Mad Doctor

Chapter 1541: join forces (below)

Ye Wutian's words were straightforward and direct, which made Ma Shan's old face a little uneasy.

However, from another point of view, it is not a bad thing that Ye Wutian can say this, at least it can show that Ye Wutian really does not want Ma Feng to take the position.

In addition, Ma Shan was also frightened by Ye Wutian's boldness and madness. Although Ye Wutian hadn't finished his words, anyone could understand the gesture and know what it meant.

Ye Wutian is trying to kill!

Ma Shan hesitated. On the one hand, he did not know Ye Wutian's true thoughts. On the other hand, in any case, Ma Feng was a direct descendant of the Ma family. If he were to be killed, the Ma family would definitely investigate. It's not easy to deal with. If he finds out, how should he deal with it?

Never thought of killing Ma Feng, Ma Shan just wanted to not let Ma Feng get in the way, and stop jumping out to cause trouble. Of course, if it is suitable, it would be better to give him a little lesson.

Killing Ma Feng, the Ma family will not give up. Now the Ma family is only interested in his management ability. If Ma Feng is killed, the result may be changed.

In any case, Ma Shan knew that he could not leave his current position.

"What? Scared?" Seeing that Ma Shan didn't speak for a long time, Ye Wutian asked.

Ma Shan was indeed frightened and hesitated. He didn't want to take that step. Although it would avoid future troubles, no one knew what would go wrong and whether Ma Feng's death would cause him to move from his current position. Come down, that is what he never wants to see.

"Do you think that if you don't kill him, you will be fine?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, knowing what Ma Shan was worried about.

Ma Shan's expression changed. Naturally, he knew this. Ma Feng would be his lifelong opponent and obstacle. After all, everything he owns now belongs to Ma Feng. He took it from Ma Feng. There is no reason for Ma Feng. I don't hate him, and I always think about taking everything from him again.

"If you don't kill him, only you will die, Ma Shan, say something you don't want to hear. If you don't kill him, you won't be able to secure your current position." Ye Wutian said.

Ma Shan was stunned, and he didn't know this very well in his heart, thinking that Ye Wutian was exaggerating.

"Do you really think the old lady Ma won't think about it? She doesn't know how powerful it is? In the future, once the old lady Ma softens, she will still be like this? Let you take charge of the business of the Ma family?"

There is no doubt that Ye Wutian's words hit Ma Shan's heart in an instant. He didn't think about such a possibility.

Ye Wutian grinned: "You are so smart, you must have guessed this already?"

"Grandma wouldn't do that." Ma Shan was still trying to convince himself, to convince himself to believe in old Mrs. Ma, that she wouldn't do that, but there was always another voice in Ma Shan's heart, doubting.

"Okay, I appreciate your loyalty, I hope you can do what you want, and I hope you can be careful and do it yourself." Ye Wutian stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, Ye Wutian, we can actually cooperate in another way, there is no need to kill him." Ma Shan didn't know that killing Ma Feng was the best result? It's a pity that he couldn't muster the courage all the time, and he was still very afraid of the old lady of the Ma family.

"I'm not interested, you can play by yourself, that's not what I want." Ye Wutian left those words and left.

Ma Shan didn't stop him any more, and stood there watching Ye Wutian leave, worrying about gains and losses. He wanted Ma Feng to die more than Ye Wutian, but he was afraid of bearing the consequences.

Standing downstairs in his company, Ye Wutian didn't dare to go up. Have you seen the video? How would you react if you saw it?

The recording was combined with the video, and this time, he was really speechless. From the beginning to the end, Ye Wutian thought he was a victim, and he was the most innocent.

Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?

Ye Wutian really wanted to find out the culprit behind the scenes and teach him a lesson. The man killed the woman and let him know the consequences.

"Ye Wutian, are you free? Let's talk." Just as Ye Wutian hesitated, a voice sounded behind him.

Looking back, Ye Wutian was slightly stunned, wondering how it could be him?

"Master Li, how could it be you?" Ye Wutian said.

It was Li Jun, the only grandson of Mr. Li, but what made Ye Wutian wonder was that there was no intersection between the two, so why did the other party find him?

A sentence from Young Master Li made Li Jun a little bit overwhelmed, Ye Wutian is not an ordinary person, and because Li Jun is thick-skinned, he couldn't help blushing.

"Let's call me Li Jun." Li Jun said, "Do you have time? Let's talk."

Ye Wutian couldn't guess the other party's intention, thought for a while, and asked, "What about?"

"It won't hinder you too much time." Li Jun answered the question and did not answer Ye Wutian's question directly.

Intuition tells Ye Wutian that the other party is not good, and it does not seem to be coming to make friends.

"Okay." Ye Wutian said: "It's good to have a teahouse nearby." Anyway, this fellow also thought that he would not dare to go to the company.

