Mad Doctor

Chapter 1128: intimidate


For half a month, Ye Wutian has been working on the matter of Zeng Shou Pills. After more than ten days of hard work, he finally produced a batch. Today, the first batch of Zeng Shou Pills will be sold.

The official website of Hongyan Group has already announced the news that the first batch of 3,000 Zengshou Pills will be officially sold today. Similarly, the price of Zengshou Pills will also be announced today.

Previously, the outside world had been speculating about the price of Zeng Shou Pills. Some people thought it was 100,000 capsules, others thought it was 1 million capsules, and some even speculated that it was 5 million capsules.

For the rich, Zeng Shou Pill can really have that effect, five million is not expensive, and it is worth buying.

Many people think that Hongyan Group's method is a bit shady, and the delay in releasing the price of Zeng Shou Pills is just to whet the appetite of the world.

The company's customer service phone has been blasted, and more than a dozen customer service mms are running around, so busy that they don't even have time to be thirsty.

Early in the morning, Ye Wutian got up and was ready to go to Hongyan Island with Situ Wei and the others after finishing the work at hand in the company. Today is such an important day, Ye Wutian can't miss it. Similarly, he also I don't want Situ Wei and the others to miss out.

"Boss, according to the current registered customers, three thousand grains is far from enough." Secretary Li Feifei said.

Ye Wutian smiled and stretched, and answered the question: "Go, go out to eat something, and then go to Hongyan Island."

The location of the product launch is set at Hongyan Island, which means that those who want to buy Zengshou Pills must go to Hongyan Island to buy them.

There are still four hours before the official sales time of the product, Ye Wutian just thought of something to eat, and then flew to Hongyan Island.

Unfortunately, Cheng Kexin is now in the United States and is negotiating with the United States for two satellites.

Hongyan Island is not too big, but it is absolutely impossible without its own satellite. Communication, weather, maps, even monitoring, etc., everything is a problem.

Whether you admit it or not, the United States is better in terms of satellite technology.

When taking Li Feifei to the restaurant near the company, Ye Wutian saw Ding Shengsheng unexpectedly, and saw the other party standing there looking around in a panic, not knowing what he was looking at.

After not seeing him for a while, Ye Wutian discovered that Ding Shengsheng had lost a lot of weight and was quite haggard.

"Mr. Ding, what a coincidence?" Ye Wutian went up with a smile. Ding Shengsheng gave him enough face a while ago, and cooperated with him to arrange Che Huishan to the company. Ye Wutian always remembered this favor.

Ding Shengsheng obviously did not expect to meet Ye Wutian here. After being slightly stunned, Ding Shengsheng forced a smile: "Mr. Ye, come to eat?"

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Mr. Ding is not feeling well? I think your face is not very good."

Ding Shengsheng smiled bitterly: "To be honest, my company is in trouble."

"Oh, very serious?" To be able to toss Ding Shengsheng like this, it must be a big problem.

Ding Shengsheng's nodding was an answer to Ye Wutian's question, "Mr. Ye, I won't have the money to buy your building if it doesn't work out."

Even though Ye Wutian was well prepared, he was still frightened by Ding Shengsheng. It seemed that the situation was more serious than he imagined.

"Need help?" Ye Wutian wanted to return Ding Shengsheng a favor, as long as he could, he would help him.

Ding Shengsheng's eyes lit up, Ye Wutian took the initiative to throw an olive branch, but it was a rare thing.

"Thank you!" Ding Shengsheng knew that his previous hard work was not in vain. Ye Wutian is such a person. You respect him one foot, and he respects you ten feet. Conversely, if you become his enemy, he will be equally merciless. He is good to his friends and cruel to his enemies, this is Ye Wutian.

"Let's hear it, sit down and talk together."

How dare Ding Shengsheng not listen? He hurriedly went to arrange the private room in person.

"The company was plotted against." Ding Shengsheng began to tell the story in great detail.

Ye Wutian did not interrupt Ding Shengsheng's narration. When he heard the other party mention the Chaoqun Group, Ye Wutian was surprised. What kind of company is the Chaoqun Group? How can you fall in love with Ding Shengsheng's company? And he had to find a way to dig such a big hole for Ding Shengsheng to jump in.

Although Ding Shengsheng, who thought that the pie would fall from the sky, also suspected that such a large state-owned group had no reason to fancy a small company like him, it was no different from winning the lottery. Ding Shengsheng could not understand this.

Of course, doubts turned into doubts, Ding Shengsheng still agreed to cooperate, there is no possibility that the Chaoqun Group could be fake, not to mention the sincerity of the people, as soon as the contract was signed, the funds for the cooperation were credited to the account.

"Have you offended the Chaoqun Group before?" Ye Wutian asked.

Ding Shengsheng shook his head: "No, such a large group, I don't even have the qualifications to offend, and it's too late to flatter, how can I offend them?"

Ye Wutian knew that Ding Shengsheng was right, and businessmen would generally not offend people casually.

The problem Ding Shengsheng is encountering now is that the Chaoqun Group suddenly and unilaterally terminated the cooperation. This termination is not a matter of a company of the Chaoqun Group. Ding Shengsheng invested almost all the working capital. Now that the cooperation is terminated, the capital he previously invested Possibly lost.

