Mad Doctor

Chapter 1540: Team up (on)

Ye Wutian said that the big push made Chu Qian want to go crazy, what is this called? What is it? I am afraid that only scum and beasts can say such words.

Even if the truth is like that, even if she really benefits from doing that shameful thing with him, he can't say that.

"How? You should give a sentence, give a letter." Ye Wutian asked again.

Chu Qian, who couldn't move, was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to get in, "Ye Wutian, why don't you die?"

Ye Wutian was happy, and he climbed up on Chu Qian's position and rubbed his hands gently, "If I die, you won't feel heartache?"

Chu Qian's face that can be broken by bullets can almost drip blood, she is charming and indescribably alluring and sexy.

"Ye, I swear, this time you dare to touch me, I promise, I will kill you at all costs."

"Fuck! Threat me? What I'm not afraid of is threats, how dare you threaten me? Okay, I'll let you threaten me." After that, Ye Wutian pulled Chu Qian's clothes and tore them abruptly. ripped off her clothes.

In just a few seconds, Chu Qian also turned into a little white sheep, very attractive.

Ye Wutian's eyes are shining, how long has it been? She has changed so much, this time she is more **** and seductive than last time.

"Don't do that, I beg you." Chu Qian saw that it was impossible to be hard, so she could only be soft, hoping that Ye Wutian would let her go, she really didn't want to do this.

The arrow is on the string, and he has to send it. In any case, Ye Wutian will not stop, and he is reluctant to stop. Which man can stand the temptation of such a **** scene? Which man would want to stop?

Ye Wutian couldn't listen to Chu Qian's words at all, and he didn't want to listen. At this time, he directly turned himself deaf. In such a scene, how could he still listen?

Besides, isn't beauty just used to conquer?

The three sisters of the Chu family, Ye Wutian have all met, Chu Fang needless to say, a little brat, Chu Sha and Chu Qian are not bad looking, really speaking, Chu Qian is more delicate, and Chu Sha is more Neutralize.



Struggling to the end, Chu Qian was too lazy to struggle any more, anyway, no matter how she struggled, Ye Wutian would not take her struggle seriously, and would accept it.

In the end, both of them were very tired. Fortunately, this time, it wasn't like the first time they couldn't be sucked out. In this regard, Brother Tian heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he wouldn't, otherwise he wouldn't know how embarrassing it would be. .

Ye Wutian clearly felt that this time he was still sucking something over from Chu Qian's side, but compared to the last time, this time was shorter, far less than half the time of the last time.

Ye Wutian has made a plan, even if it is the same as last time, he is not worried, this is not the commercial car, worry about this and worry about that, even if it really can't be pulled out in the end, he will stay here for a while at most.

"You want to kill me?" Ye Wutian looked down at Chu Qian with an infinite sense of satisfaction and asked.

Chu Qian was tired and angry, but also had a sense of pleasure. She knew very well where that pleasure came from. She knew it shouldn't be like this, but she couldn't control it.

"As I said, we each get what we need. You really don't need to treat me like this. On the surface, you suffer, but you get a lot of benefits." Ye Wutian comforted, but he actually regarded this woman as a practice. tool.

"Ye Wutian, I will kill you one day." Chu Qian said coldly, whether she loves or hates Ye Wutian, she is almost confused.

"Hey, are you sure? If I become your brother-in-law one day, you will kill me too?" Ye Wutian smirked.

Chu Qian was dumbfounded, choked by the words.

Ye Wutian got up from Chu Qian's body, and at the end he didn't forget to pinch the softness of Chu Qian somewhere, and then took out his mobile phone and slapped Chu Qian.

Chu Qian looked dumbfounded and asked angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Ye Wutian ignored the other party and still pressed the phone wildly. For some reason, he always likes to do this and like to shoot like this. In this regard, he doubts whether he also has the potential of Teacher Chen. This is how he treats Xue Ying. Now The same is true for Chu Qian.

"I told you to stop, do you hear?" Chu Qian was shaking all over, wishing to smash Ye Wutian into ten thousand pieces.

Ye Wutian stopped, put away the phone and said to Chu Qian: "Don't worry, I appreciate it myself."

Chu Qian almost clenched her silver teeth, do you appreciate it? Why didn't he, Ye Wutian, take pictures for his own appreciation?

"Don't worry, the photos are very safe with me." Ye Wutian said, after a while, this guy continued: "By the way, Miss Chu, I don't like to cause trouble, can you understand? Can you understand what I mean? ?"

How could Chu Qian not hear it? Ye Wutian meant that she couldn't understand it any more, if she dared to provoke him and seek revenge for him, the photos would fly all over the sky.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, I am still like this, still a woman, Ye Wutian treats him like this? Treat a woman like this?

"Delete it, delete the photo immediately." Chu Qian almost stared at it. Once those photos were spread, how would she behave in the future? It's better to die, she'd rather die.

