Mad Doctor

Chapter 1127: low key

The two shots of old man Ma shocked many people, and of course, they also admired many people. The old man did not let his grandson break the law. From a certain point of view, this is the bottom line, this is the principle, and at the same time, I also tell everyone, Anyone who tries to challenge the legal bottom line has only one final outcome, and Ma Feng is the best representative.

Looking at the suddenly aged Ma old man, Ye Wutian is more sympathetic, and he is worthy of admiration for being able to do this.

However, old man Ma is still qualified, and his psychological quality is still very strong. This is the pillar of the country.

Ma Feng is dead, Ye Wutian's anger that he was holding back will disappear in an instant, and there is nothing to hate when people die.

it's already over! Ye Wutian looked up at the sky, then at Old Man Ma, moving his lips, he wanted to go up to comfort a few words, but found that it was superfluous. At this time, what is the use of comforting? In the end, it can only be self-indulgent.

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian turned around and left. When he walked to Xiaoqiao, he said, "You two, do you want to go back to Dongcheng with me?"

The big and small Qiao looked at each other, and they turned around and left.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly and touched his nose, is he a cheap mouth?

After leaving, Ye Wutian went directly to the airport and bought the fastest flight back to Dongcheng. He had nothing to do with him here. As for what happened to the hostages, he didn't care. Anyway, there are old man Zhuo and the others. I don't believe it. It would be too bad.

The plane slowly lifted into the air, Ye Wutian breathed a long breath, and looked down through the small window, the buildings on the ground became smaller and smaller, and finally became a small one, until there was none.

In the future, if you have nothing to do, don't come to the capital. No, it's better not to go if you have something to do. Every time you go, you will always encounter something, which is boring.

After returning to Dongcheng, Ye Wutian began to keep a low profile, thinking about how to make money, his expenses were too large, and he had to make more money as soon as possible.

Ye Wutian wanted to keep a low profile, but many people couldn't make him keep a low profile. Whether it was the Dongcheng Government Office Building or the Dongcheng People's Hospital, there were people everywhere, and these people protested in this way. I hope Ye Wutian can help. them.

Some people are destined to be unable to keep a low profile. The story of Kerien and the others became more and more intense. By the end, Ye Wutian had been deified. Think about it, only gods have the ability to treat a cancer patient in one day. Well, isn't this something only gods can do? With a wave of the hand, the patient is fine.

One day, what is that concept? It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as you wake up, you are already well, it is so magical.

At present, apart from Ye Wutian, no one or any hospital has this ability. They dare to pat their chest and say that they have the ability to cure a cancer patient in one day. No one dares to say so.

Ye Wutian is a business card of Dongcheng People's Hospital. Dongcheng People's Hospital relies entirely on Ye Wutian to have its current reputation and status. Furthermore, Ye Wutian is still a business card of Dongcheng. Outsiders talk about Ye Wutian. Days, you will think of Dongcheng, and you can even say that Ye Wutian is a business card of this country.

How can such a person keep a low profile?

After taking the pulse for Kerien, Ye Wutian looked at the test sheet handed over by Wei Junzhi, looked up and said to Kerien: "Mr. Kerien, you are recovering very well. You can go home and recuperate in your current situation. , as long as you pay attention to a few things, there will be no problem.”

"You mean I'm okay? Can I be discharged from the hospital?" Kerien asked excitedly.

Ye Wutian smiled: "There is a saying in our Chinese medicine that sickness disappears like a thread. What you need to do now is to rest and recuperate. Resting at home can make you more relaxed and be more beneficial to you."

"Am I really okay?"

Ye Wutian is sweating wildly, but he can understand the other party's mood, "You don't want to be okay?"

Kerien shook his head wildly: "No, no, that's not what I meant."

"Hehe, Mr. Kerien, you should be very clear about it, right?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile. These days, Kerien went to different hospitals for examinations. Of course, Ye Wutian did not object. To support them in doing so, he needs to build momentum, and only then can he make more money.

In Ye Wutian's words, it is necessary to be low-key in being a person, but it is necessary to build momentum in medical skills. This sounds a bit inconsistent. Ye Wutian wants to do that. People are often contradictory.

Doctor Ye's reputation has reached an unprecedented height, and many patients come to seek medical treatment, many of whom are super rich.

A bowl of water is destined to be unbalanced. In the past few days, Ye Wutian has been scolded and despised, and there are all kinds of scolding. Many people scolded Ye Wutian for falling into the eyes of money, scolding him for having no love, and seeing death.

"Xiaoye, it's not the way for you to go on like this." Wu Qunsheng sighed: "Those patients outside, you have to think of a way."

Ye Wutian asked with a wry smile, "What can I do? What can I do? Would you teach me, Mr. Wu?"

"How much can be saved."

"Well, I agree with this. In fact, I also think so now. How much can be saved is as much as possible."

Wu Qunsheng thought to himself, if that's the case, why didn't you take action?