To Chaoqun Group, that money was nothing, but to Ding Shengsheng, it was all his working capital.

"They stopped cooperating unilaterally. Is there any reason?"

Ding Shengsheng shook his head again and said no, he himself knew what was going on, why the Chaoqun Group suddenly terminated the cooperation, and would rather pay huge liquidated damages. No matter how rich you are, you can't waste it like this, right?

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

Ye Wutian can be sure that from the very beginning, Chaoqun Group never thought of cooperating with Ding Shengsheng, such a small company, Chaoqun Group would definitely not like it, even so, it still came to the door.


Intuition tells Ye Wutian that this must be a conspiracy, but why did they do this? In order to achieve the goal and pay such a high price, what is it for?

"Who are you waiting for here?" Ye Wutian thought that Ding Shengsheng was standing at the gate just now with a flustered expression and some anticipation, and he was very curious about this.

"Lin Qitao from the Chaoqun Group said that he wanted to see me."

"Oh, is he coming?" Ye Wutian asked, "Haha, it's interesting."

"Mr. Ye wants to see him?"

"See, why didn't you see him? After all, I got to know him for a while, so it's natural to meet him."

After getting Ye Wutian's confirmation, Ding Shengsheng went out again. After a while, he took Lin Qitao to get up together. With Ye Wutian's help, Ding Shengsheng no longer had the fear he had just now. He will definitely do it. He is very affectionate and cares about his friends. Even if Lin Qitao refuses to help, Ding Shengsheng is not afraid, although he does not know what Lin Qitao is looking for him to do.

Lin Qitao with a calm face came in with Ding Shengsheng, and then, when he stepped into the private room, he was immediately stunned, because he saw that he saw Ye Wutian in the private room.

Looking at Lin Qitao full of doubts, he was extremely puzzled. That calm face would be even more gloomy and scary. He needed an explanation.

"Mr. Lin, what's your expression? What? You don't want to see me?" Ye Wutian spoke up, and the smile on his face was inversely proportional to Lin Qitao's sullen face.

Lin Qitao did not pay attention to Ye Wutian immediately, but turned to Ding Shengsheng and said extremely displeased, "You asked him to come?"

Ding Shengsheng hurriedly explained: "No, no, it was a chance encounter at the door just now."

"Then what do you mean? What do you ask an outsider to do between us?"

Ye Wutian, who was sitting there, was not in a hurry, and poured himself a cup of tea leisurely. In his words, if someone wants to pretend to be thirteen, don't you pretend to be someone else? Since people like to pretend, let him pretend it is good enough.

"No, Mr. Lin, Mr. Ye said that you are a friend and wanted to meet you." Ding Shengsheng explained.

"So you brought him here? Let him come here as an outsider?" Lin Qitao did not accept Ding Shengsheng's explanation: "It seems we have nothing to talk about."

After Lin Qitao finished speaking, he wanted to leave with his secretary.

"Mr. Lin, are you guilty?" Ye Wutian, who put down the teacup, said in a loud voice.

Lin Qitao, who had just stepped out of the door of the private room, stopped when he heard the words, turned to look at Ye Wutian, "What do you mean?"

Ye Wutian sneered: "Lin Qitao, Mr. Lin, you are really rich. In order to deal with others, you are willing to kill a thousand enemies and damage yourself eight hundred, but you really belong to you."

"I don't understand." Lin Qitao still had a cold face.

"Sit down and talk? Since you're here, why not talk? Or are you really guilty? Don't you dare to see me?"

Lin Qitao snorted coldly: "Put away your aggressive generals, it's useless to me."

While speaking, Lin Qitao still pulled out the chair and sat down, but unfortunately, he was sitting opposite Ye Wutian.

"Mr. Lin shouldn't feel very comfortable during this period of time, right?" Ye Wutian suddenly said inexplicably.

Lin Qitao was startled, thinking of Ye Wutian's other identity, "What do you know?"

"Hehe, nothing. Maybe I misread it. President Lin, how can you have any physical problems? I misread it, it must be my misunderstanding. It's okay, you just pretend that you didn't hear anything."

Lin Qitao: "..."

"But Mr. Lin, you must be very uncomfortable, right? It's like this at a young age, alas!" Ye Wutian said again.

This time, Lin Qitao confirmed that Ye Wutian had seen the problem of his This also gave him some hope, Ye Wutian's medical skills were extraordinary.

"What do you see?" Lin Qitao lost the coldness just now, and even had a hint of flattery. Compared with just now, it was completely different.

"Hehe, it's nothing, let's talk about business." Ye Wutian said nothing, "Mr. Lin, do you think you are smart?"

Lin Qitao: "..."

"I don't think you're smart enough. If you were smart enough, you wouldn't do this. I heard you're taking a shot at my fund. Is that true?"

"That's why you want to see me today?"

"No, I saw you and wanted to tell you. It's a reminder. What do you think will happen if you lose the support of the one in the capital?"

Lin Qitao's expression changed greatly, and he looked at Ye Wutian in surprise.

Ye Wutian didn't seem to see Lin Qitao's strangeness, and continued to talk about himself: "Have you heard about the Ma family?" ()

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