Mad Doctor

Chapter 1129: defeat

Lin Qitao's forehead began to sweat, full of confusion and doubts, Ye Wutian can say this, it means that he must know.

"I was in the capital a few days ago, at the Ma's house, and I saw Mr. Ma as a gift."

Lin Qitao, who was becoming more and more restless, was even more sure that Ye Wutian knew a lot of things, otherwise he would definitely not say it.

What does Ye Wutian know?

"What do you want to say?"

Ye Wutian smiled: "You should know what I want to say, right?"

"I don't know."

"Don't you really understand? Mr. Lin, it's useless to say a lot of things too clearly. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just understand that if you lose that person's support, you will be nothing. By the way, let me tell you, your seat, You are not the only one who wants to sit, and similarly, you are not the only one who has the ability."

Lin Qitao felt bitter in his mouth as if he had eaten yellow lotus. No matter how stupid he was, he understood. Ye Wutian definitely knew that the mention of the Ma family one after another was very telling.

"The Ma family is no longer the Ma family it used to be, Mr. Lin, sometimes you have to take a long-term view."

Lin Qitao has long since lost his arrogance, sitting there for a long time without speaking, and he doesn't know what to say.

Ye Wutian suppressed Lin Qitao in his aura from the very beginning, so that the other party could no longer be arrogant. Facts have proved that this trick is very useful.

"Mr. Lin, you should know my methods. I can sit here today and have a good talk with you. I still treat you as a friend. Stop it. I don't think it happened before."

After all, Lin Qitao recovered quickly after going through some storms: "Do you think I'll be scared if you say that?"

"Oh, so you're not going to compromise, are you?"

"Ye Wutian, others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid of you, don't use your trick to scare me, it's useless."

Ye Wutian said: "You mean to go all the way to the dark?"

"Anything else?"

"Haha, it's interesting, I underestimate you, President Lin."

Lin Qitao couldn't figure out what Ye Wutian meant, but Ye Wutian probably didn't really want to praise him.

"No one told you to be afraid of me, so you don't need to be afraid of me." Speaking of this, Ye Wutian suddenly grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it hard at Lin Qitao's face.

The unsuspecting Lin Qitao was smashed upright. The cup contained a force that smashed Lin Qitao so hard that the other party squatted down and howled with his hands on his face.

Ding Shengsheng was taken aback, **** it! Ye Wutian is going to kill him. He starts the fight without saying a word. If Lin Qitao can climb to the position of chairman of Chaoqun Group, there must be something behind him, otherwise he will not be able to sit on the position of chairman.

Seeing that Ye Wutian was unhappy and hit someone, Ding Shengsheng suddenly thought of two words, rogue! Ye Wutian looks like a hooligan.

"I'm hitting you now, are you looking for the backer behind you? Let me see if he dares to stand up, I bet he doesn't, believe it or not?"

Lin Qitao, who was squatting on the ground, didn't realize that the pain was that much after a while. The hand covering his face had been dyed red with blood, and the burning pain told him that he must be out of shape.

"Of course, you can also call the police." Ye Wutian said again.

"Ye Wutian, you dare to hit me?" Lin Qitao wished he had a gun, a gun that could turn Ye Wutian into a hornet's nest.

"I beat you, didn't you see it? Believe it or not, I dare to beat you?" Ye Wutian said: "Call, find out the forces behind you, and let him protect you."

Lin Qitao was silent, knowing that it was impossible for him to make this call. Even if he wanted to make a call, he couldn't do it in front of Ye Wutian. Moreover, if he called, that person would not stand up and help him. As Ye Wutian said, That person can't be there.

"No one can protect you, only you can protect you, Lin Qitao, don't take yourself seriously, in the eyes of others, you can be a successful and high-ranking person, in my eyes, you are Scumbag, don't say I hit you with a cup now, believe it or not, even if I kill you, it will still be fine?"

Lin Qitao shuddered, whether he believed it or not, Ye Wutian dared to say these words, it was quite scary, not to mention Lin Qitao absolutely had reason to believe that Ye Wutian had killed people.

"Stop immediately. If I find out that you still don't stop, I promise, I will chop you alive."

Lin Qitao shivered again.

"Ouyang Hao can't protect you, and the one in the capital can't protect you, Lin Qitao, you can do it yourself." Ye Wutian said.

At this time, Lin Qitao believed even more that Ye Wutian even knew about Ouyang Hao's partner, indicating that he must know a lot of things.

"Ye Wutian, if you dare to beat me, I won't let it go today." Being beaten for no reason, Lin Qitao couldn't step down, especially when Ye Wutian beat him in front of outsiders, which made him unbearable.

When Ye Wutian saw this, he knew that he was beaten in vain just now, and it could not have any intimidating effect at all.

"Do you want to call the police now?" Ye Wutian stood up, walked around the dining table and walked towards Lin Qitao step by step.

In the face of Ye Wutian's approach, Lin Qitao felt the pressure and began to retreat uncontrollably, but unfortunately he quickly retreated to the corner of the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

Ding Shengsheng thought that Ye Wutian went to Lin Qitao and wanted to hit someone again, but this time Ye Wutian didn't hit anyone, he just reached out and lightly pressed Lin Qitao's right rib.