Ye Wutian naturally wouldn't listen. After putting on his clothes, this fellow said, "Miss Chu, I hope you can listen to what I said just now and don't mess with me."

"Bastard, you treat women like this?" For some unknown reason, Chu Qian felt the urge to cry.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian couldn't help but soften his heart, and almost agreed to delete the photo, but he thought that for his own future safety, he was still hard-hearted.

"Take a good rest, the effect of the drug will be automatically lifted in an hour." Ye Wutian who left this sentence turned around and left, leaving with pride.


Chu Qian roared to vent her dissatisfaction and anger, but she couldn't do anything, even act freely.

After leaving, Ye Wutian called Chen Binwei and asked him to do everything possible to clear the videos on the Internet, including those computers that had been downloaded, and also try to scrap the other party's hard drive.

Although it is inhumane to do so, Ye Wutian has no other choice. For his own future, he can only do it.

After finishing the call with Chen Binwei, Ye Wutian dialed another number.

An hour later, Ye Wutian and Ma Shan sat together.

Ma Shan didn't understand why Ye Wutian wanted to see him. When he received a call from Ye Wutian, Ma Shan didn't want to answer the call except when he was surprised. He had nothing to do with Ye Wutian, and he never took the initiative. To provoke Ye Wutian.

"Mr. Ma, are you curious why I'm looking for you?" Ye Wutian smiled.

Ma Shan didn't answer, his eyes still stared at Ye Wutian, the doubts in his eyes could explain the problem, he was really curious and really wanted to know why Ye Wutian was looking for him.

"Ma Renjie found me." Ye Wutian said slowly.

Hearing Ma Renjie, the corners of Ma Shan's mouth twitched slightly and disappeared in a flash. There is no doubt that Ma Shan controlled his expression very well, but Ye Wutian still noticed it.

Ye Wutian smiled and put down the teacup, not in a hurry to talk about the following topics, but deliberately gave Ma Shan a little time to digest.

"What does it have to do with me? That's your business." Ma Shan said.

Ye Wutian, who laughed, seemed to be prepared, and said, "Mr. Ma, I thought you were a smart person."

Ma Shan frowned, Ye Wutian's words, you can think of it as a compliment, or you can think of it as an insult, "What do you mean?"

Ye Wutian said: "It's not interesting, since you don't care about Mr. Ma, just treat me as nothing, let's drink tea."

Ma Shan was so angry that his teeth were itching, knowing that Ye Wutian did this on purpose, he couldn't do anything about it.

Sure enough, then Ye Wutian never mentioned it, but instead introduced the origin and benefits of this tea to Ma Shan, without saying a word about what happened just now.

Ye Wutian could bear it, but Ma Shan was not. It was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, and all he thought in his mind was what Ye Wutian said just now, and it was all Ma Renjie.

Why did Ma Renjie look for Ye Wutian? This is what Ma Shan wants to know, anyway, Ma Renjie will not want to chat with Ye Wutian, it is inevitable.

"Come on, drink tea, Mr. Ma, this tea is good. Drinking more is good for the body." Ye Wutian poured a cup of tea for Ma Shan himself.

Ma Shan's mind was not on this tea at all. In the end, he couldn't help but ask, "Why did Ma Renjie find you?"

"Oh, why bring this up again? Could it be that you are interested in this matter?" Ye Wutian was surprised.

Ma Shan was annoyed, Ye Wutian did it on purpose, but what could he do? Only with a cheeky nod, he answered Ye Wutian's question.

"I'll just say, there's no reason for you not to be interested." Ye Wutian said: "Ma Renjie is very easy to find me, there is only one reason, I hope I can help him."

Hearing this answer, Ma Shan couldn't sit still, which was what he was most worried about.

"What does he want you to do? You agreed?" Ma Shan asked two questions in a row, which could also reflect his inner nervousness.

"Hehe, I agreed, and will I still be sitting here now?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Ma Shan was stunned and scolded himself for being stupid. He never thought of such a simple truth, as long as Ye Wutian didn't agree, even though Ma Shan didn't think that Ye Wutian could control anything in the matter of the Ma family. Shan still did not dare to be careless.

"Ma Renjie asked me to help Ma Feng regain his position." Ye Wutian said.

"Why tell me this?" Ma Shan asked himself to calm down He knew that Ye Wutian found him and told him so much, he must have something to ask for, and what he has to do at this time Just calm down.

"Because I don't want him to be in the position." Ye Wutian said.

"So you want me to continue?" Ma Shan asked.

Ye Wutian smiled and looked at Ma Shan: "I don't like you, you are a villain, but I don't like Ma Feng even more, that guy can only pretend to be thirteen all day long, I don't like it very much."

Ma Shan: "..."

"Ma Shan, let's work together, how about it?" Ye Wutian made a proposal.

There is no doubt that Ma Shan is tempted by this proposal, but what he needs to know is what conditions Ye Wutian will propose.

"Let's join forces to take Ma Feng..." Ye Wutian did not finish his words, but made a gesture.



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