is very interesting."

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, interesting? Those are the faces of the living old man and the others. Of course, this is also an exciting thing for many people.

"Old man, will it cost them too much?" After all, Mrs. Wang is old, if she misses, how much will the loss to the Wang family be?

"Seek at risk." The old man only said this.

"Damn it!" Ye Wutian, who became more and more confused, couldn't help but burst out a foul language.

Master Zhu said, "Mrs Wang will be fine. Even if you don't take action, she will be fine."

This Ye Wutian admitted that the Wang family would not be so stupid, and would definitely save himself a double insurance.

He has been calculated, but Ye Wutian still can't understand this question, why does Mrs. Wang want to calculate him?

"Master, why did they count me?" Ye Wutian didn't understand, what was the purpose of the Wang family's counting on him?

"They're not trying to trick you, they're trying to win you over."

"I don't know."

"Can't you understand that the Wang family wants you to be their grandson-in-law?"

Ye Wutian said: "I can understand this."

"It's good to understand. I pulled you into the water today because I wanted to tell outsiders that you and their royal family have an extraordinary relationship."

Ye Wutian suddenly realized that it was so, in this regard, Brother Tian could only swear again, even though he knew that swearing in front of Mr. Zhu was extremely unwise and impolite, even so, he knew it was impolite. I can't control myself.

"Zengshou Pills are very good." Mr. Zhu praised.

Brother Tian didn't know if the old man praised him or was hurting him, let alone what the old man was referring to, whether he hit the Ma family in the face or something else.

If the old man didn't say it, Ye Wutian wouldn't ask. This kind of question can only be guessed by oneself.

"Thank you old man for your praise, I will continue to work hard."

Mr. Zhu smiled and asked, "When will it be put into production?"

"Material constraints make it impossible to put into production in large quantities, so I plan to take the refined route."

"What you said is expensive, right?" Mr. Zhu asked.

Ye Wutian was sweating a little, the old man said this too directly, he had to be embarrassed directly.

"I'm asking you something, you just said that it costs tens of millions of grains, is this true?"

"It's not that exaggerated, but it's by no means cheap."

Mr. Zhu didn't ask any further questions. After the two chatted for a long time, Mr. Ye Wutian walked out of the study. There were so many guests outside. As the master, Mr. Zhu could not disappear for too long.

After leaving the study, Ye Wutian pretended that nothing happened, and even went to Mrs. Wang again out of due diligence to check her pulse.

"How is my grandma?" Wang Roose asked.

Ye Wutian answered in his heart: "I can't die."

These words can only be yy in my heart. Naturally, it is impossible to say them. He said, "It's nothing, the situation is stable."

Wang Roosi breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, grandma can't have anything to do. If she has something, what will the Wang family do?

Ye Wutian, who stepped back a few steps, began to sigh, why Lion Head didn't accept the love of Mrs. Wang back then, and the old man was afraid that he knew the character of these people early on?

I had a good impression of Mrs. Wang, at least not as much as I hated Mrs. Ma, but now, after today's incident, Ye Wutian thinks it is necessary for him to reconsider and get to know Mrs. Wang again. As he thought?

"Prescribe a recipe for my grandma, her face." Wang Roose reminded.

Ye Wutian suddenly realized, and patted his forehead: "Look at me, this memory will be given to you immediately."

After opening the prescription, Ye Wutian wanted to leave and stayed with these old ladies for too long. He was afraid that if he was sold, he would have to help them count the money, which would not be worth it.

"Little genius doctor, thank you." Old Man Ma said.

Ye Wutian smiled and replied: "It's what I should old lady, if I have nothing to do, I will leave first, there are still more things to do."

Madam Ma didn't stop her, she saw Ye Wutian leave, while Wang Roosi followed. When she reached the door, she stopped Ye Wutian: "Are you really going to prevaricate me like that about Zeng Shou Pill?"

No matter what, Wang Roose would never believe Ye Wutian's nonsense, what materials are expensive, and what is difficult to succeed, everything is nonsense, Wang Roose will never believe it.

"It's absolutely true, Miss Wang, we are also friends. I won't lie to you, it's really hard to do. You should know that I, Ye Wutian, is not the kind of stingy person. If I have one, I will definitely give it to you. ."

"Tell me, what conditions do you need?" Wang Roosi directly ignored Ye Wutian's words, and her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Wutian.

For some reason, looking at Wang Roose in front of him, Ye Wutian suddenly thought of the scene where Wang Roose was helping him back then. Although he was disturbed later, it is still interesting to think about it now.

"Master! There is good news and bad news." Situ Wei came out of nowhere, and directly put her arms around Ye Wutian's arm, directly treating Wang Roosei as transparent. ()

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