In the next moment, Lin Qitao screamed, his face pale and painful, a kind of heart-piercing pain hit, making Lin Qitao unable to control himself.

"It's very serious, your wife should be very young, right?" Ye Wutian said inexplicably. "She must be very unhappy with you?"

Lin Qitao, who was about to roar, instantly softened when he heard the words, and subconsciously said, "Do you have a solution?"

"Hehe, it's not a difficult thing at all, it's a trivial matter." Ye Wutian replied with a smile: "Have you taken the male **** pill?"

Lin Qitao forgot the pain and hatred for Ye Wutian, but nodded, saying that he had eaten it, "I have used it, it doesn't help."

"Well, it's not that the male **** pill doesn't work, it's your own problem."

"What's the problem? Can it be cured? Can you help me?" Lin Qitao asked several questions in a row.

"Judging from your situation, you should have been to a lot of hospitals. It's useless, right?"

Lin Qitao seemed to be struck by lightning, and Ye Wutian guessed his hidden illness.

"You have to treat it quickly, you can't delay this disease, there will be big problems." Ye Wutian said again.

"Can you cure it?" Lin Qitao forgot that he was beaten just now, that he hated Ye Wutian, and his whole mind was filled with questions about his condition.

"Of course, your situation may be a big deal in the eyes of others, but to me, it can only be regarded as a small problem."

"Help me, Ye... Mr. Ye, Dong Ye, please help me with any amount of money." Lin Qitao aroused hope, as long as Ye Wutian can really help him, what is the matter of being beaten just now? Compared with his lifelong happiness, it is not a problem at all.

Men, it's better to be "very".

Ye Wutian turned around and went back to the chair to sit down, took a clean cup and poured it into the teacup to drink.

"Why should I help you?" Ye Wutian, who put down the teacup, asked.

At this moment, Ding Shengsheng, who was standing next to him, found that Ye Wutian was very shameless, and he wanted to stir up other people's hopes. With great difficulty, he stirred up other people's **, but directly poured a basin of cold water on their heads, letting them Ice and Fire.

How can it be like this?

"Help me, what conditions do I need?" Lin Qitao seems to have caught a life-saving straw, and he can't wait to let Ye Wutian help him with treatment. With his current status, countless money and beautiful women are waiting for him. As a man, he can't be soft.

"Conditions?" Ye Wutian raised his air, he was not in a hurry, it should be the other party, "I don't know why, the more I look at you now, the more unpleasant I am, what do you say?"

Lin Qitao, who gritted his teeth, decided to go for it: "As long as you can help me, the conditions are up to you."

"Well, it's interesting." Ye Wutian said: "Mr. Lin, I have a small request, I wonder if you can satisfy me?"

"Speak." Lin Qitao was mentally prepared. The small demands that Ye Wutian said were definitely not small, and they were all deceiving elementary school students.

"I've done a lot of beating people, but it's rare to see someone slap me in the face."

Ding Shengsheng's sweat, he was speechless by the thunder, such a ridiculous and unreasonable request, would Lin Qitao do it?

Lin Qitao's mouth twitched, his expression obviously telling others that he was very angry.

insult! Ye Wutian was just insulting him.

"Mr. Lin, don't take it to heart, I'll just talk about it."

Lin Qitao is in a dilemma, what should he do? Such an unreasonable request, naturally does not want to do it, but he also knows that if Ye Wutian can't do the so-called 'little request', Ye Wutian will definitely not help him.

After all, he is also considered a person with a head and face, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to slap yourself in front of outsiders?

Ding Shengsheng couldn't help but want to talk several times, and even wanted to ask Ye Wutian if he had a bit of schizophrenia. If things went on like this, it would be strange if Lin Qitao was not killed by him.

A mountain is still a mountain high, and the arrogant Lin Qitao is afraid that only Ye Wutian can treat him obediently.

"Mr. Ding, let the waiter serve the dishes." Ye Wutian said.

Only then did Ding Shengsheng feel the value of his existence. Uneasy, he immediately went out and asked the waiter to order food. Until he came back after ordering, Lin Qitao still stood there hesitating, unable to make a decision for a long time.

Not long after the waiter began to serve the food, Ye Wutian called Ding Shengsheng to sit down and ate with relish. As for Lin Qitao, he still stood there, making the waiter who brought the food in wonder, such a strange scene, How many have you seen?

"Mr. Lin, it's okay, don't embarrass yourself, no one forces you to do anything, you can leave at any time." Ye Wutian pretended to be kind.

"Do you help me if I do it?" Lin Qitao finally made a decision. After weighing it, he knew that he had no way out, and the only thing he could do was to cooperate with Ye Wutian.

Ding Shengsheng almost dropped the chopsticks in his hand to the ground, so happy! My heart was extremely happy. Not long ago, I thought that I would put down my face today and beg Lin Qitao to resume cooperation.

"No one is forcing you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Qitao answered the question: "Ye Wutian, I hope you can do what you say." After that, Lin Qitao turned his attention to Ding Shengsheng: "Mr. Ding, please go out."

When dealing with Ding Shengsheng, Lin Qitao used the spoken language of command directly.

"Ding is always my guest." ()

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