Li Jun did not refuse, the two went to the teahouse and found a quiet corner to sit down, and then they looked at each other.

Ye Wutian took the lead in withdrawing his gaze and said, "I am a man."

Li Jun almost vomited blood because of this, what does Ye Wutian mean? Could it be that he likes men?

"Ye Wutian, what do you think of Wang Roosei?" Li Jun asked.

Ye Wutian understood in an instant, knowing why Li Jun asked this way, Ye Wutian almost forgot that Li Jun, in addition to being the elder brother of the Li family, had another identity, Wang Roose's fiancé.

"Talk about her?" Ye Wutian was surprised, even if Li Jun was Wang Roose's fiancé, but after all, it was the past, not the present, he should have nothing to do with Wang Roose now.

"Yes, talk about her, in your opinion, what kind of person is she?"

Ye Wutian said: "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. I don't need to talk to you about her, right? We are all outsiders, and we are not qualified to talk about others."

"Okay, let's put it another way, Ye Wutian, are you willing to let go?" Li Jun asked.

Ye Wutian was about to be confused, Li Jun's words made him seem to understand, but this kid said so much, could it be that he still misses Wang Roose?


Only this explanation works.

"Do you like her?" Ye Wutian asked.

Li Jun didn't deny or admit it, just said: "You have so many confidantes around you, please let her go."

Ye Wutian was happy and asked with a smile, "Where did you hear that she likes me?"

"We are all men, there is no need to hide, are you right?" Li Jun countered Ye Wutian's army.

"Well, yes, that's good, now I can tell you that on this issue, my attitude is to follow the fate. It was the same before, and it is the same now. I won't change it, and I won't change it for anyone."

Li Jun was annoyed in his heart, and Ye Wutian's words meant that he didn't answer. In the end, he was still unwilling to let go.

There are so many beauties around him, but he doesn't forget about other beauties, it's too much and too deceiving.

"So you don't want to let go?" Li Jun's face sank.

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said: "Seriously, Li Jun, Wang Roose and I haven't reached the level of the relationship between men and women, and you don't need to use this tone of voice to talk to me. You talk, it's for your grandfather's sake, so please don't go too far, we are not enemies, and I hope you don't turn our relationship into a hostile relationship."

"You threaten me?"

Ye Wutian gradually put away his smile, "Who is threatening whom now?"

"You have so many women, why are you still reluctant to let go?"

Ye Wutian said: "What about you? Will your son Li lack women? Why don't you let go? Li Jun, do you know? I look down on you."

The corners of Li Jun's mouth were twisted, and it seemed that he was provoked by Ye Wutian's words.

Ye Wutian didn't care, and said: "Who do you like, it's not your fault, even if you like Cheng Kexin and the others, you're right, but your fault should not be handled in this way, what is it? It's weak, a man, doesn't even have this courage? Wang Roosi is not an item, and it's not that you can give it to anyone you want, understand?"

After being choked again and again, Li Jun was speechless. In the end, he choked out a speechless sentence: "One more friend is better than one enemy."

How could Ye Wutian who couldn't laugh or cry couldn't hear the meaning of Li Jun's words? "You mean, I let go, we are friends?"

Li Jun was silent, his silence was the best answer.

"Well, from now on, we are enemies." Ye Wutian said.

Li Jun was stunned and looked at Ye Wutian in astonishment. No one would be like Ye Wutian, looking for his own sins and enemies, how could there be such a person?

"Sorry! I still have something to do. I'm sorry." Ye Wutian just walked a few steps and stopped, turned around and said, "Oh yes, the account is settled."

Li Jun was trembling with anger, but he was helpless. He asked himself that he came with sincerity today, and Ye Wutian didn't take his sincerity in his eyes at all, which was really hateful.

Seeing that Ye Wutian was about to walk to the door, this guy stopped again for some reason, turned around and turned around: "Oh Next, I will have a cooperation with Wang Roose, a cooperation that is extremely important to her. , Mr. Li, I have a piece of advice for you. For the sake of Mr. Li, the advice I want to give you is that if you want beautiful women to impress you, first of all you have to become stronger yourself, so that you can get the recognition of beautiful women, not like you. In this way, using the Yuwei at home to intimidate and intimidate, what kind of strength is this?"

Li Jun is crazy, what is Ye Wutian? Irony?

"Beauty loves a hero. I'm afraid you don't know the definition of a hero. You must be strong and improve your strength." Ye Wutian found that he has the potential of a big mother. Li Jun can understand it, of course, from the current point of view, Li Jun can't understand it, he will only hate him to the bone.

After Ye Wutian left, Li Jun angrily grabbed the cup of tea on the table and slammed the tea cup on the ground. With a bang, the cup was shattered, and Li Jun's face was also ashen.

After smashing the cup, Li Jun took out his phone, dialed a number, and put the phone to his ear: "I will cooperate with you, you are right, some people like to play cheap."



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