"Mr. Wu, those super-rich people are also human. I'm not helping them? Anyway, helping everyone is helping, no matter whether the other party is a super-rich or an ordinary civilian, is it the same?"

Wu Qunsheng was dumbfounded, unable to refute Ye Wutian's question, thinking about it, this kid's words are indeed reasonable, and rich people are also human beings.

"Mr. Wu, I know what you want to say, but my energy is really limited. You can see that there are so many people, what should I do? Give me eight hands, and I can't be too busy."

"But those people are also here because of you, so you don't want a solution?"

Ye Wutian said: "I don't deny that those people came because of me, but I have already said it before, I have already said what I should say, and it is meaningless to say it again, just like fans like stars and show their love every day, that star What should I do? What can he do? We can't just bite the bullet and marry her in order to stop the fans from showing love? Besides, if you can marry one, how many can you marry?"

Wu Qunsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, shaking his head and pointing to Ye Wutian: "You kid, just say some crooked things."

Ye Wutian embarrassedly touched his head and smiled: "Hehe, I actually said that's what happened."


"I really can't do anything about this, and Mr. Wu, as you know, I'm short of money right now, so I can't be Lei Feng." Ye Wutian said this very frankly.

Wu Qunsheng knows about Ye Wutian to some extent. There is nothing wrong with this kid doing this. As he said, the rich are also people, and Ye Wutian intermediaries to get what they need.

Knowing that Ye Wutian was right, Wu Qunsheng still felt uncomfortable. There were so many patients sitting in meditation outside. What should we do if this went on? Those are the people who need help and need treatment.

"Well, if it makes it difficult for the hospital to do it, I'll find another place to save you from making it difficult, what do you think?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Bullshit!" Wu Qunsheng widened his eyes: "Do you think this will work?"

"Why not? I can't help it."

Wu Qunsheng sighed again, "You and Xiaoyi haven't told me what happened that time. What happened? Is there a result?"

Ye Wutian just thought that he almost forgot about Wu Yi during this period of time, "By the way, how is she?"

"Dare you think of her now? Will it be later?"

"Hey, am I too busy? I didn't forget it. I'm going to visit your house in the next few days to see Xiaoyi."

Wu Qunsheng naturally knew that Ye Wutian was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and he forgot about Xiaoyi at all.

"Mr. Wu, it's all your fault. You ordered me not to hit her. How dare I think about her? Aren't you afraid of being cleaned up by you?"

"Let's go." Wu Qunsheng glared, unable to take this indecent guy: "What happened when you and Xiaoyi disappeared?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"Say, I need you to say it again."

"Oh, what Xiaoyi said is what I want to say."

Wu Qunsheng: "..."

Intuition told Wu Qunsheng that something must have happened during the time when the two disappeared. During this time, Xiaoyi seemed to be a different person. She was silent all day, and sometimes giggled, not at all like the lively girl she used to be.

At first, Wu Qunsheng thought that the baby granddaughter was just frightened, but after looking at it, it seems that it is not the case. The granddaughter has been very courageous since childhood. Even if she was frightened at the beginning, she should have recovered a long time ago. After thinking about it, Wu Qunsheng just thought of what happened between his granddaughter and Ye Wutian, what happened between the two? After spending so many days together on that deserted island, how did the two of them get here, what happened during that time, and everything, Wu Qunsheng wanted to know.

When I asked my granddaughter, she refused to go into details, but she took it all over and asked Ye Wutian, but she also refused to say anything, which made Wu Qunsheng very mad and depressed.

Ye Wutian didn't know what Wu Qunsheng was thinking. When he mentioned the plane crash, he thought of Ma Feng. It had been several days since he returned from the capital that day, but there was no movement at all, no news at all.

If you think about it with your toes, you know it must be the news.

"Remember, kid, no matter what you've been through with my, don't mess around."

"I know, don't you allow me to hit your granddaughter's idea? You have said this for a long time, and I know it."

Seeing this, Wu Qunsheng was too embarrassed to say any more, so he could only close his mouth angrily, "You really decided not to go to the Health Bureau?"

"What's in it for me to go?" Ye Wutian asked back, "Will it give me fame or fortune?"

Wu Qunsheng was asked, it seems that Ye Wutian has these, and he doesn't need to resort to any means.

The two were chatting when the door of the office was pushed open and Jiang Yu walked in from outside.

Ye Wutian secretly scolded this ignorant woman, but before he opened his mouth to swear, Jiang Yu suddenly showed a smile, and when he walked in front of Ye Wutian, he picked up a teacup and poured a cup of tea for him. He was gentle, like a little wife. Serving her husband.

"Please drink tea." Jiang Yu said.

Ye Wutian was very uncomfortable with Jiang Yu's actions, he first looked at Jiang Yu, and then at Wu Qunsheng, who knew that Wu Qunsheng was equally surprised and inconceivable. ()

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